• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The WebSphere Application Server – Install plugin includes steps used to install the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

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The WebSphere Application Server Install plugin includes steps that are related to installing WebSphere Application Server.

The plugin also includes a sample application that automates a standard installation of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. This application is provided as an example and must be modified or used as a guide for creating your own installation process.

This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


The sample application supports IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 8.0 and later.


See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
10 Upgrade the dependency version on the Versioned File Storage plugin.



Setting up the HCL Launch application

An HCL Launch application and several components are imported when you install the WebSphere Application Server Install plugin. The application includes processes that install and uninstall WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment and IBM HTTP Server. The application is intended as an example. You must create similar applications, by using the provided application as a reference, or customize the application to suit your needs.

The provided HCL Launch application uses IBM Installation Manager to install WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server. IBM Installation Manager must be installed on the target system. The provided application uses a source repository to install WebSphere Application Server, instead of a response file. You can set up a source repository on a network and access the repository by using a URL of the form https://server.example.com/product/repository. Alternately, install the files on a computer and access the files by using an absolute path, such as C:\installation_files\repository.config. For more information, see Repositories in the IBM Installation Manager help.

The provided HCL Launch application demonstrates how you can use an IBM Installation Manager response file to install IBM HTTP Server. A response file is an XML file that contains information on how to complete the installation process. You create a response file by recording your responses when you use IBM Installation Manager to install a product. For more information, see Response files in the IBM Installation Manager documentation.

To run the sample application, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up an HCL Launch server, version or later.
  2. Install the WebSphere Application Server Deploy plugin, version 76 or later.
  3. Install the IBM Installation Manager plugin, version 3 or later.
  4. Install the WebSphere Application Server Install plugin.
  5. Install an HCL Launch agent on the host where you plan to install WebSphere Application Server.
  6. Install IBM Installation Manager on the host where you plan to install WebSphere Application Server.
  7. In HCL Launch, go to the Settings page, then click Statuses. Under Inventory Statuses, click Add Status. In the Add Status window, specify the name Installed and then click Save.
  8. Go to the Resources page and then click Create Top-Level Group to add a top-level group to the resource tree.
  9. Select the new top-level group and then select Add Agent from the Actions list.
  10. Under the agent, click Actions > Add Component and then add each of the new components:
    • IBM HTTP Server
    • WebSphere ND
    • WebSphere Deployment Manager
    • WebSphere Node
  11. Create versions for the imported components. You can use the udclient command-line tool to create versions. To learn more about the command-line client, see Installing the command line client topic in the product help. Commands for the udclient tool look similar to the following text:

    udclient -username admin -password admin -weburl https://localhost:8443
    createVersion -component "IBM HTTP Server" -name 8.5.5000.20130514_1044
  12. The process for the IBM HTTP Server component requires that you add artifacts to the component version. The IBM HTTP Server component requires an Installation Manager response file, which is used to install IBM HTTP Server. Name the response file responseFile.xml. The IBM HTTP Server component version name must be a valid installation package name. For example, 8.5.5000.20130514_1044 is a valid package name. An example response file is included in the WebSphere Application Server Install plugin archive file. Commands that use the udclient tool to add artifacts to component versions look similar to the following text.

    udclient -username admin -password admin -weburl https://localhost:8443 addVersionFiles -component "IBM HTTP Server" -version 8.5.5000.20130514_1044 -base /tmp/IHS_response

  13. Go to the Applications page, click WebSphere Application Server Cell, and then click the WebSphere Application Server Install environment.
  14. Click Add Base Resources and then select the top-level group, agent, and all four components.
  15. Click Configuration > Environment Properties, and then enter values for all properties.
  16. Go to the Components page, and then click WebSphere ND > Versions. Click the version that you created, and then click Configuration > Version Properties. Specify the Installation Manager Repository and Version Name. The version name must be a format similar to the following text: com.ibm.websphere.ND.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044.
  17. On the Components page, click IBM HTTP Server > Versions. Click the version that you created, and then click Configuration > Version Properties. Specify the Installation Manager Repository.
  18. On the Components page, click WebSphere Deployment Manager > Configuration > Component Properties. Review the default values and change the values as needed.
  19. On the Components page, click WebSphere Node > Configuration > Component Properties. Review the default values and change the values as needed.
  20. Go to the Applications page, then click WebSphere Application Server Cell. Click Request Process for the environment, clear Only Changed Versions, and select Install from the Process list. Click Choose Versions, and then select for all > latest available. Click OK, and then click Submit.



The following process steps are available in the WebSphere Application Server Install plugin.

Create Deployment Manager Profile

Creates a Deployment Manager Profile

Input properties for the Create Deployment Manager Profile step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Dmgr Profile Template Path String Path to the template of the profile that will be created No
WAS Admin Password Password Password to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Admin Username String Username to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Cell Name String Optional overide of the WAS Cell Name No
WAS Host Name String Optional overide of the WAS Host Name No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Node Name String Optional overide of the WAS Node Name No
WAS Ports File String Optional overide to provide ports file for cell create to use No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the new profile to create No
WAS Profile Path String Directory to place the new profile in No

Create Node Profile

Creates a Node profile

Input properties for the Create Node Profile step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Node Profile Template Path String Path to the template for the profile to create No
WAS Admin Password Password Password to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Admin Username String Username to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Cell Name String Optional overide of the WAS Cell Name No
WAS Host Name String Optional overide of the WAS Host Name No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Node Name String Optional overide of the WAS Node Name No
WAS Ports File String Optional overide to provide ports file for cell create to use No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the new profile to create No
WAS Profile Path String Directory to place the new profile in No

Install WebSphere Application Server

Installs Webshere Application Server

Input properties for the Install WebSphere Application Server step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
IBM Installation Manager Home String Path IBM Installation Manager is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager. No
IM Shared String Location of the IM Shared location No
Java IM Repository String Starting in WAS 9, the IBM Java SDK must be installed alongside WAS. In thie field, specify the location of the repository where IBM Java SDK is stored, if the repository differs from the WAS repository (this may be in the format C:\installation_files\repository.config or https://hostname:8081). No
Java Version String Starting in WAS 9, the IBM Java SDK must be installed alongside WAS. In thie field, specify the version of IBM Java SDK to install as described in the source repository (for example, com.ibm.java.jdk.v8_8.0.3000.20160526_1317.jar). No
WAS IM Repository String Location of the repository where WAS is stored (this may be in the format C:\installation_files\repository.config or https://hostname:8081). No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer). No
WAS Version String Version of WAS ND to install as described in the source repository (for example, com.ibm.websphere.ND.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044) No

Remove Deployment Manager Profile

Removes a Deployment Manager profile

Input properties for the Remove Deployment Manager Profile step
Name Type Description Required
Delete Profile Directory Boolean Determines if the profiles directory should be deleted after the manageprofiles command completes. No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the profile to remove No
WAS Profile Path String Directory of the profile No

Remove Node Profile

Removes a node profile

Input properties for the Remove Node Profile step
Name Type Description Required
Delete Profile Directory Boolean Determines if the profiles directory should be deleted after the manageprofiles command completes. No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the profile to remove No
WAS Profile Path String Directory of the node No

Start Deployment Manager

Starts the Deployment Manager

Input properties for the Start Deployment Manager step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password of the WAS administrator user No
WAS Admin Username String WAS user with administrator privileges No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer). No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the new Deployment Manager No

Start Node

Starts a Node

Input properties for the Start Node step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Admin Username String Username to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the profile to start No

Start and Register Node

Starts and registers a node

Input properties for the Start and Register Node step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password of the WAS administrator user No
WAS Admin Username String WAS user with administrator privileges No
WAS Deployment Manager Hostname String Hostname of the deployment manager No
WAS Deployment Manager Port String Port of the deployment manager No
WAS Profile Path String Directory to place the new profile in No

Stop Deployment Manager

Stops the Deployment Manager

Input properties for the Stop Deployment Manager step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password of the WAS administrator user No
WAS Admin Username String WAS user with administrator privileges No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the profile to stop No

Stop Node

Stops a Node

Input properties for the Stop Node step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Admin Username String Username to set for the WAS administrator account No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No
WAS Profile Name String Name of the profile to stop No

Stop WebSphere Application Server Process

Stops the Webshere Application Server process

Input properties for the Stop WebSphere Application Server Process step
Name Type Description Required
WAS Admin Password Password Password of the WAS administrator user No
WAS Admin Username String WAS user with administrator privileges No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No

Uninstall WebSphere Application Server

Uninstalls Webshere Application Server

Input properties for the Uninstall WebSphere Application Server step
Name Type Description Required
IBM Installation Manager install path String Path IBM Installation Manager is installed to. No
Version String Version of WAS to uninstall (for example, com.ibm.websphere.ND.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044) No
WAS Install Path String Path WAS is installed to (for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) No


Uploaded: 23-Mar-2023 09:43


Uploaded: 10-Mar-2021 14:26

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