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Our Client Advocacy Program

Client Advocacy at HCLSoftware

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Client Advocacy at HCLSoftware

Our Client Advocacy Program

Your success with HCLSoftware DevOps products isn't just about keeping systems up and running - it's about maximizing the value of your investment and achieving your business goals. The HCL Client Advocacy Program offers dedicated supporting to your product implementation, development and training needs.

Kimi Cousins, Director, Client Advocacy Program
“ The mission of our Client Advocacy Program is to build a direct relationship with our customers. We really want to be able to hear their voice.”

Marianne Hollier, HCL DevOps Test Client Advocacy Manager

Contact Marianne

Your HCL DevOps Test Client Advocate

The Client Advocacy  Program is a no-charge service. This means that it does not replace standard support, lab services engagements, or other paid services. We, as the Client Advocates, don’t resolve support cases, but we know the customer environment so we can help the customer support team to speed up the resolution.

Training and Education Resources

Find documentation, community forums, support contacts, and license download information in our support hub.  


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