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Meet The People Behind HCL Commerce Cloud

Magnus Jahrl
We all know that it’s the people behind a technology that makes the whole difference. So, why not meet the people behind HCL Commerce Cloud who makes a great difference every single day to make sure our customers have the best solution at hand and that we cater for future needs today.
Who are they – and what do they do when they don’t work?
Maja Bondensgaard, Associate Director of Marketing, set out to talk to some of them. Spread all over the world, these cool people pick up on the newest trends and features every day to keep our solutions on par with the latest trends for the sake of our customers.
This time: Meet Swedish Magnus Jahrl, Nordic/CEE GTM Leader HCL Commerce (PSS), who ends all his emails with: MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!
What’s your name:
I’m Magnus Jahrl, Nordic/CEE HCL Commerce Go To Market Leader
Tell us a little about yourself:
I live in Helsingborg in the southern part of Sweden. I am married and have 5 kids (4 bonus) and one of them still lives at home. I also have an 8-year-old Jack Russel named Esther.
I’m a “tech nerd” and like to explore new technical stuff. If there is a machine that can help me, I usually have it! I’m into design and DIY projects at home (some call me The DeWalt Guy!) When I am not working, I am renovating our large house from late 1890s, room by room! Have a look at my projects on https://www.instagram.com/villaminnet/ (@villaminnet). Support my effort by dropping me a like!
Now, tell us something we would never have guessed about you 😊
I have been a bartender for 10 years and had my own restaurant. 🍸
I fancy a good beer, a single malt whiskey or an aged gin!
What’s your best HCL Commerce hack?
A/B Test your product pages and put focus on increasing the conversions rate. And improve the web shop speed!
What’s the HCL Commerce trend you are following most enthusiastically at the moment?
App (ePOS) for iOS/Android that is connected to the HCL Commerce solution and handles QR/Barcodes for an easy checkout/price/inventory check.
What do your customers ask you for that you wish was already part of our platform?
I often hear from my customers about how they are integrating with loyalty programs and/or fully integrated WYSIWYG CMS. Keeping customers loyal and happy is critical when the cost of acquiring new customers continues to rise.
What’s the coolest or craziest thing you have helped a customer with?
Several years ago, I helped build a configurator to calculate material to build decking for our customer Beijer-Bygg via our Business Partner Fiwe. https://www.beijerbygg.se/privat/trallvaljaren
What did I forget to ask you?
Hmm, maybe what I would like to see on a HCL Commerce roadmap. For example, set up a proper list of third-party partners. We have so many APIs across the CX platform, and we have so many partners, but we don’t have a marketplace that makes it easy for customers to find those certified partners. I would love to see us build a marketplace.
Last, I like to have a great “get together” with everyone on the HCL Commerce team soon! Customers and colleagues! So many I haven’t meet yet. Unfortunately, I missed the HCL Commerce Cloud Global Summit in Chicago in July which everyone is still talking about, but I will be travelling a lot this fall, so hope to meet you all out there! Just started to cover Central Europe. There is so little time but much to do.