- Alphabetical List
- Business & Industry Applications
- Cybersecurity
- Data and Analytics
- AI and Intelligent Operations
- Total Experience
- Sovereign Collaboration
- Specialized Software
- HCL Actian
- HCL Actian Data Platform
- HCL Actian Ingres
- HCL Aftermarket Cloud
- HCL AppScan
- HCL Automation Orchestrator
- HCL Automation Orchestrator Suite
- HCL BigFix
- HCL CAMWorks
- HCL Commerce Cloud
- HCL Clara
- HCL Connections
- HCL Customer Data Platform
- HCL DataConnect
- HCL Discover
- HCL Domino
- HCL DevOps Code ClearCase
- HCL DevOps Code RealTime
- HCL DevOps Deploy
- HCL DevOps Plan
- HCL DevOps Model RealTime
- HCL DevOps Test
- HCL DevOps Test Embedded
- HCL DevOps Velocity
- HCL Glovius
- HCL Hero
- HCL iAutomate
- HCL iObserve
- HCL iControl
- HCL IntelliOps
- HCL IntelliOps Event Management
- HCL Informix
- HCL Leap
- HCL Link
- HCL Mainframe Solutions
- HCL Marketing Cloud
- HCL MyCloud
- HCL MyXalytics
- HCL Nippon
- HCL Notes
- HCL Now
- HCL SafeLinx
- HCL Sametime
- HCL Secure DevOps
- HCL SoFy
- HCL TX Platform
- HCL Unica
- HCL Verse
- HCL Volt MX
- HCL Vector Analytics
- HCL Workload Automation
- HCL Z Asset Optimizer
- HCL Z Abend Investigator
- HCL Z and I Emulator
- HCL Zeenea Data Discover Platform
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management
- HCL Aftermarket Cloud Service lifecycle management platform
- HCL Commerce Cloud Enterprise e-commerce for B2C and B2B
- HCL CDP Flexible and customizable customer data platform
- HCL Discover Behavioral insights for customer journeys
- HCL Marketing Cloud Fueling precision marketing at scale with AI
- Unica Enterprise marketing automation platform
- HCL AppScan Scans for application vulnerabilities
- HCL BigFix Secure endpoint management
- HCL BigFix Compliance Ensure security with continuous, real-time compliance monitoring
- HCL BigFix CyberFOCUS Supercharging IT operations to secure the enterprise
- HCL BigFix Remediate Automate, remediate & secure endpoints
- HCL Actian Empowers the data-driven enterprise
- HCL Actian Data Platform Data services suite; flexible deployment
- HCL Actian Ingres Legendary transactional RDBMS
- HCL DataConnect Low-code integration platform
- HCL Zeenea Data Discover Platform Cloud-native data governance solution
- HCL Zen Embeddable edge data management
- HCL Automation Orchestrator Suite Accelerate IT and business automation
- HCL BigFix Secure endpoint management
- HCL BigFix AEX AI-driven employee experience accelerating productivity and innovation
- HCL BigFix Enterprise+ An all-in-one IT infrastructure automation offering enabling you to stay ahead of cyber threats
- HCL BigFix Workspace+ Fueling GenAI within the Digital+ experience
- HCL iControl HCL iControl is a business flow and process observability solution
- HCL MyXalytics Cloud finOps visibility and insights
- HCL SX Service management for everything-as-a-service delivery
- HCL Workload Automation Simplify and automation business workflows
- HCL Connections Collaboration and task management in one workspace
- HCL Domino Rapid application development platform
- HCL Leap No code citizen app dev
- HCL Link Connectivity across your digital ecosystem
- HCL Notes Comprehensive email and collaboration hub
- HCL SafeLinx Secure and flexible remote access to enterprise applications
- HCL Sametime Secure meetings, video, and chat communications
- HCL Verse Smart and secure enterprise email for seamless workflow
- HCL Augmented Network Automation (SON)Intelligent RAN automation platform
- HCL Automation Orchestrator Suite Accelerate IT and business automation
- HCL DFMProCAD integrated Design-for-Manufacturing platform
- HCL CAMWorksCAM for machining productivity
- HCL GloviusModern lightweight CAD Viewer
- HCL Mainframe Optimization Optimize, modernize, and innovate your mainframe investments
- HCL Secure DevOps Automated testing and security scanning
- Industries
- Partners
- HCL Commerce Cloud E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL CDP Flexible and customizable customer data platform
- HCL DX The DXP for the moments that matter
- HCL Marketing Cloud Fueling Precision Marketing At Scale with AI
- HCL Unica Enterprise marketing automation platform
- HCL Volt MX Multi-experience low code app dev
- HCL Actian Ingres Legendary transactional RDBMS
- HCL Actian Data Platform Data services suite; flexible deployment
- HCL AppScan Scans for Application Vulnerabilities
- HCL BigFix Secure endpoint management
- HCL BigFix AEX AI-driven employee experience accelerating productivity and innovation
- HCL BigFix Enterprise+ An all-in-one IT infrastructure automation offering enabling you to stay ahead of cyber threats
- HCL BigFix Workspace+ Fueling GenAI within the Digital+ experience
- HCL DataConnect Low-code integration platform
- HCL Foundry Secure Backend Services
- HCL iControl HCL iControl is a business flow and process observability solution
- HCL MyXalytics Cloud FinOps visibility and insights
- HCL SX Service management for everything-as-a-service delivery
- HCL Universal Orchestrator Orchestrate and optimize business automation
- HCL Vector Analytics A high-performance, secure vectorized columnar analytics database
- HCL Workload Automation Simplify and automation business workflows
- HCL Zen Embeddable edge data management
- Learn & Support
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AI 및 자동화와 단순성, 보안 및 사용 편의성이 결합되어 정보에 입각한 의사 결정을 내리고 시장 동향을 예측하며 민첩성과 효율성을 전례 없는 수준으로 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
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TX 소프트웨어는 조직이 직면하고 있는 가장 복잡한 문제를 해결하기 위해 최선을 상호 연결하며, 고객 경험(CX), 직원 경험(EX), 사용자 경험(UX) 및 멀티 경험(MX)을 통합합니다.
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데이터 패턴 및 시장 분석을 통해 결과를 예측하고, 고객을 프로파일링하고, 운영을 최적화하고, 새로운 기회를 식별하기 위해 복잡한 데이터를 명확하고 실행 가능한 인사이트로 추출하는 데 필요한 도구입니다.
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