- HCL AppScan Scans for application vulnerabilities
- HCL BigFix Secure endpoint management
- HCL BigFix Compliance Ensure security with continuous, real-time compliance monitoring
- HCL BigFix CyberFOCUS Supercharging IT operations to secure the enterprise
- HCL BigFix Remediate Automate, remediate & secure endpoints
- HCL BigFix
Workspace+Managing and securing the hybrid workspace with a comprehensive solution that seamlessly manages all devices across any location while focusing on user experience and controlling cyber risk.
Enterprise+Intelligent hybrid infrastructure automation offering intelligent runbook automation, leveraging cybersecurity, and analytics capabilities to proactively identify and remediate vulnerabilities in real-time.
- Industries
Use Cases
Zero Trust Endpoint ManagementAccelerate your Zero Trust pursuit with BigFix Zero Trust Endpoint Management.
Remediate VulnerabilitiesClose the gap between IT and security with integrated end-to-end remediation.
Securing the EnterpriseBigFix is an effective solution that protects endpoints before an attack, helps respond to specific cyberattacks.
Continuous ComplianceEnhance security posture and automate the fight against cyberattacks.
Software Asset ManagementMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate non-compliance risk, and optimize software spend.
Manage IoT DevicesEfficiently patch, deploy software, inventory, report, and remediate IoT devices from one single platform.
Multicloud-SolutionExtend your capabilities by integrating with other enterprise solutions.
Enable Work from HomeInscriba, implemente, asegure y respalde los puntos finales en el entorno actual de trabajo.
Slash Costs with BigFixAhorre dinero y reduzca las complejidades con BigFix.
Manage KiosksKiosk security, management, and compliance.
An Optimization Model for IT OperationsA roadmap to a greater efficiency, better security, and lower costs.
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- Recursos
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All FeaturesThe BigFix product family guide provides an overview of the extensive capabilities...
BigFix Events & Webinars
Past events & webinars
Simplify Endpoint Management through Tool ConsolidationSignificantly reduce IT costs while also reducing IT complexity, streamlining operations, and esuring business continuity.
Download ESG Report
MobileExtends modern endpoint management techniques to mobile devices running iOS, iPadOS and Android
BigFix InventoryIdentifique software con licencia y sin licencia en toda su organización.
Asset InventoryMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate security and non-compliance risks, and better understand software usage.
Bigfix Trust Center
IVR Home
BigFix LifecycleReduzca el costo, el riesgo y la complejidad de la gestión de servidores y puntos finales.
ProductosLa guía de la familia de productos BigFix proporciona una visión general de las amplias capacidades ...
BigFix InsightsAcelerar la identificación de riesgos y la toma de decisiones.
BigFix Modern Client ManagementPermita la consolidación de múltiples proveedores, reduzca el costo y la complejidad mientras administra los puntos finales de Windows 10 y MacOS con una simple inscripción y administración de políticas.
Higher Ed Logo Page
Secure Infrastructure Automation
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BigFix Field guide
ATMs using BigFix
Work From Home
Tool Consolidation
Compliance Solution Guide
Runbook AI
BigFix 11
Public Sector
Banking and Finance
BigFix Product FamilyThe BigFix product family guide provides an overview of the extensive capabilities...
Software Asset ManagementMaintain software audit readiness, mitigate non-compliance risk, and optimize software spend
BigFix ComplianceContinuously monitor and enforce endpoint...
Modernizing Healthcare
BigFix Buyer's Guide
BigFix SCCM Solutions Brief
BigFix Mitigating Ransomware
BigFix License Confirmation
IDC Marketscape
2022 Spark Matrix Report
Winter Warmer BigFix + Tenable Pairing Experience
Bigfix ESG IVR
Sccm MS
RBI Whitepaper
Zero Trust - Whitepaper
Optimization Model Itops
Zero Trust - ebook
Free Trial
NIST Whitepaper
Implementing Controls
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Mantenga el inventario de activos y reduzca el riesgo
Con BigFix Inventory, puede mantener la preparación para la auditoría de software, mitigar los riesgos de seguridad y de incumplimiento, y comprender mejor el uso del software. BigFix Inventory reduce significativamente los costos de IT, la exposición financiera y el riesgo de seguridad.