Patch Every Endpoint

Patch nearly 100 different operating systems and variants with one platform.

Discover and Inspect Devices Dynamically

Automate patching

Efficiently patches hundreds of thousands of endpoints regardless of device type, location, connection or status.

Patch Management

Improve visibility

Provides visibility into patch compliance with flexible, near real-time monitoring and reporting.

Correlate and Analyze Data

Unify patching

Patch nearly 100 different operating systems and variants with one platform using HCL-provided content.

Integrate Across the Enterprise

Reduce security risk

Shrink windows of vulnerability by reducing patch time from weeks to hours and slashing patch remediation time by realizing greater than 98% first pass success rate.

Automate Deployments

Scale effortlessly

BigFix manages up to 300,000 endpoints per management server.

Optimize Power Usage

Upgrade Easily

Extendable to mobile devices, software distribution, compliance and much more.


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See BigFix in Action!

One endpoint management platform enabling IT Operations and Security teams to automate discovery, management and remediation – whether its on-premise, virtual, or cloud – regardless of operating system, location or connectivity.

Schedule BigFix Demo

In this one-hour session, our product expert will walk you through ways to enable continuous endpoint compliance.

You will learn how you can

  • Collaborate more effectively to cut operational costs.
  • Compress endpoint management cycles.
  • Enforce compliance in real-time and improve productivity.
Schedule Demo
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Demo Schedule Confirmed

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