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Executive Summary​

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HCLSoftware Engineering Trends 2024 | Top Trends Shaping Our Future

Executive Summary​

In the ever-evolving software engineering industry, adaptation and foresight have become the hallmarks of success. Our annual software engineering trends report outlines the key to success in the industry: adaptability and foresight. This year, we've identified 17 next-gen software trends across three main areas, leading to six major outcomes that will define the future of software enterprises.

Categorizing the Trends Across Six Key Outcomes of Next-Gen Software​

Our Impact

In 2024, the software engineering landscape is characterized by a blend of exciting advancements and transformative disruptions. Notable trends include the decentralization of innovation, where expert networks at the company's edge play a central role, fueled by technology's power.


Software engineering trends identified for 2024 ​


Core dimensions of NextGen SW ​


Essential outcomes​


Strategic frameworks​