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HCLSoftware: Fueling the Digital+ Economy

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Did you know employees are productive for only about 31% of their 8-hour workday? Productivity is the engine that drives any successful organization. It's the output you generate relative to the input you invest. When employees are productive, they achieve more with less, leading to higher profits, better customer satisfaction and a thriving work environment.

Maximizing employee productivity is a significant challenge in today's workplace. However, are we using the right tools to measure it? Traditional methods, such as merely tracking the hours someone spends at their desk, only provide a partial picture. They overlook crucial aspects like work quality, creativity and innovation. So, the real question is, how can we measure and enhance employee productivity in a way that's both effective and aligns with the demands of the modern work environment?

Without a data-driven approach, productivity can become a source of frustration. Employees might believe they're working hard, while managers might see things differently. This lack of clarity, this feeling of being in the dark, breeds frustration and hinders progress. The absence of data is not just a void; it's a barrier to success.

But what if there was a tool that could eliminate guesswork? A data-driven employee productivity calculator can objectively show how effectively people and teams’ work.

HCL Nippon, Making Employee Productivity Measurable

Introducing HCL Nippon, a tool that uses data to generate insights into employee productivity. HCL Nippon follows strict data security protocols and ensures the confidentiality of all data used. It offers a more objective way to assess performance, moving beyond subjective evaluations into a data-driven future.

A Win-Win for All

Tracking key metrics can provide valuable insights across all levels of your organization. For example, you can identify the most productive times of the day, the work styles that lead to the highest output and the areas where teams are struggling, allowing you to make informed decisions and improve overall productivity.

End Users

Identify the most productive times and work styles, allowing them to optimize their schedules and efforts.


Track team performance, identify bottlenecks and provide more targeted support and feedback.

Senior Leaders

Gain insights into overall organizational efficiency, identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about resource allocation and process optimization.

What Makes HCL Nippon Unique?

HCL Nippon's productivity feature is tailor-made for senior managers, including Practice Leads and Business Unit Heads. It provides them with a comprehensive view of their teams' performance, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about resource allocation and process optimization. This unique offering sets HCL Nippon apart from other tools in the market. Here are HCL Nippon’s features:

Comparative Insights

Analyze productivity, effort and output trends compared to the previous calendar period and the parent team, highlighting percentage changes.

Effort-Output Correlation Map

It offers a comprehensive, rolled-up Bubble chart visualization of your hierarchical reporting teams. Managers can gauge performance and drill down into any team with a single click. This map identifies high-performing teams and those needing attention.

In-Depth Analysis

Access detailed insights into sub-teams to explore productivity dynamics.


Traditional methods leave a gap in understanding actual employee productivity. But the path forward is clear. True productivity optimization requires a data-driven approach. By investing in HCL Nippon's suite of tools, businesses can optimize strategies, make informed decisions and achieve remarkable results, leading to a significant return on investment. HCL Nippon empowers everyone, from individual contributors to senior leaders, to work smarter, not harder, instilling a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

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