S4EP6 - Football, rugby, U2 and software supply chain best practices with Pete Morgan

S4EP6 - Football, rugby, U2 and software supply chain best practices with Pete Morgan
Pete Morgan helps unpack best practices for software supply chain security and outlines how his company Phylum helps organizations contextualize risks associated with open source.

S5EP3 - Security in the Developer Experience with Tanya Janca and New Words for 2024

S4EP6- Football, Rugby, U2 and Software Supply Chain best practices with Pete Morgan

S4EP7 - Holiday Cheer, Words of the year and guest Ken Fanger outlines how to best "humanize security"

S5EP1 - 2024 Security Trends and the merits of land lines with guest Mike Khusid

S5EP2 - Application Security Posture Management with guest Ray [Redacted]

S4EP5 - Generative AI, GPS art and new capabilities with startup co-founder Stephanie Sylvestre

S4EP3 - May the 4th be with you and application modernization with Soloman Barghuothi

S3EP7 - Quantum computing potential, security and lottery tactics with guest André König

S3EP6 - Green IT trends, AI, standardization and systems of compassion with guest Charlotte Chang

S2EP18 - Cybersecurity and elections with Dr. Michael Owens