• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history

What’s New?

User can add any JQL query while integrating the plugin as per requirements .


Jira is an issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian. The Jira plugin provides an integration with Jira to import and work with Jira work items.

Quick Info

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DevOps Velocity (HCL Accelerate)
Plugin type icon


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HCL Accelerate version 2.0 or later
created by icon

Created by

HCL Software
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Published Date

Last Updated


The Jira plugin provides for integration with a Jira server. This plugin imports Jira issues and saves them as HCL Accelerate issues. Data between the Jira server and the HCL Accelerate server is synchronized every five minutes.


This plugin requires HCL Accelerate version 2.0 or later.

Upgrade notes

Beginning with HCL Accelerate version 2.4.0 users must enter a user access key is required to connect with the HCL Accelerate server. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you must obtain and add the key to the HCL Accelerate User Access Key configuration property. If the user access key is not added, the integration fails.

JQL Query

User can add their own customized JQL query for fetching specific issues . For further reference regarding JQL queries and how to use them , please follow the link https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwareserver0820/advanced-searching-1095249245.html


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
2.2.5 Added Project keys,
Moved JQL to hidden properties.
2.1.1 Added JQL Query,
Removed Project Keys.
1.1.95 Graphiql Performance Improved,
Raw Issue Size Reduced.
1.1.94 Reducing Vulnerabilities.
1.1.89 Initial Sync Data added,
Payload size more than 10MB data issue resolved,
Reintroduce base path,
Labels updated,
Debug logs added.
1.0.80 Enhanced support for epics/ features.
1.0.74 Minor enhancements.
1.0.64 ReSync support added (support starts with HCL Accelerate version 2.4.4 or later).
Auto-generated User Access Key support added (support starts with HCL Accelerate version 2.4.0 or later).
1.0.51 Minor enhancements.
1.0.50 Jira rate limit issue fix.
1.0.49 Minor bug fix.



To use the Jira plugin, the plugin must be loaded and an instance created before you can configure the plugin integration. You define configuration properties in the user interface or in a JSON file.

Integration type

The Jira plugin supports scheduled events integration which are listed in the following table.

Scheduled events
Name Description
SyncJiraDataEvent Synchronize data from a Jira server.


There are two methods to integrate the plugin:

  • Using the user interface
  • Using a JSON file

The tables in the Configuration properties topic describe the properties used to define the integration.

Using the user interface

  1. From the Plugins page, click Settings > Integrations > Plugins.
  2. Under the Action column for the plugin, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration page enter values for the fields used to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Save.

Using a JSON file

The JSON file contains the information for creating a value stream. Within the JSON file is a section for integrations. It is in this section that plugin properties can be defined.

  1. From a value stream page, download the value stream map. The value stream map is a JSON file used to define integrations.
  2. Edit the JSON file to include the plugin configuration properties.
  3. Save and upload the JSON file. This replaces the current JSON file with the new content.
  4. View the new integration on the Integrations page.

Minimum permission to integrate with Jira

The Jira Account used to generate the access token must have access to the project which is being integrated with HCL Accelerate.

Configuration Properties


The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name when using a JSON file.

  • The General Configuration Properties table describes configuration properties used by all plugin integrations.
  • The Jira Configuration Properties table describes the configuration properties that define the connection and communications with the Jira server.

Some properties might not be displayed in the user interface, to see all properties enable the Show Hidden Properties field.

General Configuration properties
Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plugin that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the version named latest is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging Level The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of plugin configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the Jira server. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plugin. The value for the Jira plugin is ucv-ext-jira. Yes type
HCL Accelerate User Access Key An auto-generated user access key provides credentials for communicating with the HCL Accelerate server. Yes NA














Jira Configuration Properties
Name Type Description Required
Access Token String The access token for oauth authentication with the Jira server. No
Access Token Secret String The access token secret for oauth authentication with the Jira server. No
Consumer Key String The consumer key for oauth authentication with the Jira server. No
Consumer Secret String The consumer secret for oauth authentication with the Jira server. No
Projects Array A list of Jira project to import data from. No
JQL Query String Any valid JQL Query. No
Proxy Server String The URL of the proxy server including the port number. No
Proxy User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server. No
Proxy Password String The password used to authenticate with the proxy server. No
URL String The base URL of the Jira server. Yes
User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the Jira server. No
Custom Field Mapping Multiline Map Jira fields to the fields expected by this server as a Name Value pair, eg: “Epic Link”: “Epic field in Jira”, “Sprint”: “Sprint field in Jira”, “Story Points”: “Story field in Jira. Yes

JSON code sample

The following sample code can be used as a template to define the integration within the JSON file for a value stream. Copy and paste the template into the JSON file Integration section and make the appropriate changes.

 "integrations": [
      "type": "ucv-ext-jira",
      "tenant_id": "tenantid",
      "name": "Jira_Plugin ",
      "properties": {
        "baseUrl": "jira_server_url",
        "username": "jira_server_user_name",
        "password": "jira_server_password",
        "consumer_key": null,
        "consumer_secret": null,
        "access_token": null,
        "access_token_secret": null,
        "jiraProjects":["John-Project","John-Project 2"],
        "jiraJql":"project in ("John-Project")",
        "proxyServer": "proxy_server_url",
        "proxyUsername": "proxy_server_user_name",
        "proxyPassword": "proxy_server_password"
    }  ]

Custom Field Mapping

The plugin assumes that the Jira server uses the fields names for Epics, Sprint and Story Points as  ‘Epic Link’, ‘Sprint’ and Story Points’. If the Jira server uses different field names than these, then the ‘Custom Field Mapping’ plugin property can be used to map the Jira field names to the above default field names assumed by the plugin. The field names can be mapped as name value pairs.

Example of a custom field mapping:

“Epic Link”: “Epic field name in Jira server”, “Sprint”: “Sprint field name in Jira server”, “Story Points”: “Story field name in Jira server”




Uploaded: 04-Apr-2024 10:17

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.3.17

Release Notes

  • Bug Fix: Plugin now supports proxy server enabled Jira integration, the configuration page is enhanced to capture proxy server details to enable this functionality


Uploaded: 19-Feb-2024 07:03

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.3.14

Release Notes

  • Improved ReSync functionality


Uploaded: 12-Feb-2024 12:14


Uploaded: 11-Jan-2024 10:24

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.3.12

Release Notes

  • Added request timeout option


Uploaded: 13-Sep-2023 10:45

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.3.9

Release Notes

  • Fixed version-check bug in jira plugin
  • Resync functionality improved


Uploaded: 01-Aug-2023 05:34

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.3.6

Release Notes

  • Bug Fix: Earlier version of the Plugin could not handle 429 error (too many requests). Now it is handling it.


Uploaded: 14-Feb-2023 11:11

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.9

Release Notes

  • Minor Bug Fix: Previous version of plugin was failing with ECONNREFUSED error.


Uploaded: 26-Sep-2022 11:27

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.8

Release Notes

  • Deployment plan task added for release process: Deployment plan task created in order to release selected version in the task.


Uploaded: 08-Sep-2022 12:42

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.7

Release Notes

  • Previous Version Bug Fix: Previous versions of the plugin had a bug due to which plugin was giving 401 error.
  • Added Category: Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the category of Jira plugin.


Uploaded: 24-Aug-2022 08:28

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.6

Release Notes

  • Resolved Incorrect URL Link Issue: The URL link of the VSM dot for redirecting to work-item on Jira server/site was incorrect in previous version of plugi


Uploaded: 02-Aug-2022 05:43

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.5

Release Notes

  • Added Project keys


Uploaded: 22-Apr-2022 10:53

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.4

Release Notes

  • Bug Fix


Uploaded: 09-Mar-2022 14:04

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:2.2.1

Release Notes

  • Jira Query Language Added
  • Removed Project Keys
  • Initial Sync Date Removed from Plugin side
  • Logging Added


Uploaded: 28-Feb-2022 10:27

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.1.95

Release Notes

  • graphiql performance improvement
  • raw issue reduced


Uploaded: 28-Feb-2022 09:17

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.1.94

Release Notes

  • Reduced vulnerabilities


Uploaded: 24-Jan-2022 06:49

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.1.89

Release Notes

  • Initial Sync Data added
  • more than 10mb data issue resolved
  • Reintroduce base path
  • Labels Updated
  • Debug logs added


Uploaded: 03-Dec-2021 06:29

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.83

Release Notes

  • UAK Changes


Uploaded: 27-Oct-2021 13:41

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.80

Release Notes

  • epic support


Uploaded: 29-Sep-2021 05:49

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.74

Release Notes

  • epic support


Uploaded: 19-Aug-2021 12:30

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.65

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: UAK support for older versions


Uploaded: 11-Aug-2021 06:52

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.64

Release Notes

  • Auto-generated User Access Key support added
  • ReSync support added


Uploaded: 06-Jul-2021 08:12

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.52

Release Notes

  • remove basePath in Jira client


Uploaded: 11-Jun-2021 14:02

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.51

Release Notes

  • Removed the display of auth token in error logs


Uploaded: 28-May-2021 05:42

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.50

Release Notes

  • Jira rate limit issue fix


Uploaded: 03-May-2021 13:32

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.49

Release Notes

  • Removed IBM related keywords


Uploaded: 08-Feb-2021 07:36

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-jira:1.0.39

Release Notes

  • Bug fix

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