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Meet The People Behind HCL Commerce Cloud

Andy Campbell
We all know that it’s the people behind a technology that makes the whole difference. So, why not meet the people behind HCL Commerce Cloud who makes a great difference every single day to make sure our customers have the best solution at hand and that we cater for future needs today.
Who are they – and what do they do when they don’t work?
Maja Bondensgaard, Associate Director of Marketing, set out to talk to some of them. Spread all over the world, these cool people pick up on the newest trends and features every day to keep our solutions on par with the latest trends for the sake of our customers.
This time: Meet Andy Cambell, who, based in the US, enables clients, partners and internal folks all over the world to understand and use HCL Commerce Cloud and other HCL products.
Name and title:
Andy Campbell – Global Director of Enablement
Tell us a little about yourself:
I have over 22 years of experience with ERP and HCL Commerce Software. I own enablement for our internal folks, Customers and Partners and enable them to understand and use HCL Commerce Cloud Software along with Digital Experience, Unica and Discover. I also create the courses in our Software Academy.
I am married and live in the sunshine state of Florida but grew up in a small town in Wisconsin where I lived for 50 years. My wife and I enjoy time with my 2 grandkids in Phoenix and I am very involved in a veterans organization called the American Legion where I am the Sons of the American Legion Squadron Commander and also am the District 12 Vice Commander that oversees about a dozen other squadrons. My wife and I take 40 veterans fishing once a year.
Now, tell us something we would never have guessed about you 😊
I am adopted and recently found my family with 2 full biological brothers and a full biological sister after 57 years.
What’s your best HCL Commerce hack?
I created a customized configurator for a major broadcasting provider.
What’s the HCL Commerce trend you are following most enthusiastically at the moment?
I am following marketplaces and how they help our customers today
If you could only implement one thing in the next HCL Commerce release, what would it be?
I would implement an Account/Sales Rep Dashboard to view customer details.
What’s the coolest or craziest thing you have helped a customer with?
While working with a major broadcasting customer I implemented both a customer facing package configurator and an internal configurator that included retention packages along with UI and voice facing features.
What did I forget to ask you?
Where do I see HCL Commerce Cloud going in the next several years? HCL has given us the opportunity to bring our solutions to the upper right side of the Magic Quadrant. We have an incredible team that have been working on this day and night to make it happen!