• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history



Redmine and Easy Redmine are project management and issue tracking web applications used to manage multiple projects. Redmine is open-source. Easy Redmine is a Redmine upgrade that extends the Redmine functionality. The Redmine plugin allow integration with both the Redmine and Easy Redmind servers to import work items.

Quick Info

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HCL DevOps Velocity (HCL Accelerate)
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HCL Accelerate version 2.4.4 or later
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HCL Software
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Published Date

Last Updated


The Redmine plugin imports work items from Redmine and Easy Redmine server into HCL Accelerate.


This plugin is compatible with HCL Accelerate version 2.4.4 or later.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
1.0.21 Clarifying delimitation problem for properties used. ( Example: Comma separated list )
1.0.9 Auto generated user Access Key Related Changes.
1.0.2 Initial Release


To use the Redmine plugin, the plugin must be loaded and an instance created before you can configure the plugin integration. You define configuration properties in the user interface.

Integration type

The Redmine plugin supports scheduled events integration which is listed in the following table.

Scheduled events
Name Description
syncRedmineIssue Queries the Redmine and Easy Redmine server for issues in a project.


Use the user interface to integrate the plugin.

  1. From the Plugins page, click Settings > Integrations > Plugins.
  2. Under the Action column for the plugin, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration page enter the values for the fields used to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Save.

See Configuration properties topic for the properties used to define the integration.

Minimum permission to integrate with Redmine

An access token is required to connect to the Redmine or Easy Redmine server. To generate the access token the Enable REST web service setting must be enabled. To enable in the Redmine or Easy Redmine user interface, click Administration > Settings >Authentication.

Redmine settings page

Configuration Properties

The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration.

  • The General Configuration Properties table describes configuration properties used by all plugin integrations.
  • The Redmine Configuration Properties table describes the configuration properties that define the connection and communications with the Redmine server.

Some properties might not be displayed in the user interface, to see all properties enable the Show Hidden Properties field.

General Configuration properties
Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plugin that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the latest version is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging Level The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the Redmine server. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plugin. The value for the Redmine plugin is ucv-ext-redmine. Yes type
HCL Accelerate User Access Key The auto-generated User Access Key that the containerized plugin will use to communicate with HCL Accelerate (support starts with plugin v2.0.30 or later). Yes ucvAccessKey
Redmine Properties
Name Type Description Required
URL String The URL of the Redmine server. Yes
API Key String The Redmine server access token. For more information, see the Redmine documentation. Yes
Project IDs Array Comma seperated list of Redmine project IDs for which to import the source data. Yes
Proxy Server String The URL of the proxy server including the port number. No
Proxy User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server. No
Proxy Password String The password used to authenticate with the proxy server. No


Uploaded: 27-Dec-2022 09:19

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.26

Release Notes

  • Removed Manual User Access Key: From current version onwards this plugin will only support Auto Generated User Access Key feature of HCL Accelerate.
  • Preventing Installation on Older Versions: This version of Redmine Plugin can only be installed on HCL Accelerate version 3.0.0 and later
  • Added Category:ALM is the plugin category of Redmine.
  • Initial Sync Date Field Added: Under the hidden properties section of add integration page for the plugin an Initial Sync Date field is added. This field is optional and can be used only for the first sync.


Uploaded: 11-Aug-2022 14:59

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.21

Release Notes

  • Clarifying delimitation : For the properties used in index.js file clarified delimitation problem . Updated label information and description as comma separated list must be used. So that it is more clear while integrating.


Uploaded: 11-Aug-2022 13:32


Uploaded: 21-Apr-2022 07:29

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.18

Release Notes

  • Debug logs added
  • Minor bug fix


Uploaded: 08-Nov-2021 08:51

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.9

Release Notes

  • Auto generated user accesskey related changes


Uploaded: 29-Oct-2021 12:03

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.5

Release Notes

  • Minor update


Uploaded: 24-Aug-2021 14:21

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-redmine:1.0.2

Release Notes

  • Initial release


Uploaded: 24-Aug-2021 10:31

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