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What You Will Find in This Blog:

  • A recap of CCB and updated features permitting simpler upgrade from former server-only licensing
  • Understanding the “mechanics” of announced End of Support (EOS) for older Domino versions and products
  • How to upgrade any Domino configuration to HCL CCB licensing

Related Earlier Blog Posts from HCLSoftware:

HCLSoftware began the simplification journey for HCL Domino licensing several years ago and has continually worked with customers and partners to tune the license model and the renewal processes. We are now taking one more step to improve future use of B2B applications formerly deployed on server-only licensing as well as coexistence of CCB/CCX licensing and mail-only user licensing. 

As all of HCLSoftware, HCL Domino is also consolidating on subscription-based licensing (Term license) and you will find the price/performance of Term licensing more attractive than annual renewals of Perpetual licensing. Signing a multi-year (3 or more) Term agreement will offer the most attractive price, and price protection for the coming years.

Also, future key updates and new features will focus on the Term licensing parts to ensure customers and partners always have access to and deploy the latest technologies and support. We remain committed to ensuring customer and partner success by providing HCL Domino as the most cost effective, resilient and secure application platform – see 122 Security Reasons to Upgrade on why we are keen about customers being updated.

Recap of CCB Features and Improvements

As of today, HCL Domino is available using CCB per user licensing principles through these products:

  • HCL Domino Complete Collaboration Business Edition (CCB) for the B2E and B2C users, 
    HCL Domino Complete Collaboration external User (CCX) for B2B users – as enhanced below.
  • HCL Domino Messaging Express for mail-only users – and enhanced coexistence with CCB.
  • In addition, HCL Volt MX Go, permitting the use of all Domino features and extending Domino applications using the multi-experience low-code and integration capabilities of HCL Volt MX. 

Refer to All You Ever Wanted to Know About Domino CCB Licensing and DLAU Tool  for the basics.

For ISVs/solution providers, HCL Domino Complete Collaboration Solution Partner Edition (CCS) is a special royalty agreement to embed Domino in appropriate solutions. 

Mail-only Users

Mail-only users are continually supported via the HCL Domino Messaging Express per user licensing with the same metrics as CCB, just only entitling mail features and no general access to Domino applications. 

Also, HCLSoftware permits Domino servers deployed under CCB license to serve both CCB/CCX users and any Messaging Express users. You do not need to separate the supporting servers.
For Messaging Express stand-alone licensing Domino servers are entitled as per standard License Information.

Enhanced CCX Support for B2B Use Cases

In extension to the discussion about CCX here Licensing Update: Domino V12 and Key CCX Enhancement

CCX users are now permitted Editor ACL access to applications. We have found many former server-license based external facing applications (e.g. using Utility Server) which would require extensive rewrite to map to the current CCX ACL limitation of Author access.  We now permit ACL level Editor for CCX users to enable re-licensing of current deployments with no reconfiguration or rewrite required. 

New DLAU Version 1.2.6 Now Available

Several enhancements and improved counting for certain configurations have been introduced in DLAU v1.2.6, which is now available on GitHub and the My HCLSoftware portal. Also, this new version of DLAU is adjusted to support ACL Editor level access for external users under the CCX license. Use this latest DLAU version to obtain a CCB/CCX baseline and for any upcoming CCB/CCX quotes or quotes that may be in progress.

If you need assistance with DLAU or if you encounter problems, your first point of contact should be HCL Support. If you want to raise a support ticket, make sure to use v1.2.6 of DLAU. HCLSoftware will only respond to support tickets raised directly with our product support team and within our standard Service Level Agreement.

The “Mechanics” of End of Support (EOS) for Domino Versions and Products

Below infographics depict in-market Domino versions in the top half, and the timeline of in-market products and respective validity dates in lower half.

Unlock More Value: Upgrade to HCL Domino CCB Term Licensing

EOS Dates and Extended Support for Older Domino Versions

  • Domino V9.0.x and V10.0.x (any product) was EOS on June 1, 2024. V9/10 are now out of support and we will not take support calls on these old components, unless you sign up for Extended Support (additional cost) as a services engagement which will provide Support as announced for V9/10 through June 2, 2026. 
  • Domino V11 (any product) will have EOS on June 26, 2025, and after this date we will no longer take support calls on this code level, again unless you sign up for Extended Support (additional cost) as a services engagement which will provide Support as announced for V11 through June 26, 2026.
  • To mitigate Version EOS and continue Support, you must re-license to CCB Term and/or Messaging Express Term (if not already) and upgrade to a supported Version.

EOS Dates for Deprecated Former IBM Products

  • Domino Utility Server and Domino Utility Server Express was EOS on June 30, 2024.  All variations of Utility Server-only licensing are now deprecated, and no Support benefits are available for components licensed under these old licensing models.
  • Domino Enterprise Collaboration Express, Domino Enterprise CAL and Server PVU, Domino Messaging CAL and Server PVU will have EOS on June 11, 2025 after which date no Support benefits are available for these older licensing models.
  • No Extended Support is offered for deprecated products.
  • To mitigate product EOS and continue Support, you must re-license to CCB Term and/or Messaging Express Term at the next renewal and use a supported Domino version.
  • Remember, the CCB license covers all use cases making former IBM products redundant!

Customer Action if You’re Still Using V9/10 Domino Components (Already in EOS)

  • If you are already licensed under CCB, you just need to upgrade Domino to a supported version.  If you are using any of the older products, you also need to re-license under CCB (remember this can be done without re-installing any components as all are entitled under CCB as well).
  • If you need some more time to upgrade the Domino version, we can arrange Extended Support for V9/10 through June 2, 2026.  As you must have active Support to get Extended Support, you may need to re-license as CCB first (price neutral) for active support, then sign the V9/10 Extended Support.

Customer Action if You’re Using V11 Domino Components (Will Be EOS June 26, 2025)

  • If you are already licensed under CCB, you just need to upgrade Domino to a supported version.  If you are using any of the older products which also go EOS on same date, you also need to re-license under CCB (remember this can be done without re-installing any components as all are entitled under CCB as well).
  • If you need some more time to upgrade the Domino version, we can arrange Extended Support for V11 through June 26, 2026.  As you must have active Support to get Extended Support, you must be under CCB first (price neutral re-licensing) for active support, then sign the V11 Extended Support.

Upgrade Your Domino Configuration to HCL CCB Licensing

Ground Rules (if You Are Already Fully Licensed Under CCB, Skip This Paragraph):

  • Any Domino component in any version for any product deployed today are all entitled with CCB.  Consequently, you can “forget" your current licensing and re-license the total configuration under CCB and upgrade and evolve as needed in your own pace.
  • Always re-license/convert the entire configuration to CCB and do not leave “islands” of isolated server and client licensing, which will only add complexity. Pay attention to a price-attractive multi-year CCB subscription agreement – discuss with your HCLSoftware Renewal Manager or Business Partner. 
  • Older perpetual entitlements cannot be utilized concurrently with new CCB (Term or Perpetual licensing) and not needed as per (A). Any concurrent use of the earlier Perpetual and new CCB licensing would constitute a partial renewal which is not permitted under HCLSoftware license terms. 

First Step Is Always to Determine the Needed Full Entitlement Volume:

  • Run DLAU to establish internal/external user entitlement baseline
    (If you have external users running applications with an ACL level of EDITOR, you must use at least DLAU V1.2.5 for correct results.)
  • You should now have your baseline for internal (CCB) and external (CCX) users.
  • Find volume of all current mail-only licensed users – the sum of Authorized Users of Messaging Express and/or Messaging Client Access users. 

Second Step Is Requesting an Appropriate Quote From HCL or Your HCL Partner to Complete the Re-Licensing Order:

Requesting a multi-year (3 years or more) Term subscription for CCB will be the most attractive and provide future price protection. Your quote should be for:

  • The CCX user volume from the DLAU report – (b) above
  • Messaging Express entitlements as the volume of former Mail-Only users – (c) above
  • The CCB user volume from the DLAU report (a) less number of Mail-Only users (c)
  • Above baseline volumes should be adjusted by your expectations for the coming license period.
  • Former PVU based server licensing volumes are immaterial as one of the key CCB benefits is the unrestricted server entitlement.

Your HCL Partner and/or HCL Renewal Manager will work with you on an appropriate re-licensing quote.

Summary of Needed Entitlements per Use Case

Consult the table below for a summary of entitlement needs per use case and constituent.

Unlock More Value: Upgrade to HCL Domino CCB Term Licensing

If you have any questions about this blog post and announcements or have any licensing questions, please contact your HCL Seller or Business Partner.

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