Segurança Empresarial
Outros produtos em destaque
- HCL AppScan
HCL AppScan on CloudLeverage fast and accurate DAST, SAST, IAST, SCA, and API testing with this comprehensive, cloud-based application security platform.
HCL AppScan 360Achieve continuous security with this modern, unified application security platform, built on cloud-native architecture and deployable anywhere.
HCL AppScan EnterprisePerform enterprise-scale application scanning with DAST, IAST, and SAST to mitigate vulnerabilities, and achieve regulatory compliance.
HCL AppScan StandardIdentify, understand, and remediate vulnerabilities in web applications and APIs with dynamic application security testing.
HCL AppScan SourceFind and remediate security vulnerabilities early in the development cycle using static application security testing.
HCL AppScan CodeSweepScan and fix security vulnerabilities as you write code with this simple developer-focused static application security testing tool.
HCL AppScan Supply Chain SecurityProtect your entire software supply chain from code to cloud with active application security posture management.
DASTIncremental scanning, test optimization, third-party component detection, web API scanning, and more.
SASTAI-driven accuracy, broadest language coverage, secrets scanning, fix recommendations, and more.
IASTMonitor live apps and APIs, auto-issue correlation, API discovery, patented solutions for java and .net.
SCAOpen-source analysis, container scanning, source code scanning, and more.
- Benefits
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AppScan V10
Supported Languages
HCL AppScan for You
Tech Preview
AppScan Codesweep
AppScan POC
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
AppScan on Cloud
AppScan 360
Supply Chain Security
Supply Chain Security Demo
AppScan CodeSweep IDEs
No Margin for Error
Continuous Security Whitepaper
2023 AppScan Trends Report
BFSI Whitepaper
Telecom and IT Whitepaper
Government Cybersecurity Whitepaper
eGuide Cybersecurity Compliance
DAST Developers Whitepaper
AppScan Newsletter
AI Friend Foe Whitepaper
Software Supply Chain Security Whitepaper
Software Supply Chain Exposures Whitepaper
ASoC Trial
ESG Tech Validation
AppScan V10
Standard Trial
AppScan Demo
Trial Guide
Ponemon Report
Appscan IAST White Paper
Appscan Testing With Fewer Resources
Threat Modeling White Paper
DZone’s 2021 Application Security Trend Report
Contact Us
Appscan Continuous Security
CodeSweep for GitHub
AppScan CodeSweep IDEs Free Trial
AppScan SAST TechPreview
Appscan Standard Tech preview
2022 Application Security Testing Trends Report
AWS Marketplaces
Azure Marketplaces
Gartner MQ 2021
Forrester TEI Report
Appscan 360 Contact
Forrester Wave Sast 2023 ReportForrester Wave Sast 2023 Report
HCL AppScan Source
Solução de teste de segurança de aplicativos estáticos (SAST) que ajuda a identificar vulnerabilidades no início do ciclo de desenvolvimento, a entender sua origem e impacto potencial e remediar o problema
Sobre o AppScan Source
O AppScan Source ajuda as organizações a desenvolver um software mais seguro e a evitar vulnerabilidades caras que surgem no final do ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento. Ao integrar o teste de segurança no início do ciclo de desenvolvimento - ou seja, segurança shift-left - o AppScan reduz a exposição ao risco e reduz os custos de correção. O AppScan Source utiliza sua tecnologia Intelligent Finding Analytics (IFA) baseada em aprendizado de máquina para ajudar os clientes a identificar rapidamente vulnerabilidades de segurança críticas e as melhores medidas para correção. Como resultado, remediações caras no final do ciclo de desenvolvimento ou na produção são evitadas.
Recursos em destaque
HCL AppScan: Intensifique a segurança contínua
O que há de novo no AppScan 10.0.3
Segurança Shift-left
Ajude os desenvolvedores a implementar as práticas recomendadas de segurança
Identificar vulnerabilidades
Reduza falsos positivos com Intelligent Finding Analytics
Plug-in IDE
Execute a análise de vulnerabilidade de segurança diretamente em seu ambiente de desenvolvimento existente
Gestão Centralizada
Relatórios aprimorados, governança e gerenciamento de conformidade