HCL iObserve Powered by SolarWinds

Is Your Team Unable to Effectively Predict and Prevent IT Service Outages?

The HCL IntelliOps Event Management Advantage

Get a real-time unified view of events, alerts, and actionables across the enterprise. Insight-rich dashboards highlight MTTD, MTTR, and other KPIs while pinpointing the severity of recurring events and alerts for further analysis.

Noise Reduction and Intelligent Correlation

HCL IEM leverages a configured Maintenance Window to filter out irrelevant alerts, reducing noise and improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It intelligently correlates related events across various services, providing a holistic view of impacted services and facilitating faster resolution.

Accelerated Actionable Management

Empower your IT teams with accurate actionable creation and resolution through AI-driven correlation. HCL IEM leverages a robust correlation engine, along with condition and time-based correlation, for automatic grouping and mapping of alerts, with an efficient Feedback System to avoid irrelevant alerts and enable actionable grouping.

Proactive Issue Prediction

Identify potential problems before they escalate into major issues using anomaly detection. HCL IEM leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to automatically detect anomalies within ingested data. By continuously analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, the system proactively flags deviations from normal behavior without requiring manual rule creation or configuration. This empowers you to swiftly address potential issues and prevent service disruptions.

Seamless Integration and Data Ingestion

Streamline data ingestion with pre-built connectors and the IMM portal, ensuring comprehensive visibility across your IT environment. The IMM portal offers single-click integration with leading element monitoring solutions, accelerating time-to-value. Even during connectivity disruptions, IMM's Event Room provides real-time access to critical data such as events and entity/topology status for informed decision-making.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Facilitate efficient collaboration and communication among IT teams with integrated chat functionalities and automated notifications. Reduce MTTR (Mean Time to Respond) through faster incident response and knowledge sharing.

Actionable Insights and Analytics

Gain deeper insights into IT operations with rich dashboards and analytics. HCL IEM's interface presents unified views like Metric View, Topology View, and Service View to facilitate Event Management, helping IT professionals understand the relationships between different entities and services to make informed decisions and manage and troubleshoot complex IT environments more efficiently.

Our Impact

Act faster with context and insights from HCL IntelliOps Event Management

0 %

Reduction in alert noise

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Reduction in actionables


Reduction in incident investigation time

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Reduction in unexpected outages

Our Features

Our Features

Our Features

  • Topology-based alert correlation
  • Ops continuity via event room
  • Noise maintenance windows support
  • Provision of OOB correlation rules
  • Ops assistance - related change/problem
  • Cost saving visibility
  • ChatOps and CVA driven collaboration
  • ML-based alert correlation
  • Robust feedback system to learn and improve