About BigFix Days

The BigFix Days virtual user conference is an opportunity for BigFix users to connect with the HCL BigFix team in a lively, interactive setting. We’re coming to you LIVE – from our home offices to yours – to share new features, platform configuration tips and techniques and BigFix best practices content with you!

Come for the whole afternoon, or just the session that interests you. Either way, we’ll be glad to have you join, and we promise you’ll get something out of your visit. Join us to collaborate, share information and ideas, make new contacts, and learn something new.

Event Agenda

All Times GMT

Session Topic Presenter Session Summary Time Start Time End
Event Opening Remarks and opening speech Jean Benoit Nonque - EMEA/LATAM BigFix Leader Cover virtual logistics for the event, topics for the day, important items, etc. "JB will welcome attendees, discuss the vision for the future of BigFix and take limited Q&A." 10:00 GMT 10:15
Fun With Relevance David Campbell - EMEA Region Leader BigFix Services As we help BigFixers around the world, we sometimes run across relevance solutions to solve problems and some of those stand out as innovative or interesting. Today, we will present 3 of those solutions in detail. 10:15 11:00
Instant vulnerabilities remediation Marcin Spychała - BigFix Technical Advisor One of the challenges we discover our customers are facing securing their organization is to make their VM scan results instantly actionable. There is a way to do it smoothly with BigFix IVR. Let us shoow you how. 11:00 11:30
Custom reports in PowerBI for Bigfix Insights Camille Proux - BigFix Technical Advisor Seeing is understanding. Introduction of v10 has brought to BigFix a new reporting capabilities based on BigFix Insights. Several predefined reports for PowerBI and Tableau are available out of the bos. And what if you could produe any report you want? Let us convince you. 11:30 12:15
Where have we been / What's New / Roadmap session Aram Eblighatian - Lead Product Manager The BigFix team works day and night around the globe to help customers keep their environments running. In this session, you will hear from product team leaders on what we hear from our global customers, our feature priorities, the latest deliverables, whats committed on the roadmap as well as long term vision. 12:15 13:00
All you need to know about ServiceNow integrations Gary Louw - BigFix Services Architect We will demonstrate how ServiceNow Incidents can be opened when BigFix Patch or other actions Fail, using a BigFix Services provided sample integration application and will demonstrate how to enrich CI records with data that can be imported into BigFix action targeting and reporting 13:00 13:45
End of event Remarks Jean Benoit Nonque - EMEA/LATAM BigFix Leader Closing remarks for the event, cover any last minute items, etc. 13:45 14:00


Learn and Engage

Schedule BigFix Demo

In this one-hour session, our product expert will walk you through ways to enable continuous endpoint compliance.

You will learn how you can

  • Collaborate more effectively to cut operational costs.
  • Compress endpoint management cycles.
  • Enforce compliance in real-time and improve productivity.
Floating cube icon Floating cube icon Floating cube icon

Demo Schedule Confirmed

Your schedule is confirmed. You shall receive an email update about more on this and the next steps.