Specialized Software
- HCL Augmented Network Automation (SON)Intelligent RAN automation platform
- HCL DFMProCAD integrated Design-for-Manufacturing platform
- HCL CAMWorksCAM for machining productivity
- HCL GloviusModern lightweight CAD Viewer
- HCL Mainframe Optimization Optimize, modernize, and innovate your mainframe investments
- HCL Secure DevOps Automated testing and security scanning
- HCL OneTest
OneTest APIEnsuring sound integration of complex systems
OneTest DataDeveloping the data needed for testing on demand.
OneTest PerformanceIdentifying and managing the risk of application performance failures
OneTest UIAutomating and validating business process flows to ensure high application quality.
OneTest VirtualizationVirtualizing middle-tier and back-end applications and services
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