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In this digital age, customers are more educated, web-savvy, and are technology-driven. It provides marketers with more interaction opportunities, ramped up messaging, and laying out offer strategies on all possible channels. It is empowering, but it gets overwhelming for the customers, resulting in losing customers’ interests and ultimately pulling away from the brands.

To solve this challenge for the marketers, Unica Interact uses the marketing score to help determine which offer displays if multiple offers are available for a single request. For example, if a request for offers must choose between offer A with the marketing score of 30 and offer B with the marketing score of 80, Unica Interact presents offer B. The main purpose of this blog is to understand the score assignment in HCL Unica Interact and how to bypass learning’s final score from the Score Override table.

Benefits of Score assignment model

  1. Offer eligibility in Interact is decided by the Marketer’s score/Final Score assigned to the user.
  2. There are multiple criteria for score assignment. If learning is enabled, then the Learning score will take the highest precedence. If learning is disabled, then the score assignment depends on where the expression is to determine the marketing score is defined. The below model clearly defines the order of precedence for score calculation.
  3. A marketer can even influence learning scores with Score Override table score with the help of parameters ADJEXPLORESCORE and FINALSCORE.

Unica Interact – Learning and Score Override

Score Assignment Model

Score Assignment Model

Scenario 1 (When both learning and Score Override is not enabled)

1. Create an Interactive channel and Session flowchart associated with the Interactive Channel. Add three segments, e.g., PUNE, MUMBAI, ALL_CITY. The Score Assignment should be as shown in the below screenshot.

Create Interactive Channel - Interact

2. After the changes have been deployed, hit the Interact Admin URL and do startSession and getOffer call for CustomerID=102. (Note:- CustomerID 102 falls under segments PUNE and ALL_CITY). As seen in the screenshot below, the Offer is presented based on the Marketer Score assigned to the Segment in the Strategy Tab.

Offer: – Vouchers Cards (score=70)

Create Interactive Channel - Interact

Offer: – Discount Coupons (score=50)

Interact Offer - With Discount Coupons

Scenario 2 (When Score Override is enabled but Learning is not enabled)

When the user enables the Score Override using the Score Override table, the Marketer’s score is compared with the Score Override table score, and the highest score Offer would be presented.

Interact - Scoreoverride is enabled but Learning is not enabled

As the score in the Score Override table for Offercode ‘000000008’ is 100, Discount Coupons is presented.

Interact - When Scoreoverride is enabled but Learning is not enabled

The second offer presented has a score of 70, which is calculated from the Marketer score as the score in the Score Override table (Score=65) is less than the Marketer Score(Score=70).

Interact - Marketer Score is less

Scenario 3 (When both learning and Score Override is enabled)

Enable the learning in the configuration and apply the Learning to the Interactive Channel Zone. Restart the application server. Do the startSession and getOffer API call.

When the learning is enabled, the Offer score is always calculated by the Learning algorithm, and precedence is always given to the learning score even if the Learning score is less than the Marketer score or Score in the Score Override table.

Unica Interact – Learning and Score Override

The second Offer presented has a learning score of 31, and preference is given to learning score even if Marketer and Score Override is greater score Marketer score=50 &  Score Override score=100.

Unica Interact – Learning and Score Override

Scenario 4 (Influencing learning):- If you wanted to influence Learning so the score from the Score Override table should take preference rather than the Learning score. If the Learning is enabled, you can add a new column to the Score Override table called ADJEXPLORESCORE and assign a value, say 0.95. Do the startSession and getOffer API call.

After the startSession and getOffer call the Offer “Discount Coupons,” having the score of 95 from the Score Override table is presented. So if you wanted to influence the learning score with the Score Override score, it could be done by adding a new column ADJEXPLORESCORE in the Score Override table.

Unica Interact – Learning and Score Override

Similarly, you can also add the column FINALSCORE in the Score Override table to influence the effect of learning. In the below example, we have added the column FINALSCORE in the Score Override table with the value 100 for CustomerID=102.

Unica Interact – Learning and Score Override

To find more details on the Interact Score calculation and its impact on learning, refer to the product guide. To learn more about Unica Interact, you can reach out to us, and we will be happy to help.

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