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Student and professional developers from around the world create innovative apps fast with Volt MX – here are the winners.

Hackathons are a great way to bring together a diverse group of talent from across organizations, departments, and countries.

For companies, it can be a tool to drive product and brand awareness, build new product features, and even expand your talent pool. And for students and professional developers alike, it’s an opportunity to network, develop your skills, and gain industry recognition. Overall, hackathon bring devs together to accelerate innovation and take on business challenges by creating competitive solutions.

Recently, HCLSoftware held our very first Volt MX Hackathon. Over eight weeks, over 4,300 students and professionals from around the world registered for the competition.

There were so many great submissions, proving just how easy it is for anyone–even those with no prior experience–to pick up Volt MX and use the platform to build compelling and beautiful apps in a matter of hours. This also made the judging process tough!

You can check out these winning apps for yourself, download them, and even reuse components in your own Volt MX app through the HCL Volt MX Marketplace. Each app below has a 5-digit code that, when entered into the Volt MX App Preview, allows you to preview the app! Download the app on the iOS or Google Play Store.

Now, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the winners of the competition and show off their awesome products.

First Place & Most Innovative: Team Visionary Youth – Wishy

The Wishy app lets you register your contacts’ birthday, anniversaries, and the like – sends them timely e-greetings to recognize the occasion. It was developed by one college student from India.


Second Place: Team ZaNa – Navigation Bar

A reusable component for adding an app navigation menu to the footer of any Volt MX app. Created by a developer in Zambia.


Third Place: Team Foodbae  – Foodbae: Deliver Deliciousness

The Foodbae app lets you order food and track the delivery. Some parts of the process were built out, and it was developed by a team of college students from India.


Best Looking App: Team Harishkotra_b159 – Health & Fitness UI

This app onboards a user to a health & fitness app and tracks related metrics. This developer submitted another app called ThoughTracker (Preview Code FG2A7), which was also a finalist, allowing users to track their emotions. Both of his apps were developed in 6-7 hours each by a developer from India.

  • Team Member: Harish K
  • Video:
  • Download the Volt MX app and look at the winning app yourself – Preview Code:  Q65NR

Congratulations to these teams on this great accomplishment! Throughout the Hackathon, these winners showcased exceptional talent, creativity, and a deep understanding of the capabilities of Volt MX. Their dedication and innovative approach truly set them apart from a highly talented pool of participants.

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