Endpoint Management Made Easy

Endpoint Management Made Easy

Endpoint Management Made Easy

HCL BigFix Remediate on AWS Marketplace is an enterprise-class endpoint management solution offered on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. HCL BigFix Remediate on AWS offers the capabilities of on-premises deployments without the complexity and risk of managing your own infrastructure. AWS provides an infrastructure to run HCL BigFix Remediate in a flexible, scalable and cost-effective manner in the cloud.

The Power of HCL BigFix Remediate in AWS AMI

The Power of HCL BigFix Remediate in AWS AMI

The Power of HCL BigFix Remediate in AWS AMI

HCL BigFix Remediate is offered as a set of hourly Amazon Machine Image (AMI). An AMI is an image applied to compute and memory resources which Amazon calls EC2. The CloudFormation stack for HCL BigFix Remediate is composed by five instances: the HCL BigFix Server, the MSSQL Server database, the HCL BigFix Console, the Top Level Relay and a Bastion. The Top Level Relay is the Relay to which the HCL BigFix Agents can connect to join the deployment; the Bastion is the instance that allows a direct access to the not internet facing nodes (HCL BigFix Server, Database, and Console).