Secure Mail for Smarter Teamwork

Secure Mail for Smarter Teamwork
Enterprise-grade security allows you to collaborate and communicate securely. Read the blog for more information and a Q&A on the latest version of HCL Verse.
What You See is What You Need

What You See is What You Need
- See tasks you’ve assigned and tasks you’ve been assigned.
- Take actions within your browser quickly with buttons for email, instant messaging, contact info and more.
- Filter events, emails and actions to see the most pressing deadlines, and flag emails that require action or tag them for follow-up and assign deadlines.
- Search across people, email and folders with keywords and date.
Keep Track of Busy, Fast-Changing Schedules

Keep Track of Busy, Fast-Changing Schedules
Never miss a meeting
- Check your schedule and easily see what’s coming without leaving your inbox
- Review meeting details without launching a separate view.
- No need to download software — join a meeting in just one click.

Collaborate with your colleagues instantly
- Initiate 1-1 chat and view email contacts with one click via the “Important to me” bar.
- Share files from your device or configured network drives, depending on your business needs. Permission is automatically granted to the recipients.
Go Mobile with Your Workday

Go Mobile with Your Workday
- Manage your emails, events and to-do lists with the HCL Verse iOS and Android apps.
- Get notified with the latest updates and act quickly on any notifications.
- Integrate your HCL Verse schedule with the mobile calendar with our native app.
- Not a fan of native app? Install the browser-based app with just one click.
Looking for HCL Verse Cloud-Hosting Solutions?

Looking for HCL Verse Cloud-Hosting Solutions?
We know cloud, hybrid, and on-premises are all important delivery options, and we understand that our customers want choice, security, innovation, and continuity for their business.
See how our HCL Cloud Hosting Partners can deliver cloud services directly to you, including the migration of data from another cloud service to theirs.