HCL ZIE for Transformation (ZIETrans) product is license-based, and the user must configure licensing to use the product. This document describes the procedure to configure licensing with HCL Common Local (Online/Offline) License Server.
- The operating system must be 64bit Windows– Windows 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 & Windows Server 2019
- Download the product and License server (CLLS – Online/Offline) from the HCL software License & Download portal.
- Download java (Oracle Java SE 8u282 or later, OpenJDK 8u282 or later and OpenJDK 11.0.10 or later) and set JAVA_HOME environmental variable.
Figure 1: Fully Qualified Domain Name
Installation steps for HCL Common Local License Server:
- Extract the Local license server_Offline (HCL_CLLS_2.0_Windows_ x64_Offline) zip file downloaded from the HCL Software License & Download portal.
- Generate the self-signed certificate through the Java keytool as follows:
- Open the command prompt.
- Navigate to the Java bin location.
- Enter the below command to generate the keystore.
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias FQDN-Hostname -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -validity 3650 -keysize 2048
- Enter the below command to export Keystore.jks.
keytool -export -alias FQDN-Hostname -keystore keystore.jks -rfc -file HOSTNAME.certs
- Enter the Keystore password: changeit
- Enter the below command to import the cert file into Java TrustStore.
keytool -importcert -file HOSTNAME.certs -alias FQDN-Hostname -keystore
"C:\ProgramFiles\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\jre\lib\security\cacerts” - Enter the password: changeit
- Enter the below command to copy Keystore.jks file to the HCL Common Local License Server.
cp keystore.jks \MyFOLDERS\HCL_CLLS_2.0_Windows_x64_Offline\server
- Navigate to HCL Common Local License Server and open server folder.
- Open local-configuration.yaml file.
- Edit the https-in section as below.
Figure 2: local-configuration.yaml file from LLS - Verify the changes and save the file.
- Restart the machine.
- Steps to Install the License server as a service.
- Go to the server folder of the local license server location and run the below
command (Run the command prompt in admin mode).
flexnetls.bat -install - Use the below command to start the service.
flexnetls.bat -start - Use the below command to confirm that the service is running.
Flexnetls.bat -status
- Go to the server folder of the local license server location and run the below
- Run the below url on a browser to check if the CLLS Health status working.
Figure 3: LLS Health status check on browser
Note: These steps are common for offline and online HCL Common Local License Server.
Offline Setup:
1. Go to the Extracted Local license server_Offline (HCL_CLLS_2.0_Windows_ x64_Offline) folder
- Double-click and open the enterprise folder.
- To get the Host ID Value from the Local License Server, Open the command prompt from the Enterprise folder.
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server https://FQDN-Hostname:1443/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin password - HostID
Figure 4: Get HostID from LLS
Note: If the user does not have Admin access to the CLLS portal, contact the FNO team(https://itops.hcltechsw.com/) to create a device and Map entitlement.
2. Go to the HCL software License & Download portal and add the device
3. Add a device as follows:
- Click on Create a Device.
- Enter the required name.
- Select Runs license server and id type as Ethernet ID.
- Enter the host ID from the license server.
4. From the Devices menu, select the newly created device.
5. From the device page, click on Map Entitlements from the Actions menu.
6. On the entitlement page, enter the number of entitlements the user wants to add to this license server from available ones and save.
7. Ensure Device status changed to License generated as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: License generated status on Flexera portal
8. From the Action menu, download the response file option.
9. Go to the Extracted Local license server_Offline (HCL_CLLS_2.0_Windows_ x64_Offline) folder.
- Open the Enterprise folder.
- Open the command prompt from the Enterprise folder.
- Upload the HOSTID.bin file to the license server using the below command:
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server https://FQDN-Hostname:1443/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin password - activate -load 0A746434ID.bin
10. After this request, enter the below command to verify the allocated licenses at the offline local license server.
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server https://FQDN-Hostname:1443/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin password -licenses -verbose
Figure 6: Offline LLS count verification
11. Create Public and Private keys as follows:
- Install the OpenSSL tool and set environmental variables.
- Open the command prompt from the bin location of OpenSSL.
- Run the below command to create a Private key.
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048 - Run the below command to Create a public key.
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -outform DER -out public_key.der - Run the below command to Create the private key with pkcs8 format.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in private_key.pem -out private_key_pkcs8.pem -nocrypt
- Run the below command to create a Private key.
12. Steps to Configure CLLS licenses on the ZIETrans application.
- Upload the Public key to the offline local license server using the below command.
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server https://hostname:1443/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin password -uploadPublicKey C:\keys\public_key.der
Figure 7: Upload Public key to LLS
- Use the below command to Import the host certificate into the ZIETrans Java (host certificate created in step 4 under Import cert file into Java TrustStore).
keytool -importcert -file WIN-QUI6NNK6G90.certs -alias fullcomputername -keystore "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\HCL ZIE for Transformation v2.0\Packaged
Figure 8: Importing Host certificate into ZIETrans Java
- Create a web project on the ZIETrans application.
- Go to the navigator tab and open the runtime.properties file and configure the below:
Figure 9: Configuration on runtime.properties
- Save the project.
- Right-click the project and run it on the server.
The session will connect successfully, and the user can see the license successful message in the console.
Figure 10: Successful license connection on the ZIETrans application
- After a successful connection, check the license usage details from the server side as follows:
- Navigate to the enterprise folder of the Local license server
- Open the command prompt from the enterprise folder
- Enter the below command to check the license usage from the server side
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server https://FQDN-Hostname:1443/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin password -licenses -verbose
It will display the obtained license details like below.
Figure 11: Verify Obtained License count
Online Setup:
Except for steps 8 & 9, repeat the same steps for the online setup
Note: HCL LLS Online version requires an internet connection with HCL Software License & Download Portal. Auto Sync happens on a periodic interval.
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