• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin includes steps to manage the configuration of multiple IBM WebSphere Application Server instances. JSON files are used to manage the WebSphere Application Server configurations.

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The IBM WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin includes steps to manage the configuration of multiple IBM WebSphere Application Server instances. JSON files are used to manage WebSphere Application Server configurations.

This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


This plugin supports IBM WebSphere Application Server versions 6.1, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0 or later.

This plugin uses the wsadmin tool to manage connections to an IBM WebSphere Application Server profile. Specific user rights are required to run the wsadmin tool. For more information about the wsadmin tool and the required user rights, see Getting started with wsadmin scripting topic in the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment documentation.


See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.

Database queries are used to create roles when you install this plugin. If DB2 SQL error messages are logged during installation, increase the transaction log size in DB2. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

90Handles space in WAS LDAP realm name.

Plugin history details
Version Description
93 Fixed the defect in v92 which shows error with respect to log4j library for few steps.
92 Log4j dependency updated.
[This version has a defect related to log4j library with few steps. v93 is recommended.]
91 Resolves issue where ‘Apply’ of an MQQueue Snippet deleted all existing MQQueues.



The following process steps are available in the WAS Configure plugin.

WebSphere Create Configuration Snippet

Extract a resource and any child resources from WebSphere configuration data by resource name.

Input properties for the WebSphere Create Configuration Snippet step
Name Type Description Required
Create Snippet File for each Resource Boolean If this option is selected, a separate snippet file will be created for each extracted resource. File names will be in the format of the file name specified in the Extracted Snippet File field with the file name ending with [Object Type]_[Integer].json No
Extracted Snippet File String Name and location of the configuration snippet file to create containing the extracted resource. For example: /tmp/extractedResource.json. Leave blank if this file is not desired. No
New Configuration File String Name and location of a file to be created which contains everything in the original configuration file minus the resource that was extracted. For example: /tmp/newConfigData.json. Useful for removing items from a configuration file. Leave blank if this file is not desired. No
Object Types to Extract String New line separated list of WebSphere object types to extract. Each occurance of a resource with the specified object types in the configuraiton data will have a snippet created for it. No
Original Configuration File String Name and location of the configuration file. For example: /tmp/configData.json Yes
Paths of Resources to Extract String New line separated list of resource paths to extract. The values must match the path properties of resources in the configuration data. No

WebSphere Extract Configuration Data

Parse a WebSphere configuration file into cell, node, cluster, and server components.

Input properties for the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Configuration File String The full path to the configuration file. For example: /tmp/discoveredConfig.json Yes
Output Directory String The location where the extracted and templatized data is stored. Yes

WebSphere Merge Configuration Files

Merges all configuration data files in the working directory to one file.

Input properties for the WebSphere Merge Configuration Files step
Name Type Description Required
Output File String Name and location of a file to be created which contains the merged configuration data. Yes

WebSphere Templatize Cell Configuration Data

Templatize WebSphere cell configuration data.

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Cell Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Did Discovery Collect Cell Configuration Only? Boolean Select if the discovery process only collected Cell configuration data (and did not discover any Nodes, Servers, Clusters). Clear if discovery was run against the cell and all configuration data was captured. If selected, your process does not include the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step. No
Dmgr/Application Server Node String Some security settings may include the name of the node that hosts the deployment manager (WAS ND) or an application server (WAS Base). If the Did Discovery Collect Cell Configuration Only checkbox is checked and you wish to tokenize the node name value, enter the node name in this field. No
Dmgr/Application Server Node Host Name String Some security settings may include the host name of the node that hosts the deployment manager (WAS ND) or an application server (WAS Base). If the Did Discovery Collect Cell Configuration Only checkbox is checked and you wish to tokenize the node host name value, enter the node host name in this field. No
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Output Directory String The location where the extracted and templatized data is stored. Yes
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No

WebSphere Templatize Cluster Configuration Data

Templatizes WebSphere cluster configuration data

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Cluster Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String If discovery was run on a cluster only, specify the name of the cell that contains the cluster. No
Cluster Name String Name of the cluster to templatize. Enter ALL to templatize all available clusters. Yes
Configuration file String If discovery was run on a cluster only, specify the location of the discovered configuration file. No
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Output Directory String Location where the extracted and templatized data is stored Yes
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Use Multiplicity Boolean Select to use the multiplicity feature. Use the multiplicity feature to specify a number of cluster members (servers) to create when applying configuration changes. For example, you can specify that three cluster members are each created on node A and node B. Cluster members are then created based on a single server template. If you do not use the multiplicity feature, create server components for each cluster member. No
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No
Was Discovery Run On a Cluster Only? Boolean Select if the discovery process step was run against a specific cluster resource role. Clear if discovery was run against the cell. If selected, your process will not include the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step. No

WebSphere Templatize Node Configuration Data

Templatizes WebSphere node configuration data.

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Node Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String If discovery was run on a node only, specifiy the name of the Cell that contains the node. No
Configuration file String If discovery was run on a node only, specify the location of the discovered configuration file. No
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to templatize Yes
Output Directory String The location where the extracted and templatized data is stored. Yes
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No
Was Discovery Run On a Node Only? Boolean Select if the discovery process step was run against a specific node resource role. Clear if discovery was run against the cell. If selected, your process will not include the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step. No

WebSphere Templatize Server Configuration Data

Templatize WebSphere Server configuration data.

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Server Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String If discovery was run on a server only, specify the name of the cell that contains the server. No
Configuration file String If discovery was run on a server only, specify the location of the discovered configuration file. No
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Node Host Name String If discovery was run on a server only, specify the host name of the node that contains the server. No
Node Name String Name of the node that contains the server. Yes
Output Directory String The location where the extracted and templatized data is stored. Yes
Server Name String Name of the server to templatize. Enter ALL to templatize all available servers. Yes
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No
Was Discovery Run On a Server Only? Boolean Select if the discovery process step was run against a specific server resource role. Clear if discovery was run against the cell. If selected, your process will not include the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step. No

WebSphere Templatize Server for Cluster Configuration Data

Templatizes WebSphere cluster Member configuration data

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Server for Cluster Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String If discovery was run on a server only, specifiy the name of the cell that contains the server. No
Cluster Name String Name of the cluster the server will be a member of. Yes
Configuration file String If discovery was run on a server only, specify the location of the discovered configuration file. No
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Node Host Name String If discovery was run on a server only, specify the host name of the node that contains the server. No
Node Name String Name of the node that contains the server. Yes
Output Directory String The location where the extracted and templatized data is stored. Yes
Server Name String Name of the server to templatize. Yes
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No
Was Discovery Run On a Server Only? Boolean Select if the discovery process step was run against a specific server resource role. Clear if discovery was run against the cell. If selected, your process will not include the WebSphere Extract Configuration Data step. No

WebSphere Templatize Snippet Configuration Data

Templatize a snippet of configuration data.

Input properties for the WebSphere Templatize Snippet Configuration Data step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String If you want to templatize the cell name, enter the cell name. No
Cluster Name String If you want to templatize the cluster name, enter the cluster name No
Configuration file String Location and name of the configuration file to templatize. (example: /tmp/config.json) Yes
End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
Node Host Name String If you want to templatize the node host name, enter the node host name No
Node Name String If you want to templatize the node name, enter the node name No
Output File String Location and name of file to use to store the templatized data. For example: /tmp/foo/snippet.json Yes
Server Name String If you want to templatize the server name, enter the server name No
Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. Yes
User Defined Tokenization String To tokenize or change values in the configuration data, specify a new line separated list of values in the format stringToReplace->newValue. For example, entering the value abcd1234->@NewToken@ will replace every occurrence of abcd1234 in your configuration file with @NewToken@. No

WebSphere Configuration Apply

Apply the configuration for a given resource.

Input properties for the WebSphere Configuration Apply step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Logging Level Enumeration The logging and trace level to use when applying the configuration. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No
Only Update/Create Configuration Objects Boolean When selected, configuration objects that exist in WebSphere Application Server but are not present in the configuration file are not deleted when the configuration is applied. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that contains the configuration data to apply. No
WebSphere Configuration Types String A newline or comma separated list of the configuration types to be available for Configuration Discovery and Apply steps. No

WebSphere Configuration Compare

Export the live cell configuration based on the same object types in the input configuration and compare them.

Input properties for the WebSphere Configuration Compare step
Name Type Description Required
Attributes to Ignore String A newline separated list of attributes which will be ignored during the comparison. The format is WebSphere Object Type, Attribute Name, Json Role Property. For example, DataSource,providerType,websphere.datasource.providertype. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Component Process Request ID String The request ID which will be used to track the comparison REST call No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Logging Level Enumeration The logging and trace level to use for configuration comparison. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Properties to Ignore String A newline separated list of names of WebSphere Property objects which will be ignored during the comparison. No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that contains the configuration data to apply. No
WebSphere Configuration Types String A newline or comma separated list of the configuration types (WebSphere objects) to be available for Configuration Discovery and Apply steps. No

WebSphere Configuration Discovery

Discover all known configuration objects and create resources for each under a root resource, apply the correct role, and set the role properties.

Input properties for the WebSphere Configuration Discovery step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Configuration Output File String The file that stores the discovered configuration data. No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Limit Discovery Scope Enumeration By default, when discovery is run at a scope (Cell, Node, Server, or Cluster), discovery obtains configuration data for all objects underneath that scope. For example, if discovery is run at the Cell scope, all Nodes, Clusters, and Servers is also discovered. Use this field to limit the scope of discovery. For example, if this field is set to Cell, only the Cell configuration is discovered (configuration data for Nodes, Clusters, and Servers is not discovered). Valid values are None, Cell, Cell and Clusters, and Node. No
Logging Level Enumeration Select the logging and trace level to use for configuration discovery. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Configuration Types String A newline or comma separated list of the configuration types (WebSphere objects) to be available for Configuration Discovery and Apply steps. No
wsadmin Max Heap String The javaoption passed to the wsadmin command. No

WebSphere Configuration Partial Apply

Apply the configuration for a given resource.

Input properties for the WebSphere Configuration Partial Apply step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Logging Level Enumeration The logging and trace level to use when applying the configuration. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that contains the configuration data to apply. No
WebSphere Configuration Types String A newline or comma separated list of the configuration types (WebSphere objects) which is created/updated. Configuration types not in this list is not created/updated. If a configuraiton type is specified but does not exist in your configuration data, no action is taken. If this field is blank, all supported object types in the configuration data is created/updated. No

WebSphere Configuration Partial Remove

Remove the configuration for a given resource.

Input properties for the WebSphere Configuration Partial Remove step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Logging Level Enumeration The logging and trace level to use when applying the configuration. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that contains the configuration data to apply. No
WebSphere Configuration Types String A newline or comma separated list of the configuration types (WebSphere objects) which is removed. Configuration types not in this list will not be remove. If a configuraiton type is specified but does not exist in your configuration data, no action is taken. If this field is blank, all supported object types in the configuration data is removed. No

WebSphere Get Compare Result

This step will report on the result of the WebSphere Configuration Compare step. It creates output properties indicating the result the comparison and a link to the comparison process.

Input properties for the WebSphere Get Compare Result step
Name Type Description Required
Component Process Request ID String The request ID which will be used to track the comparison REST call No
Fail When Differences Found Boolean If this box is checked, the step will have a status of Failure if differences are found. If the box is unchecked, it has a status of Success whether differences are found or not. No
Logging Level Enumeration The logging/trace level for the configuration compare. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. No



You use JSON files to manage WebSphere Application Server configuration. The configuration data is stored in a series of JSON files. The JSON files can be grouped to represent cell and Deployment Manager configurations, node and node agent configurations, cluster and cluster member configurations, and configurations for other WebSphere objects. You can then associate the groups of JSON files with HCL Launch components, which allow for assigning versions to the JSON files. You can also create processes to apply configurations and configuration changes to WebSphere Application Server instances.

Step palette

To access this plugin in the palette, click Application Server > Java > WebSphere > Configuration .

Settings and Roles


The plugin adds the following roles automatically to resources. You cannot add these roles manually.



Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AccessPointGroup

Properties for the WebSphereAccessPointGroup role
Name Type Description
Member Communication Key String The Member Communication Key for this WebSphere AccessPointGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AccessPointGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AccessPointGroup Reference

Properties for the WebSphereAccessPointGroupRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere AccessPointGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Action

Properties for the WebSphereAction role
Name Type Description
Continue String The Continue for this WebSphere Action
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Action
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere Action
Type String The Type for this WebSphere Action
Value String The Value for this WebSphere Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ActivationSpec

Properties for the WebSphereActivationSpec role
Name Type Description
Activation Spec Class String The Activation Spec Class for this WebSphere ActivationSpec


Role for resources that represent a WebSphere Activation Spec Reference

Properties for the WebSphereActivationSpecRef role
Name Type Description
Activation Spec Class String The class of the referenced WebSphere Activation Spec


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ActivationSpecTemplateProps


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ActiveAffinityType

Properties for the WebSphereActiveAffinityType role
Expiration Time String The Expiration Time for this WebSphere ActiveAffinityType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ActivitySessionService

Properties for the WebSphereActivitySessionService role
Default Timeout String The Default Timeout for this WebSphere ActivitySessionService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ActivitySessionService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration


Properties for the WebSphereAdminAgentRegistration role
Name Type Description
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration
Managed Node Name String The Managed Node Name for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration
Profile Root String The Profile Root for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration
U U I D String The U U I D for this WebSphere AdminAgentRegistration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AdminObject

Properties for the WebSphereAdminObject role
Name Type Description
Admin Object Class String The Admin Object Class for this WebSphere AdminObject
Admin Object Interface String The Admin Object Interface for this WebSphere AdminObject


Role for resources that represent a WebSphere Admin Object Reference

Properties for the WebSphereAdminObjectRef role
Name Type Description
Admin Object Class String The class of the referenced WebSphere Admin Object


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AdminObjectTemplateProps


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AdminServerAuthentication

Properties for the WebSphereAdminServerAuthentication role
Name Type Description
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere AdminServerAuthentication
Userid String The Userid for this WebSphere AdminServerAuthentication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AdminService

Properties for the WebSphereAdminService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere AdminService
Standalone Boolean The Standalone for this WebSphere AdminService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AffinityType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AgeCondition

Properties for the WebSphereAgeCondition role
Name Type Description
Age Units String The Age Units for this WebSphere AgeCondition
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere AgeCondition
Max Age String The Max Age for this WebSphere AgeCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AgeCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Agent

Properties for the WebSphereAgent role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Agent


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AllActivePolicy

Properties for the WebSphereAllActivePolicy role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere AllActivePolicy
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere AllActivePolicy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AllActivePolicy
Policy Factory String The Policy Factory for this WebSphere AllActivePolicy
Quorum Enabled Boolean The Quorum Enabled for this WebSphere AllActivePolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersExt

Properties for the WebSphereAllAuthenticatedUsersExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersInTrustedRealmsExt

Properties for the WebSphereAllAuthenticatedUsersInTrustedRealmsExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersInTrustedRealmsExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AllAuthenticatedUsersInTrustedRealmsExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AppAudit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AppPlacementController

Properties for the WebSphereAppPlacementController role
Name Type Description
Approval Time Out String The Approval Time Out for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Consolidation Mode String The Consolidation Mode for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Enable Elasticity Boolean The Enable Elasticity for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Min Time Between Placement Change String The Min Time Between Placement Change for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Min Time Between Placement Change Units String The Min Time Between Placement Change Units for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Mode Time Out String The Mode Time Out for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Mode Time Out Units String The Mode Time Out Units for this WebSphere AppPlacementController
Server Operation Time Out String The Server Operation Time Out for this WebSphere AppPlacementController


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AppSecurity

Properties for the WebSphereAppSecurity role
Name Type Description
Active Protocol String The Active Protocol for this WebSphere AppSecurity. Acceptable values are: CSI, IBM,
Allow All Permission For Application Boolean The Allow All Permission For Application for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Allow Basic Auth Boolean The Allow Basic Auth for this WebSphere AppSecurity
App Enabled Boolean The App Enabled for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Cache Timeout String The Cache Timeout for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Dynamically Update S S L Config Boolean The Dynamically Update S S L Config for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering Boolean The Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security Boolean The Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Enforce Java2 Security Boolean The Enforce Java2 Security for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Internal Server Id String The Internal Server Id for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Issue Permission Warning Boolean The Issue Permission Warning for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Use Domain Qualified User Names Boolean The Use Domain Qualified User Names for this WebSphere AppSecurity
Use Local Security Server Boolean The Use Local Security Server for this WebSphere AppSecurity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Application

Properties for the WebSphereApplication role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Application
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere Application
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere Application
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere Application


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationClientFile

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationClientFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere ApplicationClientFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationConfig

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationConfig role
Name Type Description
Enable S F S B Failover Boolean The Enable S F S B Failover for this WebSphere ApplicationConfig
Override Default D R S Settings Boolean The Override Default D R S Settings for this WebSphere ApplicationConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationContainer

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationContainer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ApplicationContainer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationDeployment role
Name Type Description
Allow Dispatch Remote Include Boolean The Allow Dispatch Remote Include for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Allow Service Remote Include Boolean The Allow Service Remote Include for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
App Context I D For Security String The App Context I D For Security for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Async Request Dispatch Type String The Async Request Dispatch Type for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment. Acceptable
Auto Link Boolean The Auto Link for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Background Application Boolean The Background Application for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Binaries U R L String The Binaries U R L for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Create M Beans For Resources Boolean The Create M Beans For Resources for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Enable Client Module Boolean The Enable Client Module for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Enable Distribution Boolean The Enable Distribution for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Expand Synchronously Boolean The Expand Synchronously for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
File Permission String The File Permission for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Recycle On Update String The Recycle On Update for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment. Acceptable values
Reload Enabled Boolean The Reload Enabled for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Reload Interval String The Reload Interval for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Standalone Module Boolean The Standalone Module for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Start On Distribute Boolean The Start On Distribute for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Use Metadata From Binaries Boolean The Use Metadata From Binaries for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
War Class Loader Policy String The War Class Loader Policy for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment. Acceptable values
Zero Binary Copy Boolean The Zero Binary Copy for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment
Zero Ear Copy Boolean The Zero Ear Copy for this WebSphere ApplicationDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationManagementService

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationManagementService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ApplicationManagementService
Enable Binary Distribution Boolean The Enable Binary Distribution for this WebSphere ApplicationManagementService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationProfileService

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationProfileService role
Name Type Description
Compatibility Boolean The Compatibility for this WebSphere ApplicationProfileService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ApplicationProfileService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationResources

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationResources role
Name Type Description
Application Group String The Application Group for this WebSphere ApplicationResources


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServer

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServer role
Name Type Description
Application Class Loader Policy String The Application Class Loader Policy for this WebSphere ApplicationServer. Acceptable
values are: MULTIPLE, SINGLE.
Application Class Loading Mode String The Application Class Loading Mode for this WebSphere ApplicationServer. Acceptable
Id String The Id for this WebSphere ApplicationServer
Jsf Provider String The Jsf Provider for this WebSphere ApplicationServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMapping

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServerClusterMapping role
Name Type Description
Application Name String The Application Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMapping
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMapping
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMapping
Transport Chain String The Transport Chain for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMember

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServerClusterMember role
Name Type Description
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMember
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerClusterMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServerEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerEndpoint
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerEndpoint
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerMapping

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServerMapping role
Name Type Description
Application Name String The Application Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerMapping
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere ApplicationServerMapping
Transport Chain String The Transport Chain for this WebSphere ApplicationServerMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ApplicationServerTimeMapping

Properties for the WebSphereApplicationServerTimeMapping role
Name Type Description
Action String The Action for this WebSphere ApplicationServerTimeMapping. Acceptable values are:
End Time String The End Time for this WebSphere ApplicationServerTimeMapping
Start Time String The Start Time for this WebSphere ApplicationServerTimeMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Archive

Properties for the WebSphereArchive role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere Archive
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere Archive
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere Archive
Size String The Size for this WebSphere Archive
Types String The Types for this WebSphere Archive
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere Archive


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Audit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditCommon


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditEventFactory

Properties for the WebSphereAuditEventFactory role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere AuditEventFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuditEventFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditNotificationMonitor

Properties for the WebSphereAuditNotificationMonitor role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere AuditNotificationMonitor
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuditNotificationMonitor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereAuditPolicy role
Name Type Description
Audit Enabled Boolean The Audit Enabled for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Audit Policy String The Audit Policy for this WebSphere AuditPolicy. Acceptable values are: WARN, NOWARN,
Auditor Id String The Auditor Id for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Auditor Pwd String The Auditor Pwd for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Batching Boolean The Batching for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Encrypt Boolean The Encrypt for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Security Xml Signer Cert Alias String The Security Xml Signer Cert Alias for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Security Xml Signer Key Store Name String The Security Xml Signer Key Store Name for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Security Xml Signer Scope Name String The Security Xml Signer Scope Name for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Sign Boolean The Sign for this WebSphere AuditPolicy
Verbose Boolean The Verbose for this WebSphere AuditPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditServiceProvider

Properties for the WebSphereAuditServiceProvider role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
Event Formatter Class String The Event Formatter Class for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
File Location String The File Location for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
Max File Size String The Max File Size for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
Max Logs String The Max Logs for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider
Wrap Behavior String The Wrap Behavior for this WebSphere AuditServiceProvider. Acceptable values are:


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Audit Service Provider Reference

Properties for the WebSphereAuditServiceProviderRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Audit Service Provider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuditSpecification

Properties for the WebSphereAuditSpecification role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere AuditSpecification
Event String The Event for this WebSphere AuditSpecification. Acceptable values are: SECURITY_AUTHN_DELEGATION,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuditSpecification
Outcome String The Outcome for this WebSphere AuditSpecification. Acceptable values are: WARNING,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Audit Specification Reference

Properties for the WebSphereAuditSpecificationRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Audit Specification


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthConfigProvider

Properties for the WebSphereAuthConfigProvider role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere AuthConfigProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere AuthConfigProvider
Msg Layer String The Msg Layer for this WebSphere AuthConfigProvider
Provider I D String The Provider I D for this WebSphere AuthConfigProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthConfigProviderEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthMechanism

Properties for the WebSphereAuthMechanism role
Name Type Description
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere AuthMechanism
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere AuthMechanism
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere AuthMechanism
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere AuthMechanism
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere AuthMechanism
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere AuthMechanism


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthModule

Properties for the WebSphereAuthModule role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere AuthModule
Module I D String The Module I D for this WebSphere AuthModule
Order String The Order for this WebSphere AuthModule
Request Policy String The Request Policy for this WebSphere AuthModule. Acceptable values are: AUTHENTICATE_CONTENT,
Response Policy String The Response Policy for this WebSphere AuthModule. Acceptable values are: AUTHENTICATE_CONTENT,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism

Properties for the WebSphereAuthenticationMechanism role
Name Type Description
Authentication Mechanism String The Authentication Mechanism for this WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism
Authentication Mechanism Type String The Authentication Mechanism Type for this WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism. Acceptable
values are: Kerbv5, BasicPassword.
Credential Interface String The Credential Interface for this WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism
Custom Auth Mech Type String The Custom Auth Mech Type for this WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism
Description String The Description for this WebSphere AuthenticationMechanism


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthenticationTarget

Properties for the WebSphereAuthenticationTarget role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere AuthenticationTarget
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere AuthenticationTarget
Realm Name String The Realm Name for this WebSphere AuthenticationTarget
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere AuthenticationTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationConfig

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationConfig role
Name Type Description
Use J A C C Provider Boolean The Use J A C C Provider for this WebSphere AuthorizationConfig
Use Native Authorization Boolean The Use Native Authorization for this WebSphere AuthorizationConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationGroup

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationGroup role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroup
Resource Name String The Resource Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroup
Resource Type String The Resource Type for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationGroupMember

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationGroupMember role
Name Type Description
Resource Name String The Resource Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroupMember
Resource Type String The Resource Type for this WebSphere AuthorizationGroupMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationProvider

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationProvider role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Initialize J A C C Provider Class Name String The Initialize J A C C Provider Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
J2ee Policy Impl Class Name String The J2ee Policy Impl Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Policy Configuration Factory Impl Class Name String The Policy Configuration Factory Impl Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Policy Configuration Impl Class Name String The Policy Configuration Impl Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Requires E J B Arguments Policy Context Handler Boolean The Requires E J B Arguments Policy Context Handler for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Role Assignment Config Impl Class Name String The Role Assignment Config Impl Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Role Configuration Factory Impl Class Name String The Role Configuration Factory Impl Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Supported Permissions String The Supported Permissions for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider
Supports Dynamic Module Updates Boolean The Supports Dynamic Module Updates for this WebSphere AuthorizationProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationTableExt

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationTableExt role
Name Type Description
Context String The Context for this WebSphere AuthorizationTableExt
File Name String The File Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationTableExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AuthorizationTableImpl

Properties for the WebSphereAuthorizationTableImpl role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere AuthorizationTableImpl


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager

Properties for the WebSphereAutonomicRequestFlowManager role
Name Type Description
Aggregation Period String The Aggregation Period for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Aggregation Period Units String The Aggregation Period Units for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Control Cycle Minimum Length String The Control Cycle Minimum Length for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Control Cycle Minimum Length Units String The Control Cycle Minimum Length Units for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Maximum C P U Utilization String The Maximum C P U Utilization for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Maximum Percent Server Max Heap String The Maximum Percent Server Max Heap for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Maximum Queue Length String The Maximum Queue Length for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Rejection Threshold String The Rejection Threshold for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager
Smoothing Window String The Smoothing Window for this WebSphere AutonomicRequestFlowManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal

Properties for the WebSphereAverageResponseTimeGoal role
Name Type Description
Goal Delta Value String The Goal Delta Value for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Goal Delta Value Units String The Goal Delta Value Units for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Goal Value String The Goal Value for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Goal Value Units String The Goal Value Units for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Time Period Value String The Time Period Value for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Time Period Value Units String The Time Period Value Units for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal
Violation Enabled Boolean The Violation Enabled for this WebSphere AverageResponseTimeGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere BackupCluster

Properties for the WebSphereBackupCluster role
Name Type Description
Backup Cluster Name String The Backup Cluster Name for this WebSphere BackupCluster


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere BridgeInterface

Properties for the WebSphereBridgeInterface role
Name Type Description
Chain String The Chain for this WebSphere BridgeInterface
Node String The Node for this WebSphere BridgeInterface
Server String The Server for this WebSphere BridgeInterface


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CACertificate

Properties for the WebSphereCACertificate role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere CACertificate
Polling Status String The Polling Status for this WebSphere CACertificate. Acceptable values are: REVOKED,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CAClient

Properties for the WebSphereCAClient role
Name Type Description
Base Dn String The Base Dn for this WebSphere CAClient
Frequency Check String The Frequency Check for this WebSphere CAClient
Host String The Host for this WebSphere CAClient
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CAClient
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere CAClient
Pki Client Impl Class String The Pki Client Impl Class for this WebSphere CAClient
Port String The Port for this WebSphere CAClient
Retry Check String The Retry Check for this WebSphere CAClient
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere CAClient


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CEASettings

Properties for the WebSphereCEASettings role
Name Type Description
Telephony Access Method String The Telephony Access Method for this WebSphere CEASettings. Acceptable values are:


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory

Properties for the WebSphereCMPConnectorFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory. Acceptable values
Category String The Category for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere CMPConnectorFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding

Properties for the WebSphereCORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding role
Name Type Description
Corbaname Url String The Corbaname Url for this WebSphere CORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding
Federated Context Boolean The Federated Context for this WebSphere CORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding
Name In Name Space String The Name In Name Space for this WebSphere CORBAObjectNameSpaceBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CTIGateway

Properties for the WebSphereCTIGateway role
Name Type Description
Extract Username From Request Boolean The Extract Username From Request for this WebSphere CTIGateway
Gateway Address String The Gateway Address for this WebSphere CTIGateway
Gateway Port String The Gateway Port for this WebSphere CTIGateway
Gateway Protocol String The Gateway Protocol for this WebSphere CTIGateway. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP,
Super Username String The Super Username for this WebSphere CTIGateway


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CacheInstance

Properties for the WebSphereCacheInstance role
Name Type Description
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Category String The Category for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency String The Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Disk Cache Entry Size In M B String The Disk Cache Entry Size In M B for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Disk Cache Performance Level String The Disk Cache Performance Level for this WebSphere CacheInstance. Acceptable values
Disk Cache Size In Entries String The Disk Cache Size In Entries for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Disk Cache Size In G B String The Disk Cache Size In G B for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Disk Offload Location String The Disk Offload Location for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Enable Cache Replication Boolean The Enable Cache Replication for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Enable Disk Offload Boolean The Enable Disk Offload for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Flush To Disk On Stop Boolean The Flush To Disk On Stop for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Hash Size String The Hash Size for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Memory Cache Size In M B String The Memory Cache Size In M B for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Push Frequency String The Push Frequency for this WebSphere CacheInstance
Replication Type String The Replication Type for this WebSphere CacheInstance. Acceptable values are: PULL,
Use Listener Context Boolean The Use Listener Context for this WebSphere CacheInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CacheInstanceService

Properties for the WebSphereCacheInstanceService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere CacheInstanceService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CacheProvider

Properties for the WebSphereCacheProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere CacheProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CacheProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere CacheProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CacheProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere CacheProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere CacheProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CachingAction

Properties for the WebSphereCachingAction role
Name Type Description
Default Expiration String The Default Expiration for this WebSphere CachingAction
Enable Caching Boolean The Enable Caching for this WebSphere CachingAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CachingAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CachingAction Reference

Properties for the WebSphereCachingActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Caching Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CellManager

Properties for the WebSphereCellManager role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CellManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CellRoute

Properties for the WebSphereCellRoute role
Name Type Description
Peer Access Point Name String The Peer Access Point Name for this WebSphere CellRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CentralizedInstallManager

Properties for the WebSphereCentralizedInstallManager role
Name Type Description
Default Install Location String The Default Install Location for this WebSphere CentralizedInstallManager
Default Password Password The Default Password for this WebSphere CentralizedInstallManager
Default Username String The Default Username for this WebSphere CentralizedInstallManager
Default Working Location String The Default Working Location for this WebSphere CentralizedInstallManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Certificate

Properties for the WebSphereCertificate role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere Certificate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Certificate Reference

Properties for the WebSphereCertificateRef role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias of the referenced WebSphere Certificate
KeyStoreName String The KeyStoreName of the referenced WebSphere Certificate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Chain

Properties for the WebSphereChain role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere Chain
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Chain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Checkpoint

Properties for the WebSphereCheckpoint role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Checkpoint
Doc Count String The Doc Count for this WebSphere Checkpoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Checkpoint
Sequence String The Sequence for this WebSphere Checkpoint
Type String The Type for this WebSphere Checkpoint. Acceptable values are: FULL, DELTA.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CheckpointDocument

Properties for the WebSphereCheckpointDocument role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CheckpointDocument
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere CheckpointDocument


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Classloader

Properties for the WebSphereClassloader role
Name Type Description
Mode String The Mode for this WebSphere Classloader. Acceptable values are: PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereClientModuleDeployment role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere ClientModuleDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClientModuleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties

Properties for the WebSphereClientSecurityProperties role
Name Type Description
Authentication Retry Count String The Authentication Retry Count for this WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties
Credential Authentication String The Credential Authentication for this WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties
Credential Generator Class String The Credential Generator Class for this WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties
Credential Generator Props String The Credential Generator Props for this WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties
Security Enabled String The Security Enabled for this WebSphere ClientSecurityProperties


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClusterAddressEndPoint

Properties for the WebSphereClusterAddressEndPoint role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere ClusterAddressEndPoint
Host String The Host for this WebSphere ClusterAddressEndPoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ClusterAddressEndPoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere ClusterAddressEndPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties

Properties for the WebSphereClusterAddressProperties role
Name Type Description
Connect Timeout String The Connect Timeout for this WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties
Extended Handshake Boolean The Extended Handshake for this WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties
Max Connections String The Max Connections for this WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties
Server I O Timeout String The Server I O Timeout for this WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties
Wait For Continue Boolean The Wait For Continue for this WebSphere ClusterAddressProperties


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClusterAdvisor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClusterMember

Properties for the WebSphereClusterMember role
Name Type Description
Member Name String The Member Name for this WebSphere ClusterMember
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere ClusterMember
Weight String The Weight for this WebSphere ClusterMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ClusteredTarget

Properties for the WebSphereClusteredTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ClusteredTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CommonSecureInterop

Properties for the WebSphereCommonSecureInterop role
Name Type Description
Session G C Idle Time String The Session G C Idle Time for this WebSphere CommonSecureInterop
Session G C Interval String The Session G C Interval for this WebSphere CommonSecureInterop
Stateful Boolean The Stateful for this WebSphere CommonSecureInterop


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Commsvc

Properties for the WebSphereCommsvc role
Name Type Description
Max Request Hold Time String The Max Request Hold Time for this WebSphere Commsvc
Third Party W S D L Provider String The Third Party W S D L Provider for this WebSphere Commsvc


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CompatibilityDescriptionGroup

Properties for the WebSphereCompatibilityDescriptionGroup role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CompatibilityDescriptionGroup
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere CompatibilityDescriptionGroup
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere CompatibilityDescriptionGroup
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere CompatibilityDescriptionGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CompensationService

Properties for the WebSphereCompensationService role
Name Type Description
Compensation Handler Retry Interval String The Compensation Handler Retry Interval for this WebSphere CompensationService
Compensation Handler Retry Limit String The Compensation Handler Retry Limit for this WebSphere CompensationService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere CompensationService
Recovery Log Directory String The Recovery Log Directory for this WebSphere CompensationService
Recovery Log File Size String The Recovery Log File Size for this WebSphere CompensationService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal

Properties for the WebSphereCompletionTimeGoal role
Name Type Description
Goal Delta Value String The Goal Delta Value for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Goal Delta Value Units String The Goal Delta Value Units for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Goal Value String The Goal Value for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Goal Value Units String The Goal Value Units for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Time Period Value String The Time Period Value for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Time Period Value Units String The Time Period Value Units for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal
Violation Enabled Boolean The Violation Enabled for this WebSphere CompletionTimeGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Component

Properties for the WebSphereComponent role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Component


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CompressionAction

Properties for the WebSphereCompressionAction role
Name Type Description
Compression Type String The Compression Type for this WebSphere CompressionAction. Acceptable values are:
Content Types String The Content Types for this WebSphere CompressionAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CompressionAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConfigProperty

Properties for the WebSphereConfigProperty role
Name Type Description
Confidential Boolean The Confidential for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Ignore Boolean The Ignore for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Supports Dynamic Updates Boolean The Supports Dynamic Updates for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ConfigProperty
Value String The Value for this WebSphere ConfigProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService

Properties for the WebSphereConfigSynchronizationService role
Name Type Description
Auto Synch Enabled Boolean The Auto Synch Enabled for this WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService
Exclusions String The Exclusions for this WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService
Synch Interval String The Synch Interval for this WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService
Synch On Server Startup Boolean The Synch On Server Startup for this WebSphere ConfigSynchronizationService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectionDefTemplateProps


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectionDefinition

Properties for the WebSphereConnectionDefinition role
Name Type Description
Connection Factory Impl Class String The Connection Factory Impl Class for this WebSphere ConnectionDefinition
Connection Factory Interface String The Connection Factory Interface for this WebSphere ConnectionDefinition
Connection Impl Class String The Connection Impl Class for this WebSphere ConnectionDefinition
Connection Interface String The Connection Interface for this WebSphere ConnectionDefinition
Managed Connection Factory Class String The Managed Connection Factory Class for this WebSphere ConnectionDefinition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectionDefinition Reference

Properties for the WebSphereConnectionDefinitionRef role
Name Type Description
Connection Factory Impl Class String The Connection Factory Impl Class for referenced WebSphere ConnectionDefinition
Connection Impl Class String The Connection Impl Class for referenced WebSphere ConnectionDefinition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectionPool

Properties for the WebSphereConnectionPool role
Name Type Description
Aged Timeout String The Aged Timeout for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Connection Timeout String The Connection Timeout for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Free Pool Distribution Table Size String The Free Pool Distribution Table Size for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Max Connections String The Max Connections for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Min Connections String The Min Connections for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Number Of Free Pool Partitions String The Number Of Free Pool Partitions for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Number Of Shared Pool Partitions String The Number Of Shared Pool Partitions for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Number Of Unshared Pool Partitions String The Number Of Unshared Pool Partitions for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Purge Policy String The Purge Policy for this WebSphere ConnectionPool. Acceptable values are: EntirePool,
Reap Time String The Reap Time for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Stuck Threshold String The Stuck Threshold for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Stuck Time String The Stuck Time for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Stuck Timer Time String The Stuck Timer Time for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Surge Creation Interval String The Surge Creation Interval for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Surge Threshold String The Surge Threshold for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Test Connection Boolean The Test Connection for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Test Connection Interval String The Test Connection Interval for this WebSphere ConnectionPool
Unused Timeout String The Unused Timeout for this WebSphere ConnectionPool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectionTest

Properties for the WebSphereConnectionTest role
Name Type Description
Pre Test Connection Boolean The Pre Test Connection for this WebSphere ConnectionTest
Retry Interval String The Retry Interval for this WebSphere ConnectionTest
Retry Limit String The Retry Limit for this WebSphere ConnectionTest


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Connector

Properties for the WebSphereConnector role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Connector
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere Connector
Eis Type String The Eis Type for this WebSphere Connector
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere Connector
Metadata Complete Boolean The Metadata Complete for this WebSphere Connector
Required Work Context String The Required Work Context for this WebSphere Connector
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere Connector
Spec Version String The Spec Version for this WebSphere Connector
Vendor Name String The Vendor Name for this WebSphere Connector
Version String The Version for this WebSphere Connector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereConnectorModuleDeployment role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere ConnectorModuleDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ConnectorModuleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Container

Properties for the WebSphereContainer role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere Container
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere Container
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere Container
Size String The Size for this WebSphere Container
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere Container


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ContentMapping

Properties for the WebSphereContentMapping role
Name Type Description
Extension String The Extension for this WebSphere ContentMapping
Header String The Header for this WebSphere ContentMapping. Acceptable values are: CONTENT_TYPE,
Value String The Value for this WebSphere ContentMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Contributor

Properties for the WebSphereContributor role
Name Type Description
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere Contributor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Cookie

Properties for the WebSphereCookie role
Name Type Description
Domain String The Domain for this WebSphere Cookie
Http Only Boolean The Http Only for this WebSphere Cookie
Maximum Age String The Maximum Age for this WebSphere Cookie
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Cookie
Path String The Path for this WebSphere Cookie
Secure Boolean The Secure for this WebSphere Cookie
Use Context Root As Path Boolean The Use Context Root As Path for this WebSphere Cookie


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CookieMapping

Properties for the WebSphereCookieMapping role
Name Type Description
Cookie Value String The Cookie Value for this WebSphere CookieMapping
Host String The Host for this WebSphere CookieMapping
Port String The Port for this WebSphere CookieMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroup

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroup role
Name Type Description
Channel Chain Name String The Channel Chain Name for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Core Group U I D String The Core Group U I D for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Multi Cast Group I P End String The Multi Cast Group I P End for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Multi Cast Group I P Start String The Multi Cast Group I P Start for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Multi Cast Port String The Multi Cast Port for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Num Coordinators String The Num Coordinators for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Protocol Version String The Protocol Version for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Transport Memory Size String The Transport Memory Size for this WebSphere CoreGroup
Transport Type String The Transport Type for this WebSphere CoreGroup. Acceptable values are: UNICAST, MULTICAST,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroupAccessPoint

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupAccessPoint role
Name Type Description
Core Group String The Core Group for this WebSphere CoreGroupAccessPoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CoreGroupAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroupAccessPoint Reference

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupAccessPointRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere CoreGroupAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroupBridgeService

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupBridgeService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere CoreGroupBridgeService
Enable Bridge Boolean The Enable Bridge for this WebSphere CoreGroupBridgeService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroupBridgeSettings


Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupMapping role
Name Type Description
Core Group Name String The name of the Core Group this Server belongs to.
Preferred Server Boolean Check if this server should be added to the Core Groups Preferred Servers list.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CoreGroupServer

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupServer role
Name Type Description
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere CoreGroupServer
Preferred I P Address String The Preferred I P Address for this WebSphere CoreGroupServer
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere CoreGroupServer


Role for resources that represents a reference for a WebSphere CoreGroupServer

Properties for the WebSphereCoreGroupServerRef role
Name Type Description
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere CoreGroupServer
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere CoreGroupServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CryptoHardwareToken

Properties for the WebSphereCryptoHardwareToken role
Name Type Description
Library File String The Library File for this WebSphere CryptoHardwareToken
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere CryptoHardwareToken
Token Type String The Token Type for this WebSphere CryptoHardwareToken


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomAdvisor

Properties for the WebSphereCustomAdvisor role
Name Type Description
Bla I D String The Bla I D for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Connect Timeout String The Connect Timeout for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Cu I D String The Cu I D for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Enable Log File Wrapping Boolean The Enable Log File Wrapping for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Enable Logging Boolean The Enable Logging for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Io Timeout String The Io Timeout for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Log File Size String The Log File Size for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor
Poll Interval String The Poll Interval for this WebSphere CustomAdvisor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomAdvisorMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomAdvisorPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism

Properties for the WebSphereCustomAuthMechanism role
Name Type Description
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere CustomAuthMechanism


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomConditionTemplate

Properties for the WebSphereCustomConditionTemplate role
Name Type Description
Condition Expression String The Condition Expression for this WebSphere CustomConditionTemplate
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CustomConditionTemplate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomConditionTemplates


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomElasticityAction

Properties for the WebSphereCustomElasticityAction role
Name Type Description
Action Name String The Action Name for this WebSphere CustomElasticityAction
Action Type String The Action Type for this WebSphere CustomElasticityAction. Acceptable values are:
Step Num String The Step Num for this WebSphere CustomElasticityAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy

Properties for the WebSphereCustomErrorPagePolicy role
Name Type Description
Error Page App U R I String The Error Page App U R I for this WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy
Forward Headers String The Forward Headers for this WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy
Handle Local Errors Boolean The Handle Local Errors for this WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy
Handle Remote Errors Boolean The Handle Remote Errors for this WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy
Status Codes String The Status Codes for this WebSphere CustomErrorPagePolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomHealthAction

Properties for the WebSphereCustomHealthAction role
Name Type Description
Action Name String The Action Name for this WebSphere CustomHealthAction
Action Type String The Action Type for this WebSphere CustomHealthAction. Acceptable values are: UNSETMAINTENANCEMODE,
Step Num String The Step Num for this WebSphere CustomHealthAction
Target Node String The Target Node for this WebSphere CustomHealthAction
Target Server String The Target Server for this WebSphere CustomHealthAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomProcessDefs

Properties for the WebSphereCustomProcessDefs role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere CustomProcessDefs


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Custom Repository

Properties for the WebSphereCustomRepository role
Name Type Description
Adapter Class Name String The implementation class name for the repository adapter.
Base Entries String The base entries for the repository. Use the format {ou=bluepages,o=ibm.com=ou, o=ibm.com}.
Id String The unique identifier for the repository.
Login properties String Federated repository properties for login.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomService

Properties for the WebSphereCustomService role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere CustomService
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere CustomService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere CustomService
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere CustomService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere CustomService
External Config U R L String The External Config U R L for this WebSphere CustomService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere CustomUserRegistry

Properties for the WebSphereCustomUserRegistry role
Name Type Description
Custom Registry Class Name String The Custom Registry Class Name for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Ignore Case Boolean The Ignore Case for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Limit String The Limit for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Primary Admin Id String The Primary Admin Id for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Realm String The Realm for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Server Password Password The Server Password for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Use Registry Realm Boolean The Use Registry Realm for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry
Use Registry Server Id Boolean The Use Registry Server Id for this WebSphere CustomUserRegistry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DCSInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereDCSInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere DCSInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DCSInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettings

Properties for the WebSphereDPClonableDeviceSettings role
Name Type Description
Highest Version String The Highest Version for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettings
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion

Properties for the WebSphereDPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion role
Name Type Description
Time Created In Manager String The Time Created In Manager for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion
User Comment String The User Comment for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion
Version Image File Location String The Version Image File Location for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion
Version Number String The Version Number for this WebSphere DPClonableDeviceSettingsVersion


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPDeployableConfiguration

Properties for the WebSphereDPDeployableConfiguration role
Name Type Description
Highest Version String The Highest Version for this WebSphere DPDeployableConfiguration
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DPDeployableConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPDevice

Properties for the WebSphereDPDevice role
Name Type Description
Device Type String The Device Type for this WebSphere DPDevice
Feature Licenses String The Feature Licenses for this WebSphere DPDevice
G U I Port String The G U I Port for this WebSphere DPDevice
H L M Port String The H L M Port for this WebSphere DPDevice
Hostname String The Hostname for this WebSphere DPDevice
Model Type String The Model Type for this WebSphere DPDevice
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DPDevice
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere DPDevice
Serial Number String The Serial Number for this WebSphere DPDevice
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere DPDevice


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPDomain

Properties for the WebSphereDPDomain role
Name Type Description
Highest Version String The Highest Version for this WebSphere DPDomain
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DPDomain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPDomainVersion

Properties for the WebSphereDPDomainVersion role
Name Type Description
Time Created In Manager String The Time Created In Manager for this WebSphere DPDomainVersion
User Comment String The User Comment for this WebSphere DPDomainVersion
Version Image File Location String The Version Image File Location for this WebSphere DPDomainVersion
Version Number String The Version Number for this WebSphere DPDomainVersion


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPFirmware

Properties for the WebSphereDPFirmware role
Name Type Description
Device Type String The Device Type for this WebSphere DPFirmware
Highest Version String The Highest Version for this WebSphere DPFirmware
Model Type String The Model Type for this WebSphere DPFirmware
Nonstrict Features String The Nonstrict Features for this WebSphere DPFirmware
Strict Features String The Strict Features for this WebSphere DPFirmware


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion

Properties for the WebSphereDPFirmwareVersion role
Name Type Description
Level String The Level for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion
Manufacture Date String The Manufacture Date for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion
Time Created In Manager String The Time Created In Manager for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion
User Comment String The User Comment for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion
Version Image File Location String The Version Image File Location for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion
Version Number String The Version Number for this WebSphere DPFirmwareVersion


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPManagedSet

Properties for the WebSphereDPManagedSet role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DPManagedSet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPManager

Properties for the WebSphereDPManager role
Name Type Description
Versions Directory String The Versions Directory for this WebSphere DPManager
Versions Stored Limit String The Versions Stored Limit for this WebSphere DPManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DPVersion

Properties for the WebSphereDPVersion role
Name Type Description
Time Created In Manager String The Time Created In Manager for this WebSphere DPVersion
User Comment String The User Comment for this WebSphere DPVersion
Version Image File Location String The Version Image File Location for this WebSphere DPVersion
Version Number String The Version Number for this WebSphere DPVersion


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DRSConnectionPool

Properties for the WebSphereDRSConnectionPool role
Name Type Description
Pool Connections Boolean The Pool Connections for this WebSphere DRSConnectionPool
Size String The Size for this WebSphere DRSConnectionPool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DRSPartition

Properties for the WebSphereDRSPartition role
Name Type Description
Partition On Entry Boolean The Partition On Entry for this WebSphere DRSPartition
Size String The Size for this WebSphere DRSPartition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DRSSerialization

Properties for the WebSphereDRSSerialization role
Name Type Description
Entry Serialization Kind String The Entry Serialization Kind for this WebSphere DRSSerialization. Acceptable values
Property Serialization Kind String The Property Serialization Kind for this WebSphere DRSSerialization. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DRSSettings

Properties for the WebSphereDRSSettings role
Name Type Description
Data Replication Mode String The Data Replication Mode for this WebSphere DRSSettings. Acceptable values are: SERVER,
Message Broker Domain Name String The Message Broker Domain Name for this WebSphere DRSSettings
Override Host Connection Points String The Override Host Connection Points for this WebSphere DRSSettings
Preferred Local D R S Broker Name String The Preferred Local D R S Broker Name for this WebSphere DRSSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataPowerMgrInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereDataPowerMgrInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere DataPowerMgrInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DataPowerMgrInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataReplication

Properties for the WebSphereDataReplication role
Name Type Description
Encryption Key Value String The Encryption Key Value for this WebSphere DataReplication
Encryption Type String The Encryption Type for this WebSphere DataReplication. Acceptable values are: DES,
Message Broker Name String The Message Broker Name for this WebSphere DataReplication
Number Of Replicas String The Number Of Replicas for this WebSphere DataReplication
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere DataReplication
Request Timeout String The Request Timeout for this WebSphere DataReplication
Use S S L Boolean The Use S S L for this WebSphere DataReplication
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere DataReplication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataReplicationDomain

Properties for the WebSphereDataReplicationDomain role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DataReplicationDomain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataSource

Properties for the WebSphereDataSource role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere DataSource
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere DataSource. Acceptable values are:
Category String The Category for this WebSphere DataSource
Datasource Helper Classname String The Datasource Helper Classname for this WebSphere DataSource
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DataSource
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere DataSource
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere DataSource
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere DataSource
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere DataSource
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DataSource
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere DataSource
Statement Cache Size String The Statement Cache Size for this WebSphere DataSource
Use this data source in container managed persistence (CMP) Boolean Determines if this data source should be used in container managed persistence
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere DataSource


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataSourceDefinition

Properties for the WebSphereDataSourceDefinition role
Name Type Description
Database Name String The Database Name for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Initial Pool Size String The Initial Pool Size for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Isolation Level String The Isolation Level for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition. Acceptable values are:
Login Timeout String The Login Timeout for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Max Idle Time String The Max Idle Time for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Max Pool Size String The Max Pool Size for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Max Statements String The Max Statements for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Min Pool Size String The Min Pool Size for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Port Number String The Port Number for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Transactional Boolean The Transactional for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
Url String The Url for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition
User String The User for this WebSphere DataSourceDefinition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataSource Reference

Properties for the WebSphereDataSourceRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for referenced WebSphere DataSource


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DataStoreProfile

Properties for the WebSphereDataStoreProfile role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Max Connection Retries String The Max Connection Retries for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Max Purge Transaction Size String The Max Purge Transaction Size for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Query Threshold String The Query Threshold for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Schema Name String The Schema Name for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile
Sql Cache Size String The Sql Cache Size for this WebSphere DataStoreProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DebugService

Properties for the WebSphereDebugService role
Name Type Description
B S F Debug Port String The B S F Debug Port for this WebSphere DebugService
B S F Logging Level String The B S F Logging Level for this WebSphere DebugService
Debug Class Filters String The Debug Class Filters for this WebSphere DebugService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere DebugService
Jvm Debug Args String The Jvm Debug Args for this WebSphere DebugService
Jvm Debug Port String The Jvm Debug Port for this WebSphere DebugService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DefaultSIPApplicationRouter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeployedMiddlewareApp

Properties for the WebSphereDeployedMiddlewareApp role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DeployedMiddlewareApp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeployedMiddlewareAppEdition

Properties for the WebSphereDeployedMiddlewareAppEdition role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DeployedMiddlewareAppEdition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeployedObject

Properties for the WebSphereDeployedObject role
Name Type Description
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere DeployedObject
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere DeployedObject


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeployedObjectConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeployedObjectProxyConfig

Properties for the WebSphereDeployedObjectProxyConfig role
Name Type Description
Deployed Object Config Name String The Deployed Object Config Name for this WebSphere DeployedObjectProxyConfig
Enable Proxy Boolean The Enable Proxy for this WebSphere DeployedObjectProxyConfig
Transport Protocol String The Transport Protocol for this WebSphere DeployedObjectProxyConfig. Acceptable values
are: ClientProtocol, HTTPS, HTTP.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Deployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeploymentTarget

Properties for the WebSphereDeploymentTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DeploymentTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DeploymentTargetMapping

Properties for the WebSphereDeploymentTargetMapping role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere DeploymentTargetMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Description

Properties for the WebSphereDescription role
Name Type Description
Lang String The Lang for this WebSphere Description
Value String The Value for this WebSphere Description


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DescriptionGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DescriptiveProperty

Properties for the WebSphereDescriptiveProperty role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Display Name Key String The Display Name Key for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
First Class Boolean The First Class for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Hover Help Key String The Hover Help Key for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Inclusive Boolean The Inclusive for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Nls Range Key String The Nls Range Key for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Range String The Range for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Type String The Type for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Validation Expression String The Validation Expression for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty
Value String The Value for this WebSphere DescriptiveProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DescriptivePropertyGroup

Properties for the WebSphereDescriptivePropertyGroup role
Name Type Description
Collection Boolean The Collection for this WebSphere DescriptivePropertyGroup
Expandable Boolean The Expandable for this WebSphere DescriptivePropertyGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DescriptivePropertyGroup
Template Boolean The Template for this WebSphere DescriptivePropertyGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DiagnosticProviderService

Properties for the WebSphereDiagnosticProviderService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere DiagnosticProviderService
Startup State Collection Spec String The Startup State Collection Spec for this WebSphere DiagnosticProviderService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DigestAuthentication

Properties for the WebSphereDigestAuthentication role
Name Type Description
Cache Clean Period String The Cache Clean Period for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Digest Password Server Class String The Digest Password Server Class for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Disable Multiple Use Of Nonce Boolean The Disable Multiple Use Of Nonce for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Disable S I P Basic Auth Boolean The Disable S I P Basic Auth for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Enable Digest Authentication Integrity Boolean The Enable Digest Authentication Integrity for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Hashed Creds String The Hashed Creds for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Hashed Realm String The Hashed Realm for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Nonce Time To Live String The Nonce Time To Live for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
Password Attribute Name String The Password Attribute Name for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication
User Cache Clean Period String The User Cache Clean Period for this WebSphere DigestAuthentication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty

Properties for the WebSphereDiscoverableDescriptiveProperty role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Inclusive Boolean The Inclusive for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Nls Range Key String The Nls Range Key for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Range String The Range for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Type String The Type for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Validation Expression String The Validation Expression for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty
Value String The Value for this WebSphere DiscoverableDescriptiveProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DiscretionaryGoal

Properties for the WebSphereDiscretionaryGoal role
Name Type Description
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere DiscretionaryGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DiskCacheCustomPerformanceSettings

Properties for the WebSphereDiskCacheCustomPerformanceSettings role
Name Type Description
Max Buffered Cache Ids Per Meta Entry String The Max Buffered Cache Ids Per Meta Entry for this WebSphere DiskCacheCustomPerformanceSettings
Max Buffered Dependency Ids String The Max Buffered Dependency Ids for this WebSphere DiskCacheCustomPerformanceSettings
Max Buffered Templates String The Max Buffered Templates for this WebSphere DiskCacheCustomPerformanceSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DiskCacheEvictionPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereDiskCacheEvictionPolicy role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere DiskCacheEvictionPolicy. Acceptable values are: RANDOM,
High Threshold String The High Threshold for this WebSphere DiskCacheEvictionPolicy
Low Threshold String The Low Threshold for this WebSphere DiskCacheEvictionPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DisplayDescriptor

Properties for the WebSphereDisplayDescriptor role
Name Type Description
Display Description Key String The Display Description Key for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
Display Name Key String The Display Name Key for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
First Class Boolean The First Class for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
Hidden Boolean The Hidden for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
Hover Help Key String The Hover Help Key for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
Readonly Boolean The Readonly for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor
Weight String The Weight for this WebSphere DisplayDescriptor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DisplayName

Properties for the WebSphereDisplayName role
Name Type Description
Lang String The Lang for this WebSphere DisplayName
Value String The Value for this WebSphere DisplayName


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DistributionQueue

Properties for the WebSphereDistributionQueue role
Name Type Description
Queue Connection Factory J N D I Name String The Queue Connection Factory J N D I Name for this WebSphere DistributionQueue
Queue J N D I Name String The Queue J N D I Name for this WebSphere DistributionQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DynamicCache

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicCache role
Name Type Description
Cache Provider String The Cache Provider for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency String The Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Disk Cache Entry Size In M B String The Disk Cache Entry Size In M B for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Disk Cache Performance Level String The Disk Cache Performance Level for this WebSphere DynamicCache. Acceptable values
Disk Cache Size In Entries String The Disk Cache Size In Entries for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Disk Cache Size In G B String The Disk Cache Size In G B for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Disk Offload Location String The Disk Offload Location for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Enable Cache Replication Boolean The Enable Cache Replication for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Enable Disk Offload Boolean The Enable Disk Offload for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Enable Tag Level Caching Boolean The Enable Tag Level Caching for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Flush To Disk On Stop Boolean The Flush To Disk On Stop for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Hash Size String The Hash Size for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Memory Cache Size In M B String The Memory Cache Size In M B for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Push Frequency String The Push Frequency for this WebSphere DynamicCache
Replication Type String The Replication Type for this WebSphere DynamicCache. Acceptable values are: PULL,


Role for resources that represents a dynamic cluster server template

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicClusterServerTemplate role
Name Type Description
Adjust Port String The Adjust Port for this WebSphere Server
Change Group After Startup String The Change Group After Startup for this WebSphere Server
Change User After Startup String The Change User After Startup for this WebSphere Server
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere Server
Development Mode Boolean The Development Mode for this WebSphere Server
Model Id String The Model Id for this WebSphere Server
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Server
Parallel Start Enabled Boolean The Parallel Start Enabled for this WebSphere Server
Provision Components Boolean The Provision Components for this WebSphere Server
Server Type String The Server Type for this WebSphere Server
Short Name String The Short Name for this WebSphere Server


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DynamicReload

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicReload role
Name Type Description
All Auth Data Entries Boolean The All Auth Data Entries for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Auth Mechanisms Boolean The All Auth Mechanisms for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Authorization Providers Boolean The All Authorization Providers for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All C A Clients Boolean The All C A Clients for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Certificates Boolean The All Certificates for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Elements Boolean The All Elements for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All J A A S Entries Boolean The All J A A S Entries for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Properties Boolean The All Properties for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All Role Based Authorization Boolean The All Role Based Authorization for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All S S L Config Groups Boolean The All S S L Config Groups for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All S S L Configs Boolean The All S S L Configs for this WebSphere DynamicReload
All User Registries Boolean The All User Registries for this WebSphere DynamicReload


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DynamicSSLConfigSelection

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicSSLConfigSelection role
Name Type Description
Certificate Alias String The Certificate Alias for this WebSphere DynamicSSLConfigSelection
Description String The Description for this WebSphere DynamicSSLConfigSelection
Dynamic Selection Info String The Dynamic Selection Info for this WebSphere DynamicSSLConfigSelection
Name String The Name for this WebSphere DynamicSSLConfigSelection


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere DynamicWtCtrlr

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicWtCtrlr role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere DynamicWtCtrlr


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EARFile

Properties for the WebSphereEARFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere EARFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere EARFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere EARFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere EARFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere EARFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere EARFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBAsync

Properties for the WebSphereEJBAsync role
Name Type Description
Custom Work Manager J N D I Name String The Custom Work Manager J N D I Name for this WebSphere EJBAsync
Future Timeout String The Future Timeout for this WebSphere EJBAsync
Max Threads String The Max Threads for this WebSphere EJBAsync
Use Custom Defined W M Boolean The Use Custom Defined W M for this WebSphere EJBAsync
Work Req Q Full Action String The Work Req Q Full Action for this WebSphere EJBAsync
Work Req Q Size String The Work Req Q Size for this WebSphere EJBAsync


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBCache

Properties for the WebSphereEJBCache role
Name Type Description
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere EJBCache
Cleanup Interval String The Cleanup Interval for this WebSphere EJBCache


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBContainer

Properties for the WebSphereEJBContainer role
Name Type Description
Default Datasource J N D I Name String The Default Datasource J N D I Name for this WebSphere EJBContainer
Enable S F S B Failover Boolean The Enable S F S B Failover for this WebSphere EJBContainer
Inactive Pool Cleanup Interval String The Inactive Pool Cleanup Interval for this WebSphere EJBContainer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EJBContainer
Passivation Directory String The Passivation Directory for this WebSphere EJBContainer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereEJBDeployment role
Name Type Description
Ejb Name String The Ejb Name for this WebSphere EJBDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBJarFile

Properties for the WebSphereEJBJarFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere EJBJarFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere EJBJarFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere EJBJarFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere EJBJarFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere EJBJarFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere EJBJarFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBLocalRef

Properties for the WebSphereEJBLocalRef role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Home String The Home for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Indeterminate E J B Ref Boolean The Indeterminate E J B Ref for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Link String The Link for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Local String The Local for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Local Home String The Local Home for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Remote String The Remote for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere EJBLocalRef. Acceptable values are: Session, Entity.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBModuleConfiguration

Properties for the WebSphereEJBModuleConfiguration role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EJBModuleConfiguration
Enable S F S B Failover Boolean The Enable S F S B Failover for this WebSphere EJBModuleConfiguration
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EJBModuleConfiguration
Override Default D R S Settings Boolean The Override Default D R S Settings for this WebSphere EJBModuleConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereEJBModuleDeployment role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere EJBModuleDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBModuleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EJBTimer

Properties for the WebSphereEJBTimer role
Name Type Description
Datasource Alias String The Datasource Alias for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Datasource J N D I Name String The Datasource J N D I Name for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Non Persistent Timer Retry Count String The Non Persistent Timer Retry Count for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Non Persistent Timer Retry Interval String The Non Persistent Timer Retry Interval for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Num Alarm Threads String The Num Alarm Threads for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Num N P Timer Threads String The Num N P Timer Threads for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Poll Interval String The Poll Interval for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Scheduler J N D I Name String The Scheduler J N D I Name for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Table Prefix String The Table Prefix for this WebSphere EJBTimer
Unique Timer Manager For N P Boolean The Unique Timer Manager For N P for this WebSphere EJBTimer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomain

Properties for the WebSphereEXtremeScaleDomain role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomain
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomain
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomainEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereEXtremeScaleDomainEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Host Name String The Host Name for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomainEndpoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomainEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomains

Properties for the WebSphereEXtremeScaleDomains role
Name Type Description
Default String The Default for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomains
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EXtremeScaleDomains


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding

Properties for the WebSphereEjbNameSpaceBinding role
Name Type Description
Application Node Name String The Application Node Name for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding
Application Server Name String The Application Server Name for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding
Binding Location String The Binding Location for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding. Acceptable values are:
Ejb Jndi Name String The Ejb Jndi Name for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding
Name In Name Space String The Name In Name Space for this WebSphere EjbNameSpaceBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EjbRef

Properties for the WebSphereEjbRef role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EjbRef
Home String The Home for this WebSphere EjbRef
Indeterminate E J B Ref Boolean The Indeterminate E J B Ref for this WebSphere EjbRef
Link String The Link for this WebSphere EjbRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere EjbRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere EjbRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EjbRef
Remote String The Remote for this WebSphere EjbRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere EjbRef. Acceptable values are: Session, Entity.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ElasticityAction

Properties for the WebSphereElasticityAction role
Name Type Description
Action Type String The Action Type for this WebSphere ElasticityAction. Acceptable values are: ADDVMFROMWCA,
Step Num String The Step Num for this WebSphere ElasticityAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ElasticityClass

Properties for the WebSphereElasticityClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ElasticityClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ElasticityClass
Reaction Mode String The Reaction Mode for this WebSphere ElasticityClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ElasticityCustomProcessDefs

Properties for the WebSphereElasticityCustomProcessDefs role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ElasticityCustomProcessDefs


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ElasticityType

Properties for the WebSphereElasticityType role
Name Type Description
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ElasticityType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EmailNotifications

Properties for the WebSphereEmailNotifications role
Name Type Description
Email Addresses String The Email Addresses for this WebSphere EmailNotifications
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere EmailNotifications
Port String The Port for this WebSphere EmailNotifications
Transport Host Name String The Transport Host Name for this WebSphere EmailNotifications
Transport Password Password The Transport Password for this WebSphere EmailNotifications
Transport User Id String The Transport User Id for this WebSphere EmailNotifications


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile

Properties for the WebSphereEmitterFactoryProfile role
Name Type Description
Asynchronous Transmission Profile J N D I Name String The Asynchronous Transmission Profile J N D I Name for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Category String The Category for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Filter Factory J N D I Name String The Filter Factory J N D I Name for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Filtering Enabled Boolean The Filtering Enabled for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Preferred Synchronization Mode Boolean The Preferred Synchronization Mode for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Preferred Transaction Mode Boolean The Preferred Transaction Mode for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile
Synchronous Transmission Profile J N D I Name String The Synchronous Transmission Profile J N D I Name for this WebSphere EmitterFactoryProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EndPoint

Properties for the WebSphereEndPoint role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere EndPoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere EndPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EndPointRef

Properties for the WebSphereEndPointRef role
Name Type Description
End Point Name String The End Point Name for this WebSphere EndPointRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EnterpriseBeanConfig

Properties for the WebSphereEnterpriseBeanConfig role
Name Type Description
Ejb Name String The Ejb Name for this WebSphere EnterpriseBeanConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EnvEntry

Properties for the WebSphereEnvEntry role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EnvEntry
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere EnvEntry
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere EnvEntry
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EnvEntry
Type String The Type for this WebSphere EnvEntry. Acceptable values are: Class, Short, Float,
Extended, Integer, Byte, Boolean, Long, Character, String, Double.
Value String The Value for this WebSphere EnvEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ErrorMapping

Properties for the WebSphereErrorMapping role
Name Type Description
Status Code String The Status Code for this WebSphere ErrorMapping
U R L String The U R L for this WebSphere ErrorMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile

Properties for the WebSphereEventBusTransmissionProfile role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile
Event Bus J N D I Name String The Event Bus J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere EventBusTransmissionProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventGroupProfile

Properties for the WebSphereEventGroupProfile role
Name Type Description
Event Group Name String The Event Group Name for this WebSphere EventGroupProfile
Event Selector String String The Event Selector String for this WebSphere EventGroupProfile
Persist Events Boolean The Persist Events for this WebSphere EventGroupProfile
Topic Connection Factory J N D I Name String The Topic Connection Factory J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventGroupProfile
Topic J N D I Name String The Topic J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventGroupProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventGroupProfileList

Properties for the WebSphereEventGroupProfileList role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere EventGroupProfileList
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EventGroupProfileList
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere EventGroupProfileList
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EventGroupProfileList
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere EventGroupProfileList


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider

Properties for the WebSphereEventInfrastructureProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventInfrastructureService

Properties for the WebSphereEventInfrastructureService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere EventInfrastructureService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EventServerProfile

Properties for the WebSphereEventServerProfile role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Data Store J N D I Name String The Data Store J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Data Store Profile J N D I Name String The Data Store Profile J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Enable Data Store Boolean The Enable Data Store for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Enable Event Distribution Boolean The Enable Event Distribution for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Event Group Profile List J N D I Name String The Event Group Profile List J N D I Name for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EventServerProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere EventServerProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere EveryoneExt

Properties for the WebSphereEveryoneExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere EveryoneExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere EveryoneExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExecutionTimeAndThreadLimit

Properties for the WebSphereExecutionTimeAndThreadLimit role
Name Type Description
Max Concurrent Job String The Max Concurrent Job for this WebSphere ExecutionTimeAndThreadLimit
Max Execution Time String The Max Execution Time for this WebSphere ExecutionTimeAndThreadLimit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExtendedApplicationData

Properties for the WebSphereExtendedApplicationData role
Name Type Description
Application Name String The Application Name for this WebSphere ExtendedApplicationData
Logical Application Name String The Logical Application Name for this WebSphere ExtendedApplicationData
Standalone Module Name String The Standalone Module Name for this WebSphere ExtendedApplicationData


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExtendedRepositoryService

Properties for the WebSphereExtendedRepositoryService role
Name Type Description
Auto Checkpoints Depth String The Auto Checkpoints Depth for this WebSphere ExtendedRepositoryService
Auto Checkpoints Enabled Boolean The Auto Checkpoints Enabled for this WebSphere ExtendedRepositoryService
Checkpoint Root String The Checkpoint Root for this WebSphere ExtendedRepositoryService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ExtendedRepositoryService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Extension

Properties for the WebSphereExtension role
Name Type Description
Config U R I String The Config U R I for this WebSphere Extension
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Extension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExtensionMBean

Properties for the WebSphereExtensionMBean role
Name Type Description
Descriptor U R I String The Descriptor U R I for this WebSphere ExtensionMBean
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ExtensionMBean


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExtensionMBeanProvider

Properties for the WebSphereExtensionMBeanProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere ExtensionMBeanProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ExtensionMBeanProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ExtensionMBeanProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternalCacheGroup

Properties for the WebSphereExternalCacheGroup role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ExternalCacheGroup
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ExternalCacheGroup. Acceptable values are: SHARED, NOT_SHARED.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternalCacheGroupMember

Properties for the WebSphereExternalCacheGroupMember role
Name Type Description
Adapter Bean Name String The Adapter Bean Name for this WebSphere ExternalCacheGroupMember
Address String The Address for this WebSphere ExternalCacheGroupMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternalDomain

Properties for the WebSphereExternalDomain role
Name Type Description
Distinguished Name String The Distinguished Name for this WebSphere ExternalDomain
Domain Name String The Domain Name for this WebSphere ExternalDomain
Host String The Host for this WebSphere ExternalDomain
Port String The Port for this WebSphere ExternalDomain
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere ExternalDomain. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP, TLS.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternalFile

Properties for the WebSphereExternalFile role
Name Type Description
File Path String The File Path for this WebSphere ExternalFile
Hostname String The Hostname for this WebSphere ExternalFile
Read Only Boolean The Read Only for this WebSphere ExternalFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternalFileService

Properties for the WebSphereExternalFileService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ExternalFileService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ExternalFileService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ExternallyManagedHTTPServer

Properties for the WebSphereExternallyManagedHTTPServer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ExternallyManagedHTTPServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember

Properties for the WebSphereFRCACacheGroupMember role
Name Type Description
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember
Enable F R C A Boolean The Enable F R C A for this WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember
Max File Size String The Max File Size for this WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember
Stack Name String The Stack Name for this WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember
Transaction Class String The Transaction Class for this WebSphere FRCACacheGroupMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere FailRoute

Properties for the WebSphereFailRoute role
Name Type Description
Fail Status Code String The Fail Status Code for this WebSphere FailRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Federated Repository Attribute Mapping

Properties for the WebSphereFederatedRepositoryAttributeMapping role
Name Type Description
Attribute String Specifies the attribute.
Property For Input String Specifies the property for input.
Property For Output String Specifies the property for output.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere File

Properties for the WebSphereFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere File
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere File
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere File
Size String The Size for this WebSphere File
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere File


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere File Repository

Properties for the WebSphereFileRepository role
Name Type Description
Adapter Class Name String The implementation class name for the repository adapter.
Base Entries String The base entries for the repository. Use the format {ou=bluepages,o=ibm.com=ou, o=ibm.com}.
Base directory String The base directory where the fill will be created in order to store the data.
File name String The file name of the repository.
Id String The unique identifier for the repository.
Is external ID unique Boolean Specifies if the external ID is unique or not.
Login properties String Federated repository properties for login.
Message digest algorithm String The message digest algorithm that will be used for hashing the password. The default
value is SHA-1. Valid values include the following: SHA-1, SHA-384, or SHA-512.
Salt length String The salt length of the randomly generated salt for password hashing.
Support External Name Boolean Indicates if external names are supported or not.
Support async mode Boolean Indicates if the adapter supports async mode or not.
Support paging Boolean Indicates if paging is supported or not.
Support sorting Boolean Indicates if sorting is supported or not.
Support transactions Boolean Indicates if transaction is supported or not.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere FileTransferService

Properties for the WebSphereFileTransferService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere FileTransferService
Retries Count String The Retries Count for this WebSphere FileTransferService
Retry Wait Time String The Retry Wait Time for this WebSphere FileTransferService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Filter

Properties for the WebSphereFilter role
Name Type Description
Enabled Gss Cred Delegate Boolean The Enabled Gss Cred Delegate for this WebSphere Filter
Filter Class String The Filter Class for this WebSphere Filter
Filter Criteria String The Filter Criteria for this WebSphere Filter
Host Name String The Host Name for this WebSphere Filter
Krb5 Realm String The Krb5 Realm for this WebSphere Filter
Ntlm Token Received Page String The Ntlm Token Received Page for this WebSphere Filter
Spnego Not Supported Page String The Spnego Not Supported Page for this WebSphere Filter
Trim User Name Boolean The Trim User Name for this WebSphere Filter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile

Properties for the WebSphereFilterFactoryProfile role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile
Filter Configuration String String The Filter Configuration String for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere FilterFactoryProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ForeignCell

Properties for the WebSphereForeignCell role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ForeignCell


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ForeignServer

Properties for the WebSphereForeignServer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ForeignServer
Override Type Boolean The Override Type for this WebSphere ForeignServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GCPercentageCondition

Properties for the WebSphereGCPercentageCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere GCPercentageCondition
Garbage Collection Percent String The Garbage Collection Percent for this WebSphere GCPercentageCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GCPercentageCondition
Sampling Period String The Sampling Period for this WebSphere GCPercentageCondition
Sampling Units String The Sampling Units for this WebSphere GCPercentageCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GSCMember

Properties for the WebSphereGSCMember role
Name Type Description
Host Name String The Host Name for this WebSphere GSCMember
Port String The Port for this WebSphere GSCMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GSCMemberEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereGSCMemberEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere GSCMemberEndpoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere GSCMemberEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericChannelData

Properties for the WebSphereGenericChannelData role
Name Type Description
Config U R I String The Config U R I for this WebSphere GenericChannelData
Jar File String The Jar File for this WebSphere GenericChannelData
Type I D String The Type I D for this WebSphere GenericChannelData


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericChannelFactory

Properties for the WebSphereGenericChannelFactory role
Name Type Description
Config U R I String The Config U R I for this WebSphere GenericChannelFactory
Jar File String The Jar File for this WebSphere GenericChannelFactory
Type I D String The Type I D for this WebSphere GenericChannelFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericClusterRoute

Properties for the WebSphereGenericClusterRoute role
Name Type Description
Generic Server Cluster Name String The Generic Server Cluster Name for this WebSphere GenericClusterRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereGenericInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Config U R I String The Config U R I for this WebSphere GenericInboundChannel
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere GenericInboundChannel
Jar File String The Jar File for this WebSphere GenericInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GenericInboundChannel
Type I D String The Type I D for this WebSphere GenericInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereGenericJMSConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Category String The Category for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
External J N D I Name String The External J N D I Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Type String The Type for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: QUEUE,
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere GenericJMSConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericJMSDestination

Properties for the WebSphereGenericJMSDestination role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
Description String The Description for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
External J N D I Name String The External J N D I Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination
Type String The Type for this WebSphere GenericJMSDestination. Acceptable values are: QUEUE, TOPIC.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereGenericOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Config U R I String The Config U R I for this WebSphere GenericOutboundChannel
Jar File String The Jar File for this WebSphere GenericOutboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GenericOutboundChannel
Type I D String The Type I D for this WebSphere GenericOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericServerCluster

Properties for the WebSphereGenericServerCluster role
Name Type Description
Cache Instance Name String The Cache Instance Name for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Cache Update Uri String The Cache Update Uri for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Connection Pool Enable Boolean The Connection Pool Enable for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Enable Caching Boolean The Enable Caching for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Max Connections Per Server String The Max Connections Per Server for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Outbound S S L Alias String The Outbound S S L Alias for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster. Acceptable values are: HTTPS,
Ssl Cache Enable Boolean The Ssl Cache Enable for this WebSphere GenericServerCluster


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericServerClusterMapping

Properties for the WebSphereGenericServerClusterMapping role
Name Type Description
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere GenericServerClusterMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericServerClusterRoute

Properties for the WebSphereGenericServerClusterRoute role
Name Type Description
Generic Server Cluster Name String The Generic Server Cluster Name for this WebSphere GenericServerClusterRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericServerClusterTimeMapping

Properties for the WebSphereGenericServerClusterTimeMapping role
Name Type Description
Action String The Action for this WebSphere GenericServerClusterTimeMapping. Acceptable values are:
End Time String The End Time for this WebSphere GenericServerClusterTimeMapping
Start Time String The Start Time for this WebSphere GenericServerClusterTimeMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GenericServerEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereGenericServerEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere GenericServerEndpoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere GenericServerEndpoint
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere GenericServerEndpoint. Acceptable values are: HTTPS,
Weight String The Weight for this WebSphere GenericServerEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GridClassRules

Properties for the WebSphereGridClassRules role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere GridClassRules
Match Action String The Match Action for this WebSphere GridClassRules
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GridClassRules
Type String The Type for this WebSphere GridClassRules


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GridMatchRule

Properties for the WebSphereGridMatchRule role
Name Type Description
Match Action String The Match Action for this WebSphere GridMatchRule
Match Expression String The Match Expression for this WebSphere GridMatchRule
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere GridMatchRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GridScheduler

Properties for the WebSphereGridScheduler role
Name Type Description
Database Schema Name String The Database Schema Name for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Datasource Alias String The Datasource Alias for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Datasource J N D I Name String The Datasource J N D I Name for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Deployment Target String The Deployment Target for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Enable Usage Recording String The Enable Usage Recording for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Enable Usage Recording Z O S String The Enable Usage Recording Z O S for this WebSphere GridScheduler
Endpoint Job Log Location String The Endpoint Job Log Location for this WebSphere GridScheduler


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GridWorkGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere GroupExt

Properties for the WebSphereGroupExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere GroupExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere GroupExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HAManagerService

Properties for the WebSphereHAManagerService role
Name Type Description
Activate Enabled Boolean The Activate Enabled for this WebSphere HAManagerService
Core Group Name String The Core Group Name for this WebSphere HAManagerService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere HAManagerService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere HAManagerService
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere HAManagerService
Transport Buffer Size String The Transport Buffer Size for this WebSphere HAManagerService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HPELLog

Properties for the WebSphereHPELLog role
Name Type Description
Buffering Enabled Boolean The Buffering Enabled for this WebSphere HPELLog
Data Directory String The Data Directory for this WebSphere HPELLog
File Switch Enabled Boolean The File Switch Enabled for this WebSphere HPELLog
File Switch Time String The File Switch Time for this WebSphere HPELLog
Out Of Space Action String The Out Of Space Action for this WebSphere HPELLog. Acceptable values are: StopLogging,
PurgeOld, StopServer.
Purge By Size Enabled Boolean The Purge By Size Enabled for this WebSphere HPELLog
Purge By Time Enabled Boolean The Purge By Time Enabled for this WebSphere HPELLog
Purge Max Size String The Purge Max Size for this WebSphere HPELLog
Purge Min Time String The Purge Min Time for this WebSphere HPELLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HPELTextLog

Properties for the WebSphereHPELTextLog role
Name Type Description
Buffering Enabled Boolean The Buffering Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Data Directory String The Data Directory for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
File Switch Enabled Boolean The File Switch Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
File Switch Time String The File Switch Time for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Out Of Space Action String The Out Of Space Action for this WebSphere HPELTextLog. Acceptable values are: StopLogging,
PurgeOld, StopServer.
Output Format String The Output Format for this WebSphere HPELTextLog. Acceptable values are: LOG_ANALYZER,
Purge By Size Enabled Boolean The Purge By Size Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Purge By Time Enabled Boolean The Purge By Time Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Purge Max Size String The Purge Max Size for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Purge Min Time String The Purge Min Time for this WebSphere HPELTextLog
Trace Included Boolean The Trace Included for this WebSphere HPELTextLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HPELTrace

Properties for the WebSphereHPELTrace role
Name Type Description
Buffering Enabled Boolean The Buffering Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Data Directory String The Data Directory for this WebSphere HPELTrace
File Switch Enabled Boolean The File Switch Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTrace
File Switch Time String The File Switch Time for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Memory Buffer Size String The Memory Buffer Size for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Out Of Space Action String The Out Of Space Action for this WebSphere HPELTrace. Acceptable values are: StopLogging,
PurgeOld, StopServer.
Purge By Size Enabled Boolean The Purge By Size Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Purge By Time Enabled Boolean The Purge By Time Enabled for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Purge Max Size String The Purge Max Size for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Purge Min Time String The Purge Min Time for this WebSphere HPELTrace
Storage Type String The Storage Type for this WebSphere HPELTrace. Acceptable values are: MEMORYBUFFER,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPAccessLoggingService role
Name Type Description
Access Log Format String The Access Log Format for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService. Acceptable values
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService
Enable Access Logging Boolean The Enable Access Logging for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService
Enable Error Logging Boolean The Enable Error Logging for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService
Enable F R C A Logging Boolean The Enable F R C A Logging for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService
Error Log Level String The Error Log Level for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService. Acceptable values
Frca Log Format String The Frca Log Format for this WebSphere HTTPAccessLoggingService. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPConnector

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere HTTPConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Enable Logging Boolean The Enable Logging for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Keep Alive Boolean The Keep Alive for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Max Field Size String The Max Field Size for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Max Headers String The Max Headers for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Max Request Message Body Size String The Max Request Message Body Size for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Maximum Persistent Requests String The Maximum Persistent Requests for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Persistent Timeout String The Persistent Timeout for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Read Timeout String The Read Timeout for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Use Channel Access Logging Settings Boolean The Use Channel Access Logging Settings for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Use Channel Error Logging Settings Boolean The Use Channel Error Logging Settings for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Use Channel F R C A Logging Settings Boolean The Use Channel F R C A Logging Settings for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel
Write Timeout String The Write Timeout for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPInboundChannelLogging role
Name Type Description
Access Log Format String The Access Log Format for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging. Acceptable values
Enable Access Logging Boolean The Enable Access Logging for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging
Enable Error Logging Boolean The Enable Error Logging for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging
Enable F R C A Logging Boolean The Enable F R C A Logging for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging
Error Log Level String The Error Log Level for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging. Acceptable values
Frca Log Format String The Frca Log Format for this WebSphere HTTPInboundChannelLogging. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Keep Alive Boolean The Keep Alive for this WebSphere HTTPOutboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPOutboundChannel
Read Timeout String The Read Timeout for this WebSphere HTTPOutboundChannel
Write Timeout String The Write Timeout for this WebSphere HTTPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPProxyServerSettings

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPProxyServerSettings role
Name Type Description
Local Outbound T C P Address String The Local Outbound T C P Address for this WebSphere HTTPProxyServerSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPQueueInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPQueueInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere HTTPQueueInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPQueueInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPRequestCompressionAction

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPRequestCompressionAction role
Name Type Description
Compression Type String The Compression Type for this WebSphere HTTPRequestCompressionAction. Acceptable values
Content Types String The Content Types for this WebSphere HTTPRequestCompressionAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPRequestCompressionAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPRequestCompressionActionRef Reference

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPRequestCompressionActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere HTTP Request Compression Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPRequestHeaderAction role
Name Type Description
Header Modify Action String The Header Modify Action for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction. Acceptable values
Header Name String The Header Name for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction
Header Value String The Header Value for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction
Header Value Expression String The Header Value Expression for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction
Method Names String The Method Names for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPRequestHeaderActionRef Reference

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPRequestHeaderActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere HTTP Request Header Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPResponseCompressionAction

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPResponseCompressionAction role
Name Type Description
Compression Type String The Compression Type for this WebSphere HTTPResponseCompressionAction. Acceptable
values are: DEFLATE, ANY, GZIP.
Content Types String The Content Types for this WebSphere HTTPResponseCompressionAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPResponseCompressionAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPResponseCompressionActionRef Reference

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPResponseCompressionActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere HTTP Response Compression Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPResponseHeaderAction role
Name Type Description
Header Modify Action String The Header Modify Action for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction. Acceptable values
Header Name String The Header Name for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction
Header Value String The Header Value for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction
Header Value Expression String The Header Value Expression for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction
Status Codes String The Status Codes for this WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPResponseHeaderActionRef Reference

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPResponseHeaderActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere HTTP Response Header Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPTransport

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPTransport role
Name Type Description
Adjust Port String The Adjust Port for this WebSphere HTTPTransport
External Boolean The External for this WebSphere HTTPTransport
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere HTTPTransport
Ssl Enabled Boolean The Ssl Enabled for this WebSphere HTTPTransport


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPTunnelInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPTunnelInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere HTTPTunnelInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPTunnelInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HTTPTunnelOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereHTTPTunnelOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HTTPTunnelOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HeaderAction

Properties for the WebSphereHeaderAction role
Name Type Description
Header Modify Action String The Header Modify Action for this WebSphere HeaderAction. Acceptable values are: EDIT,
Header Name String The Header Name for this WebSphere HeaderAction
Header Value String The Header Value for this WebSphere HeaderAction
Header Value Expression String The Header Value Expression for this WebSphere HeaderAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HeaderAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HeaderCondition

Properties for the WebSphereHeaderCondition role
Name Type Description
Header Key String The Header Key for this WebSphere HeaderCondition
Header Value String The Header Value for this WebSphere HeaderCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HealthAction

Properties for the WebSphereHealthAction role
Name Type Description
Action Type String The Action Type for this WebSphere HealthAction. Acceptable values are: UNSETMAINTENANCEMODE,
Step Num String The Step Num for this WebSphere HealthAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HealthClass

Properties for the WebSphereHealthClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere HealthClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HealthClass
Reaction Mode String The Reaction Mode for this WebSphere HealthClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HealthCondition

Properties for the WebSphereHealthCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere HealthCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere HealthCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HealthController

Properties for the WebSphereHealthController role
Name Type Description
Control Cycle Length String The Control Cycle Length for this WebSphere HealthController
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere HealthController
Max Consecutive Restarts String The Max Consecutive Restarts for this WebSphere HealthController
Min Restart Interval String The Min Restart Interval for this WebSphere HealthController
Min Restart Interval Units String The Min Restart Interval Units for this WebSphere HealthController
Restart Timeout String The Restart Timeout for this WebSphere HealthController


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HealthTime

Properties for the WebSphereHealthTime role
Name Type Description
Hour String The Hour for this WebSphere HealthTime
Minute String The Minute for this WebSphere HealthTime


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging

Properties for the WebSphereHighPerformanceExtensibleLogging role
Name Type Description
Correlation Id Enabled Boolean The Correlation Id Enabled for this WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging
Raw Trace Filter Enabled Boolean The Raw Trace Filter Enabled for this WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging
Stack Trace Suppression Enabled Boolean The Stack Trace Suppression Enabled for this WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging
Startup Trace Spec String The Startup Trace Spec for this WebSphere HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere I18NService

Properties for the WebSphereI18NService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere I18NService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IIOPLayer

Properties for the WebSphereIIOPLayer role
Name Type Description
Use Claim Boolean The Use Claim for this WebSphere IIOPLayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IIOPSecurityProtocol


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IIOPTransport

Properties for the WebSphereIIOPTransport role
Name Type Description
External Boolean The External for this WebSphere IIOPTransport
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere IIOPTransport
Ssl Enabled Boolean The Ssl Enabled for this WebSphere IIOPTransport


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IPCConnector

Properties for the WebSphereIPCConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere IPCConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IPSprayer

Properties for the WebSphereIPSprayer role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere IPSprayer
Is Enabled Boolean The Is Enabled for this WebSphere IPSprayer
Port String The Port for this WebSphere IPSprayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IconType

Properties for the WebSphereIconType role
Name Type Description
Lang String The Lang for this WebSphere IconType
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere IconType
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere IconType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Identity

Properties for the WebSphereIdentity role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Identity
Role Name String The Role Name for this WebSphere Identity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IdentityAssertionLayer

Properties for the WebSphereIdentityAssertionLayer role
Name Type Description
Use Claim Boolean The Use Claim for this WebSphere IdentityAssertionLayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IdentityAssertionQOP

Properties for the WebSphereIdentityAssertionQOP role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere IdentityAssertionQOP
Trusted Id String The Trusted Id for this WebSphere IdentityAssertionQOP
Trusted Password Password The Trusted Password for this WebSphere IdentityAssertionQOP


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IdentityAssertionTypeAssociation

Properties for the WebSphereIdentityAssertionTypeAssociation role
Name Type Description
Type String The Type for this WebSphere IdentityAssertionTypeAssociation. Acceptable values are:


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InboundResourceAdapter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InboundTransportChannel

Properties for the WebSphereInboundTransportChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere InboundTransportChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere InboundTransportChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding

Properties for the WebSphereIndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding role
Name Type Description
Initial Context Factory String The Initial Context Factory for this WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding
Name String The Name for this WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding
Name In Name Space String The Name In Name Space for this WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding
Provider U R L String The Provider U R L for this WebSphere IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InjectionTarget

Properties for the WebSphereInjectionTarget role
Name Type Description
Injection Target Name String The Injection Target Name for this WebSphere InjectionTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InstallTarget

Properties for the WebSphereInstallTarget role
Name Type Description
Hostname String The Hostname for this WebSphere InstallTarget
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere InstallTarget
Platform String The Platform for this WebSphere InstallTarget
Ssh Public Key Installed Boolean The Ssh Public Key Installed for this WebSphere InstallTarget
Username String The Username for this WebSphere InstallTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InstancePool

Properties for the WebSphereInstancePool role
Name Type Description
Max Size String The Max Size for this WebSphere InstancePool
Min Size String The Min Size for this WebSphere InstancePool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Interceptor

Properties for the WebSphereInterceptor role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Interceptor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere InvalidationSchedule

Properties for the WebSphereInvalidationSchedule role
Name Type Description
First Hour String The First Hour for this WebSphere InvalidationSchedule
Second Hour String The Second Hour for this WebSphere InvalidationSchedule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2CActivationSpec

Properties for the WebSphereJ2CActivationSpec role
Name Type Description
Authentication Alias String The Authentication Alias for this WebSphere J2CActivationSpec
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2CActivationSpec
Destination Jndi Name String The Destination Jndi Name for this WebSphere J2CActivationSpec
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere J2CActivationSpec
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2CActivationSpec


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2CAdminObject

Properties for the WebSphereJ2CAdminObject role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2CAdminObject
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere J2CAdminObject
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2CAdminObject


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereJ2CConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Category String The Category for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere J2CConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter

Properties for the WebSphereJ2CResourceAdapter role
Name Type Description
Archive Path String The Archive Path for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
H A Capability String The H A Capability for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter. Acceptable values are: RA_ENDPOINT_HA,
Is Enable H A Support Boolean The Is Enable H A Support for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Singleton Boolean The Singleton for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter
Thread Pool Alias String The Thread Pool Alias for this WebSphere J2CResourceAdapter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEEAttribute

Properties for the WebSphereJ2EEEAttribute role
Name Type Description
Changeable Boolean The Changeable for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Default Value Literal String The Default Value Literal for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Derived Boolean The Derived for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
I D Boolean The I D for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Lower Bound String The Lower Bound for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Ordered Boolean The Ordered for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Transient Boolean The Transient for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Unique Boolean The Unique for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Unsettable Boolean The Unsettable for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Upper Bound String The Upper Bound for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute
Volatile Boolean The Volatile for this WebSphere J2EEEAttribute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEEObject


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory

Properties for the WebSphereJ2EEResourceFactory role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere J2EEResourceFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty

Properties for the WebSphereJ2EEResourceProperty role
Name Type Description
Confidential Boolean The Confidential for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Ignore Boolean The Ignore for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Supports Dynamic Updates Boolean The Supports Dynamic Updates for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Type String The Type for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty
Value String The Value for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEResourcePropertySet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider

Properties for the WebSphereJ2EEResourceProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere J2EEResourceProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAASAuthData

Properties for the WebSphereJAASAuthData role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere JAASAuthData
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JAASAuthData
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere JAASAuthData
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere JAASAuthData


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAASConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAASConfigurationEntry

Properties for the WebSphereJAASConfigurationEntry role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere JAASConfigurationEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAASLoginModule

Properties for the WebSphereJAASLoginModule role
Name Type Description
Authentication Strategy String The Authentication Strategy for this WebSphere JAASLoginModule. Acceptable values
Callback Handler Class Name String The Callback Handler Class Name for this WebSphere JAASLoginModule
Module Class Name String The Module Class Name for this WebSphere JAASLoginModule
Order Number String The order for this Login Module inside the JAAS Configuration Entry.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JASPIConfiguration

Properties for the WebSphereJASPIConfiguration role
Name Type Description
Default Provider Name String The Default Provider Name for this WebSphere JASPIConfiguration
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere JASPIConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAXRPCHandler

Properties for the WebSphereJAXRPCHandler role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandler
Handler Class Name String The Handler Class Name for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandler
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandler
Soap Roles String The Soap Roles for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandler


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAXRPCHandlerList

Properties for the WebSphereJAXRPCHandlerList role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandlerList
Handler Name String The Handler Name for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandlerList
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JAXRPCHandlerList


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAXRPCHeader

Properties for the WebSphereJAXRPCHeader role
Name Type Description
Local Part String The Local Part for this WebSphere JAXRPCHeader
Namespace U R I String The Namespace U R I for this WebSphere JAXRPCHeader


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAXWSHandler

Properties for the WebSphereJAXWSHandler role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JAXWSHandler
Handler Class Name String The Handler Class Name for this WebSphere JAXWSHandler
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JAXWSHandler


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JAXWSHandlerList

Properties for the WebSphereJAXWSHandlerList role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JAXWSHandlerList
Handler Name String The Handler Name for this WebSphere JAXWSHandlerList
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JAXWSHandlerList


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JDBCProvider

Properties for the WebSphereJDBCProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Implementation Class Name String The Implementation Class Name for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere JDBCProvider
Xa Boolean The Xa for this WebSphere JDBCProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JFAPFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JFAPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereJFAPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere JFAPInboundChannel
Heartbeat Interval String The Heartbeat Interval for this WebSphere JFAPInboundChannel
Heartbeat Timeout String The Heartbeat Timeout for this WebSphere JFAPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JFAPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JFAPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereJFAPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Heartbeat Interval String The Heartbeat Interval for this WebSphere JFAPOutboundChannel
Heartbeat Timeout String The Heartbeat Timeout for this WebSphere JFAPOutboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JFAPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSConnector

Properties for the WebSphereJMSConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere JMSConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSDestination

Properties for the WebSphereJMSDestination role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere JMSDestination
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JMSDestination
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere JMSDestination
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JMSDestination
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere JMSDestination


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSProvider

Properties for the WebSphereJMSProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JMSProvider
External Initial Context Factory String The External Initial Context Factory for this WebSphere JMSProvider
External Provider U R L String The External Provider U R L for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere JMSProvider
Supports A S F Boolean The Supports A S F for this WebSphere JMSProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSServer

Properties for the WebSphereJMSServer role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JMSServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JMSServer
Num Threads String The Num Threads for this WebSphere JMSServer
Queue Names String The Queue Names for this WebSphere JMSServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile

Properties for the WebSphereJMSTransmissionProfile role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Queue Connection Factory J N D I Name String The Queue Connection Factory J N D I Name for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile
Queue J N D I Name String The Queue J N D I Name for this WebSphere JMSTransmissionProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMSTransport

Properties for the WebSphereJMSTransport role
Name Type Description
External Boolean The External for this WebSphere JMSTransport
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere JMSTransport
Ssl Enabled Boolean The Ssl Enabled for this WebSphere JMSTransport


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMXConnector

Properties for the WebSphereJMXConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere JMXConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JMXConnector Reference

Properties for the WebSphereJMXConnectorRef role
Name Type Description
Resource Name String The Name of the IBM UCD Resource that represents the JMXConnector to reference.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JNDIEnvRefsGroup

Properties for the WebSphereJNDIEnvRefsGroup role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JNDIEnvRefsGroup
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere JNDIEnvRefsGroup
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere JNDIEnvRefsGroup
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere JNDIEnvRefsGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JSR160RMIConnector

Properties for the WebSphereJSR160RMIConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere JSR160RMIConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JavaPersistenceAPIService

Properties for the WebSphereJavaPersistenceAPIService role
Name Type Description
Default J T A Data Source J N D I Name String The Default J T A Data Source J N D I Name for this WebSphere JavaPersistenceAPIService
Default Non J T A Data Source J N D I Name String The Default Non J T A Data Source J N D I Name for this WebSphere JavaPersistenceAPIService
Default Persistence Provider String The Default Persistence Provider for this WebSphere JavaPersistenceAPIService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere JavaPersistenceAPIService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JavaProcessDef

Properties for the WebSphereJavaProcessDef role
Name Type Description
Executable Arguments String The Executable Arguments for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Executable Name String The Executable Name for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Executable Target String The Executable Target for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Executable Target Kind String The Executable Target Kind for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef. Acceptable values are:
Process Type String The Process Type for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Start Command String The Start Command for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Start Command Args String The Start Command Args for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Stop Command String The Stop Command for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Stop Command Args String The Stop Command Args for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Terminate Command String The Terminate Command for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Terminate Command Args String The Terminate Command Args for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef
Working Directory String The Working Directory for this WebSphere JavaProcessDef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine

Properties for the WebSphereJavaVirtualMachine role
Name Type Description
Boot Classpath String The Boot Classpath for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Debug Args String The Debug Args for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Debug Mode Boolean The Debug Mode for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Disable J I T Boolean The Disable J I T for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Executable Jar File Name String The Executable Jar File Name for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Generic Jvm Arguments String The Generic Jvm Arguments for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Hprof Arguments String The Hprof Arguments for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Initial Heap Size String The Initial Heap Size for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Internal Class Access Mode String The Internal Class Access Mode for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine. Acceptable values
Maximum Heap Size String The Maximum Heap Size for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Os Name String The Os Name for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Run H Prof Boolean The Run H Prof for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Verbose Mode Class Boolean The Verbose Mode Class for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Verbose Mode Garbage Collection Boolean The Verbose Mode Garbage Collection for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine
Verbose Mode J N I Boolean The Verbose Mode J N I for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachine


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset

Properties for the WebSphereJavaVirtualMachinePreset role
Name Type Description
Boot Classpath String The Boot Classpath for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset
Generic Jvm Arguments String The Generic Jvm Arguments for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset
Initial Heap Size String The Initial Heap Size for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset
Maximum Heap Size String The Maximum Heap Size for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JavaVirtualMachinePreset


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JobClass

Properties for the WebSphereJobClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere JobClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JobClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JobLogLimit

Properties for the WebSphereJobLogLimit role
Name Type Description
Max Class Space String The Max Class Space for this WebSphere JobLogLimit
Max File Age String The Max File Age for this WebSphere JobLogLimit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JobManager

Properties for the WebSphereJobManager role
Name Type Description
Database Max Return String The Database Max Return for this WebSphere JobManager
Datasource String The Datasource for this WebSphere JobManager
Default Job Expiration String The Default Job Expiration for this WebSphere JobManager
Job Notification Mail Session String The Job Notification Mail Session for this WebSphere JobManager
Name String The Name for this WebSphere JobManager
Sender Email String The Sender Email for this WebSphere JobManager
U R L String The U R L for this WebSphere JobManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere JobManagerRegistration

Properties for the WebSphereJobManagerRegistration role
Name Type Description
Conn Type String The Conn Type for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Host String The Host for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Job Manager U U I D String The Job Manager U U I D for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Polling Enabled String The Polling Enabled for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Port String The Port for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
Registered Name String The Registered Name for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration
U R L String The U R L for this WebSphere JobManagerRegistration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KRB5

Properties for the WebSphereKRB5 role
Name Type Description
Allow L T P A Auth Boolean The Allow L T P A Auth for this WebSphere KRB5
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere KRB5
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere KRB5
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere KRB5
Configured Boolean The Configured for this WebSphere KRB5
Enabled Gss Cred Delegate Boolean The Enabled Gss Cred Delegate for this WebSphere KRB5
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere KRB5
Krb5 Config String The Krb5 Config for this WebSphere KRB5
Krb5 Keytab String The Krb5 Keytab for this WebSphere KRB5
Krb5 Realm String The Krb5 Realm for this WebSphere KRB5
Krb5 Spn String The Krb5 Spn for this WebSphere KRB5
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere KRB5
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere KRB5
Trim User Name Boolean The Trim User Name for this WebSphere KRB5


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Key

Properties for the WebSphereKey role
Name Type Description
Byte Array String The Byte Array for this WebSphere Key


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyManager

Properties for the WebSphereKeyManager role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere KeyManager
Key Manager Class String The Key Manager Class for this WebSphere KeyManager
Name String The Name for this WebSphere KeyManager
Provider String The Provider for this WebSphere KeyManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyManager Reference

Properties for the WebSphereKeyManagerRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere KeyManager
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere KeyManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyReference

Properties for the WebSphereKeyReference role
Name Type Description
Key Alias String The Key Alias for this WebSphere KeyReference
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere KeyReference
Version String The Version for this WebSphere KeyReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeySet

Properties for the WebSphereKeySet role
Name Type Description
Alias Prefix String The Alias Prefix for this WebSphere KeySet
Delete Old Keys Boolean The Delete Old Keys for this WebSphere KeySet
Is Key Pair Boolean The Is Key Pair for this WebSphere KeySet
Key Generation Class String The Key Generation Class for this WebSphere KeySet
Max Key References String The Max Key References for this WebSphere KeySet
Name String The Name for this WebSphere KeySet
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere KeySet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeySetGroup

Properties for the WebSphereKeySetGroup role
Name Type Description
Auto Generate Boolean The Auto Generate for this WebSphere KeySetGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere KeySetGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeySetGroup Reference

Properties for the WebSphereKeySetGroupRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere KeySetGroup
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere KeySetGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeySet Reference

Properties for the WebSphereKeySetRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere KeySet
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere KeySet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyStore

Properties for the WebSphereKeyStore role
Name Type Description
Create Stash File For C M S Boolean The Create Stash File For C M S for this WebSphere KeyStore
Custom Provider Class String The Custom Provider Class for this WebSphere KeyStore
Description String The Description for this WebSphere KeyStore
File Based Boolean The File Based for this WebSphere KeyStore
Host List String The Host List for this WebSphere KeyStore
Initialize At Startup Boolean The Initialize At Startup for this WebSphere KeyStore
Location String The Location for this WebSphere KeyStore
Name String The Name for this WebSphere KeyStore
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere KeyStore
Provider String The Provider for this WebSphere KeyStore
Read Only Boolean The Read Only for this WebSphere KeyStore
Slot String The Slot for this WebSphere KeyStore
Type String The Type for this WebSphere KeyStore
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere KeyStore
Use For Acceleration Boolean The Use For Acceleration for this WebSphere KeyStore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyStoreFile

Properties for the WebSphereKeyStoreFile role
Name Type Description
Directory String The Directory for this WebSphere KeyStoreFile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere KeyStoreFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere KeyStore Reference

Properties for the WebSphereKeyStoreRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere KeyStore
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere KeyStore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAP Custom Property

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPCustomProperty role
Name Type Description
Name String Specifies the name of the property.
Value String Specifies the value of the property. Do not include commas followed immediately by
a space.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAP Entity Type

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPEntityType role
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the entity type.
Object Classes String One or more object classes for the entity type.
Object Classes For Create String The object class that will be when you create an entity type object. You do not have
to specify the value of this parameter if it is the same as the value of the objectClasses
Search Bases String The search base or bases to use while searching the entity type.
Search Filter String The search filter that you want to use to search the entity type.
Security Domain Name String Use this property to specify the name that uniquely identifies the security domain.
If you do not specify this parameter, the command uses the global federated repository.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAP Failover Server

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPFailoverServer role
Name Type Description
Host String Specifies the host name for the LDAP server.
Port String Specifies the port number for the LDAP server.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAP Repository

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPRepository role
Name Type Description
Adapter Class Name String The default value is com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapAdapter.
Base Entries String The base entries for the repository. Use the format {ou=bluepages,o=ibm.com=ou, o=ibm.com}.
Certificate Filter String If the certificateMapMode parameter has the value certificatefilter, then this property
specifies the LDAP filter that maps attributes in the client certificate to entries
in LDAP.
Certificate Map Mode String Specifies whether to map X.509 certificates into a LDAP directory by exact distinguished
name or by certificate filter. To use the certificate filter for the mapping, specify
the value as certificatefilter.
Default Boolean If you set this property to true, the default values will be set for the remaining
configuration properties of the LDAP repository.
Id String The unique identifier for the repository.
Is External ID Unique Boolean Specifies if the external ID is unique.
LDAP Server Type String The type of LDAP server that is being used. Specify one of the following valid values:
Login Properties String Indicates the property name used for login.
Primary Servery Query Time Interval String Indicates the polling interval for testing the primary server availability. The value
of this parameter is specified in minutes.
Return to Primary Server Boolean Indicates to return to the primary LDAP server when it is available.
SSL Configuration String The SSL configuration.
Search Count Limit String The value of search count limit.
Search Page Size String The value of search page size.
Search Time Limit String The value of search time limit.
Security Domain Name String Use this property to specify the name that uniquely identifies the security domain.
If you do not specify this parameter, the command uses the global federated repository.
Support Async Mode Boolean Indicates if the adapter supports async mode or not.
Support Change Log String This parameter indicates whether the repository supports change tracking. Valid values
for this parameter are none or native.
Support External Name Boolean Indicates if external names are supported or not.
Support Paging Boolean Indicates if paging is supported or not.
Support Sorting Boolean Indicates if sorting is supported or not.
Support Transactions Boolean Indicates if transactions are supported or not.
Translate RDN Boolean Indicates to translate RDN or not.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPSearchFilter role
Name Type Description
Certificate Filter String The Certificate Filter for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
Certificate Map Mode String The Certificate Map Mode for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter. Acceptable values are:
Group Filter String The Group Filter for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
Group Id Map String The Group Id Map for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
Group Member Id Map String The Group Member Id Map for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
Krb User Filter String The Krb User Filter for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
User Filter String The User Filter for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter
User Id Map String The User Id Map for this WebSphere LDAPSearchFilter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAP Repository

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPServer role
Name Type Description
Authentication String Indicates the authentication method to use. The default value is simple. Valid values
include: none or strong.
Bind DN String The binding distinguished name for the LDAP server.
Bind Password String The binding password.
Certificate Filter String If certificateMapMode has the value FILTERDESCRIPTORMODE, then this property specifies
the LDAP filter which maps attributes in the client certificate to entries in LDAP.
For more information, see the section Certificate filter in the topic, Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol repository configuration settings.
Certificate Map Mode Boolean Specifies whether to map X.509 certificates into a LDAP directory by exact distinguished
name or by certificate filter. The default value is EXACT_DN. To use the certificate
filter for the mapping, specify FILTERDESCRIPTORMODE.
Connection Pool Boolean The connection pool. The default value is false.
Connection Timeout String The connection timeout in seconds. The default value is 20. Restriction: Due to a
current JNDI limitation, the maximum connection timeout is 20 seconds. Even if you
specify a value above 20 seconds, the connection still times out at 20 seconds.
Dereferenced Aliases String Controls how aliases are dereferenced. The default value is always. Valid values include:
never (never deference aliases), finding (deferences aliases only during name resolution),
searching (deferences aliases only after name resolution).
Host String The host name for the primary LDAP server.
Login Properties String The type of LDAP server being used. The default value is IDS51. Specify one of the
following valid values: IDS51, IDS, ZOSDS, DOMINO, NDS, SUNONE, AD, ADAM, CUSTOM
Port String The port number for the LDAP server.
Referal String The LDAP referral. The default value is ignore. Valid values include: follow, throw,
or false.
SSL Configuration String The SSL configuration.
SSL Enabled Boolean Indicates to enable SSL or not.
Security Domain Name String Use this property to specify the name that uniquely identifies the security domain.
If you do not specify this parameter, the command uses the global federated repository.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry

Properties for the WebSphereLDAPUserRegistry role
Name Type Description
Base D N String The Base D N for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Bind D N String The Bind D N for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Bind Password Password The Bind Password for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Ignore Case Boolean The Ignore Case for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Limit String The Limit for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Monitor Interval String The Monitor Interval for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Primary Admin Id String The Primary Admin Id for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Realm String The Realm for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Reuse Connection Boolean The Reuse Connection for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Search Timeout String The Search Timeout for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Server Password Password The Server Password for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Ssl Enabled Boolean The Ssl Enabled for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Type String The Type for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry. Acceptable values are: NETSCAPE, DOMINO502,
Use Registry Realm Boolean The Use Registry Realm for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry
Use Registry Server Id Boolean The Use Registry Server Id for this WebSphere LDAPUserRegistry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LSDConnection

Properties for the WebSphereLSDConnection role
Name Type Description
Mode String The Mode for this WebSphere LSDConnection. Acceptable values are: EXPLICIT_CLIENT,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LTPA

Properties for the WebSphereLTPA role
Name Type Description
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere LTPA
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere LTPA
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere LTPA
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere LTPA
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere LTPA
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere LTPA
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere LTPA
Timeout String The Timeout for this WebSphere LTPA


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Library

Properties for the WebSphereLibrary role
Name Type Description
Class Path String The Class Path for this WebSphere Library
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Library
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere Library
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Library
Native Path String The Native Path for this WebSphere Library


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LibraryRef

Properties for the WebSphereLibraryRef role
Name Type Description
Library Name String The Library Name for this WebSphere LibraryRef
Shared Classloader Boolean The Shared Classloader for this WebSphere LibraryRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere License

Properties for the WebSphereLicense role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere License
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere License


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LifecycleCallbackType

Properties for the WebSphereLifecycleCallbackType role
Name Type Description
Method Name String The Method Name for this WebSphere LifecycleCallbackType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Listener

Properties for the WebSphereListener role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Listener
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere Listener
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere Listener
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere Listener


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ListenerPort

Properties for the WebSphereListenerPort role
Name Type Description
Connection Factory J N D I Name String The Connection Factory J N D I Name for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Destination J N D I Name String The Destination J N D I Name for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Max Messages String The Max Messages for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Max Retries String The Max Retries for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Max Sessions String The Max Sessions for this WebSphere ListenerPort
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ListenerPort


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Liveness

Properties for the WebSphereLiveness role
Name Type Description
Discovery Period String The Discovery Period for this WebSphere Liveness
Factory Class Name String The Factory Class Name for this WebSphere Liveness
Heartbeat Timeout Period String The Heartbeat Timeout Period for this WebSphere Liveness
Heartbeat Transmission Period String The Heartbeat Transmission Period for this WebSphere Liveness
Liveness Type String The Liveness Type for this WebSphere Liveness. Acceptable values are: DEFAULT_ONLY,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LocalErrorPagePolicy

Properties for the WebSphereLocalErrorPagePolicy role
Name Type Description
Handle Local Errors Boolean The Handle Local Errors for this WebSphere LocalErrorPagePolicy
Handle Remote Errors Boolean The Handle Remote Errors for this WebSphere LocalErrorPagePolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry

Properties for the WebSphereLocalOSUserRegistry role
Name Type Description
Ignore Case Boolean The Ignore Case for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Limit String The Limit for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Primary Admin Id String The Primary Admin Id for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Realm String The Realm for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Server Password Password The Server Password for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Use Registry Realm Boolean The Use Registry Realm for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry
Use Registry Server Id Boolean The Use Registry Server Id for this WebSphere LocalOSUserRegistry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LocalRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LogFile

Properties for the WebSphereLogFile role
Name Type Description
File Path String The File Path for this WebSphere LogFile
Maximum Backup Files String The Maximum Backup Files for this WebSphere LogFile
Maximum Size String The Maximum Size for this WebSphere LogFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseApplication

Properties for the WebSphereLooseApplication role
Name Type Description
Archive Type String The Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseApplication. Acceptable values are: SIMPLEJAR,
Archive Version String The Archive Version for this WebSphere LooseApplication
Binaries Path String The Binaries Path for this WebSphere LooseApplication
Other Archive Type String The Other Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseApplication
Resources Path String The Resources Path for this WebSphere LooseApplication
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere LooseApplication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseArchive

Properties for the WebSphereLooseArchive role
Name Type Description
Archive Type String The Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseArchive. Acceptable values are: SIMPLEJAR,
Archive Version String The Archive Version for this WebSphere LooseArchive
Binaries Path String The Binaries Path for this WebSphere LooseArchive
Other Archive Type String The Other Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseArchive
Resources Path String The Resources Path for this WebSphere LooseArchive
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere LooseArchive


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata

Properties for the WebSphereLooseArchiveMetadata role
Name Type Description
Alternate Descriptor Path String The Alternate Descriptor Path for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Annotations Version String The Annotations Version for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Descriptor Version String The Descriptor Version for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Has Annotations Boolean The Has Annotations for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Has Descriptor Boolean The Has Descriptor for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Metadata Type String The Metadata Type for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata. Acceptable values are:
Other Metadata Type String The Other Metadata Type for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata
Primary Metadata Boolean The Primary Metadata for this WebSphere LooseArchiveMetadata


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseLibrary

Properties for the WebSphereLooseLibrary role
Name Type Description
Archive Type String The Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseLibrary. Acceptable values are: SIMPLEJAR,
Archive Version String The Archive Version for this WebSphere LooseLibrary
Binaries Path String The Binaries Path for this WebSphere LooseLibrary
Other Archive Type String The Other Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseLibrary
Resources Path String The Resources Path for this WebSphere LooseLibrary
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere LooseLibrary


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseModule

Properties for the WebSphereLooseModule role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere LooseModule
Archive Type String The Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseModule. Acceptable values are: SIMPLEJAR,
Archive Version String The Archive Version for this WebSphere LooseModule
Binaries Path String The Binaries Path for this WebSphere LooseModule
Other Archive Type String The Other Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseModule
Resources Path String The Resources Path for this WebSphere LooseModule
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere LooseModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere LooseWARFile

Properties for the WebSphereLooseWARFile role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere LooseWARFile
Archive Type String The Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseWARFile. Acceptable values are: SIMPLEJAR,
Archive Version String The Archive Version for this WebSphere LooseWARFile
Binaries Path String The Binaries Path for this WebSphere LooseWARFile
Other Archive Type String The Other Archive Type for this WebSphere LooseWARFile
Resources Path String The Resources Path for this WebSphere LooseWARFile
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere LooseWARFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MOfNPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereMOfNPolicy role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Failback Boolean The Failback for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Num Active String The Num Active for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Policy Factory String The Policy Factory for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Preferred Only Boolean The Preferred Only for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy
Quorum Enabled Boolean The Quorum Enabled for this WebSphere MOfNPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereMQConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Broker C C Sub Q String The Broker C C Sub Q for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Broker Control Queue String The Broker Control Queue for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Broker Pub Queue String The Broker Pub Queue for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Broker Queue Manager String The Broker Queue Manager for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Broker Sub Queue String The Broker Sub Queue for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Broker Version String The Broker Version for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
C C S I D String The C C S I D for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ccdt Url String The Ccdt Url for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Channel String The Channel for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Client I D String The Client I D for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Client Reconnect Options String The Client Reconnect Options for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Client Reconnect Timeout String The Client Reconnect Timeout for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Clone Support Boolean The Clone Support for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Compress Headers String The Compress Headers for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Compress Payload String The Compress Payload for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Conname List String The Conname List for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Direct Auth String The Direct Auth for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: BASIC,
Fail If Quiesce Boolean The Fail If Quiesce for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Host String The Host for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Inherit R R S Context Boolean The Inherit R R S Context for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Local Address String The Local Address for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Max Batch Size String The Max Batch Size for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Msg Retention Boolean The Msg Retention for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Msg Selection String The Msg Selection for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: CLIENT,
Multicast String The Multicast for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: DISABLED,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Port String The Port for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Provider Version String The Provider Version for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Proxy Host Name String The Proxy Host Name for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Proxy Port String The Proxy Port for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Pub Sub Cleanup String The Pub Sub Cleanup for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Pub Sub Cleanup Interval String The Pub Sub Cleanup Interval for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Publish Ack Interval String The Publish Ack Interval for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Qmgr Type String The Qmgr Type for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: QSG,
Queue Manager String The Queue Manager for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit String The Rcv Exit for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit Init Data String The Rcv Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Reply With R F H2 String The Reply With R F H2 for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Rescan Interval String The Rescan Interval for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Sec Exit String The Sec Exit for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Sec Exit Init Data String The Sec Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Send Exit String The Send Exit for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Send Exit Init Data String The Send Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Sparse Subscriptions Boolean The Sparse Subscriptions for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl C R L String The Ssl C R L for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl Cipher Suite String The Ssl Cipher Suite for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl Configuration String The Ssl Configuration for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl Peer Name String The Ssl Peer Name for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl Reset Count String The Ssl Reset Count for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Ssl Type String The Ssl Type for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: CENTRAL,
Stat Refresh Interval String The Stat Refresh Interval for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Substore String The Substore for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: QUEUE,
Temp Model String The Temp Model for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Temp Queue Prefix String The Temp Queue Prefix for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Temp Topic Prefix String The Temp Topic Prefix for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Transport Type String The Transport Type for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Use Connection Pooling Boolean The Use Connection Pooling for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Wildcard Format String The Wildcard Format for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
characterWildcards, topicWildcards.
Wmq Server Endpoint String The Wmq Server Endpoint for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Name String The Wmq Server Name for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Svrconn Channel String The Wmq Server Svrconn Channel for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere MQConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQFAPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereMQFAPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere MQFAPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQFAPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQFAPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereMQFAPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQFAPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQQueue

Properties for the WebSphereMQQueue role
Name Type Description
Base Queue Manager Name String The Base Queue Manager Name for this WebSphere MQQueue
Base Queue Name String The Base Queue Name for this WebSphere MQQueue
C C S I D String The C C S I D for this WebSphere MQQueue
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MQQueue
Decimal Encoding String The Decimal Encoding for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: Normal, Reversed.
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MQQueue
Expiry String The Expiry for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Floating Point Encoding String The Floating Point Encoding for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: IEEENormal,
IEEEReversed, S390.
Integer Encoding String The Integer Encoding for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: Normal, Reversed.
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MQQueue
Message Body String The Message Body for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: JMS, MQ, UNSPECIFIED.
Mqmd Message Context String The Mqmd Message Context for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: DEFAULT,
Mqmd Read Enabled Boolean The Mqmd Read Enabled for this WebSphere MQQueue
Mqmd Write Enabled Boolean The Mqmd Write Enabled for this WebSphere MQQueue
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQQueue
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere MQQueue
Persistence String The Persistence for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MQQueue
Queue Manager Host String The Queue Manager Host for this WebSphere MQQueue
Queue Manager Port String The Queue Manager Port for this WebSphere MQQueue
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: QUEUE_DEFINED, YES,
Read Ahead Close String The Read Ahead Close for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: DELIVERCURRENT,
Receive C C S I D String The Receive C C S I D for this WebSphere MQQueue
Receive Convert String The Receive Convert for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: QMGR, LOCAL.
Reply To Style String The Reply To Style for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: DEFAULT, MQMD,
Send Async String The Send Async for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: QUEUE_DEFINED, YES,
Server Connection Channel Name String The Server Connection Channel Name for this WebSphere MQQueue
Specified Expiry String The Specified Expiry for this WebSphere MQQueue
Specified Priority String The Specified Priority for this WebSphere MQQueue
Target Client String The Target Client for this WebSphere MQQueue. Acceptable values are: JMS, MQ.
Use Native Encoding Boolean The Use Native Encoding for this WebSphere MQQueue
User Name String The User Name for this WebSphere MQQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereMQQueueConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable
C C S I D String The C C S I D for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ccdt Url String The Ccdt Url for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Channel String The Channel for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Client I D String The Client I D for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Client Reconnect Options String The Client Reconnect Options for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Client Reconnect Timeout String The Client Reconnect Timeout for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Compress Headers String The Compress Headers for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Compress Payload String The Compress Payload for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Conname List String The Conname List for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Fail If Quiesce Boolean The Fail If Quiesce for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Host String The Host for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Inherit R R S Context String The Inherit R R S Context for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Local Address String The Local Address for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Max Batch Size String The Max Batch Size for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Msg Retention Boolean The Msg Retention for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Port String The Port for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Provider Version String The Provider Version for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Qmgr Type String The Qmgr Type for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Queue Manager String The Queue Manager for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit String The Rcv Exit for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit Init Data String The Rcv Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Reply With R F H2 String The Reply With R F H2 for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Rescan Interval String The Rescan Interval for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Sec Exit String The Sec Exit for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Sec Exit Init Data String The Sec Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Send Exit String The Send Exit for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Send Exit Init Data String The Send Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl C R L String The Ssl C R L for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl Cipher Suite String The Ssl Cipher Suite for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl Configuration String The Ssl Configuration for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl Peer Name String The Ssl Peer Name for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl Reset Count String The Ssl Reset Count for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Ssl Type String The Ssl Type for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: CENTRAL,
Temp Model String The Temp Model for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Temp Queue Prefix String The Temp Queue Prefix for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Transport Type String The Transport Type for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Use Connection Pooling Boolean The Use Connection Pooling for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Endpoint String The Wmq Server Endpoint for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Name String The Wmq Server Name for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Svrconn Channel String The Wmq Server Svrconn Channel for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere MQQueueConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQTopic

Properties for the WebSphereMQTopic role
Name Type Description
Base Topic Name String The Base Topic Name for this WebSphere MQTopic
Broker C C Dur Sub Queue String The Broker C C Dur Sub Queue for this WebSphere MQTopic
Broker Dur Sub Queue String The Broker Dur Sub Queue for this WebSphere MQTopic
Broker Pub Qmgr String The Broker Pub Qmgr for this WebSphere MQTopic
Broker Pub Queue String The Broker Pub Queue for this WebSphere MQTopic
Broker Version String The Broker Version for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: V2, V1.
C C S I D String The C C S I D for this WebSphere MQTopic
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MQTopic
Decimal Encoding String The Decimal Encoding for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: Normal, Reversed.
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MQTopic
Expiry String The Expiry for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Floating Point Encoding String The Floating Point Encoding for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: IEEENormal,
IEEEReversed, S390.
Integer Encoding String The Integer Encoding for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: Normal, Reversed.
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MQTopic
Message Body String The Message Body for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: JMS, MQ, UNSPECIFIED.
Mqmd Message Context String The Mqmd Message Context for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: DEFAULT,
Mqmd Read Enabled Boolean The Mqmd Read Enabled for this WebSphere MQTopic
Mqmd Write Enabled Boolean The Mqmd Write Enabled for this WebSphere MQTopic
Multicast String The Multicast for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: AS_CF, DISABLED,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQTopic
Persistence String The Persistence for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MQTopic
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: QUEUE_DEFINED, YES,
Read Ahead Close String The Read Ahead Close for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: DELIVERCURRENT,
Receive C C S I D String The Receive C C S I D for this WebSphere MQTopic
Receive Convert String The Receive Convert for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: QMGR, LOCAL.
Reply To Style String The Reply To Style for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: DEFAULT, MQMD,
Send Async String The Send Async for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: QUEUE_DEFINED, YES,
Specified Expiry String The Specified Expiry for this WebSphere MQTopic
Specified Priority String The Specified Priority for this WebSphere MQTopic
Target Client String The Target Client for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: JMS, MQ.
Use Native Encoding Boolean The Use Native Encoding for this WebSphere MQTopic
Wildcard Format String The Wildcard Format for this WebSphere MQTopic. Acceptable values are: characterWildcards,
Wmq Topic Name String The Wmq Topic Name for this WebSphere MQTopic


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereMQTopicConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Broker C C Sub Q String The Broker C C Sub Q for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Broker Control Queue String The Broker Control Queue for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Broker Pub Queue String The Broker Pub Queue for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Broker Queue Manager String The Broker Queue Manager for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Broker Sub Queue String The Broker Sub Queue for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Broker Version String The Broker Version for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
are: MA0C, MQSI.
C C S I D String The C C S I D for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ccdt Url String The Ccdt Url for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Channel String The Channel for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Client I D String The Client I D for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Client Reconnect Options String The Client Reconnect Options for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Client Reconnect Timeout String The Client Reconnect Timeout for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Clone Support Boolean The Clone Support for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Compress Headers String The Compress Headers for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Compress Payload String The Compress Payload for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Conname List String The Conname List for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Direct Auth String The Direct Auth for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Fail If Quiesce Boolean The Fail If Quiesce for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Host String The Host for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Inherit R R S Context Boolean The Inherit R R S Context for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Local Address String The Local Address for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Max Batch Size String The Max Batch Size for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Msg Selection String The Msg Selection for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Multicast String The Multicast for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Port String The Port for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Provider Version String The Provider Version for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Proxy Host Name String The Proxy Host Name for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Proxy Port String The Proxy Port for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Pub Sub Cleanup String The Pub Sub Cleanup for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Pub Sub Cleanup Interval String The Pub Sub Cleanup Interval for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Publish Ack Interval String The Publish Ack Interval for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Qmgr Type String The Qmgr Type for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Queue Manager String The Queue Manager for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit String The Rcv Exit for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Rcv Exit Init Data String The Rcv Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Rescan Interval String The Rescan Interval for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Sec Exit String The Sec Exit for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Sec Exit Init Data String The Sec Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Send Exit String The Send Exit for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Send Exit Init Data String The Send Exit Init Data for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Sparse Subscriptions Boolean The Sparse Subscriptions for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl C R L String The Ssl C R L for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl Cipher Suite String The Ssl Cipher Suite for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl Configuration String The Ssl Configuration for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl Peer Name String The Ssl Peer Name for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl Reset Count String The Ssl Reset Count for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Ssl Type String The Ssl Type for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: CENTRAL,
Stat Refresh Interval String The Stat Refresh Interval for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Substore String The Substore for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: QUEUE,
Temp Model String The Temp Model for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Temp Topic Prefix String The Temp Topic Prefix for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Transport Type String The Transport Type for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Use Connection Pooling Boolean The Use Connection Pooling for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Wildcard Format String The Wildcard Format for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
are: characterWildcards, topicWildcards.
Wmq Server Endpoint String The Wmq Server Endpoint for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Name String The Wmq Server Name for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Wmq Server Svrconn Channel String The Wmq Server Svrconn Channel for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere MQTopicConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MailProvider

Properties for the WebSphereMailProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere MailProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MailProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere MailProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MailProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere MailProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MailProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MailSession

Properties for the WebSphereMailSession role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere MailSession
Debug Boolean The Debug for this WebSphere MailSession
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MailSession
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail From String The Mail From for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Store Host String The Mail Store Host for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Store Password Password The Mail Store Password for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Store Port String The Mail Store Port for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Store User String The Mail Store User for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Transport Host String The Mail Transport Host for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Transport Password Password The Mail Transport Password for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Transport Port String The Mail Transport Port for this WebSphere MailSession
Mail Transport User String The Mail Transport User for this WebSphere MailSession
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MailSession
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere MailSession
Strict Boolean The Strict for this WebSphere MailSession


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition

Properties for the WebSphereManagedMiddlewareAppEdition role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition
Archive Name String The Archive Name for this WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition
State String The State for this WebSphere ManagedMiddlewareAppEdition. Acceptable values are: INACTIVE,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ManagedNode

Properties for the WebSphereManagedNode role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ManagedNode
Polling Enabled String The Polling Enabled for this WebSphere ManagedNode


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ManagedObject

Properties for the WebSphereManagedObject role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ManagedObject


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ManagementScope

Properties for the WebSphereManagementScope role
Name Type Description
Scope Name String The Scope Name for this WebSphere ManagementScope
Scope Type String The Scope Type for this WebSphere ManagementScope


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ManagementScope Reference

Properties for the WebSphereManagementScopeRef role
Name Type Description
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere ManagementScope


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MappingModule

Properties for the WebSphereMappingModule role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere MappingModule
Mapping Config Alias String The Mapping Config Alias for this WebSphere MappingModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MatchCriteria

Properties for the WebSphereMatchCriteria role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MatchCriteria
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MatchCriteria
Value String The Value for this WebSphere MatchCriteria


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MatchRule

Properties for the WebSphereMatchRule role
Name Type Description
Match Action String The Match Action for this WebSphere MatchRule
Match Expression String The Match Expression for this WebSphere MatchRule
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere MatchRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MemoryCacheEvictionPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereMemoryCacheEvictionPolicy role
Name Type Description
High Threshold String The High Threshold for this WebSphere MemoryCacheEvictionPolicy
Low Threshold String The Low Threshold for this WebSphere MemoryCacheEvictionPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MemoryCondition

Properties for the WebSphereMemoryCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere MemoryCondition
Memory Used String The Memory Used for this WebSphere MemoryCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MemoryCondition
Time Over Threshold String The Time Over Threshold for this WebSphere MemoryCondition
Time Units String The Time Units for this WebSphere MemoryCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MemoryLeakAlgorithm

Properties for the WebSphereMemoryLeakAlgorithm role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere MemoryLeakAlgorithm
Level String The Level for this WebSphere MemoryLeakAlgorithm. Acceptable values are: AGGRESSIVE,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MemoryLeakAlgorithm


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageAdapter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageCondition

Properties for the WebSphereMessageCondition role
Name Type Description
Type String The Type for this WebSphere MessageCondition. Acceptable values are: SOURCE_ADDR,
Value String The Value for this WebSphere MessageCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageDestination

Properties for the WebSphereMessageDestination role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Display Name String The Display Name for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Large Icon String The Large Icon for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MessageDestination
Small Icon String The Small Icon for this WebSphere MessageDestination


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageDestinationRef

Properties for the WebSphereMessageDestinationRef role
Name Type Description
Link String The Link for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere MessageDestinationRef. Acceptable values are: Produces,
Consumes, ConsumesProduces.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageLayer

Properties for the WebSphereMessageLayer role
Name Type Description
Authentication Layer Retry Count String The Authentication Layer Retry Count for this WebSphere MessageLayer
Is Stateful Boolean The Is Stateful for this WebSphere MessageLayer
Supported Auth Mech List String The Supported Auth Mech List for this WebSphere MessageLayer
Use Claim Boolean The Use Claim for this WebSphere MessageLayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageListener

Properties for the WebSphereMessageListener role
Name Type Description
Message Listener Type String The Message Listener Type for this WebSphere MessageListener


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageListenerService

Properties for the WebSphereMessageListenerService role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Max M D B Listener Retries String The Max M D B Listener Retries for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Mdb Listener Recovery Interval String The Mdb Listener Recovery Interval for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Mq J M S Pooling Threshold String The Mq J M S Pooling Threshold for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Mq J M S Pooling Timeout String The Mq J M S Pooling Timeout for this WebSphere MessageListenerService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MessageListenerService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MessageQOP

Properties for the WebSphereMessageQOP role
Name Type Description
Enable Out Of Sequence Detection Boolean The Enable Out Of Sequence Detection for this WebSphere MessageQOP
Enable Replay Detection Boolean The Enable Replay Detection for this WebSphere MessageQOP
Establish Trust In Client Boolean The Establish Trust In Client for this WebSphere MessageQOP


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MethodMessageCondition

Properties for the WebSphereMethodMessageCondition role
Name Type Description
Value String The Value for this WebSphere MethodMessageCondition. Acceptable values are: INVITE,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareApp

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareApp role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareApp
Type String The Type for this WebSphere MiddlewareApp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareAppEdition

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareAppEdition role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppEdition
Description String The Description for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppEdition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppEdition
State String The State for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppEdition. Acceptable values are: INACTIVE,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareAppScript

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareAppScript role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppScript
Type String The Type for this WebSphere MiddlewareAppScript


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareClusterTarget

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareClusterTarget role
Name Type Description
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareClusterTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareDescriptor

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareDescriptor role
Name Type Description
Discovery Interval String The Discovery Interval for this WebSphere MiddlewareDescriptor
Discovery Interval Units String The Discovery Interval Units for this WebSphere MiddlewareDescriptor
Discovery Supported Boolean The Discovery Supported for this WebSphere MiddlewareDescriptor
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareDescriptor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareModule

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareModule role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareServerTarget

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareServerTarget role
Name Type Description
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareServerTarget
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareServerTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareVersionDescriptor

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareVersionDescriptor role
Name Type Description
Version String The Version for this WebSphere MiddlewareVersionDescriptor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MiddlewareWebModule

Properties for the WebSphereMiddlewareWebModule role
Name Type Description
Context Root String The Context Root for this WebSphere MiddlewareWebModule
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareWebModule
Virtual Host Name String The Virtual Host Name for this WebSphere MiddlewareWebModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ModuleConfig

Properties for the WebSphereModuleConfig role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ModuleConfig
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ModuleConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ModuleDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereModuleDeployment role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere ModuleDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere ModuleDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ModuleDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere ModuleDeployment
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere ModuleDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ModuleFile

Properties for the WebSphereModuleFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere ModuleFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere ModuleFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere ModuleFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere ModuleFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere ModuleFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere ModuleFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ModuleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ModuleShare


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MonitoredDirectoryDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereMonitoredDirectoryDeployment role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere MonitoredDirectoryDeployment
Monitored Directory String The Monitored Directory for this WebSphere MonitoredDirectoryDeployment
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere MonitoredDirectoryDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MonitoringPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereMonitoringPolicy role
Name Type Description
Auto Restart Boolean The Auto Restart for this WebSphere MonitoringPolicy
Maximum Startup Attempts String The Maximum Startup Attempts for this WebSphere MonitoringPolicy
Node Restart State String The Node Restart State for this WebSphere MonitoringPolicy. Acceptable values are:
Ping Interval String The Ping Interval for this WebSphere MonitoringPolicy
Ping Timeout String The Ping Timeout for this WebSphere MonitoringPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MultiBrokerRoutingEntry

Properties for the WebSphereMultiBrokerRoutingEntry role
Name Type Description
Broker Name String The Broker Name for this WebSphere MultiBrokerRoutingEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MultiCellOverlayBridge


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere MultibrokerDomain

Properties for the WebSphereMultibrokerDomain role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere MultibrokerDomain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NameBinding

Properties for the WebSphereNameBinding role
Name Type Description
Context Id String The Context Id for this WebSphere NameBinding
Cos Binding Type String The Cos Binding Type for this WebSphere NameBinding. Acceptable values are: nobject,
Ins U R L String The Ins U R L for this WebSphere NameBinding
Java Class Name String The Java Class Name for this WebSphere NameBinding
Linked Naming Context Id String The Linked Naming Context Id for this WebSphere NameBinding
Name Binding Type String The Name Binding Type for this WebSphere NameBinding. Acceptable values are: objectJava,
contextLinked, contextPrimary, objectURL, contextURL, objectIOR, contextIOR.
Name Component String The Name Component for this WebSphere NameBinding
Serialized Bytes As String String The Serialized Bytes As String for this WebSphere NameBinding
Stringified I O R String The Stringified I O R for this WebSphere NameBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NameServer

Properties for the WebSphereNameServer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NameServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NameSpaceBinding

Properties for the WebSphereNameSpaceBinding role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NameSpaceBinding
Name In Name Space String The Name In Name Space for this WebSphere NameSpaceBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NamedEndPoint

Properties for the WebSphereNamedEndPoint role
Name Type Description
End Point Name String The End Point Name for this WebSphere NamedEndPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef

Properties for the WebSphereNamedJavaProcessDef role
Name Type Description
Executable Arguments String The Executable Arguments for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Executable Name String The Executable Name for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Executable Target String The Executable Target for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Executable Target Kind String The Executable Target Kind for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef. Acceptable values
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Osnames String The Osnames for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Password Val Password The Password Val for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Password Var String The Password Var for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Pid Var Name String The Pid Var Name for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Process Type String The Process Type for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Start Command String The Start Command for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Start Command Args String The Start Command Args for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Stop Command String The Stop Command for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Stop Command Args String The Stop Command Args for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Terminate Command String The Terminate Command for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Terminate Command Args String The Terminate Command Args for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Username Val String The Username Val for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Username Var String The Username Var for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef
Working Directory String The Working Directory for this WebSphere NamedJavaProcessDef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NamedProcessDef

Properties for the WebSphereNamedProcessDef role
Name Type Description
Executable Arguments String The Executable Arguments for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Executable Name String The Executable Name for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Osnames String The Osnames for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Password Val Password The Password Val for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Password Var String The Password Var for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Pid Var Name String The Pid Var Name for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Process Type String The Process Type for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Start Command String The Start Command for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Start Command Args String The Start Command Args for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Stop Command String The Stop Command for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Stop Command Args String The Stop Command Args for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Terminate Command String The Terminate Command for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Terminate Command Args String The Terminate Command Args for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Username Val String The Username Val for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Username Var String The Username Var for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef
Working Directory String The Working Directory for this WebSphere NamedProcessDef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NamingContext

Properties for the WebSphereNamingContext role
Name Type Description
Context Id String The Context Id for this WebSphere NamingContext
Parent Context Id String The Parent Context Id for this WebSphere NamingContext


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NewClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NoOpPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereNoOpPolicy role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere NoOpPolicy
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere NoOpPolicy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NoOpPolicy
Policy Factory String The Policy Factory for this WebSphere NoOpPolicy
Quorum Enabled Boolean The Quorum Enabled for this WebSphere NoOpPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NodeAgent

Properties for the WebSphereNodeAgent role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere NodeAgent


Properties for the WebSphereNodeGroupMapping role
Name Type Description
Node Group Name String The name of the Node Group this Node belongs to.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere NodeGroupMember

Properties for the WebSphereNodeGroupMember role
Name Type Description
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere NodeGroupMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OLTPWorkGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ORBInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereORBInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere ORBInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ORBInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ORBPlugin

Properties for the WebSphereORBPlugin role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ORBPlugin


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance

Properties for the WebSphereObjectCacheInstance role
Name Type Description
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Category String The Category for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disable Dependency Id Boolean The Disable Dependency Id for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency String The Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disk Cache Entry Size In M B String The Disk Cache Entry Size In M B for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disk Cache Performance Level String The Disk Cache Performance Level for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance. Acceptable
Disk Cache Size In Entries String The Disk Cache Size In Entries for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disk Cache Size In G B String The Disk Cache Size In G B for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Disk Offload Location String The Disk Offload Location for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Enable Cache Replication Boolean The Enable Cache Replication for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Enable Disk Offload Boolean The Enable Disk Offload for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Flush To Disk On Stop Boolean The Flush To Disk On Stop for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Hash Size String The Hash Size for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Memory Cache Size In M B String The Memory Cache Size In M B for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Push Frequency String The Push Frequency for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance
Replication Type String The Replication Type for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance. Acceptable values are:
Use Listener Context Boolean The Use Listener Context for this WebSphere ObjectCacheInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectPool

Properties for the WebSphereObjectPool role
Name Type Description
Pool Class Name String The Pool Class Name for this WebSphere ObjectPool
Pool Impl Class Name String The Pool Impl Class Name for this WebSphere ObjectPool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo

Properties for the WebSphereObjectPoolManagerInfo role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ObjectPoolManagerInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider

Properties for the WebSphereObjectPoolProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ObjectPoolProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectPoolService

Properties for the WebSphereObjectPoolService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ObjectPoolService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker

Properties for the WebSphereObjectRequestBroker role
Name Type Description
Comm Trace Enabled Boolean The Comm Trace Enabled for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Connection Cache Maximum String The Connection Cache Maximum for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Connection Cache Minimum String The Connection Cache Minimum for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Force Tunnel String The Force Tunnel for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Locate Request Timeout String The Locate Request Timeout for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
No Local Copies Boolean The No Local Copies for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Request Retries Count String The Request Retries Count for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Request Retries Delay String The Request Retries Delay for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Request Timeout String The Request Timeout for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Tunnel Agent U R L String The Tunnel Agent U R L for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker
Use Server Thread Pool Boolean The Use Server Thread Pool for this WebSphere ObjectRequestBroker


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OnDemandRouter

Properties for the WebSphereOnDemandRouter role
Name Type Description
Admin Security Level String The Admin Security Level for this WebSphere OnDemandRouter
Enable Custom Security Level Boolean The Enable Custom Security Level for this WebSphere OnDemandRouter
Name String The Name for this WebSphere OnDemandRouter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OneOfNPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereOneOfNPolicy role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Failback Boolean The Failback for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Policy Factory String The Policy Factory for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Preferred Only Boolean The Preferred Only for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy
Quorum Enabled Boolean The Quorum Enabled for this WebSphere OneOfNPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OutboundResourceAdapter

Properties for the WebSphereOutboundResourceAdapter role
Name Type Description
Reauthentication Support Boolean The Reauthentication Support for this WebSphere OutboundResourceAdapter
Transaction Support String The Transaction Support for this WebSphere OutboundResourceAdapter. Acceptable values
are: LocalTransaction, XATransaction, NoTransaction.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OutboundTransportChannel

Properties for the WebSphereOutboundTransportChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere OutboundTransportChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OutputQueueLimit

Properties for the WebSphereOutputQueueLimit role
Name Type Description
Max Job String The Max Job for this WebSphere OutputQueueLimit
Max Job Age String The Max Job Age for this WebSphere OutputQueueLimit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OutputRedirect

Properties for the WebSphereOutputRedirect role
Name Type Description
Stderr Filename String The Stderr Filename for this WebSphere OutputRedirect
Stdin Filename String The Stdin Filename for this WebSphere OutputRedirect
Stdout Filename String The Stdout Filename for this WebSphere OutputRedirect


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere OverlayEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereOverlayEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere OverlayEndpoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere OverlayEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PME502ServerExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PME51ServerExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMEClusterExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMEServerExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMIModule

Properties for the WebSpherePMIModule role
Name Type Description
Enable String The Enable for this WebSphere PMIModule
Module Name String The Module Name for this WebSphere PMIModule
Type String The Type for this WebSphere PMIModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMIRMFilter

Properties for the WebSpherePMIRMFilter role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere PMIRMFilter
Extended Type String The Extended Type for this WebSphere PMIRMFilter
Type String The Type for this WebSphere PMIRMFilter. Acceptable values are: EJB, URI, JMS, WEB_SERVICES,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMIRMFilterValue

Properties for the WebSpherePMIRMFilterValue role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere PMIRMFilterValue
Value String The Value for this WebSphere PMIRMFilterValue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics

Properties for the WebSpherePMIRequestMetrics role
Name Type Description
Arm Callback String The Arm Callback for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Arm Transaction Factory String The Arm Transaction Factory for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Arm Type String The Arm Type for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics. Acceptable values are: ARM40, TIVOLI_ARM,
Dynamic Enable Boolean The Dynamic Enable for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Enable A R M Boolean The Enable A R M for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Enable Log Boolean The Enable Log for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Enabled Components String The Enabled Components for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Instrumented Components String The Instrumented Components for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics
Trace Level String The Trace Level for this WebSphere PMIRequestMetrics. Acceptable values are: DEBUG,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PMIService

Properties for the WebSpherePMIService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere PMIService
Initial Spec Level String The Initial Spec Level for this WebSphere PMIService
Statistic Set String The Statistic Set for this WebSphere PMIService
Synchronized Update Boolean The Synchronized Update for this WebSphere PMIService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ParamValue

Properties for the WebSphereParamValue role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ParamValue
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ParamValue
Value String The Value for this WebSphere ParamValue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PassiveAffinityType

Properties for the WebSpherePassiveAffinityType role
Name Type Description
Cookie Name String The Cookie Name for this WebSphere PassiveAffinityType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PeerAccessPoint

Properties for the WebSpherePeerAccessPoint role
Name Type Description
Cell String The Cell for this WebSphere PeerAccessPoint
Cell Access Permission String The Cell Access Permission for this WebSphere PeerAccessPoint. Acceptable values are:
Core Group String The Core Group for this WebSphere PeerAccessPoint
Core Group Access Point String The Core Group Access Point for this WebSphere PeerAccessPoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PeerAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PeerAccessPoint Reference

Properties for the WebSpherePeerAccessPointRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere PeerAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PeerCoreGroup

Properties for the WebSpherePeerCoreGroup role
Name Type Description
Core Group String The Core Group for this WebSphere PeerCoreGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal

Properties for the WebSpherePercentileResponseTimeGoal role
Name Type Description
Goal Delta Percent String The Goal Delta Percent for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Goal Delta Value String The Goal Delta Value for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Goal Delta Value Units String The Goal Delta Value Units for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Goal Percent String The Goal Percent for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Goal Value String The Goal Value for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Goal Value Units String The Goal Value Units for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Time Period Value String The Time Period Value for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Time Period Value Units String The Time Period Value Units for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal
Violation Enabled Boolean The Violation Enabled for this WebSphere PercentileResponseTimeGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PerformanceGoal

Properties for the WebSpherePerformanceGoal role
Name Type Description
Goal Delta Value String The Goal Delta Value for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Goal Delta Value Units String The Goal Delta Value Units for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Goal Value String The Goal Value for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Goal Value Units String The Goal Value Units for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Time Period Value String The Time Period Value for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Time Period Value Units String The Time Period Value Units for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal
Violation Enabled Boolean The Violation Enabled for this WebSphere PerformanceGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PersistenceContextRef

Properties for the WebSpherePersistenceContextRef role
Name Type Description
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere PersistenceContextRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PersistenceContextRef
Persistence Context Type String The Persistence Context Type for this WebSphere PersistenceContextRef. Acceptable
values are: Extended, Transaction.
Persistence Unit Name String The Persistence Unit Name for this WebSphere PersistenceContextRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PersistenceUnitRef

Properties for the WebSpherePersistenceUnitRef role
Name Type Description
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere PersistenceUnitRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PersistenceUnitRef
Persistence Unit Name String The Persistence Unit Name for this WebSphere PersistenceUnitRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PluginConfigPolicy

Properties for the WebSpherePluginConfigPolicy role
Name Type Description
Plugin Config Change Script String The Plugin Config Change Script for this WebSphere PluginConfigPolicy
Plugin Gen Config Scope String The Plugin Gen Config Scope for this WebSphere PluginConfigPolicy. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PluginConfigService

Properties for the WebSpherePluginConfigService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere PluginConfigService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PluginProperties

Properties for the WebSpherePluginProperties role
Name Type Description
A S Disable Nagle Boolean The A S Disable Nagle for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Accept All Content Boolean The Accept All Content for this WebSphere PluginProperties
App Server Port Preference String The App Server Port Preference for this WebSphere PluginProperties. Acceptable values
Chunked Response Boolean The Chunked Response for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Config Filename String The Config Filename for this WebSphere PluginProperties
E S I Enable Boolean The E S I Enable for this WebSphere PluginProperties
E S I Invalidation Monitor Boolean The E S I Invalidation Monitor for this WebSphere PluginProperties
E S I Max Cache Size String The E S I Max Cache Size for this WebSphere PluginProperties
I I S Disable Nagle Boolean The I I S Disable Nagle for this WebSphere PluginProperties
I I S Plugin Priority String The I I S Plugin Priority for this WebSphere PluginProperties. Acceptable values are:
Ignore D N S Failures Boolean The Ignore D N S Failures for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Key Ring Filename String The Key Ring Filename for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Log Filename String The Log Filename for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Log Level String The Log Level for this WebSphere PluginProperties. Acceptable values are: DETAIL,
Plugin Generation String The Plugin Generation for this WebSphere PluginProperties. Acceptable values are:
Plugin Install Root String The Plugin Install Root for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Plugin Propagation String The Plugin Propagation for this WebSphere PluginProperties. Acceptable values are:
Refresh Interval String The Refresh Interval for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Remote Config Filename String The Remote Config Filename for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Remote Key Ring Filename String The Remote Key Ring Filename for this WebSphere PluginProperties
Response Chunk Size String The Response Chunk Size for this WebSphere PluginProperties
V Host Matching Compat Boolean The V Host Matching Compat for this WebSphere PluginProperties


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties

Properties for the WebSpherePluginServerClusterProperties role
Name Type Description
Clone Separator Change Boolean The Clone Separator Change for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties
Load Balance String The Load Balance for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties. Acceptable values
Post Buffer Size String The Post Buffer Size for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties
Post Size Limit String The Post Size Limit for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties
Remove Special Headers Boolean The Remove Special Headers for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties
Retry Interval String The Retry Interval for this WebSphere PluginServerClusterProperties


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Policy

Properties for the WebSpherePolicy role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Policy


Properties for the WebSpherePolicyRef role
Name Type Description
Policy Name String The name of the policy this Server belongs to.
Policy type String The type of the policy. Accepted values are PreferredServerPolicy, MOfNPolicy, OneOfNPolicy,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PortletContainer

Properties for the WebSpherePortletContainer role
Name Type Description
Enable Portlet Caching Boolean The Enable Portlet Caching for this WebSphere PortletContainer
Max Process Event Count String The Max Process Event Count for this WebSphere PortletContainer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PortletContainer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PreferenceSet

Properties for the WebSpherePreferenceSet role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PreferenceSet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Preferences

Properties for the WebSpherePreferences role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Preferences
Scope String The Scope for this WebSphere Preferences


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PrimaryAdminExt

Properties for the WebSpherePrimaryAdminExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere PrimaryAdminExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere PrimaryAdminExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProcessDef

Properties for the WebSphereProcessDef role
Name Type Description
Executable Arguments String The Executable Arguments for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Executable Name String The Executable Name for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Process Type String The Process Type for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Start Command String The Start Command for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Start Command Args String The Start Command Args for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Stop Command String The Stop Command for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Stop Command Args String The Stop Command Args for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Terminate Command String The Terminate Command for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Terminate Command Args String The Terminate Command Args for this WebSphere ProcessDef
Working Directory String The Working Directory for this WebSphere ProcessDef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProcessExecution

Properties for the WebSphereProcessExecution role
Name Type Description
Process Priority String The Process Priority for this WebSphere ProcessExecution
Run As Group String The Run As Group for this WebSphere ProcessExecution
Run As User String The Run As User for this WebSphere ProcessExecution
Run In Process Group String The Run In Process Group for this WebSphere ProcessExecution
Umask String The Umask for this WebSphere ProcessExecution


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Property

Properties for the WebSphereProperty role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere Property
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Property
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere Property
Validation Expression String The Validation Expression for this WebSphere Property
Value String The Value for this WebSphere Property


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere PropertySet

Properties for the WebSpherePropertySet role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere PropertySet


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProtocolProvider

Properties for the WebSphereProtocolProvider role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere ProtocolProvider
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere ProtocolProvider
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere ProtocolProvider
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ProtocolProvider. Acceptable values are: STORE, TRANSPORT.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Protocol Provider Reference

Properties for the WebSphereProtocolProviderRef role
Name Type Description
ClassName String The ClassName of the referenced WebSphere ProtocolProvider
Protocol String The Protocol of the referenced WebSphere ProtocolProvider
Type String The Type of the referenced WebSphere ProtocolProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Proxy

Properties for the WebSphereProxy role
Name Type Description
Admin Security Level String The Admin Security Level for this WebSphere Proxy
Enable Custom Security Level Boolean The Enable Custom Security Level for this WebSphere Proxy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Proxy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyAction

Properties for the WebSphereProxyAction role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ProxyAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereProxyInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere ProxyInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ProxyInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyOverrides

Properties for the WebSphereProxyOverrides role
Name Type Description
Cache Instance Name String The Cache Instance Name for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Cache Update Uri String The Cache Update Uri for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Connection Pool Enable Boolean The Connection Pool Enable for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Enable Caching Boolean The Enable Caching for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Max Connections Per Server String The Max Connections Per Server for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Outbound S S L Alias String The Outbound S S L Alias for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides
Ssl Cache Enable Boolean The Ssl Cache Enable for this WebSphere ProxyOverrides


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyRuleExpression

Properties for the WebSphereProxyRuleExpression role
Name Type Description
Expression String The Expression for this WebSphere ProxyRuleExpression
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ProxyRuleExpression


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyVirtualHost Reference

Properties for the WebSphereProxyRuleExpressionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Proxy Rule Expression


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyServer

Properties for the WebSphereProxyServer role
Name Type Description
Admin Security Level String The Admin Security Level for this WebSphere ProxyServer
Enable Custom Security Level Boolean The Enable Custom Security Level for this WebSphere ProxyServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ProxyServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxySettings

Properties for the WebSphereProxySettings role
Name Type Description
Cache Access Log String The Cache Access Log for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Cache Instance Name String The Cache Instance Name for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Cache Update Uri String The Cache Update Uri for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Connection Pool Enable Boolean The Connection Pool Enable for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Aggressive Caching Boolean The Enable Aggressive Caching for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Caching Boolean The Enable Caching for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Custom Error Page Policy Boolean The Enable Custom Error Page Policy for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Dynamic Cache Boolean The Enable Dynamic Cache for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable E S I Boolean The Enable E S I for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Logging Boolean The Enable Logging for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Static Routing Boolean The Enable Static Routing for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Enable Web Services Support Boolean The Enable Web Services Support for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Exclude U R I Group String The Exclude U R I Group for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Local Access Log String The Local Access Log for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Max Connections Per Server String The Max Connections Per Server for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Max Request Body Buffer Chunk Size String The Max Request Body Buffer Chunk Size for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Max Response Body Buffer Chunk Size String The Max Response Body Buffer Chunk Size for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Maximum Log Size String The Maximum Log Size for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Memory Cache Entry Size In M B String The Memory Cache Entry Size In M B for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Methods Disable String The Methods Disable for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Outbound Connect Timeout String The Outbound Connect Timeout for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Outbound Request Timeout String The Outbound Request Timeout for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Outbound Request Write Timeout String The Outbound Request Write Timeout for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Outbound S S L Alias String The Outbound S S L Alias for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Proxy Access Log String The Proxy Access Log for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Server Header String The Server Header for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Ssl Cache Enable Boolean The Ssl Cache Enable for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Static Routing File Directory String The Static Routing File Directory for this WebSphere ProxySettings
Trusted Intermediary Addresses String The Trusted Intermediary Addresses for this WebSphere ProxySettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyVirtualHost

Properties for the WebSphereProxyVirtualHost role
Name Type Description
Virtual Host Name String The Virtual Host Name for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHost
Virtual Host Port String The Virtual Host Port for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHost


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyVirtualHost Reference

Properties for the WebSphereProxyVirtualHostRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Proxy Virtual Host


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings

Properties for the WebSphereProxyVirtualHostSettings role
Name Type Description
Cache Access Log String The Cache Access Log for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Enable Logging Boolean The Enable Logging for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Local Access Log String The Local Access Log for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Maximum Log Size String The Maximum Log Size for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Proxy Access Log String The Proxy Access Log for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Use Server Error Page Settings Boolean The Use Server Error Page Settings for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Use Server Logging Settings Boolean The Use Server Logging Settings for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings
Use Server Static File Settings Boolean The Use Server Static File Settings for this WebSphere ProxyVirtualHostSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere QName

Properties for the WebSphereQName role
Name Type Description
Combined Q Name String The Combined Q Name for this WebSphere QName
Internal Prefix Or Ns U R I String The Internal Prefix Or Ns U R I for this WebSphere QName
Local Part String The Local Part for this WebSphere QName
Namespace U R I String The Namespace U R I for this WebSphere QName


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere QualityOfProtection


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere QueueTimeGoal

Properties for the WebSphereQueueTimeGoal role
Name Type Description
Goal Delta Value String The Goal Delta Value for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Goal Delta Value Units String The Goal Delta Value Units for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Goal Value String The Goal Value for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Goal Value Units String The Goal Value Units for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Importance String The Importance for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Time Period Value String The Time Period Value for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Time Period Value Units String The Time Period Value Units for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal
Violation Enabled Boolean The Violation Enabled for this WebSphere QueueTimeGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RARFile

Properties for the WebSphereRARFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere RARFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere RARFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere RARFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere RARFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere RARFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere RARFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RASLoggingService

Properties for the WebSphereRASLoggingService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere RASLoggingService
Enable Correlation Id Boolean The Enable Correlation Id for this WebSphere RASLoggingService
Message Filter Level String The Message Filter Level for this WebSphere RASLoggingService. Acceptable values are:
Suppress Stack Traces Boolean The Suppress Stack Traces for this WebSphere RASLoggingService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RMIConnector

Properties for the WebSphereRMIConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere RMIConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RMQChannelFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RMQOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereRMQOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RMQOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RSAToken

Properties for the WebSphereRSAToken role
Name Type Description
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere RSAToken
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere RSAToken
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere RSAToken
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere RSAToken
Nonce Cache Timeout String The Nonce Cache Timeout for this WebSphere RSAToken
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere RSAToken
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere RSAToken
Token Expiration String The Token Expiration for this WebSphere RSAToken


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory

Properties for the WebSphereReadOnlyDirectory role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory
Size String The Size for this WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere ReadOnlyDirectory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RecoveryLog

Properties for the WebSphereRecoveryLog role
Name Type Description
Compensation Log Directory String The Compensation Log Directory for this WebSphere RecoveryLog
Compensation Log File Size String The Compensation Log File Size for this WebSphere RecoveryLog
Transaction Log Directory String The Transaction Log Directory for this WebSphere RecoveryLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RedirectRoute

Properties for the WebSphereRedirectRoute role
Name Type Description
Redirect URL String The Redirect URL for this WebSphere RedirectRoute


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Referenceable

Properties for the WebSphereReferenceable role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere Referenceable
Factory Classname String The Factory Classname for this WebSphere Referenceable


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RemoteCellAccessPoint

Properties for the WebSphereRemoteCellAccessPoint role
Name Type Description
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere RemoteCellAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides

Properties for the WebSphereRemoteCellOverrides role
Name Type Description
Cache Instance Name String The Cache Instance Name for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Cache Update Uri String The Cache Update Uri for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Connection Pool Enable Boolean The Connection Pool Enable for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Enable Caching Boolean The Enable Caching for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Max Connections Per Server String The Max Connections Per Server for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Outbound S S L Alias String The Outbound S S L Alias for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Peer Access Point Name String The Peer Access Point Name for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides
Ssl Cache Enable Boolean The Ssl Cache Enable for this WebSphere RemoteCellOverrides


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Repository Custom Property

Properties for the WebSphereRepositoryCustomProperty role
Name Type Description
Name String Specifies the name of the property.
Value String Specifies the value of the property. Do not include commas followed immediately by
a space.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RepositoryService

Properties for the WebSphereRepositoryService role
Name Type Description
Audit Enabled Boolean The Audit Enabled for this WebSphere RepositoryService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RequiredConfigPropertyType

Properties for the WebSphereRequiredConfigPropertyType role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RequiredConfigPropertyType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResourceAdapter

Properties for the WebSphereResourceAdapter role
Name Type Description
Connection Factory Impl Class String The Connection Factory Impl Class for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Connection Factory Interface String The Connection Factory Interface for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Connection Impl Class String The Connection Impl Class for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Connection Interface String The Connection Interface for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Managed Connection Factory Class String The Managed Connection Factory Class for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Reauthentication Support Boolean The Reauthentication Support for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Resource Adapter Class String The Resource Adapter Class for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter
Transaction Support String The Transaction Support for this WebSphere ResourceAdapter. Acceptable values are:
LocalTransaction, XATransaction, NoTransaction.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry

Properties for the WebSphereResourceEnvEntry role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ResourceEnvEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResourceEnvRef

Properties for the WebSphereResourceEnvRef role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ResourceEnvRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider

Properties for the WebSphereResourceEnvironmentProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ResourceEnvironmentProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResourceRef

Properties for the WebSphereResourceRef role
Name Type Description
Auth String The Auth for this WebSphere ResourceRef. Acceptable values are: Container, SERVLET,
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ResourceRef
Link String The Link for this WebSphere ResourceRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere ResourceRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere ResourceRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ResourceRef
Res Sharing Scope String The Res Sharing Scope for this WebSphere ResourceRef. Acceptable values are: Unshareable,
Type String The Type for this WebSphere ResourceRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ResponseCondition

Properties for the WebSphereResponseCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere ResponseCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ResponseCondition
Response Time String The Response Time for this WebSphere ResponseCondition
Response Time Units String The Response Time Units for this WebSphere ResponseCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RestartTime

Properties for the WebSphereRestartTime role
Name Type Description
Friday Boolean The Friday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Monday Boolean The Monday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Saturday Boolean The Saturday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Sunday Boolean The Sunday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Thursday Boolean The Thursday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Tuesday Boolean The Tuesday for this WebSphere RestartTime
Wednesday Boolean The Wednesday for this WebSphere RestartTime


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RewritingAction

Properties for the WebSphereRewritingAction role
Name Type Description
Cookie Name String The Cookie Name for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Enable Passive Rewrite Boolean The Enable Passive Rewrite for this WebSphere RewritingAction
From Pattern String The From Pattern for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Limit Cookie Domain String The Limit Cookie Domain for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Limit Cookie Path String The Limit Cookie Path for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Limit U R L Pattern String The Limit U R L Pattern for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RewritingAction
Rewriting Action Type String The Rewriting Action Type for this WebSphere RewritingAction. Acceptable values are:
To Pattern String The To Pattern for this WebSphere RewritingAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RewritingAction Reference

Properties for the WebSphereRewritingActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Rewriting Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RewritingPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RewritingRule

Properties for the WebSphereRewritingRule role
Name Type Description
From U R L Pattern String The From U R L Pattern for this WebSphere RewritingRule
To U R L Pattern String The To U R L Pattern for this WebSphere RewritingRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoleAssignmentExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoleBasedAuthorization

Properties for the WebSphereRoleBasedAuthorization role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RoleBasedAuthorization


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Route


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoutingAction

Properties for the WebSphereRoutingAction role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RoutingAction


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoutingAction Reference

Properties for the WebSphereRoutingActionRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere Routing Action


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoutingPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RoutingRule

Properties for the WebSphereRoutingRule role
Name Type Description
Is Enabled Boolean The Is Enabled for this WebSphere RoutingRule
Name String The Name for this WebSphere RoutingRule
Uri Group String The Uri Group for this WebSphere RoutingRule
Virtual Host Name String The Virtual Host Name for this WebSphere RoutingRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Rule

Properties for the WebSphereRule role
Name Type Description
Expression String The Expression for this WebSphere Rule
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Rule
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere Rule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Rules

Properties for the WebSphereRules role
Name Type Description
Match Action String The Match Action for this WebSphere Rules
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Rules


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Ruleset

Properties for the WebSphereRuleset role
Name Type Description
Default Continue String The Default Continue for this WebSphere Ruleset
Name String The Name for this WebSphere Ruleset
Type String The Type for this WebSphere Ruleset


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere RunAsSpecifiedIdentity

Properties for the WebSphereRunAsSpecifiedIdentity role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere RunAsSpecifiedIdentity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SARClusterTarget

Properties for the WebSphereSARClusterTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SARClusterTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SARDeploymentTarget

Properties for the WebSphereSARDeploymentTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SARDeploymentTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SARServerTarget

Properties for the WebSphereSARServerTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SARServerTarget
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere SARServerTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAbstractDestination

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAbstractDestination role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBAbstractDestination
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAbstractDestination
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBAbstractDestination
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBAbstractDestination


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAudit

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAudit role
Name Type Description
Allow Audit Boolean The Allow Audit for this WebSphere SIBAudit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthAlias

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthAlias role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthAlias
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthAlias
Inherit Defaults Boolean The Inherit Defaults for this WebSphere SIBAuthAlias


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthBrowser


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthBusConnect


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthCreator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthDefault


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthForeignBus

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthForeignBus role
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthForeignBus


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthForeignDestination

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthForeignDestination role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthForeignDestination
Destination Name String The Destination Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthForeignDestination


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthGroup

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthGroup role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthGroup
Unique Name String The Unique Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthGroup Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthGroupRef role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The identifier of the referenced WebSphere SIBAuthGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthIdentityAdopter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthPort

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthPort role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthPort
Inherit Defaults Boolean The Inherit Defaults for this WebSphere SIBAuthPort


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthQueue

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthQueue role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthQueue
Inherit Defaults Boolean The Inherit Defaults for this WebSphere SIBAuthQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthReceiver


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthSender


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthSpace


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthTopic

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthTopic role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthTopic
Inherit Receiver Boolean The Inherit Receiver for this WebSphere SIBAuthTopic
Inherit Sender Boolean The Inherit Sender for this WebSphere SIBAuthTopic


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthTopicSpace

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthTopicSpace role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthTopicSpace
Inherit Defaults Boolean The Inherit Defaults for this WebSphere SIBAuthTopicSpace


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthTopicSpaceBase


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthTopicSpaceRoot


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthUser

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthUser role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthUser
Unique Name String The Unique Name for this WebSphere SIBAuthUser


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthUser Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthUserRef role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The identifier of the referenced WebSphere SIBAuthUser


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBAuthWebService

Properties for the WebSphereSIBAuthWebService role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBAuthWebService
Inherit Defaults Boolean The Inherit Defaults for this WebSphere SIBAuthWebService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBBootstrapMember

Properties for the WebSphereSIBBootstrapMember role
Name Type Description
Cluster String The Cluster for this WebSphere SIBBootstrapMember
Node String The Node for this WebSphere SIBBootstrapMember
Server String The Server for this WebSphere SIBBootstrapMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBContextInfo

Properties for the WebSphereSIBContextInfo role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBContextInfo
Type String The Type for this WebSphere SIBContextInfo. Acceptable values are: CHARACTER, LONG,
Value String The Value for this WebSphere SIBContextInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDatastore

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDatastore role
Name Type Description
Auth Alias String The Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Create Tables Boolean The Create Tables for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Data Source Name String The Data Source Name for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Permanent Tables String The Permanent Tables for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Restrict Long D B Lock Boolean The Restrict Long D B Lock for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Schema Name String The Schema Name for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Temporary Tables String The Temporary Tables for this WebSphere SIBDatastore
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDatastore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestination

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestination role
Name Type Description
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestination. Acceptable values
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Maintain Strict Message Order Boolean The Maintain Strict Message Order for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Max Failed Deliveries String The Max Failed Deliveries for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestination. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Persist Redelivery Count Boolean The Persist Redelivery Count for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Receive Allowed Boolean The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestination. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestination
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestination


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestinationAlias role
Name Type Description
All Target Mediation Points Selected Boolean The All Target Mediation Points Selected for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
All Target Queue Points Selected Boolean The All Target Queue Points Selected for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Bus String The Bus for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Delegate Authorization Check To Target Boolean The Delegate Authorization Check To Target for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias. Acceptable values are:
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed String The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias.
Acceptable values are: INHERIT, TRUE, FALSE.
Receive Allowed String The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias. Acceptable values are:
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias. Acceptable values are: INHERIT,
Send Allowed String The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias. Acceptable values are: INHERIT,
Target Bus String The Target Bus for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Target Identifier String The Target Identifier for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Target Mediation Point Identifiers String The Target Mediation Point Identifiers for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Target Queue Point Identifiers String The Target Queue Point Identifiers for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestinationAlias


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestinationDefault role
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault. Acceptable values are:
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationDefault


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestinationForeign role
Name Type Description
Bus String The Bus for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign. Acceptable values are:
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestinationForeign


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestinationMediation role
Name Type Description
Allow Concurrent Mediation Boolean The Allow Concurrent Mediation for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Discriminator String The Discriminator for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Global Transaction Boolean The Global Transaction for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Handler List Name String The Handler List Name for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Mediation Name String The Mediation Name for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Selector String The Selector for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediation


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBDestinationMediationRef

Properties for the WebSphereSIBDestinationMediationRef role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediationRef
Externally Mediated Boolean The Externally Mediated for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediationRef
Mediation Uuid String The Mediation Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediationRef
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBDestinationMediationRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBFilestore

Properties for the WebSphereSIBFilestore role
Name Type Description
Log Directory String The Log Directory for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Log Size String The Log Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Max Permanent Store Size String The Max Permanent Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Max Temporary Store Size String The Max Temporary Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Min Permanent Store Size String The Min Permanent Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Min Temporary Store Size String The Min Temporary Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Permanent Store Directory String The Permanent Store Directory for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Temporary Store Directory String The Temporary Store Directory for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Unlimited Permanent Store Size Boolean The Unlimited Permanent Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Unlimited Temporary Store Size Boolean The Unlimited Temporary Store Size for this WebSphere SIBFilestore
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBFilestore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBForeignBus

Properties for the WebSphereSIBForeignBus role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBForeignBus
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBForeignBus
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBForeignBus
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBForeignBus


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIB Foreign Bus Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBForeignBusRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere SIB Foreign Bus


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBGatewayLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBGatewayLink role
Name Type Description
Auth Alias String The Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Bootstrap Endpoints String The Bootstrap Endpoints for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink. Acceptable values are: STOPPED,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Protocol Name String The Protocol Name for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Remote Messaging Engine Name String The Remote Messaging Engine Name for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBGatewayLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory


Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Client Id String The Client Id for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Durable Subscription Home String The Durable Subscription Home for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Me Names String The Me Names for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Non Persistent Mapping String The Non Persistent Mapping for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory. Acceptable
values are: EXPRESS, RELIABLE.
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Port Number String The Port Number for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are:
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Temp Queue Model Name String The Temp Queue Model Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
Temp Topic Model Name String The Temp Topic Model Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory
User Name String The User Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSProvider

Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSQueue

Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSQueue role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Delivery Mode String The Delivery Mode for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue. Acceptable values are: NON_PERSISTENT,
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Non Persistent Mapping String The Non Persistent Mapping for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue. Acceptable values are:
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Queue Name String The Queue Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue. Acceptable values are: AS_CONNECTION,
Time To Live String The Time To Live for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Client Id String The Client Id for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Me Names String The Me Names for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Non Persistent Mapping String The Non Persistent Mapping for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable
values are: EXPRESS, RELIABLE.
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Port Number String The Port Number for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
Temp Queue Model Name String The Temp Queue Model Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory
User Name String The User Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSQueueConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSTopic

Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSTopic role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Delivery Mode String The Delivery Mode for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic. Acceptable values are: NON_PERSISTENT,
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Non Persistent Mapping String The Non Persistent Mapping for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic. Acceptable values are:
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic. Acceptable values are: AS_CONNECTION,
Time To Live String The Time To Live for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Topic Name String The Topic Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic
Topic Space String The Topic Space for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopic


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereSIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Client Id String The Client Id for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Durable Subscription Home String The Durable Subscription Home for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Me Names String The Me Names for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Non Persistent Mapping String The Non Persistent Mapping for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable
values are: EXPRESS, RELIABLE.
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Port Number String The Port Number for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Read Ahead String The Read Ahead for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
Temp Topic Model Name String The Temp Topic Model Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory
User Name String The User Name for this WebSphere SIBJMSTopicConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBLinkRef

Properties for the WebSphereSIBLinkRef role
Name Type Description
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBLinkRef
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBLinkRef. Acceptable values
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBLinkRef
Prefer Local Queue Points Boolean The Prefer Local Queue Points for this WebSphere SIBLinkRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBLocalizationPoint role
Name Type Description
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef

Properties for the WebSphereSIBLocalizationPointRef role
Name Type Description
Cluster String The Cluster for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef
Engine Uuid String The Engine Uuid for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef
Mq Server String The Mq Server for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef
Node String The Node for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef
Server String The Server for this WebSphere SIBLocalizationPointRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQClientLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQClientLink role
Name Type Description
Channel Name String The Channel Name for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Default Q M Boolean The Default Q M for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Heart Beat String The Heart Beat for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink. Acceptable values are: STOPPED,
Max Msg Size String The Max Msg Size for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Migrated Definition Boolean The Migrated Definition for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Qm Name String The Qm Name for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties role
Name Type Description
Broker C C Dur Sub Q String The Broker C C Dur Sub Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Broker C C Sub Q String The Broker C C Sub Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Broker Con Q String The Broker Con Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Broker Dur Sub Q String The Broker Dur Sub Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Broker Pub Q String The Broker Pub Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Broker Sub Q String The Broker Sub Q for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Default Topic Space String The Default Topic Space for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties
Inbound Non Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Non Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties.
Acceptable values are: EXPRESS, RELIABLE, BEST_EFFORT.
Inbound Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQClientLinkAdvancedProperties.
Acceptable values are: RELIABLE, ASSURED.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLink role
Name Type Description
Adoptable Boolean The Adoptable for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Batch Size String The Batch Size for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Heart Beat String The Heart Beat for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMQLink. Acceptable values are: STOPPED, STARTED.
Max Msg Size String The Max Msg Size for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Non Persistent Message Speed String The Non Persistent Message Speed for this WebSphere SIBMQLink. Acceptable values are:
Qm Name String The Qm Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Sequence Wrap String The Sequence Wrap for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLinkReceiverChannel role
Name Type Description
Inbound Non Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Non Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel.
Acceptable values are: EXPRESS, RELIABLE, BEST_EFFORT.
Inbound Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel. Acceptable
values are: RELIABLE, ASSURED.
Receiver Channel Initial State String The Receiver Channel Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel. Acceptable
values are: STOPPED, STARTED.
Receiver Channel Name String The Receiver Channel Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkReceiverChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLinkSenderChannel role
Name Type Description
Conname List String The Conname List for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Disc Interval String The Disc Interval for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Host Name String The Host Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Long Retry Count String The Long Retry Count for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Long Retry Interval String The Long Retry Interval for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Port String The Port for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Protocol Name String The Protocol Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Sender Channel Initial State String The Sender Channel Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel. Acceptable
values are: STOPPED, STARTED.
Sender Channel Name String The Sender Channel Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Short Retry Count String The Short Retry Count for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel
Short Retry Interval String The Short Retry Interval for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint role
Name Type Description
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPointRef role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The identifier of the referenced WebSphere SIBMQLinkSenderChannelLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQLocalizationPointProxy role
Name Type Description
Enable R F H2 Header Boolean The Enable R F H2 Header for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy
Inbound Non Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Non Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy.
Inbound Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy.
Mq Queue Name String The Mq Queue Name for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQLocalizationPointProxy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQMediationPointProxy role
Name Type Description
Enable R F H2 Header Boolean The Enable R F H2 Header for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy
Inbound Non Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Non Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy.
Inbound Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy. Acceptable
Mq Queue Name String The Mq Queue Name for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQMediationPointProxy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy role
Name Type Description
Enable R F H2 Header Boolean The Enable R F H2 Header for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy
Inbound Non Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Non Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy.
Inbound Persistent Reliability String The Inbound Persistent Reliability for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy.
Mq Queue Name String The Mq Queue Name for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQQueueLocalizationPointProxy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQServer

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQServer role
Name Type Description
Channel String The Channel for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Discovery Auth Alias String The Discovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Discovery Reply To Queue String The Discovery Reply To Queue for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Enable Auto Resource Discovery Boolean The Enable Auto Resource Discovery for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Enable Bindings Transport Mode Boolean The Enable Bindings Transport Mode for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Host String The Host for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Messaging Auth Alias String The Messaging Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Port String The Port for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Transport Chain Name String The Transport Chain Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Trust Message User Identifiers Boolean The Trust Message User Identifiers for this WebSphere SIBMQServer
Type String The Type for this WebSphere SIBMQServer. Acceptable values are: MQ_QUEUE_MANAGER,
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMQServerBusMember role
Name Type Description
Channel String The Channel for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Host String The Host for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Messaging Auth Alias String The Messaging Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Mq Server Uuid String The Mq Server Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Override Default Connection Settings Boolean The Override Default Connection Settings for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Port String The Port for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Transport Chain Name String The Transport Chain Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Trust Message User Identifiers Boolean The Trust Message User Identifiers for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember
Virtual Queue Manager Name String The Virtual Queue Manager Name for this WebSphere SIBMQServerBusMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMediation

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMediation role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBMediation
Handler List Name String The Handler List Name for this WebSphere SIBMediation
Mediation Name String The Mediation Name for this WebSphere SIBMediation
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediation


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMediationExecutionPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMediationExecutionPoint role
Name Type Description
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMediationExecutionPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediationExecutionPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediationExecutionPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMediationInstance

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMediationInstance role
Name Type Description
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMediationInstance. Acceptable values are:
Mediation Ref Uuid String The Mediation Ref Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediationInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMediationLocalizationPoint role
Name Type Description
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMediationLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine

Properties for the WebSphereSIBMessagingEngine role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Bus Uuid String The Bus Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Custom Group String The Custom Group for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine. Acceptable values are: STOPPED,
Message Store Recovered String The Message Store Recovered for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Message Store Type String The Message Store Type for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine. Acceptable values are:
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Recover Message Store String The Recover Message Store for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBMessagingEngine


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerProfile

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPSBBrokerProfile role
Name Type Description
Broker Queue Manager String The Broker Queue Manager for this WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerProfile
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerProfile
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerProfile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerTransactionality

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPSBBrokerTransactionality role
Name Type Description
Batch Size String The Batch Size for this WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerTransactionality
Message Type String The Message Type for this WebSphere SIBPSBBrokerTransactionality. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPSBTopicMapping role
Name Type Description
Broker Stream Queue String The Broker Stream Queue for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping
Direction String The Direction for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping. Acceptable values are: TO_MQ,
Subscription Point String The Subscription Point for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping
Topic Name String The Topic Name for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping
Topic Space String The Topic Space for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPSBTopicTransactionality

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPSBTopicTransactionality role
Name Type Description
Batch Size String The Batch Size for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicTransactionality
Message Type String The Message Type for this WebSphere SIBPSBTopicTransactionality. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPermittedChain

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPermittedChain role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBPermittedChain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBPort

Properties for the WebSphereSIBPort role
Name Type Description
Blocked Retry Timeout String The Blocked Retry Timeout for this WebSphere SIBPort
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBPort
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBPort
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBPort
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBPort. Acceptable values are:
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBPort
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBPort
Maintain Strict Message Order Boolean The Maintain Strict Message Order for this WebSphere SIBPort
Max Failed Deliveries String The Max Failed Deliveries for this WebSphere SIBPort
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBPort. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBPort
Persist Redelivery Count Boolean The Persist Redelivery Count for this WebSphere SIBPort
Receive Allowed Boolean The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBPort
Receive Exclusive Boolean The Receive Exclusive for this WebSphere SIBPort
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBPort. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBPort
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBPort


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBQualifiedDestinationName

Properties for the WebSphereSIBQualifiedDestinationName role
Name Type Description
Bus String The Bus for this WebSphere SIBQualifiedDestinationName
Destination String The Destination for this WebSphere SIBQualifiedDestinationName


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBQueue

Properties for the WebSphereSIBQueue role
Name Type Description
Blocked Retry Timeout String The Blocked Retry Timeout for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBQueue. Acceptable values are:
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Maintain Strict Message Order Boolean The Maintain Strict Message Order for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Max Failed Deliveries String The Max Failed Deliveries for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBQueue. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Persist Redelivery Count Boolean The Persist Redelivery Count for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Receive Allowed Boolean The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Receive Exclusive Boolean The Receive Exclusive for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBQueue. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBQueue
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBQueueLocalizationPoint role
Name Type Description
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBQueueLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBService

Properties for the WebSphereSIBService role
Name Type Description
Configuration Reload Enabled Boolean The Configuration Reload Enabled for this WebSphere SIBService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere SIBService
Start C R A Boolean The Start C R A for this WebSphere SIBService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBTopicSpace

Properties for the WebSphereSIBTopicSpace role
Name Type Description
Blocked Retry Timeout String The Blocked Retry Timeout for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace. Acceptable values
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Maintain Strict Message Order Boolean The Maintain Strict Message Order for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Max Failed Deliveries String The Max Failed Deliveries for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Persist Redelivery Count Boolean The Persist Redelivery Count for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Receive Allowed Boolean The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Topic Access Check Required Boolean The Topic Access Check Required for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpace


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceAudit

Properties for the WebSphereSIBTopicSpaceAudit role
Name Type Description
Allow Audit Boolean The Allow Audit for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceAudit
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceAudit


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint role
Name Type Description
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint
Target Uuid String The Target Uuid for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceLocalizationPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceMapEntry

Properties for the WebSphereSIBTopicSpaceMapEntry role
Name Type Description
Local Topic Space String The Local Topic Space for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceMapEntry
Remote Topic Space String The Remote Topic Space for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceMapEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceMapping

Properties for the WebSphereSIBTopicSpaceMapping role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBTopicSpaceMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBVirtualGatewayLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBVirtualGatewayLink role
Name Type Description
Inbound Userid String The Inbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualGatewayLink
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBVirtualGatewayLink
Outbound Userid String The Outbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualGatewayLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualGatewayLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBVirtualLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBVirtualLink role
Name Type Description
Inbound Userid String The Inbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualLink
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBVirtualLink
Outbound Userid String The Outbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBVirtualMQLink

Properties for the WebSphereSIBVirtualMQLink role
Name Type Description
Inbound Userid String The Inbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualMQLink
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBVirtualMQLink
Outbound Userid String The Outbound Userid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualMQLink
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBVirtualMQLink


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWMQServerEndpoint

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWMQServerEndpoint role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerEndpoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerEndpoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Receive Exit String The Receive Exit for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Receive Exit Init String The Receive Exit Init for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Security Exit String The Security Exit for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Security Exit Init String The Security Exit Init for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Send Exit String The Send Exit for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Send Exit Init String The Send Exit Init for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl C R L String The Ssl C R L for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl Chain String The Ssl Chain for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl Endpoint String The Ssl Endpoint for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl Peer String The Ssl Peer for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl Reset String The Ssl Reset for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel
Ssl Type String The Ssl Type for this WebSphere SIBWMQServerSvrconnChannel. Acceptable values are:


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSBusConnectionProperty

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSBusConnectionProperty role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBWSBusConnectionProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListener

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSEndpointListener role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListener
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListener
U R L Root String The U R L Root for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListener
W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root String The W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListener


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSEndpointListenerReference role
Name Type Description
Cached U R L Root String The Cached U R L Root for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference
Cached W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root String The Cached W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference
Endpoint Listener Name String The Endpoint Listener Name for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere SIBWSEndpointListenerReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSInboundPort role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
J A X R P C Handler List Name String The J A X R P C Handler List Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
Security Inbound Config Name String The Security Inbound Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
Security Request Consumer Binding Config Name String The Security Request Consumer Binding Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
Security Response Generator Binding Config Name String The Security Response Generator Binding Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort
Template Port Name String The Template Port Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPort


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSInboundPortReference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSInboundPortReference role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPortReference
Port Name String The Port Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPortReference
Service Name String The Service Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundPortReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSInboundService

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSInboundService role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundService
Enable Operation Level Security Boolean The Enable Operation Level Security for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundService
Service Destination Name String The Service Destination Name for this WebSphere SIBWSInboundService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSOutboundPort role
Name Type Description
Authenticating Proxy Auth Alias String The Authenticating Proxy Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Authenticating Proxy Host Name String The Authenticating Proxy Host Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Authenticating Proxy Port Number String The Authenticating Proxy Port Number for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
J A X R P C Handler List Name String The J A X R P C Handler List Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Port Destination Name String The Port Destination Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Retargetted Binding Namespace String The Retargetted Binding Namespace for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Retargetted U R I String The Retargetted U R I for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Security Outbound Config Name String The Security Outbound Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Security Request Generator Binding Config Name String The Security Request Generator Binding Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort
Security Response Consumer Binding Config Name String The Security Response Consumer Binding Config Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundPort


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSOutboundService role
Name Type Description
Default Port String The Default Port for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService
Enable Operation Level Security Boolean The Enable Operation Level Security for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService
Service Destination Name String The Service Destination Name for this WebSphere SIBWSOutboundService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityInboundConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityInboundConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityInboundConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityOutboundConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityOutboundConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityOutboundConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestConsumerBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityRequestConsumerBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestConsumerBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestReceiverBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityRequestReceiverBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestReceiverBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestSenderBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityRequestSenderBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityRequestSenderBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseConsumerBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityResponseConsumerBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseConsumerBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseGeneratorBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityResponseGeneratorBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseGeneratorBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseReceiverBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityResponseReceiverBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseReceiverBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseSenderBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSSecurityResponseSenderBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSSecurityResponseSenderBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSUDDIPublication role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication
U D D I Business Key String The U D D I Business Key for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication
U D D I Ref Name String The U D D I Ref Name for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication
U D D I Service Key String The U D D I Service Key for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication
W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root String The W S D L Serving H T T P U R L Root for this WebSphere SIBWSUDDIPublication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWSWSDLLocation role
Name Type Description
W S D L Location String The W S D L Location for this WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation
W S D L Location Kind String The W S D L Location Kind for this WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation. Acceptable values
W S D L Service Name String The W S D L Service Name for this WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation
W S D L Service Namespace String The W S D L Service Namespace for this WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation
W S D L U D D I Reference String The W S D L U D D I Reference for this WebSphere SIBWSWSDLLocation


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBWebService

Properties for the WebSphereSIBWebService role
Name Type Description
Blocked Retry Timeout String The Blocked Retry Timeout for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Exception Destination String The Exception Destination for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Exception Discard Reliability String The Exception Discard Reliability for this WebSphere SIBWebService. Acceptable values
Identifier String The Identifier for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Instance Type String The Instance Type for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Maintain Strict Message Order Boolean The Maintain Strict Message Order for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Max Failed Deliveries String The Max Failed Deliveries for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Max Reliability String The Max Reliability for this WebSphere SIBWebService. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed Boolean The Override Of Q O S By Producer Allowed for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Persist Redelivery Count Boolean The Persist Redelivery Count for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Receive Allowed Boolean The Receive Allowed for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Receive Exclusive Boolean The Receive Exclusive for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Reliability String The Reliability for this WebSphere SIBWebService. Acceptable values are: BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT,
Send Allowed Boolean The Send Allowed for this WebSphere SIBWebService
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBWebService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBus

Properties for the WebSphereSIBus role
Name Type Description
Bootstrap Member Policy String The Bootstrap Member Policy for this WebSphere SIBus. Acceptable values are: MEMBERS_ONLY,
Configuration Reload Enabled Boolean The Configuration Reload Enabled for this WebSphere SIBus
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBus
Discard Msgs After Queue Deletion Boolean The Discard Msgs After Queue Deletion for this WebSphere SIBus
High Message Threshold String The High Message Threshold for this WebSphere SIBus
Inter Engine Auth Alias String The Inter Engine Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBus
Mediations Auth Alias String The Mediations Auth Alias for this WebSphere SIBus
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIBus
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere SIBus
Secure Boolean The Secure for this WebSphere SIBus
Security Group Cache Timeout String The Security Group Cache Timeout for this WebSphere SIBus
Use Permitted Chains String The Use Permitted Chains for this WebSphere SIBus. Acceptable values are: SSL_ENABLED,
Use Server Id For Mediations Boolean The Use Server Id For Mediations for this WebSphere SIBus
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere SIBus


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBusMember

Properties for the WebSphereSIBusMember role
Name Type Description
Assistance Enabled Boolean The Assistance Enabled for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Cluster String The Cluster for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Mq Server String The Mq Server for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Node String The Node for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Policy Name String The Policy Name for this WebSphere SIBusMember
Server String The Server for this WebSphere SIBusMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBusMemberTarget

Properties for the WebSphereSIBusMemberTarget role
Name Type Description
Engine Name String The Engine Name for this WebSphere SIBusMemberTarget
Engine Uuid String The Engine Uuid for this WebSphere SIBusMemberTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIBus Member Target Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSIBusMemberTargetRef role
Name Type Description
Engine UUID String The UUID of the engine of the referenced WebSphere SIBus Member Target


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPApplicationRouter

Properties for the WebSphereSIPApplicationRouter role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPApplicationRouter
Sip Application Router Provider String The Sip Application Router Provider for this WebSphere SIPApplicationRouter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPApplicationRouters


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPContainer

Properties for the WebSphereSIPContainer role
Name Type Description
Dns Server Names String The Dns Server Names for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Max App Sessions String The Max App Sessions for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Max Dispatch Queue Size String The Max Dispatch Queue Size for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Max Message Rate String The Max Message Rate for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Max Response Time String The Max Response Time for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Stat Average Period String The Stat Average Period for this WebSphere SIPContainer
Stat Update Range String The Stat Update Range for this WebSphere SIPContainer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPContainerInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIPContainerInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere SIPContainerInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPContainerInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere SIPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPMessageCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPProxyInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSIPProxyInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere SIPProxyInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SIPProxyInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPProxyServerSettings

Properties for the WebSphereSIPProxyServerSettings role
Name Type Description
Server T C P Interface String The Server T C P Interface for this WebSphere SIPProxyServerSettings
Server T L S Interface String The Server T L S Interface for this WebSphere SIPProxyServerSettings
Server U D P Interface String The Server U D P Interface for this WebSphere SIPProxyServerSettings
Server U D P Port String The Server U D P Port for this WebSphere SIPProxyServerSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPProxySettings

Properties for the WebSphereSIPProxySettings role
Name Type Description
Access Log Maximum Size String The Access Log Maximum Size for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Default Cluster Name String The Default Cluster Name for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Enable Access Log Boolean The Enable Access Log for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Keep Alive Failures String The Keep Alive Failures for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Keep Alive Interval String The Keep Alive Interval for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Max Throughput Factor String The Max Throughput Factor for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Num Advisor Requests Before Failure String The Num Advisor Requests Before Failure for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Overload Response Code String The Overload Response Code for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Overload Response Reason Phrase String The Overload Response Reason Phrase for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Proxy Access Log String The Proxy Access Log for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
Retry After Value String The Retry After Value for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
S I P Advisor I P Address String The S I P Advisor I P Address for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings
S I P Advisor Method Name String The S I P Advisor Method Name for this WebSphere SIPProxySettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SIPRoutingRule

Properties for the WebSphereSIPRoutingRule role
Name Type Description
Cluster Name String The Cluster Name for this WebSphere SIPRoutingRule
Is Enabled Boolean The Is Enabled for this WebSphere SIPRoutingRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SOAPConnector

Properties for the WebSphereSOAPConnector role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere SOAPConnector


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SPNEGO

Properties for the WebSphereSPNEGO role
Name Type Description
Allow App Auth Method Fallback Boolean The Allow App Auth Method Fallback for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere SPNEGO
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere SPNEGO
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere SPNEGO


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SSLConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSSLConfig role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere SSLConfig
Type String The Type for this WebSphere SSLConfig. Acceptable values are: SSSL, JSSE.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SSLConfigGroup

Properties for the WebSphereSSLConfigGroup role
Name Type Description
Certificate Alias String The Certificate Alias for this WebSphere SSLConfigGroup
Direction String The Direction for this WebSphere SSLConfigGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SSLConfigGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SSLConfig Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSSLConfigRef role
Name Type Description
AliasName String The AliasName of the referenced WebSphere SSLConfig
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere SSLConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SSLInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSSLInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere SSLInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SSLInboundChannel
Ssl Config Alias String The Ssl Config Alias for this WebSphere SSLInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SSLOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereSSLOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SSLOutboundChannel
Ssl Config Alias String The Ssl Config Alias for this WebSphere SSLOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SWAMAuthentication

Properties for the WebSphereSWAMAuthentication role
Name Type Description
Auth Config String The Auth Config for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication
Auth Context Impl Class String The Auth Context Impl Class for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication
Auth Validation Config String The Auth Validation Config for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication
Is Credential Forwardable Boolean The Is Credential Forwardable for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication
O I D String The O I D for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication
Simple Auth Config String The Simple Auth Config for this WebSphere SWAMAuthentication


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration

Properties for the WebSphereSchedulerConfiguration role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Datasource Alias String The Datasource Alias for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Datasource J N D I Name String The Datasource J N D I Name for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Login Config Name String The Login Config Name for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Poll Interval String The Poll Interval for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Security Role String The Security Role for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Table Prefix String The Table Prefix for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Use Admin Roles Boolean The Use Admin Roles for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration
Work Manager Info J N D I Name String The Work Manager Info J N D I Name for this WebSphere SchedulerConfiguration


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SchedulerProvider

Properties for the WebSphereSchedulerProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere SchedulerProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SchedulerService

Properties for the WebSphereSchedulerService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere SchedulerService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecureAssociationService

Properties for the WebSphereSecureAssociationService role
Name Type Description
Bootstrap Repository Location String The Bootstrap Repository Location for this WebSphere SecureAssociationService
Security Tag Compatibility Mode Boolean The Security Tag Compatibility Mode for this WebSphere SecureAssociationService
Session G C Idle Time String The Session G C Idle Time for this WebSphere SecureAssociationService
Session G C Interval String The Session G C Interval for this WebSphere SecureAssociationService
Stateful Boolean The Stateful for this WebSphere SecureAssociationService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint

Properties for the WebSphereSecureClusterAddressEndPoint role
Name Type Description
Certificate Label String The Certificate Label for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Host String The Host for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Keyring String The Keyring for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Port String The Port for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint
Stashfile String The Stashfile for this WebSphere SecureClusterAddressEndPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecureSessionCookie

Properties for the WebSphereSecureSessionCookie role
Name Type Description
Cookie Domain String The Cookie Domain for this WebSphere SecureSessionCookie
Cookie Name String The Cookie Name for this WebSphere SecureSessionCookie
Cookie Path String The Cookie Path for this WebSphere SecureSessionCookie


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecureSocketLayer

Properties for the WebSphereSecureSocketLayer role
Name Type Description
Client Authentication Boolean The Client Authentication for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Client Authentication Supported Boolean The Client Authentication Supported for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Client Key Alias String The Client Key Alias for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Enable Crypto Hardware Support Boolean The Enable Crypto Hardware Support for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Enabled Ciphers String The Enabled Ciphers for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Jsse Provider String The Jsse Provider for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Key File Format String The Key File Format for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer. Acceptable values are: JCEK,
Key File Name String The Key File Name for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Key File Password Password The Key File Password for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Security Level String The Security Level for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer. Acceptable values are: MEDIUM,
Server Key Alias String The Server Key Alias for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Ssl Protocol String The Ssl Protocol for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Trust File Format String The Trust File Format for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer. Acceptable values are:
Trust File Name String The Trust File Name for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer
Trust File Password Password The Trust File Password for this WebSphere SecureSocketLayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Security

Properties for the WebSphereSecurity role
Name Type Description
Active Protocol String The Active Protocol for this WebSphere Security. Acceptable values are: CSI, IBM,
Allow All Permission For Application Boolean The Allow All Permission For Application for this WebSphere Security
Allow Basic Auth Boolean The Allow Basic Auth for this WebSphere Security
App Enabled Boolean The App Enabled for this WebSphere Security
Cache Timeout String The Cache Timeout for this WebSphere Security
Dynamically Update S S L Config Boolean The Dynamically Update S S L Config for this WebSphere Security
Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering Boolean The Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering for this WebSphere Security
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere Security
Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security Boolean The Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security for this WebSphere Security
Enforce Java2 Security Boolean The Enforce Java2 Security for this WebSphere Security
Internal Server Id String The Internal Server Id for this WebSphere Security
Issue Permission Warning Boolean The Issue Permission Warning for this WebSphere Security
Scopename Boolean The Scope name for all the objects under. e.g. (cell):CloudBurstCell_1 or (cell):CloudBurstCell_1:(node):CloudBurstNode_3_1.
Use Domain Qualified User Names Boolean The Use Domain Qualified User Names for this WebSphere Security
Use Local Security Server Boolean The Use Local Security Server for this WebSphere Security


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityCommon

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityCommon role
Name Type Description
Active Protocol String The Active Protocol for this WebSphere SecurityCommon. Acceptable values are: CSI,
Allow All Permission For Application Boolean The Allow All Permission For Application for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Allow Basic Auth Boolean The Allow Basic Auth for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
App Enabled Boolean The App Enabled for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Cache Timeout String The Cache Timeout for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Dynamically Update S S L Config Boolean The Dynamically Update S S L Config for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering Boolean The Enable Java2 Sec Runtime Filtering for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security Boolean The Enforce Fine Grained J C A Security for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Enforce Java2 Security Boolean The Enforce Java2 Security for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Internal Server Id String The Internal Server Id for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Issue Permission Warning Boolean The Issue Permission Warning for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Use Domain Qualified User Names Boolean The Use Domain Qualified User Names for this WebSphere SecurityCommon
Use Local Security Server Boolean The Use Local Security Server for this WebSphere SecurityCommon


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityDomain

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityDomain role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityDomain
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SecurityDomain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityDomainMember

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityDomainMember role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityDomainMember
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SecurityDomainMember
Resource Name String The Resource Name for this WebSphere SecurityDomainMember
Resource Type String The Resource Type for this WebSphere SecurityDomainMember


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityIdentity

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityIdentity role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityIdentity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityPermission

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityPermission role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityPermission
Specification String The Specification for this WebSphere SecurityPermission


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityProtocolConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityProtocolConfig role
Name Type Description
Session G C Idle Time String The Session G C Idle Time for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolConfig
Session G C Interval String The Session G C Interval for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolConfig
Stateful Boolean The Stateful for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityProtocolQOP

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityProtocolQOP role
Name Type Description
Enable Out Of Sequence Detection Boolean The Enable Out Of Sequence Detection for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolQOP
Enable Protection Boolean The Enable Protection for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolQOP
Enable Replay Detection Boolean The Enable Replay Detection for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolQOP
Establish Trust In Client Boolean The Establish Trust In Client for this WebSphere SecurityProtocolQOP


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityRole

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityRole role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityRole
Role Name String The Role Name for this WebSphere SecurityRole


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityRoleExt

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityRoleExt role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityRoleExt
Role Name String The Role Name for this WebSphere SecurityRoleExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityRoleExt Reference

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityRoleExtRef role
Name Type Description
RoleName String The roleName for referenced WebSphere SecurityRoleExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityRoleRef

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityRoleRef role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere SecurityRoleRef
Link String The Link for this WebSphere SecurityRoleRef
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SecurityRoleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SecurityServer

Properties for the WebSphereSecurityServer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SecurityServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerComponent

Properties for the WebSphereServerComponent role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServerComponent


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerEntry

Properties for the WebSphereServerEntry role
Name Type Description
Deployed Applications String The Deployed Applications for this WebSphere ServerEntry
Generic Short Name String The Generic Short Name for this WebSphere ServerEntry
Server Display Name String The Server Display Name for this WebSphere ServerEntry
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere ServerEntry
Server Short Name String The Server Short Name for this WebSphere ServerEntry
Server Type String The Server Type for this WebSphere ServerEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerExt

Properties for the WebSphereServerExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere ServerExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServerExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerIdentity

Properties for the WebSphereServerIdentity role
Name Type Description
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere ServerIdentity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerIndex

Properties for the WebSphereServerIndex role
Name Type Description
Host Name String The Host Name for this WebSphere ServerIndex


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerInstance

Properties for the WebSphereServerInstance role
Name Type Description
Enable Multiple Server Instances Boolean The Enable Multiple Server Instances for this WebSphere ServerInstance
Maximum Number Of Instances String The Maximum Number Of Instances for this WebSphere ServerInstance
Minimum Num Of Instances String The Minimum Num Of Instances for this WebSphere ServerInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServerTarget

Properties for the WebSphereServerTarget role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServerTarget
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere ServerTarget


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Service

Properties for the WebSphereService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere Service


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServiceClass

Properties for the WebSphereServiceClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ServiceClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServiceClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServiceClassGoal


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServiceContext

Properties for the WebSphereServiceContext role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServiceContext


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServiceLog

Properties for the WebSphereServiceLog role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere ServiceLog
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServiceLog
Size String The Size for this WebSphere ServiceLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ServletCacheInstance

Properties for the WebSphereServletCacheInstance role
Name Type Description
Cache Size String The Cache Size for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Category String The Category for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Default Priority String The Default Priority for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency String The Disk Cache Cleanup Frequency for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Disk Cache Entry Size In M B String The Disk Cache Entry Size In M B for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Disk Cache Performance Level String The Disk Cache Performance Level for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance. Acceptable
Disk Cache Size In Entries String The Disk Cache Size In Entries for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Disk Cache Size In G B String The Disk Cache Size In G B for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Disk Offload Location String The Disk Offload Location for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Enable Cache Replication Boolean The Enable Cache Replication for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Enable Disk Offload Boolean The Enable Disk Offload for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Flush To Disk On Stop Boolean The Flush To Disk On Stop for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Hash Size String The Hash Size for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Memory Cache Size In M B String The Memory Cache Size In M B for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Push Frequency String The Push Frequency for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance
Replication Type String The Replication Type for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance. Acceptable values are:
Use Listener Context Boolean The Use Listener Context for this WebSphere ServletCacheInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SessionBeanConfig

Properties for the WebSphereSessionBeanConfig role
Name Type Description
Ejb Name String The Ejb Name for this WebSphere SessionBeanConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence

Properties for the WebSphereSessionDatabasePersistence role
Name Type Description
Datasource J N D I Name String The Datasource J N D I Name for this WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence
Db2 Row Size String The Db2 Row Size for this WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence. Acceptable values
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence
Table Space Name String The Table Space Name for this WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere SessionDatabasePersistence


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SessionManager

Properties for the WebSphereSessionManager role
Name Type Description
Access Session On Timeout Boolean The Access Session On Timeout for this WebSphere SessionManager
Allow Serialized Session Access Boolean The Allow Serialized Session Access for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable Cookies Boolean The Enable Cookies for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable Protocol Switch Rewriting Boolean The Enable Protocol Switch Rewriting for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable S S L Tracking Boolean The Enable S S L Tracking for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable Security Integration Boolean The Enable Security Integration for this WebSphere SessionManager
Enable Url Rewriting Boolean The Enable Url Rewriting for this WebSphere SessionManager
Max Wait Time String The Max Wait Time for this WebSphere SessionManager
Session Persistence Mode String The Session Persistence Mode for this WebSphere SessionManager. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SessionSecurity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SingleSignon

Properties for the WebSphereSingleSignon role
Name Type Description
Domain Name String The Domain Name for this WebSphere SingleSignon
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere SingleSignon
Requires S S L Boolean The Requires S S L for this WebSphere SingleSignon


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SpecialSubjectExt

Properties for the WebSphereSpecialSubjectExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere SpecialSubjectExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SpecialSubjectExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Stack

Properties for the WebSphereStack role
Name Type Description
Hide Message Body Boolean The Hide Message Body for this WebSphere Stack
Invite Auto Reply100 Boolean The Invite Auto Reply100 for this WebSphere Stack
M T U String The M T U for this WebSphere Stack
Outbound Connection Timeout String The Outbound Connection Timeout for this WebSphere Stack
Outbound Proxy String The Outbound Proxy for this WebSphere Stack


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping

Properties for the WebSphereStandAloneApplicationServerMapping role
Name Type Description
Application Name String The Application Name for this WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping
Node Name String The Node Name for this WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping
Transport Chain String The Transport Chain for this WebSphere StandAloneApplicationServerMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StartupBeansService

Properties for the WebSphereStartupBeansService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere StartupBeansService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StateManageable

Properties for the WebSphereStateManageable role
Name Type Description
Initial State String The Initial State for this WebSphere StateManageable. Acceptable values are: STOP and START.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StatefulSessionBeanConfig

Properties for the WebSphereStatefulSessionBeanConfig role
Name Type Description
Ejb Name String The Ejb Name for this WebSphere StatefulSessionBeanConfig
Timeout String The Timeout for this WebSphere StatefulSessionBeanConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StaticCachePolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StaticCacheRule

Properties for the WebSphereStaticCacheRule role
Name Type Description
Default Expiration String The Default Expiration for this WebSphere StaticCacheRule
No Cache Boolean The No Cache for this WebSphere StaticCacheRule
Uri Group String The Uri Group for this WebSphere StaticCacheRule
Virtual Host Name String The Virtual Host Name for this WebSphere StaticCacheRule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StaticFileServingPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereStaticFileServingPolicy role
Name Type Description
Static File Document Root String The Static File Document Root for this WebSphere StaticFileServingPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StaticPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereStaticPolicy role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere StaticPolicy
Is Alive Period Sec String The Is Alive Period Sec for this WebSphere StaticPolicy
Name String The Name for this WebSphere StaticPolicy
Policy Factory String The Policy Factory for this WebSphere StaticPolicy
Quorum Enabled Boolean The Quorum Enabled for this WebSphere StaticPolicy


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StatisticsProvider

Properties for the WebSphereStatisticsProvider role
Name Type Description
Specification String The Specification for this WebSphere StatisticsProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StormDrainCondition

Properties for the WebSphereStormDrainCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere StormDrainCondition
Level String The Level for this WebSphere StormDrainCondition. Acceptable values are: AGGRESSIVE,
Name String The Name for this WebSphere StormDrainCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StreamRedirect

Properties for the WebSphereStreamRedirect role
Name Type Description
Base Hour String The Base Hour for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
File Name String The File Name for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Format Writes Boolean The Format Writes for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Max Number Of Backup Files String The Max Number Of Backup Files for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Message Format Kind String The Message Format Kind for this WebSphere StreamRedirect. Acceptable values are: BASIC, ADVANCED.
Rollover Period String The Rollover Period for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Rollover Size String The Rollover Size for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Rollover Type String The Rollover Type for this WebSphere StreamRedirect. Acceptable values are: TIME,
Suppress Stack Trace Boolean The Suppress Stack Trace for this WebSphere StreamRedirect
Suppress Writes Boolean The Suppress Writes for this WebSphere StreamRedirect


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StringNameSpaceBinding

Properties for the WebSphereStringNameSpaceBinding role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere StringNameSpaceBinding
Name In Name Space String The Name In Name Space for this WebSphere StringNameSpaceBinding
String To Bind String The String To Bind for this WebSphere StringNameSpaceBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere StuckRequestCondition

Properties for the WebSphereStuckRequestCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere StuckRequestCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere StuckRequestCondition
Timeout Percent String The Timeout Percent for this WebSphere StuckRequestCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SubjectExt

Properties for the WebSphereSubjectExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere SubjectExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SubjectExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Supported Entity Type

Properties for the WebSphereSupportedEntityType role
Name Type Description
Base entry for the default parent String Value of the base entry for the default parent.
Entity Type String Name of the entity type.
Relative distinguished name properties String Specifies properties for the realative distinguished name.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere SystemMessageServer

Properties for the WebSphereSystemMessageServer role
Name Type Description
Broker Name String The Broker Name for this WebSphere SystemMessageServer
Domain Name String The Domain Name for this WebSphere SystemMessageServer
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere SystemMessageServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere SystemMessageServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TAInterceptor

Properties for the WebSphereTAInterceptor role
Name Type Description
Interceptor Class Name String The Interceptor Class Name for this WebSphere TAInterceptor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TCPFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TCPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereTCPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Address Exclude List String The Address Exclude List for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Address Include List String The Address Include List for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
End Point Name String The End Point Name for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Host Name Exclude List String The Host Name Exclude List for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Host Name Include List String The Host Name Include List for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Inactivity Timeout String The Inactivity Timeout for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Max Open Connections String The Max Open Connections for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TCPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TCPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereTCPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Inactivity Timeout String The Inactivity Timeout for this WebSphere TCPOutboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TCPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TPVService

Properties for the WebSphereTPVService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere TPVService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TargetMembership

Properties for the WebSphereTargetMembership role
Name Type Description
Member String String The Member String for this WebSphere TargetMembership
Type String The Type for this WebSphere TargetMembership


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TaskProvider

Properties for the WebSphereTaskProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere TaskProvider
Implementation Class Name String The Implementation Class Name for this WebSphere TaskProvider
Weight String The Weight for this WebSphere TaskProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ThreadPool

Properties for the WebSphereThreadPool role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere ThreadPool
Inactivity Timeout String The Inactivity Timeout for this WebSphere ThreadPool
Is Growable Boolean The Is Growable for this WebSphere ThreadPool
Maximum Size String The Maximum Size for this WebSphere ThreadPool
Minimum Size String The Minimum Size for this WebSphere ThreadPool
Name String The Name for this WebSphere ThreadPool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ThreadPoolManager

Properties for the WebSphereThreadPoolManager role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere ThreadPoolManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere ThreadPool Reference

Properties for the WebSphereThreadPoolRef role
Name Type Description
Resource Name String The Name of the IBM UCD Resource that represents the ThreadPool to reference.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TimeMapping

Properties for the WebSphereTimeMapping role
Name Type Description
Action String The Action for this WebSphere TimeMapping. Acceptable values are: EXCLUDE, INCLUDE.
End Time String The End Time for this WebSphere TimeMapping
Start Time String The Start Time for this WebSphere TimeMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TimerManagerInfo

Properties for the WebSphereTimerManagerInfo role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Def Tran Class String The Def Tran Class for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Description String The Description for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Num Alarm Threads String The Num Alarm Threads for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo
Service Names String The Service Names for this WebSphere TimerManagerInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TimerManagerProvider

Properties for the WebSphereTimerManagerProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere TimerManagerProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Timers

Properties for the WebSphereTimers role
Name Type Description
Timer A String The Timer A for this WebSphere Timers
Timer B String The Timer B for this WebSphere Timers
Timer D String The Timer D for this WebSphere Timers
Timer E String The Timer E for this WebSphere Timers
Timer F String The Timer F for this WebSphere Timers
Timer G String The Timer G for this WebSphere Timers
Timer H String The Timer H for this WebSphere Timers
Timer I String The Timer I for this WebSphere Timers
Timer J String The Timer J for this WebSphere Timers
Timer K String The Timer K for this WebSphere Timers
Timer T1 String The Timer T1 for this WebSphere Timers
Timer T2 String The Timer T2 for this WebSphere Timers
Timer T4 String The Timer T4 for this WebSphere Timers


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer

Properties for the WebSphereTivoliPerfViewer role
Name Type Description
Buffer Length String The Buffer Length for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer
Inactivity Timeout String The Inactivity Timeout for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer
Log File Size String The Log File Size for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer
Logging Duration String The Logging Duration for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer
Max Log Files String The Max Log Files for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer
Polling Interval String The Polling Interval for this WebSphere TivoliPerfViewer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TraceLog

Properties for the WebSphereTraceLog role
Name Type Description
File Name String The File Name for this WebSphere TraceLog
Max Number Of Backup Files String The Max Number Of Backup Files for this WebSphere TraceLog
Rollover Size String The Rollover Size for this WebSphere TraceLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TraceService

Properties for the WebSphereTraceService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere TraceService
Memory Buffer Size String The Memory Buffer Size for this WebSphere TraceService
Startup Trace Specification String The Startup Trace Specification for this WebSphere TraceService
Trace Format String The Trace Format for this WebSphere TraceService. Acceptable values are: LOG_ANALYZER,
Trace Output Type String The Trace Output Type for this WebSphere TraceService. Acceptable values are: SPECIFIED_FILE,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransactionClass

Properties for the WebSphereTransactionClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere TransactionClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TransactionClass


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransactionClassModule

Properties for the WebSphereTransactionClassModule role
Name Type Description
Id String The Id for this WebSphere TransactionClassModule
U R Is String The U R Is for this WebSphere TransactionClassModule
Work Factor String The Work Factor for this WebSphere TransactionClassModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransactionService

Properties for the WebSphereTransactionService role
Name Type Description
Accept Heuristic Hazard Boolean The Accept Heuristic Hazard for this WebSphere TransactionService
Async Response Timeout String The Async Response Timeout for this WebSphere TransactionService
Client Inactivity Timeout String The Client Inactivity Timeout for this WebSphere TransactionService
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere TransactionService
Enable File Locking Boolean The Enable File Locking for this WebSphere TransactionService
Enable Logging For Heuristic Reporting Boolean The Enable Logging For Heuristic Reporting for this WebSphere TransactionService
Enable Protocol Security Boolean The Enable Protocol Security for this WebSphere TransactionService
Heuristic Retry Limit String The Heuristic Retry Limit for this WebSphere TransactionService
Heuristic Retry Wait String The Heuristic Retry Wait for this WebSphere TransactionService
Http Proxy Prefix String The Http Proxy Prefix for this WebSphere TransactionService
Https Proxy Prefix String The Https Proxy Prefix for this WebSphere TransactionService
L P S Heuristic Completion String The L P S Heuristic Completion for this WebSphere TransactionService. Acceptable values
Maximum Transaction Timeout String The Maximum Transaction Timeout for this WebSphere TransactionService
Propogated Or B M T Tran Lifetime Timeout String The Propogated Or B M T Tran Lifetime Timeout for this WebSphere TransactionService
Total Tran Lifetime Timeout String The Total Tran Lifetime Timeout for this WebSphere TransactionService
Transaction Log Directory String The Transaction Log Directory for this WebSphere TransactionService
W S Transaction Specification Level String The W S Transaction Specification Level for this WebSphere TransactionService. Acceptable
values are: WSTX_12, WSTX_11, WSTX_10.
Wait For Commit Outcome Boolean The Wait For Commit Outcome for this WebSphere TransactionService
Wstx U R L Prefix Specified Boolean The Wstx U R L Prefix Specified for this WebSphere TransactionService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Transport

Properties for the WebSphereTransport role
Name Type Description
External Boolean The External for this WebSphere Transport
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere Transport
Ssl Enabled Boolean The Ssl Enabled for this WebSphere Transport


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransportChannel

Properties for the WebSphereTransportChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TransportChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransportChannelFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Transport Channel Reference

Properties for the WebSphereTransportChannelRef role
Name Type Description
Order Number String The Index in the Chain for this transport channel. Starts at 0.
Resource Name String The Name of the IBM UCD Resource that represents the Transport Channel to reference.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransportChannelService

Properties for the WebSphereTransportChannelService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere TransportChannelService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransportLayer

Properties for the WebSphereTransportLayer role
Name Type Description
Use Claim Boolean The Use Claim for this WebSphere TransportLayer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TransportQOP

Properties for the WebSphereTransportQOP role
Name Type Description
Confidentiality Boolean The Confidentiality for this WebSphere TransportQOP
Enable Protection Boolean The Enable Protection for this WebSphere TransportQOP
Establish Trust In Client Boolean The Establish Trust In Client for this WebSphere TransportQOP
Integrity Boolean The Integrity for this WebSphere TransportQOP


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TrustAssociation

Properties for the WebSphereTrustAssociation role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere TrustAssociation


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TrustManager

Properties for the WebSphereTrustManager role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere TrustManager
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TrustManager
Provider String The Provider for this WebSphere TrustManager
Trust Manager Class String The Trust Manager Class for this WebSphere TrustManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TrustManager Reference

Properties for the WebSphereTrustManagerRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere TrustManager
ScopeName String The ScopeName of the referenced WebSphere TrustManager


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TrustedAuthenticationRealm

Properties for the WebSphereTrustedAuthenticationRealm role
Name Type Description
Realm List String The Realm List for this WebSphere TrustedAuthenticationRealm
Trust All Realms Boolean The Trust All Realms for this WebSphere TrustedAuthenticationRealm


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TuningParams

Properties for the WebSphereTuningParams role
Name Type Description
Allow Overflow Boolean The Allow Overflow for this WebSphere TuningParams
Invalidation Timeout String The Invalidation Timeout for this WebSphere TuningParams
Max In Memory Session Count String The Max In Memory Session Count for this WebSphere TuningParams
Schedule Invalidation Boolean The Schedule Invalidation for this WebSphere TuningParams
Using Multi Row Schema Boolean The Using Multi Row Schema for this WebSphere TuningParams
Write Contents String The Write Contents for this WebSphere TuningParams. Acceptable values are: ALL_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES,
Write Frequency String The Write Frequency for this WebSphere TuningParams. Acceptable values are: TIME_BASED_WRITE,
Write Interval String The Write Interval for this WebSphere TuningParams


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TunnelAccessPointGroup

Properties for the WebSphereTunnelAccessPointGroup role
Name Type Description
Member Communication Key String The Member Communication Key for this WebSphere TunnelAccessPointGroup
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TunnelAccessPointGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TunnelAccessPointGroup Reference

Properties for the WebSphereTunnelAccessPointGroupRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere TunnelAccessPointGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint

Properties for the WebSphereTunnelPeerAccessPoint role
Name Type Description
Cell Access Permission String The Cell Access Permission for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint. Acceptable values
Cell Name String The Cell Name for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint
Retry Delay String The Retry Delay for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint
Ssl Config Alias String The Ssl Config Alias for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint
Use S S L Boolean The Use S S L for this WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint

Properties for the WebSphereTunnelPeerAccessPointRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere TunnelPeerAccessPoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TunnelTemplate

Properties for the WebSphereTunnelTemplate role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TunnelTemplate
Use S S L Boolean The Use S S L for this WebSphere TunnelTemplate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere TypedProperty

Properties for the WebSphereTypedProperty role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere TypedProperty
Name String The Name for this WebSphere TypedProperty
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere TypedProperty
Type String The Type for this WebSphere TypedProperty
Validation Expression String The Validation Expression for this WebSphere TypedProperty
Value String The Value for this WebSphere TypedProperty


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UDDIConfig

Properties for the WebSphereUDDIConfig role
Name Type Description
Db Max Result Count String The Db Max Result Count for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Default Language String The Default Language for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Get Servlet Name String The Get Servlet Name for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Get Servlet U R L Prefix String The Get Servlet U R L Prefix for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Max Search Keys String The Max Search Keys for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Operator Name String The Operator Name for this WebSphere UDDIConfig
Persister String The Persister for this WebSphere UDDIConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UDDIReference

Properties for the WebSphereUDDIReference role
Name Type Description
Auth Alias String The Auth Alias for this WebSphere UDDIReference
Description String The Description for this WebSphere UDDIReference
Inquiry U R L String The Inquiry U R L for this WebSphere UDDIReference
Name String The Name for this WebSphere UDDIReference
Publish U R L String The Publish U R L for this WebSphere UDDIReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UDPInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereUDPInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Address Exclude List String The Address Exclude List for this WebSphere UDPInboundChannel
Address Include List String The Address Include List for this WebSphere UDPInboundChannel
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere UDPInboundChannel
End Point Name String The End Point Name for this WebSphere UDPInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere UDPInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UDPOutboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereUDPOutboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere UDPOutboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere URIGroup

Properties for the WebSphereURIGroup role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere URIGroup
U R I Pattern String The U R I Pattern for this WebSphere URIGroup


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere URL

Properties for the WebSphereURL role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere URL
Description String The Description for this WebSphere URL
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere URL
Name String The Name for this WebSphere URL
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere URL
Spec String The Spec for this WebSphere URL


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere URLProvider

Properties for the WebSphereURLProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere URLProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere URLProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere URLProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere URLProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere URLProvider
Protocol String The Protocol for this WebSphere URLProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere URLProvider
Stream Handler Class Name String The Stream Handler Class Name for this WebSphere URLProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition

Properties for the WebSphereUnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition role
Name Type Description
Alias String The Alias for this WebSphere UnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition
Description String The Description for this WebSphere UnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere UnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition
State String The State for this WebSphere UnmanagedMiddlewareAppEdition. Acceptable values are:


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UseCallerIdentity

Properties for the WebSphereUseCallerIdentity role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere UseCallerIdentity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UserExt

Properties for the WebSphereUserExt role
Name Type Description
Access Id String The Access Id for this WebSphere UserExt
Name String The Name for this WebSphere UserExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere UserRegistry

Properties for the WebSphereUserRegistry role
Name Type Description
Ignore Case Boolean The Ignore Case for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Limit String The Limit for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Primary Admin Id String The Primary Admin Id for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Realm String The Realm for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Server Password Password The Server Password for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Use Registry Realm Boolean The Use Registry Realm for this WebSphere UserRegistry
Use Registry Server Id Boolean The Use Registry Server Id for this WebSphere UserRegistry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere User Registry Reference

Properties for the WebSphereUserRegistryRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the referenced WebSphere User Registry
Realm String The realm of the referenced WebSphere User Registry
Type String The type of the referenced WebSphere User Registry (LocalOSUserRegistry, LDAPUserRegistry,
CustomUserRegistry, or WIMUserRegistry)


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere VariableMap

Properties for the WebSphereVariableMap role
Name Type Description
Variable Entries String Newline separated list of Variable entries in the format name->description->value.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere VirtualHost

Properties for the WebSphereVirtualHost role
Name Type Description
Host Aliases String Newline separated list of Host Aliases in the format host->port.
Mime Types String Newline separated list of Mime Types in the format type->ext;ext;ext.
Name String The Name for this WebSphere VirtualHost


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere VisualizationDataLog

Properties for the WebSphereVisualizationDataLog role
Name Type Description
File Location String The File Location for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog
Max Number Of Historic Logs String The Max Number Of Historic Logs for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog
Rollover Size String The Rollover Size for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog
Timestamp Format String The Timestamp Format for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog
Transform Action String The Transform Action for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog. Acceptable values are:
Write Interval String The Write Interval for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog
Write Interval Units String The Write Interval Units for this WebSphere VisualizationDataLog


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere VisualizationDataService

Properties for the WebSphereVisualizationDataService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere VisualizationDataService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WARFile

Properties for the WebSphereWARFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere WARFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere WARFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere WARFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere WARFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere WARFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere WARFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WARFragmentFile

Properties for the WebSphereWARFragmentFile role
Name Type Description
Directory Entry Boolean The Directory Entry for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile
Last Modified String The Last Modified for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile
Original U R I String The Original U R I for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile
Size String The Size for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile
Types String The Types for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile
U R I String The U R I for this WebSphere WARFragmentFile


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool

Properties for the WebSphereWAS40ConnectionPool role
Name Type Description
Connection Timeout String The Connection Timeout for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Disable Auto Connection Cleanup Boolean The Disable Auto Connection Cleanup for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Idle Timeout String The Idle Timeout for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Maximum Pool Size String The Maximum Pool Size for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Minimum Pool Size String The Minimum Pool Size for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Orphan Timeout String The Orphan Timeout for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool
Statement Cache Size String The Statement Cache Size for this WebSphere WAS40ConnectionPool


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WAS40DataSource

Properties for the WebSphereWAS40DataSource role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Database Name String The Database Name for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Default Password Password The Default Password for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Default User String The Default User for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WAS40DataSource


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASAbstractAuthData


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASAddressingType

Properties for the WebSphereWASAddressingType role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere WASAddressingType
Required Boolean The Required for this WebSphere WASAddressingType
Responses String The Responses for this WebSphere WASAddressingType. Acceptable values are: NON_ANONYMOUS,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASBasicAuthData

Properties for the WebSphereWASBasicAuthData role
Name Type Description
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere WASBasicAuthData
User Id String The User Id for this WebSphere WASBasicAuthData


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition

Properties for the WebSphereWASDataSourceDefinition role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Database Name String The Database Name for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Initial Pool Size String The Initial Pool Size for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Isolation Level String The Isolation Level for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition. Acceptable values
Login Timeout String The Login Timeout for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Max Idle Time String The Max Idle Time for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Max Pool Size String The Max Pool Size for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Max Statements String The Max Statements for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Min Pool Size String The Min Pool Size for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Port Number String The Port Number for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Transactional Boolean The Transactional for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
Url String The Url for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition
User String The User for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinitionBinding

Properties for the WebSphereWASDataSourceDefinitionBinding role
Name Type Description
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASDataSourceDefinitionBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASEjbRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASEjbRef role
Name Type Description
Ejb Ref Kind String The Ejb Ref Kind for this WebSphere WASEjbRef. Acceptable values are: LOCAL, REMOTE.
Home String The Home for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Link String The Link for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Remote String The Remote for this WebSphere WASEjbRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WASEjbRef. Acceptable values are: SESSION, ENTITY.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASEjbRefBinding

Properties for the WebSphereWASEjbRefBinding role
Name Type Description
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASEjbRefBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASEnvEntry

Properties for the WebSphereWASEnvEntry role
Name Type Description
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASEnvEntry
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASEnvEntry
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASEnvEntry
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WASEnvEntry
Value String The Value for this WebSphere WASEnvEntry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASHandler

Properties for the WebSphereWASHandler role
Name Type Description
Handler Class String The Handler Class for this WebSphere WASHandler
Handler Name String The Handler Name for this WebSphere WASHandler
Port Names String The Port Names for this WebSphere WASHandler
Soap Roles String The Soap Roles for this WebSphere WASHandler


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASHandlerChain

Properties for the WebSphereWASHandlerChain role
Name Type Description
Protocol Bindings String The Protocol Bindings for this WebSphere WASHandlerChain


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASHandlerChains


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASMessageDestinationRef role
Name Type Description
Link String The Link for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRef. Acceptable values are: CONSUMES,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRefBinding

Properties for the WebSphereWASMessageDestinationRefBinding role
Name Type Description
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASMessageDestinationRefBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASParamValue

Properties for the WebSphereWASParamValue role
Name Type Description
Param Name String The Param Name for this WebSphere WASParamValue
Value String The Value for this WebSphere WASParamValue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASPersistenceContextRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASPersistenceContextRef role
Name Type Description
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceContextRef
Persistence Context Type String The Persistence Context Type for this WebSphere WASPersistenceContextRef. Acceptable
Persistence Unit Name String The Persistence Unit Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceContextRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceContextRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASPersistenceUnitRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASPersistenceUnitRef role
Name Type Description
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceUnitRef
Persistence Unit Name String The Persistence Unit Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceUnitRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASPersistenceUnitRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASPortComponentRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASPortComponentRef role
Name Type Description
Enable Mtom Boolean The Enable Mtom for this WebSphere WASPortComponentRef
Mtom Threshold String The Mtom Threshold for this WebSphere WASPortComponentRef
Port Component Link String The Port Component Link for this WebSphere WASPortComponentRef
Service Endpoint Interface String The Service Endpoint Interface for this WebSphere WASPortComponentRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASQName

Properties for the WebSphereWASQName role
Name Type Description
Combined Q Name String The Combined Q Name for this WebSphere WASQName
Internal Prefix Or Ns U R I String The Internal Prefix Or Ns U R I for this WebSphere WASQName
Local Part String The Local Part for this WebSphere WASQName
Namespace U R I String The Namespace U R I for this WebSphere WASQName


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASQueue

Properties for the WebSphereWASQueue role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WASQueue
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WASQueue
Expiry String The Expiry for this WebSphere WASQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASQueue
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WASQueue
Node String The Node for this WebSphere WASQueue
Persistence String The Persistence for this WebSphere WASQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere WASQueue. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WASQueue
Specified Expiry String The Specified Expiry for this WebSphere WASQueue
Specified Priority String The Specified Priority for this WebSphere WASQueue


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereWASQueueConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Node String The Node for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere WASQueueConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASResourceEnvRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASResourceEnvRef role
Name Type Description
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASResourceEnvRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASResourceEnvRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASResourceEnvRef
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WASResourceEnvRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASResourceEnvRefBinding

Properties for the WebSphereWASResourceEnvRefBinding role
Name Type Description
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASResourceEnvRefBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASResourceRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASResourceRef role
Name Type Description
Auth String The Auth for this WebSphere WASResourceRef. Acceptable values are: SERVLET, APPLICATION,
Link String The Link for this WebSphere WASResourceRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASResourceRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASResourceRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASResourceRef
Res Sharing Scope String The Res Sharing Scope for this WebSphere WASResourceRef. Acceptable values are: SHAREABLE,
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WASResourceRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASResourceRefBinding

Properties for the WebSphereWASResourceRefBinding role
Name Type Description
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASResourceRefBinding
Login Configuration Name String The Login Configuration Name for this WebSphere WASResourceRefBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASResourceRefExtension

Properties for the WebSphereWASResourceRefExtension role
Name Type Description
Branch Coupling String The Branch Coupling for this WebSphere WASResourceRefExtension. Acceptable values
Commit Priority String The Commit Priority for this WebSphere WASResourceRefExtension
Connection Management Policy String The Connection Management Policy for this WebSphere WASResourceRefExtension. Acceptable
Isolation Level String The Isolation Level for this WebSphere WASResourceRefExtension. Acceptable values


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASRespectBindingType

Properties for the WebSphereWASRespectBindingType role
Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean The Enabled for this WebSphere WASRespectBindingType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASServiceRef

Properties for the WebSphereWASServiceRef role
Name Type Description
Jaxrpc Mapping File String The Jaxrpc Mapping File for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Lookup Name String The Lookup Name for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Mapped Name String The Mapped Name for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Ref Name String The Ref Name for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Service Interface String The Service Interface for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Service Ref Type String The Service Ref Type for this WebSphere WASServiceRef
Wsdl File String The Wsdl File for this WebSphere WASServiceRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASTopic

Properties for the WebSphereWASTopic role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WASTopic
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WASTopic
Expiry String The Expiry for this WebSphere WASTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASTopic
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WASTopic
Persistence String The Persistence for this WebSphere WASTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Priority String The Priority for this WebSphere WASTopic. Acceptable values are: APPLICATION_DEFINED,
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WASTopic
Specified Expiry String The Specified Expiry for this WebSphere WASTopic
Specified Priority String The Specified Priority for this WebSphere WASTopic
Topic String The Topic for this WebSphere WASTopic


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory

Properties for the WebSphereWASTopicConnectionFactory role
Name Type Description
Auth Data Alias String The Auth Data Alias for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Auth Mechanism Preference String The Auth Mechanism Preference for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Client I D String The Client I D for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Clone Support Boolean The Clone Support for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Diagnose Connection Usage Boolean The Diagnose Connection Usage for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Log Missing Transaction Context Boolean The Log Missing Transaction Context for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Manage Cached Handles Boolean The Manage Cached Handles for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Node String The Node for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Port String The Port for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory. Acceptable values are: DIRECT,
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Server Name String The Server Name for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
X A Enabled Boolean The X A Enabled for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory
Xa Recovery Auth Alias String The Xa Recovery Auth Alias for this WebSphere WASTopicConnectionFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WIMUserRegistry

Properties for the WebSphereWIMUserRegistry role
Name Type Description
Ignore Case Boolean The Ignore Case for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Limit String The Limit for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Primary Admin Id String The Primary Admin Id for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Realm String The Realm for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Registry Class Name String The Registry Class Name for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Server Id String The Server Id for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Server Password Password The Server Password for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Use Registry Realm Boolean The Use Registry Realm for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry
Use Registry Server Id Boolean The Use Registry Server Id for this WebSphere WIMUserRegistry


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WLMCoreGroupBridgePlugin

Properties for the WebSphereWLMCoreGroupBridgePlugin role
Name Type Description
Core Group String The Core Group for this WebSphere WLMCoreGroupBridgePlugin
Host Do Not Translate List String The Host Do Not Translate List for this WebSphere WLMCoreGroupBridgePlugin
Host Translate List String The Host Translate List for this WebSphere WLMCoreGroupBridgePlugin


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSByteBufferService

Properties for the WebSphereWSByteBufferService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere WSByteBufferService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor

Properties for the WebSphereWSCertificateExpirationMonitor role
Name Type Description
Auto Replace Boolean The Auto Replace for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor
Cert Impl Class To Replace Cert String The Cert Impl Class To Replace Cert for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor
Days Before Notification String The Days Before Notification for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor
Delete Old Boolean The Delete Old for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor
Is Enabled Boolean The Is Enabled for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSCertificateExpirationMonitor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSGWGatewayService

Properties for the WebSphereWSGWGatewayService role
Name Type Description
Default Target Name String The Default Target Name for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService
Inbound Service Name String The Inbound Service Name for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService
Reply Destination Name String The Reply Destination Name for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService
Request Destination Name String The Request Destination Name for this WebSphere WSGWGatewayService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSGWInstance

Properties for the WebSphereWSGWInstance role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSGWInstance
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSGWInstance
Wsdl Service Namespace String The Wsdl Service Namespace for this WebSphere WSGWInstance


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSGWProxyService

Properties for the WebSphereWSGWProxyService role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService
Inbound Service Name String The Inbound Service Name for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService
Outbound Service Name String The Outbound Service Name for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService
Reply Destination Name String The Reply Destination Name for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService
Request Destination Name String The Request Destination Name for this WebSphere WSGWProxyService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSGWTargetService

Properties for the WebSphereWSGWTargetService role
Name Type Description
Bus Name String The Bus Name for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService
Outbound Service Name String The Outbound Service Name for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService
Target Destination Name String The Target Destination Name for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService
Target Service Identity String The Target Service Identity for this WebSphere WSGWTargetService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber

Properties for the WebSphereWSNAdministeredSubscriber role
Name Type Description
Dialect String The Dialect for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber
Producer Endpoint String The Producer Endpoint for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber
Remote Subscription Timeout String The Remote Subscription Timeout for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber
Topic String The Topic for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber
Topic Namespace String The Topic Namespace for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere WSNAdministeredSubscriber


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNInstanceDocument

Properties for the WebSphereWSNInstanceDocument role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSNInstanceDocument
Doc String The Doc for this WebSphere WSNInstanceDocument
Filename String The Filename for this WebSphere WSNInstanceDocument
Sdo Repository Key String The Sdo Repository Key for this WebSphere WSNInstanceDocument


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNService

Properties for the WebSphereWSNService role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSNService
Dynamic Topic Space String The Dynamic Topic Space for this WebSphere WSNService
Jaxrpc Handler List Name String The Jaxrpc Handler List Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Jaxws Handler List String The Jaxws Handler List for this WebSphere WSNService
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Notification Broker Service Name String The Notification Broker Service Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Outbound Security Config Name String The Outbound Security Config Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Outbound Security Request Binding Name String The Outbound Security Request Binding Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Outbound Security Response Binding Name String The Outbound Security Response Binding Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Permits Dynamic Topic Namespace String The Permits Dynamic Topic Namespace for this WebSphere WSNService
Pub Reg Manager Service Name String The Pub Reg Manager Service Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Query W S D L String The Query W S D L for this WebSphere WSNService
Requires Registration String The Requires Registration for this WebSphere WSNService
Sib Destination String The Sib Destination for this WebSphere WSNService
Subscription Manager Service Name String The Subscription Manager Service Name for this WebSphere WSNService
Topic Expression Dialects String The Topic Expression Dialects for this WebSphere WSNService
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WSNService
Uses Fixed Topic Set String The Uses Fixed Topic Set for this WebSphere WSNService
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere WSNService
Version String The Version for this WebSphere WSNService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNServicePoint

Properties for the WebSphereWSNServicePoint role
Name Type Description
Added Bus Member String The Added Bus Member for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Connected E P L To Bus String The Connected E P L To Bus for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Created E P L String The Created E P L for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Installed Web Sphere Target I D String The Installed Web Sphere Target I D for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Jaxws Handler List N B String The Jaxws Handler List N B for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Jaxws Handler List P R M String The Jaxws Handler List P R M for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Jaxws Handler List S M String The Jaxws Handler List S M for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Notification Broker Port Name String The Notification Broker Port Name for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Pub Reg Manager Port Name String The Pub Reg Manager Port Name for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Service Point Application Reference String The Service Point Application Reference for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Soap Version String The Soap Version for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Subscription Manager Port Name String The Subscription Manager Port Name for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Transport U R L Root String The Transport U R L Root for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere WSNServicePoint


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace

Properties for the WebSphereWSNTopicNamespace role
Name Type Description
Created S I B Topic Space String The Created S I B Topic Space for this WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace
Message Reliability String The Message Reliability for this WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace
Namespace String The Namespace for this WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace
Sib Topic Space Name String The Sib Topic Space Name for this WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace
Uuid String The Uuid for this WebSphere WSNTopicNamespace


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSNotification

Properties for the WebSphereWSNotification role
Name Type Description
Email Format String The Email Format for this WebSphere WSNotification. Acceptable values are: TEXT, HTML.
Email List String The Email List for this WebSphere WSNotification
Log To System Out Boolean The Log To System Out for this WebSphere WSNotification
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSNotification
Send Email Boolean The Send Email for this WebSphere WSNotification
Send Secure Boolean The Send Secure for this WebSphere WSNotification
Ssl Config String The Ssl Config for this WebSphere WSNotification


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSPassword

Properties for the WebSphereWSPassword role
Name Type Description
Encrypted Value String The Encrypted Value for this WebSphere WSPassword
Key Alias String The Key Alias for this WebSphere WSPassword
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSPassword


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSPasswordEncryption

Properties for the WebSphereWSPasswordEncryption role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere WSPasswordEncryption
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSPasswordEncryption


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSPasswordLocator

Properties for the WebSphereWSPasswordLocator role
Name Type Description
Class Name String The Class Name for this WebSphere WSPasswordLocator
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSPasswordLocator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSSchedule

Properties for the WebSphereWSSchedule role
Name Type Description
Day Of Week String The Day Of Week for this WebSphere WSSchedule
Frequency String The Frequency for this WebSphere WSSchedule
Hour String The Hour for this WebSphere WSSchedule
Minute String The Minute for this WebSphere WSSchedule
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSSchedule
Next Start Date String The Next Start Date for this WebSphere WSSchedule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSSchedule Reference

Properties for the WebSphereWSScheduleRef role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name of the referenced WebSphere WSSchedule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WSSecurityScannerMonitor

Properties for the WebSphereWSSecurityScannerMonitor role
Name Type Description
Ext Reg Filter List For Schedule String The Ext Reg Filter List For Schedule for this WebSphere WSSecurityScannerMonitor
Ext Reg Filter List For Start String The Ext Reg Filter List For Start for this WebSphere WSSecurityScannerMonitor
Is Enabled Boolean The Is Enabled for this WebSphere WSSecurityScannerMonitor
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WSSecurityScannerMonitor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebContainer

Properties for the WebSphereWebContainer role
Name Type Description
Allow Async Request Dispatching Boolean The Allow Async Request Dispatching for this WebSphere WebContainer
Async Include Timeout String The Async Include Timeout for this WebSphere WebContainer
Async Runnable Work Manager String The Async Runnable Work Manager for this WebSphere WebContainer
Default Async Servlet Timeout String The Default Async Servlet Timeout for this WebSphere WebContainer
Default Virtual Host Name String The Default Virtual Host Name for this WebSphere WebContainer
Disable Pooling Boolean The Disable Pooling for this WebSphere WebContainer
Enable Servlet Caching Boolean The Enable Servlet Caching for this WebSphere WebContainer
Maximum Percentage Expired Entries String The Maximum Percentage Expired Entries for this WebSphere WebContainer
Maximum Response Store Size String The Maximum Response Store Size for this WebSphere WebContainer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WebContainer
Number Async Timer Threads String The Number Async Timer Threads for this WebSphere WebContainer
Session Affinity Failover Server String The Session Affinity Failover Server for this WebSphere WebContainer
Session Affinity Timeout String The Session Affinity Timeout for this WebSphere WebContainer
Use Async Runnable Work Manager Boolean The Use Async Runnable Work Manager for this WebSphere WebContainer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebContainerInboundChannel

Properties for the WebSphereWebContainerInboundChannel role
Name Type Description
Discrimination Weight String The Discrimination Weight for this WebSphere WebContainerInboundChannel
Enable F R C A Boolean The Enable F R C A for this WebSphere WebContainerInboundChannel
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WebContainerInboundChannel
Write Buffer Size String The Write Buffer Size for this WebSphere WebContainerInboundChannel


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebModuleConfig

Properties for the WebSphereWebModuleConfig role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WebModuleConfig
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WebModuleConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebModuleDeployment

Properties for the WebSphereWebModuleDeployment role
Name Type Description
Alt D D String The Alt D D for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment
Classloader Mode String The Classloader Mode for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment. Acceptable values are:
Contains E J B Content String The Contains E J B Content for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment
Deployment Id String The Deployment Id for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment
Starting Weight String The Starting Weight for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere WebModuleDeployment


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebModuleRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebServer

Properties for the WebSphereWebServer role
Name Type Description
Configuration Filename String The Configuration Filename for this WebSphere WebServer
Log Filename Access String The Log Filename Access for this WebSphere WebServer
Log Filename Error String The Log Filename Error for this WebSphere WebServer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WebServer
Service Name String The Service Name for this WebSphere WebServer
Webserver Admin Protocol String The Webserver Admin Protocol for this WebSphere WebServer. Acceptable values are:
Webserver Install Root String The Webserver Install Root for this WebSphere WebServer
Webserver Protocol String The Webserver Protocol for this WebSphere WebServer. Acceptable values are: HTTPS,
Webserver Type String The Webserver Type for this WebSphere WebServer. Acceptable values are: HTTP_SERVER,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings

Properties for the WebSphereWebserverPluginSettings role
Name Type Description
Connect Timeout String The Connect Timeout for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings
Extended Handshake Boolean The Extended Handshake for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings
Max Connections String The Max Connections for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings
Role String The Role for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings. Acceptable values are: BACKUP,
Server I O Timeout String The Server I O Timeout for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings
Wait For Continue Boolean The Wait For Continue for this WebSphere WebserverPluginSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WeightAdvisor

Properties for the WebSphereWeightAdvisor role
Name Type Description
Advisor Type String The Advisor Type for this WebSphere WeightAdvisor. Acceptable values are: FixedWeight,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkAreaPartition

Properties for the WebSphereWorkAreaPartition role
Name Type Description
Bidirectional Boolean The Bidirectional for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Deferred Attribute Serialization Boolean The Deferred Attribute Serialization for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Enable Web Service Propagation Boolean The Enable Web Service Propagation for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Max Receive Size String The Max Receive Size for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Max Send Size String The Max Send Size for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkAreaPartitionService

Properties for the WebSphereWorkAreaPartitionService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere WorkAreaPartitionService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkAreaService

Properties for the WebSphereWorkAreaService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere WorkAreaService
Enable Web Service Propagation Boolean The Enable Web Service Propagation for this WebSphere WorkAreaService
Max Receive Size String The Max Receive Size for this WebSphere WorkAreaService
Max Send Size String The Max Send Size for this WebSphere WorkAreaService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkClass

Properties for the WebSphereWorkClass role
Name Type Description
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WorkClass
Match Action String The Match Action for this WebSphere WorkClass
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkClass
Type String The Type for this WebSphere WorkClass. Acceptable values are: JMSWORKCLASS, IIOPWORKCLASS,


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkClassModule

Properties for the WebSphereWorkClassModule role
Name Type Description
Id String The Id for this WebSphere WorkClassModule
Match Expression String The Match Expression for this WebSphere WorkClassModule
Module Name String The Module Name for this WebSphere WorkClassModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkManagerInfo

Properties for the WebSphereWorkManagerInfo role
Name Type Description
Category String The Category for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Daemon Tran Class String The Daemon Tran Class for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Def Tran Class String The Def Tran Class for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Is Distributable Boolean The Is Distributable for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Is Growable Boolean The Is Growable for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Jndi Name String The Jndi Name for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Max Threads String The Max Threads for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Min Threads String The Min Threads for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Num Alarm Threads String The Num Alarm Threads for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Service Names String The Service Names for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Thread Priority String The Thread Priority for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Work Req Q Full Action String The Work Req Q Full Action for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Work Req Q Size String The Work Req Q Size for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo
Work Timeout String The Work Timeout for this WebSphere WorkManagerInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkManagerProvider

Properties for the WebSphereWorkManagerProvider role
Name Type Description
Classpath String The Classpath for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider
Description String The Description for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider
Isolated Class Loader Boolean The Isolated Class Loader for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider
Nativepath String The Nativepath for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider
Provider Type String The Provider Type for this WebSphere WorkManagerProvider


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkManagerService

Properties for the WebSphereWorkManagerService role
Name Type Description
Enable Boolean The Enable for this WebSphere WorkManagerService


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkloadCondition

Properties for the WebSphereWorkloadCondition role
Name Type Description
Condition Expr String The Condition Expr for this WebSphere WorkloadCondition
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkloadCondition
Total Requests String The Total Requests for this WebSphere WorkloadCondition


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkloadManagementPolicy

Properties for the WebSphereWorkloadManagementPolicy role
Name Type Description
Advisor U R I String The Advisor U R I for this WebSphere WorkloadManagementPolicy
Availability Monitor Timeout String The Availability Monitor Timeout for this WebSphere WorkloadManagementPolicy
Load Balancing Algorithm String The Load Balancing Algorithm for this WebSphere WorkloadManagementPolicy. Acceptable


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere WorkloadManagementServer

Properties for the WebSphereWorkloadManagementServer role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere WorkloadManagementServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.DefaultEndpointURIPrefix

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.DefaultEndpointURIPrefix role
Name Type Description
Text String The Text for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.DefaultEndpointURIPrefix


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding role
Name Type Description
Pc Name Link String The Pc Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding
Scope String The Scope for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding
Wsdl Service Qname Localname Link String The Wsdl Service Qname Localname Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding
Wsdl Service Qname Namespace Link String The Wsdl Service Qname Namespace Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.PCBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.RouterModule

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.RouterModule role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.RouterModule
Transport String The Transport for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.RouterModule


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.SecurityRequestConsumerBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.SecurityRequestReceiverBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.SecurityResponseGeneratorBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.SecurityResponseSenderBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.WSBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.WSDescBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.WSDescBinding role
Name Type Description
Ws Desc Name Link String The Ws Desc Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd.WSDescBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.BasicAuth

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.BasicAuth role
Name Type Description
Password Password The Password for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.BasicAuth
Userid String The Userid for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.BasicAuth


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ClientBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ComponentScopedRefs

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ComponentScopedRefs role
Name Type Description
Component Name Link String The Component Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ComponentScopedRefs


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping role
Name Type Description
Port Local Name String The Port Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping
Port Namespace String The Port Namespace for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping
Port Type Local Name String The Port Type Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping
Port Type Namespace String The Port Type Namespace for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.DefaultMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.LoginBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.LoginBinding role
Name Type Description
Auth Method String The Auth Method for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.LoginBinding
Callback Handler String The Callback Handler for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.LoginBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding role
Name Type Description
Overridden Binding Namespace String The Overridden Binding Namespace for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding
Overridden Endpoint U R I String The Overridden Endpoint U R I for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding
Port Qname Local Name Link String The Port Qname Local Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding
Port Qname Namespace Link String The Port Qname Namespace Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding
Sync Timeout String The Sync Timeout for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.PortQnameBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig role
Name Type Description
Wsse Name Space String The Wsse Name Space for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig
Wsu Name Space String The Wsu Name Space for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityRequestGeneratorBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityRequestSenderBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityResponseConsumerBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.SecurityResponseReceiverBindingConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ServiceRef

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ServiceRef role
Name Type Description
Deployed W S D L File String The Deployed W S D L File for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ServiceRef
Service Ref Link String The Service Ref Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd.ServiceRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ClientServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ClientServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor U R I String The Actor U R I for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ClientServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ComponentScopedRefs

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ComponentScopedRefs role
Name Type Description
Component Name Link String The Component Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ComponentScopedRefs


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping role
Name Type Description
Port Local Name String The Port Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping
Port Namespace String The Port Namespace for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping
Port Type Local Name String The Port Type Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping
Port Type Namespace String The Port Type Namespace for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.DefaultMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.LoginConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.LoginConfig role
Name Type Description
Auth Method String The Auth Method for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.LoginConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.PortQnameBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.PortQnameBinding role
Name Type Description
Port Qname Local Name Link String The Port Qname Local Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.PortQnameBinding
Port Qname Namespace Link String The Port Qname Namespace Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.PortQnameBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestGeneratorServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestGeneratorServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor String The Actor for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestGeneratorServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestSenderServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestSenderServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor String The Actor for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityRequestSenderServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityResponseConsumerServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.SecurityResponseReceiverServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ServiceRef

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ServiceRef role
Name Type Description
Service Ref Link String The Service Ref Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ServiceRef
Uddi Ref String The Uddi Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ServiceRef
Wsdl File String The Wsdl File for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.ServiceRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscext.WsClientExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmMapping

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmMapping role
Name Type Description
Factoryname String The Factoryname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmURI

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmURI role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmURI
Type String The Type for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.AlgorithmURI


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CRL

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CRL role
Name Type Description
Path String The Path for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CRL


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandler

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandler role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandler


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandlerFactory

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandlerFactory role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CallbackHandlerFactory


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CanonicalizationMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CanonicalizationMethod role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CanonicalizationMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CertPathSettings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CertStoreList


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CertStoreRef

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CertStoreRef role
Name Type Description
Ref String The Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CertStoreRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CollectionCertStore

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CollectionCertStore role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CollectionCertStore
Provider String The Provider for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.CollectionCertStore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Consumerbindingref

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Consumerbindingref role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Consumerbindingref
Ref String The Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Consumerbindingref


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DataEncryptionMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DataEncryptionMethod role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DataEncryptionMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DigestMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DigestMethod role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.DigestMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionInfo

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionInfo role
Name Type Description
Hardware Config Ref String The Hardware Config Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKey

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKey role
Name Type Description
Locator Ref String The Locator Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKey
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKey


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKeyInfo

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKeyInfo role
Name Type Description
Keyinfo Ref String The Keyinfo Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKeyInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.EncryptionKeyInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Generatorbindingref

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Generatorbindingref role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Generatorbindingref
Ref String The Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Generatorbindingref


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.JAASConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.JAASConfig role
Name Type Description
Config Name String The Config Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.JAASConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyEncryptionMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyEncryptionMethod role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyEncryptionMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfo

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfo role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfo
Type String The Type for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfoSignature

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfoSignature role
Name Type Description
Type String The Type for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyInfoSignature


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocator

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocator role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocator
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocatorMapping

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocatorMapping role
Name Type Description
Keyname Ref String The Keyname Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocatorMapping
Locator Ref String The Locator Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyLocatorMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore role
Name Type Description
Key Store Ref String The Key Store Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore
Path String The Path for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore
Storepass Password The Storepass for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore
Type String The Type for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.KeyStore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPCertStore

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPCertStore role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPCertStore
Provider String The Provider for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPCertStore


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPServer

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPServer role
Name Type Description
Host String The Host for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPServer
Port String The Port for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LDAPServer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LoginMapping

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LoginMapping role
Name Type Description
Auth Method String The Auth Method for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LoginMapping
Config Name String The Config Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LoginMapping
Make S O A P Message Available Boolean The Make S O A P Message Available for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.LoginMapping


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.NonceCaching

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.NonceCaching role
Name Type Description
Distributed Boolean The Distributed for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.NonceCaching


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Parameter

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Parameter role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Parameter
Value String The Value for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Parameter


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.PartReference

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.PartReference role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.PartReference
Part String The Part for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.PartReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SignatureMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SignatureMethod role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SignatureMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningInfo

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningInfo role
Name Type Description
Hardware Config Ref String The Hardware Config Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKey

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKey role
Name Type Description
Locator Ref String The Locator Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKey
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKey


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKeyInfo

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKeyInfo role
Name Type Description
Keyinfo Ref String The Keyinfo Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKeyInfo
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.SigningKeyInfo


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenConsumer

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenConsumer role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenConsumer
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenConsumer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenGenerator

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenGenerator role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenGenerator
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenGenerator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenReference

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenReference role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenReference
Token Ref String The Token Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenReference


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenValueType

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenValueType role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenValueType
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TokenValueType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Transform

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Transform role
Name Type Description
Algorithm String The Algorithm for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Transform
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.Transform


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchor

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchor role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchor


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchorRef

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchorRef role
Name Type Description
Ref String The Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnchorRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustAnyCertificate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluator

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluator role
Name Type Description
Classname String The Classname for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluator
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluatorRef

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluatorRef role
Name Type Description
Ref String The Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.TrustedIDEvaluatorRef


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.ValueType

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.ValueType role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.ValueType
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.ValueType
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.ValueType


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.X509Certificate

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.X509Certificate role
Name Type Description
Path String The Path for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonbnd.X509Certificate


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddCreatedTimeStamp

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddCreatedTimeStamp role
Name Type Description
Expires String The Expires for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddCreatedTimeStamp
Flag Boolean The Flag for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddCreatedTimeStamp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddReceivedTimestamp

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddReceivedTimestamp role
Name Type Description
Flag Boolean The Flag for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddReceivedTimestamp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddTimestamp

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddTimestamp role
Name Type Description
Expires String The Expires for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AddTimestamp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AuthMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AuthMethod role
Name Type Description
Text String The Text for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.AuthMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller
Part String The Part for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Caller


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.ConfidentialPart

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.ConfidentialPart role
Name Type Description
Part String The Part for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.ConfidentialPart.
Acceptable values are: bodycontent, usernametoken.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Confidentiality

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Confidentiality role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Confidentiality
Order String The Order for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Confidentiality


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.IDAssertion

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.IDAssertion role
Name Type Description
Id Type String The Id Type for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.IDAssertion
Trust Mode String The Trust Mode for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.IDAssertion


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Integrity

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Integrity role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Integrity
Order String The Order for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Integrity


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.MessageParts

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.MessageParts role
Name Type Description
Dialect String The Dialect for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.MessageParts
Keyword String The Keyword for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.MessageParts
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.MessageParts


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Nonce

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Nonce role
Name Type Description
Dialect String The Dialect for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Nonce
Keyword String The Keyword for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Nonce
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Nonce


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Reference

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Reference role
Name Type Description
Part String The Part for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Reference. Acceptable values are: body, securitytoken, timestamp.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredConfidentiality

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredConfidentiality role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredConfidentiality
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredConfidentiality.
Acceptable values are: Ignored, Optional, Observed, Rejected, Required.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredIntegrity

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredIntegrity role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredIntegrity
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredIntegrity.
Acceptable values are: Ignored, Optional, Observed, Rejected, Required.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken
Usage String The Usage for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.RequiredSecurityToken.
Acceptable values are: Ignored, Optional, Observed, Rejected, Required.


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.SecurityToken

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.SecurityToken role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.SecurityToken
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.SecurityToken
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.SecurityToken


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp role
Name Type Description
Dialect String The Dialect for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp
Expires String The Expires for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp
Keyword String The Keyword for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.Timestamp


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod role
Name Type Description
Local Name String The Local Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod
Part String The Part for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod
Uri String The Uri for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscommonext.TrustMethod


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.LoginConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.PcBinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.PcBinding role
Name Type Description
Pc Name Link String The Pc Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.PcBinding
Scope String The Scope for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.PcBinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityRequestConsumerServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityRequestReceiverServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseGeneratorServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseGeneratorServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor String The Actor for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseGeneratorServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseSenderServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseSenderServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor String The Actor for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.SecurityResponseSenderServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.ServerServiceConfig

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.ServerServiceConfig role
Name Type Description
Actor U R I String The Actor U R I for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.ServerServiceConfig


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsDescExt

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsDescExt role
Name Type Description
Ws Desc Name Link String The Ws Desc Name Link for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsDescExt


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsExtension

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsExtension role
Name Type Description
Router Module Name String The Router Module Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsext.WsExtension


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Binding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Commonbindings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Consumer


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Consumerbinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Consumerbinding role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Consumerbinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Defaultbindings


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generator

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generator role
Name Type Description
Wsse Name Space String The Wsse Name Space for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generator
Wsu Name Space String The Wsu Name Space for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generator


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generatorbinding

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generatorbinding role
Name Type Description
Name String The Name for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.Generatorbinding


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.WSSecurity

Properties for the WebSpherecom.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.WSSecurity role
Hardware Config Ref String The Hardware Config Ref for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.WSSecurity
Use Hardware Acceleration Boolean The Use Hardware Acceleration for this WebSphere com.ibm.etools.webservice.wssecurity.WSSecurity



DB2 errors

Database queries are used to create roles when you install this plugin. If DB2 SQL error messages are logged when you install the plugin, increase the transaction log size in DB2.

  1. Stop the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
  2. Log in to the DB2 server with the account that has permissions to administer the HCL Launch server database. For example, log in with the db2inst1 account.
  3. From the DB2 command line, type the following commands:

    db2 connect to <database>
    db2 update db cfg using logfilsiz 30720 logprimary 100
    db2stop force
  4. Start the HCL Launch server.
  5. Install the plugin again.

Null pointer exception during Apply Configuration Processing

If you apply a configuration to a WebSphere 8.5.5 environment and your configuration contains a Dynamic Cluster definition, then you may encounter a null pointer exception during the apply processing. This issue is fixed by an update that is included in the WebSphere fixpack and later.

Out of memory errors during configuration discovery

The default maximum heap size used by the wsadmin</strong command during configuration discovery is 512 MB. This value supports typical configurations. If configuration discovery does not complete on a large cell, specify a higher wsadmin Max Heap value for the WebSphere Configuration Discovery step. For example, to set the maximum heap size to 2 GB, specify -Xmx2048m for the wsadmin Max Heap value.

Additionally, ensure that the wsadmin.sh script does not override the wsadmin Max Heap value. The wsadmin Max Heap value is passed to the wsadmin.sh script in the -javaoption argument. If the $PERF_JVM_OPTIONS variable is passed to the JVM after the $javaOption variable in the wsadmin.sh script, or if you add options to the $javaOption variable in the wsadmin.sh script, then the wsadmin Max Heap value that you specify for the WebSphere Configuration Discovery step is not used.

Configuration discovery seems complete, but a JSONException is shown and the configuration file is empty

When you run a configuration discovery, the stdOut.txt log file shows the following message that says the configuration discovery is complete; however, a JSONException is shown and the configuration file is empty.

Configuration Discovery Complete.

The following JSONException is shown:

Caught: org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException: A JSONArray text must start with '[' at character 0 of
org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException: A JSONArray text must start with '[' at character 0 of
at org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(JSONTokener.java:439)
at org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray.(JSONArray.java:98)
at org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray.(JSONArray.java:137)
at wasConfigDisc.run(wasConfigDisc.groovy:199)

The problem is a result of user rights for the wsadmin tool do not have permission to write to the configuration file.

See Getting started with wsadmin scripting for more information about wsadmin tool user rights.


Uploaded: 04-Sep-2023 06:56

Release notes

  • Fixed the defect in v92 which shows error with respect to log4j library for few steps


Uploaded: 21-Feb-2023 08:41

Release notes

  • Log4j dependency updated


Uploaded: 03-Aug-2021 10:10

Release notes

  • Fixes APAR PH38708 - Resolves issue where Apply of an MQQueue Snippet deleted all existing Snippets


Uploaded: 10-Mar-2021 08:27

Release notes

  • Fixes APAR PH27342 - Handles space in WAS LDAP realm name

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