HCLSoftware is finding even more ways to help out our partner community with HCL SoFy 2.0. The latest release includes new capabilities to help HCLSoftware business partners grow their business through a business-oriented, self-service cloud platform for delivering a hands-on software experience for demos, proof of concepts (PoCs), training, and trials.
For the first time, HCL business partners can post their software products, extensions, and add-ons to be seen, demonstrated, and trialed by the prospects and customers of HCLSoftware and the partner ecosystem.
Want more details? Click on this video below.
HCLSoftware Business Partners Will Benefit From the Following:
Instant Business Solution Demos
HCL SoFy 2.0 has pre-configured solutions to business problems, including step-by-step instructions on how to demonstrate them.
Hands-on Training
HCL SoFy 2.0 provides a dedicated environment for each individual, enabling full product access, including administration. Users can operate the product for a day, a week, or a month. In addition, businesses can use the pre-built business solutions or their materials for self-guided training or set up multiple instant environments for instructor-led training events.
Build Custom Demos and Execute PoCs
HCL SoFy 2.0 enables individuals to set up unique environments with full administrative access to customize the product to the customer’s or prospect’s needs, allowing the businesses to upload files, run scripts, and execute commands. In addition, companies get full command line access.
Sets up 30-Day Trials for Business Partners’ Customers
HCL SoFy 2.0 enables businesses to set up 30-day trial access to HCL SoFy 2.0 for their customers. In addition, a dashboard allows people to see a customer’s progress in registering, logging in, and trying out business solutions and products in HCL SoFy 2.0.
Enables Business Partners to Post Their Software Products
HCL SoFy 2.0 enables business partners to set up their products in SoFy for users to learn more or to try out in the SoFy Sandbox. In addition, HCL SoFy 2.0 provides a secure environment for users to demo business partners’ products without downloading or installing them themselves.
Want more details on how HCL Business Partners can grow their business using new capabilities in the latest release of HCL SoFy 2.0? Then, join our webinar on November 29th.
Are you interested in becoming an HCLSoftware business partner? Learn more here.
Join the HCL SoFy Partner Program today!
Read more about the program by visiting this link here: https://www.hcltechsw.com/sofy/partner
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