- HCL AppScan Scans for application vulnerabilities
- HCL BigFix Secure endpoint management
- HCL BigFix Compliance Ensure security with continuous, real-time compliance monitoring
- HCL BigFix CyberFOCUS Supercharging IT operations to secure the enterprise
- HCL BigFix Remediate Automate, remediate & secure endpoints
- HCL BigFix
Workspace+Managing and securing the hybrid workspace with a comprehensive solution that seamlessly manages all devices across any location while focusing on user experience and controlling cyber risk.
Enterprise+Intelligent hybrid infrastructure automation offering intelligent runbook automation, leveraging cybersecurity, and analytics capabilities to proactively identify and remediate vulnerabilities in real-time.
- Industries
Use Cases
Zero Trust Endpoint ManagementAccelerate your Zero Trust pursuit with BigFix Zero Trust Endpoint Management.
Remediate Vulnerabilities FastEssential capabilities to remediate vulnerabilities faster than ever, helping organizations reduce cybersecurity risk.
Securing the EnterpriseBigFix is an effective solution that protects endpoints before an attack, helps respond to specific cyberattacks.
Continuous ComplianceEnhance security posture and automate the fight against cyberattacks.
Software Asset ManagementMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate non-compliance risk, and optimize software spend.
Manage IoT DevicesEfficiently patch, deploy software, inventory, report, and remediate IoT devices from one single platform.
Manage MulticloudExtend your capabilities by integrating with other enterprise solutions.
Enable Work from HomeEnroll, deploy, secure, and support endpoints in today’s work from home environment.
Slash Costs with BigFixSave Money and Reduce Complexities with BigFix.
Manage KiosksKiosk security, management, and compliance.
An Optimization Model for IT OperationsA roadmap to a greater efficiency, better security, and lower costs.
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HCL BigFix Trust Center
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HCL BigFix Professional Services
Video Gallery
All FeaturesThe BigFix product family guide provides an overview of the extensive capabilities...
Work From Home
BigFix Events & Webinars
Past events & webinars
Tool Consolidation
Simplify Endpoint Management through Tool ConsolidationSignificantly reduce IT costs while also reducing IT complexity, streamlining operations, and esuring business continuity.
Download ESG Report
BigFix Days
InventoryMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate security and non-compliance risks, and better understand software usage.
Google Cloud
Intel EMA
Aruba Clear Pass
Service Now Data Flow
Service Graph
BigFix Contact Us
BigFix MobileExtends modern endpoint management techniques to mobile devices running iOS, iPadOS and Android
BigFix ComplianceContinuously monitor and enforce endpoint...
BigFix InventoryIdentify licensed and unlicensed software across your organization.
BigFix InsightsAccelerate risk identification and decision-making.
BigFix Trust Center
Professional Services
BigFix LifecycleReduce cost, risk, and complexity of endpoint and server management.
IVR Home
BigFix Field guide
Cloud Based Endpoint SecurityEnroll, deploy, secure and support endpoints in today’s work-from-home environment.
BigFix Partners
Compliance Solution Guide
BigFix TrainingA digital workplace with everything employees need.
BigFix Days Americas
BigFix Days APAC
BigFix Days EMEA
BigFix Experts
ATMs using BigFix
Secure Infrastructure Automation
Runbook AI
BigFix 11
Banking - BigFix Compliance
Public Sector - BigFix Compliance
BigFix Product FamilyThe BigFix product family guide provides an overview of the extensive capabilities...
Software Asset ManagementMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate non-compliance risk, and optimize software spend
Gartner® Peer Insights™ 'Voice of the Customer': 統合エンドポイント管理ツール
『Voice of the Customer』は、Gartner Peer Insights のレビューを IT 意思決定者向けのインサイトとしてまとめた文書です。ユーザー視点となっており、個々の詳細レビューと合わせて、Gartner の専門家による調査を補完します。ソリューションの実装と運用における顧客の実経験に焦点をあてているため、購買プロセスで役立てることができます。

- 企業にとって重要だと Gartner が考える、最新の統合エンドポイント管理 (UEM) ツールの機能を理解できます。
- UEM ソリューションを導入・管理している顧客の実経験に基づくインサイトにより、情報に基づいて意思決定できます。
Gartner, 統合エンドポイント管理ツールに関する顧客の声、ピアコントリビューター、2024 年 5 月 7 日
GARTNER は、Gartner, Inc. および/または米国とその他の国におけるその関連会社の商標およびサービスマークで、GARTNER PEER INSIGHTS CUSTOMERS’ CHOICE バッジおよび PEER INSIGHTS は、Gartner, Inc. および/またはその関連会社の商標およびサービスマークです。本書では許可を得て使用しています。All rights reserved.
Gartner Peer Insights の内容は、個々のエンドユーザーによる、プラットフォームのベンダーとの関係における経験に基づく意見で構成されています。事実の表明と解釈されるべきでなく、また Gartner およびその関連会社の見解を表わすものでもありません。Gartner は、内容に記載されている、いかなるベンダー、製品、サービスを支持しているものではなく、内容に関して、正確性と完全性について、商品性および特定目的への適合性の保証を含め、明示・黙示を問わず、いかなる保証も行いません。