• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The Salesforce plug-in for HCL Launch uses the Force.com Migration Tool to perform file-based deployment of metadata changes and Apex classes. These artifacts typically progress through a lifecycle in which HCL Launch environments are mapped to Salesforce.com organizations.

Quick Info

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DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
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HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
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HCL Software

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Last Updated



The Salesforce plugin includes steps that use the Force.com Migration Tool to deploy metadata changes and Apex classes.

This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


The HCL Launch automation plugin for Salesforce works with Force.com Summer 14 and later, and with Metadata API version 33 and later.

This plugin requires HCL Launch version 7.0 or later.


See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
10 Resolved property validation issue due to which plugin was unable to load in some UCD versions.
0 Add hidden fields for pollWaitMillis and maxPoll parameters to various steps.



Step palette

To access this plugin in the palette, click CRM > Salesforce.

Example: Deploy a Recent Validation ID

Deploying a validation allows you to deploy faster by not rerunning tests associated with a deployment that was already validated.

A validation does not complete the deployment process to the organization. A validation is used to check the success or failure messages that you would receive with an actual deployment. To validate your deployments, add the checkOnly=true parameter in your deploy step.

https://plugins.hcltechsw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/salesforce_quick-deploy-288x300.png 288w" sizes="(max-width: 471px) 100vw, 471px" />



The following process steps are available in the SalesForce plugin.

Bulk Retrieve

Download a large number of components of a single metadata type into a set of local files.

Input properties for the Bulk Retrieve step
Name Type Description Required
API Version String The API version to use for the metadata. The default is 34.0. No
Batch Size String The number of items to retrieve while doing multi-part retrieve. Defaults to 10. No
Containing Folder String If the metadata is contained in a folder, this parameter should be the name of the folder from which the contents are retrieved. No
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Max Poll String The number of times to poll the server for the results of the retrieve request. The clients waits for two seconds after the first poll attempt. The wait time is doubled for each successive poll attempt up to maximum of 30 seconds between poll attempts. No
Metadata Type String The type of metadata for which you are retrieving property information. Yes
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. (default: {p:resource/salesForce.password}) Yes
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
Retrieve Target String The root of the directory structure into which the metadata files are retrieved. For example: codepkg. Yes
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL. For example: https://na17.salesforce.com. Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
Unzip String If set to true, the retrieved components are unzipped. If set to false, the retrieved components are saved as a zip file in the retrieveTarget directory. No
User String SFDC User Name Yes


Deploy components, code, or recent validations into your org.

Input properties for the Deploy step
Name Type Description Required
Check Only Boolean Check this box to perform a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org. After the validation finishes with passing tests, it might qualify for deployment without rerunning tests (Deploy Recent Validation step). No
Deploy Root String The directory relative to the current working directory which contains the files to operate on. Yes
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. The default is {p:resource/salesForce.password}. No
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
Roll Back on Error Boolean Determines whether or not to roll back on error No
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL (i.e. https://na17.salesforce.com) Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
Test Level String Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. The test level is enforced regardless of the types of components that are present in the deployment package. No
Test Names String Ignored if Test Level not set to RunSpecifiedTests. A list of Apex classes containing tests run after deployment. Separate each test with a new line. No
User String SFDC User Name No

Describe Metadata

Describe and list all metadata types and their existing objects.

Input properties for the Describe Metadata step
Name Type Description Required
API Version String The API version to use for the metadata. The default is 34.0. Yes
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. The default is {p:resource/salesForce.password}. No
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL (i.e. https://na17.salesforce.com) Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
User String SFDC User Name No

Deploy Recent Validation

Deploy recently validated components.

Input properties for the Bulk Retrieve step
Name Type Description Required
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Max Poll String The number of times to poll the server for the results of the retrieve request. The clients waits for two seconds after the first poll attempt. The wait time is doubled for each successive poll attempt up to maximum of 30 seconds between poll attempts. No
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. The default is{p:resource/salesForce.password}. Yes
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
Recent Validation ID String Specifies the ID of a recent validation. Can be found as an output property of the Deploy step. Yes
Roll Back on Error String Default value is true. Indicates whether any failure causes a complete roll back (true) or not (false). No
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL (i.e. https://na17.salesforce.com) Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
User String SFDC User Name Yes

List Metadata

List information on a given metadata type.

Input properties for the List Metadata step
Name Type Description Required
API Version String The API version to use for the metadata. The default is 34.0. No
Folder String The folder associated with the component. This field is required for components that use folders, such as Dashboard, Document, EmailTemplate, or Report. No
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Metadata Type String The name of the metadata type for which you are retrieving property information; for example, CustomObject for custom objects, or Report for custom reports. Type names are case-sensitive. Yes
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. The default is {p:resource/salesForce.password}. No
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
Result File Path String The path of the output file where results are stored. The default output is the console. Directing the output to a file makes it easier to extract the relevant information< for your package.xml manifest file. No
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL (i.e. https://na17.salesforce.com) Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
Trace String The path of the output file where results are stored. The default output is the console. Directing the output to a file makes it easier to extract the relevant information for your package.xml manifest file. No
User String SFDC User Name No


Retrieve unpackaged, managed or unmanaged packages.

Input properties for the Retrieve step
Name Type Description Required
Jar Path String Path to the Salesforce jar (ex. lib/ant-salesforce.jar) Yes
Package Names String Required if unpackaged is not specified. A comma-separated list of the names of the packages to retrieve. You must specify either Package Names or Unpackaged, but not both. No
Password Password SFDC Password. This may need to be appended with an authentication token if this agent resides outside of the trusted domain. See SalesForce documentation for further detail. The default is{p:resource/salesForce.password}. No
Proxy Host String The HTTP/FTP proxy host. Only set proxy properties if there is a proxy being used. No
Proxy Password Password The password for the proxy. Used only is Proxy User is set. No
Proxy Port String The HTTP/FTP proxy port number. If nothing is entered, 80 will be used. No
Proxy Username String The proxy user. No
Retrieve Target String Required. The root of the directory structure into which the metadata files are retrieved.For example: codepkg. Yes
Retrieve Type Enumeration The type of component to retrieve. Valid values are retrievePkg, retrieveOutput, and retrieveUnpackaged. Yes
SalesForce Server URL String SFDC Server URL (i.e. https://na17.salesforce.com) Yes
Socks Proxy Host String The name of a Socks server. No
Socks Proxy Port String The port for socks connections. If left empty, 1080 is used. No
Unpackaged String Required if Unpackaged is specified. The path and name of a file manifest that specifies the components to retrieve. You must specify either Unpackaged or Package Names, but not both. For example: codepkg/package.xml. No
User String SFDC User Name No


Uploaded: 29-Jul-2022 08:27


Uploaded: 15-Mar-2021 14:16

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