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HCLSoftware: Fueling the Digital+ Economy

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Three analyst reports have positioned HCLSoftware’s Digital Experience (DX) product as an industry Leader in the digital experience platform market. All three of these reports — Spark Matrix by Quadrant, Radar Report by GigaOM, and PEAK Matrix by Everest Group — stress its comprehensive DXP capabilities, innovative approach, and enhanced user experience. In addition, the three analyst reports highlight its creative use of AI, its cloud-native scalability, and its fast, easy, flexible deployment — with the SPARK Matrix report also citing HCLSoftware’s customer-centric approach to client requirements as a key market differentiator.

Top Performer and Technology Leader for DXP

HCL Digital Experience (DX) is a cloud-enabled DXP solution which, as the SPARK Matrix report explains, “allows users to create digital experiences for B2B, B2C, and B2E use case scenarios.” HCL DX “integrates content, data, processes, and services across various channels,” SPARK Matrix continues, “and supports collaboration between developers, practitioners, and administrators in the experience design process.”

SPARK Matrix lists HCLSoftware as a top performer and technology leader in the global Digital Experience Platform (DXP) solutions market, offering “a sophisticated and comprehensive technology platform to cater to a variety of use cases to design, transform and deliver impactful digital experiences with their easy-to-use platform and robust core functionalities.”

Comprehensive DXP Capabilities

“HCL DX offers comprehensive DXP capabilities,” says SPARK Matrix, citing “content management, hybrid or headless multi-experience capabilities, digital asset management (DAM), customer data management, personalization, and analytics and campaign optimization.” The SPARK Matrix report describes HCL DX as facilitating “personalization, digital commerce experience management, campaign management, and self-service through a single unified platform.”

The Radar Report by GigaOM is similarly bullish on the “outstanding capabilities” of the HCL DX platform, declaring that “its extensive capabilities have resulted in it scoring maximum marks across almost all Key Criteria.” Likewise, the Everest Group PEAK Matrix report identifies HCL DX as a Leader offering “end-to-end fully-integrated DXP solutions with advanced capabilities across the three main modules of CMS, digital commence, and brand engagement to activate all the elements across a customer’s journey.”

Innovation and Commitment

The Radar Report by GigaOM focuses strongly on innovation and commitment to the DX space by HCLSoftware, noting that “HCLSoftware continues to innovate and invest” in its digital experience portfolio and that “this commitment made HCL a Leader” in its most recent report.

The SPARK Matrix report notes that HCLSoftware’s roadmap for the DXP “envisions realizing the unified CX platform strategy (HCL DX, HCL Commerce, and HCL Unica) to give clients the opportunity to leverage cross-platform functionalities for a more well-rounded solution.” SPARK Matrix adds that HCLSoftware is “further modernizing its platform architecture by moving to Open Liberty Stack for a more future-ready, composable, cloud-native solution” and “creating additional modules to help create and manage all user touchpoints effectively and efficiently.”

Enhancing User Experience

One area of ongoing innovation cited is user experience—for practitioners and employees as well as customers. “HCLSoftware’s strategic roadmap emphasizes empowering the practitioner by using AI to help assemble and tailor experiences and give self-help to digital experience creators and curators,” the SPARK Matrix report notes. Similarly, “the HCL Leap tool, in combination with Foundry, empowers practitioners to create more engaging end-user experiences.” The report also cites plans to introduce Activity Stream and People service, profile-based event-tracking and personalization features that will enhance UX and productivity.

In a related observation on HCL DX and user experience, the SPARK Matrix report notes the multi-experience DXP strategy made possible by the convergence of DXP, MXDP, and LCAP. “HCLSoftware combines the speed and ease of low-code development (HCL Volt MX) with a comprehensive set of enterprise back-end services and integration capabilities (Volt MX Foundry). The platform enables citizen and professional developers to build and deploy applications for customer engagement with ease.”

The Everest Group PEAK Matrix report, too, notes that besides enhancing customer experience, HCLSoftware as a DXP Leader is “focusing on activating employee experience and partner experiences.”

Applying AI to DXP

Both Radar Report and SPARK Matrix call out HCLSoftware’s advances in applying AI to its DX platform. “HCL is applying AI to an increasing number of DXP capabilities,” says Radar Report, and “has introduced foundational tools that provide a core set of features.” The SPARK Matrix report spotlights HCL DX’s use of “AI/ML integration to enhance the practice of content authoring with auto-tagging content, auto summary generation, sentiment analysis, translation services, related content/asset recommendations, and content/asset generation. The content and asset management capability is further enhanced with NLP-powered search and DAM with auto-tagging images, video transcribing and summarization.”

Client Requirements and Industry-specific Solutions

The SPARK Matrix report also cites HCLSoftware’s customer-centric approach to client requirements as a key market differentiator, noting that HCL “conducts thorough research to identify the pain points and opportunity areas for industry-specific solutions with HCL DX and HCL Volt MX as foundations.” Consistent with its “focused approach to solving client pain points with highly tailored solutions,” SPARK Matrix says, HCLSoftware considers “how client requirements evolve in relation to tooling” and “supports their journey by accommodating more complex use cases in its HCL DX and commerce-enabling platforms.”

Summing up the business benefits of this approach for HCLSoftware’s clients, the report says: “Its solution is designed to accommodate dynamic demands, provide room for client organizations to grow, and offer a low TCO.”

For more information on HCL DX and Total Experience, contact us here.

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