• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


GitHub is a Git repository hosting service. It provides tools to manage artifacts on the Git repository. The GitHub plug-in imports Git artifacts based on queries for issues, commits and pull requests.

Quick Info

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HCL DevOps Velocity (HCL Accelerate)
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HCL DevOps Velocity version 2.0 or later
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Published Date

Last Updated


The GitHub plugin provides for integration with a GitHub server. This plugin imports issues, pull requests, and commit data from a GitHub server and saves them as HCL DevOps Velocity issues. Data between the GitHub server and the HCL DevOps Velocity server is synchronized every five minutes.


This plugin supports Cloud and On-Premises platform

Upgrade notes

Beginning with HCL DevOps Velocity version 2.4.0 users must enter a user access key is required to connect with the HCL DevOps Velocity server. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you must obtain and add the key to the HCL DevOps Velocity User Access Key configuration property. If the user access key is not added, the integration fails.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
1.1.18 ReSync support added (support starts with HCL DevOps Velocity version 2.4.4 or later).
Auto-generated User Access Key support added (support starts with HCL DevOps Velocity version 2.4.0 or later).
1.1.1 Added support to pull commits from additional branches
1.0.42 Minor updates
1.0.40 Import GitHub issues


To use the GitHub plugin, the plugin must be loaded and an instance created before you can configure the plugin integration. You define configuration properties in the user interface or in a JSON file.

Integration type

The GitHub plugin supports scheduled events integration which are listed in the following table.

Scheduled events
Name Description
syncGithubIssuesEvent Queries the GitHub repository for issues.
syncGithubCommitsEvent Queries the GitHub repository for commits.
syncGithubPullRequestsEvent Queries the GitHub repository for pull requests.


To install the plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Settings > Integrations > Available.
  2. In the Action column for the GitHub plug-in, click Install.

There are two methods to integrate the plug-in:

  • Using the user interface
  • Using a JSON file

The tables in the Configuration properties topic describe the properties used to define the integration.

Integrating the plug-in by using user interface

To integrate the plug-in using the user interface, perform the following steps:

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Settings > Integrations > Installed.
  2. In the Action column for the GitHub plug-in, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration dialog, enter the values for the fields to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Add.

Integrating the plug-in by using JSON file

The JSON file contains the information for creating a value stream. Within the JSON file is a section for integrations. It is in this section that plugin properties can be defined. Refer to the JSON sample code in the Configuration Properties section.

To integrate the plug-in using a JSON, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to value stream page, and then click the necessary value stream.
  2. Click  icon, and then Select Edit value stream to modify the JSON file in the code or tree view editors.
    Alternatively, you can also click Download JSON option to download the JSON file, and then select the Import JSON option to upload the revised JSON file.
  3. Edit the integration information in the JSON file to add the plug-in configuration properties. Refer to JSON sample code in the Configuration Properties section more details.
  4. Click Save.

Minimum permission to integrate with GitHub

The access token generated from GitHub server requires the Full control of private repositories permission to connect to the Github.

Wildcard Functionality added in this Plugin:

Wildcard functionality: A new way to specify multiple repositories in the GitHub plugin without having to manually modify the integration each time. Regular expressions would be most valuable and dynamic. Example: ucv-ext-*, repo-name*, *repo*-abc. to specify multiple repositories which containe the same pattern in their name.

Previously: Must list every plugin manually to be imported. Example: ucv-ext-jira, ucv-ext-appscan, ucv-ext-sonarqube
With this functionality : Single regex will import all repositories. Example: ucv-ext-*.

Configuration Properties

The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name when using a JSON file.

  • The General Configuration Properties table describes configuration properties used by all plugin integrations.
  • The GitHub Configuration Properties table describes the GitHub configuration properties that define the connection and communications with the GitHub server.

Some properties might not be displayed in the user interface, to see all properties enable the Show Hidden Properties field.

General Configuration properties
Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plugin that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the latest version is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging Level The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the GitHub server. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plugin. The value for the GitHub plugin is ucv-ext-github Yes type
HCL DevOps Velocity User Access Key An auto-generated user access key provides credentials for communicating with the HCL DevOps Velocity server. Yes NA
GitHub Plugin Properties
Name Type Description Required
API URL String The URL to the REST API v3 for the GitHub instance. Yes
Owner String The owner name of the GitHub repository. Yes
Repositories Array Comma seperated list of Github Repository names (separated by comma). Regular expression is enabled (Example: ucv-ext-*, repo-name*, *repo*-abc) Yes
branch String GitHub repositories branch, The branch to pull commits from. No
Token String The token to use to authenticate with the GitHub repository. No
Additional branches Array Comma seperated additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed. No
Proxy Server String The URL of the proxy server including the port number. No
Proxy User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server. No
Proxy Password String The password used to authenticate with the proxy server. No

JSON code sample

The following sample code can be used as a template to define the integration within the JSON file for a value stream. Copy and paste the template into the JSON file Integration section and make the appropriate changes.

         "proxyServer": "proxy_server_url",
         "proxyUsername": "proxy_server_user_name",
         "proxyPassword": "proxy_server_password"



Altering the ‘repositories’ field in the settings will not automatically eliminate any pre-existing data from older integrations. If your goal is to solely display information related to the newly updated repository, it’s necessary to first remove the old integration. After that, you can create a new integration that includes the updated list of repositories.


Uploaded: 26-Dec-2024 02:00

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.5.1

Release Notes

  • Updated the GitHub plug-in to sync the PR description and you can use the PR description in the link rules section of the vsm.json file. In the GitHubMapper function under mapGitPullRequests, added the description field (description: pr.bodyText).


  • This version of plug-in is compatible only with the HCL DevOps Velocity 5.0.11 or later.


Uploaded: 09-Sep-2024 08:35

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.4.19

Release Notes

  • Plugin is enhanced to support “Draft pull requests” - this feature is useful to categorize draft pull requests into VSM view.


  • Our current version of GitHub Integration, only supports Velocity versions 5.0.8 and later.


Uploaded: 25-Jul-2024 05:44

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.4.17

Release Notes

  • Fix Pull Request sync with the newest versions of the GitHub Api


Uploaded: 15-Nov-2023 12:15

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.4.16

Release Notes

  • Enhancement: This enhancement modifies the plugins synchronization behavior following a failure. Previously, the plugin would resume syncing from the date of the last successful synchronization. Now, it has been updated to continue syncing commits, pull-requests, and issues from the point where it last synced before the failure. This change ensures more accurate and efficient data synchronization by reducing the likelihood of missing or duplicating data in cases where the plugin had partially synced before encountering an issue.


Uploaded: 08-Sep-2023 12:45

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.4.7

Release Notes

  • Wild Card feature for additional branches field in GitHub Plugin


Uploaded: 05-Jun-2023 08:31

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.4.5

Release Notes

  • Feature: Syncing Yaml files from different repositories
    Note - This feature is only supported in Accelerate versions 4.0.11 or above .


Uploaded: 09-May-2023 19:05

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.3.46

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: Previous version was failing for upload commit of large size.


Uploaded: 26-Oct-2022 06:38

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.3.35

Release Notes

  • Minor Enhancements


Uploaded: 25-Oct-2022 16:42

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.3.34

Release Notes

  • Removed Manual User Access Key: From current version onwards this plugin will only support Auto Generated User Access Key feature of HCL Accelerate.
  • Added Category:ALM | SCM | BUILD are the categories of Github plugin . Also added global regex pattern to generate default link rule.


Uploaded: 31-May-2022 07:19

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.3.31

Release Notes

  • Updated rest client to latest


Uploaded: 22-Apr-2022 11:38

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.3.29

Release Notes

  • New feature added - Query for CI processes using GitHub Actions in a repository


Uploaded: 28-Feb-2022 16:38

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.2.25

Release Notes

  • Global Initial Sync date feature


Uploaded: 28-Jan-2022 15:02

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.2.24

Release Notes

  • Primary and secondary API rate limit fix
  • Labels Updated
  • Additional branch error fix
  • Wildcard functionality added
  • Initail sync date added
  • Debug logs added


Uploaded: 03-Dec-2021 06:23

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.1.22

Release Notes

  • UAK changes


Uploaded: 19-Aug-2021 12:38

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.1.20

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: UAK support for older versions


Uploaded: 11-Aug-2021 07:01

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.1.18

Release Notes

  • Auto-generated User Access Key support added
  • ReSync support added


Uploaded: 23-Jul-2021 12:13

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-github:1.1.15

Release Notes

  • Labels bug fix


Uploaded: 14-Jul-2021 11:19


Uploaded: 22-Jun-2021 11:38


Uploaded: 10-May-2021 08:23


Uploaded: 16-Mar-2021 06:21


Uploaded: 08-Feb-2021 07:34

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