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HCLSoftware: Fueling the Digital+ Economy

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We are excited to announce that the full HCLSoftware portfolio is cloud native and available on HCL SoFy, the cloud native solution factory for HCLSoftware products. Accelerate your cloud native journey with access to over 50 product components and 2,000 Rest API endpoints with free trials and cloud native demos. Experience SoFy in action, hear from our Chief Platform Architect, and learn from our cloud native customer on why going cloud native is important to their organization.  

SoFy allows you to deploy enterprise software in minutes on the cloud of choice–without vendor lock-in–and scale to enterprise needs. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.  

sofy steps

SoFy features:    

  • HCLSoftware at Your Fingertips: Easy access to over 50 product components, 2,000+ REST API endpoints, and cloud native demos. 
  • One-click Deployment: Deploy HCLSoftware in minutes with the innovative SoFy platform. 
  • Multi-cloud, Multi-choice: Implement a multi-cloud strategy and run on any cloud, public or private. 

Further, if you’d like more guidance and expertise around moving to a cloud native architecture, HCL Now, our new Cloud Native-as-a-Service offering, unlocks the full value of your cloud native, HCLSoftware products. Go cloud native now with enterprise-grade availability, unlimited scalability, and flexibility built from the ground up as cloud native. Get a dedicated, secure environment deployed and managed on your public cloud of choice. Your software and customization investments are portable to any cloud, public or private, and HCL will share the initial investment to kick-start your transformation. 

For more information, visit,    

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