The Top 7 Day 2 DevOps Challenges

As DevOps enters its second decade – a “Day 2” phase – high-performing industry leaders are exploring new architectures and new automation to deliver software faster and more responsibly in a world of expanding complexity. Agile practices, pipeline automation, and continuous delivery are now Day 1 table stakes. Many companies are taking the next step into Agile-Lean practices and advanced operational monitoring. New ways of designing, automating, and working are the new norm.

But the truth is, DevOps at scale is challenging. Since digital transformation is very much a journey, paralyzing challenges can arise if not anticipated or addressed early in the process.

Download the free ebook - The Top 7 Day 2 DevOps Challenges - to learn the obstacles facing enterprise-level organizations in their DevOps journeys and, more importantly, how you can identify and overcome these challenges in your own organization.