• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in represents an innovative Machine Learning (ML) solution designed to enhance value stream management by providing accurate sprint risk estimates. The projected outcomes are presented through metrics, enabling more effective sprint management for increased productivity.

Quick Info

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HCL DevOps Velocity (HCL Accelerate)
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HCL DevOps Velocity 5.0.0 or later
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Last Updated


Milestone risk estimator plug-in for HCL DevOps Velocity estimates value stream management sprint risk and provides estimated result in metrics P.R.E Risk (Probabilistic Risk Estimator) which shows the evaluated risk as percentage and P.R.E Deadline (Probabilistic Risk Estimator) which shows an estimated deadline. There are two scheduled events ExecuteTrain and ExecutePrediction. ExecuteTrain is for training the model and ExecutePrediction is for predicting the risk of current active sprint. It collects work item data and use them to train the model and predict the risk. The default training frequency is a week and default prediction frequency is a day. Any closed work items are queried for training and open work items of active sprint are queried and used for predicting the risk. At the end of every prediction, the prediction results are inserted as metrics.


The Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in requires HCL DevOps Velocity version 5.0.0 or later.


To use the Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in, the plug-in must be loaded, and an instance created before you can configure the plug-in integration. You define configuration properties in the user interface.

Integration type

The Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in supports scheduled events integration which are listed in the following table.

Scheduled events
Name Description Synchronization Interval
ExecuteTrain Probabilistic Estimator Training 10080 minutes
ExecutePredict Probabilistic Estimator Predictor 1440 minutes


The tables in the Configuration properties topic describe the properties used to define the integration.

To install the plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Settings > Integrations > Available.
  2. In the Action column for the Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in, click Install.

To integrate the plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Settings > Integrations > Installed.
  2. In the Action column for the Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration page enter values for the fields used to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Add.

Milestone Risk Estimator

Metrics Result In VSM

Once the Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in has been executed successfully, it is possible to observe results through dedicated metrics. Perform the following steps to add the metrics in the value stream.

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Value Streams.
  2. Click the required Value Stream.
  3. Click the Metric Bar, then click + button.
  4. In the Delivery Flow category, click + button next to P.R.E Risk and P.R.E Deadline to add these metrics.
  5. Hover over the P.R.E Risk metric on the value stream page to view the insights from the Milestone Risk Estimator plug-in as a tool tip.

Milestone Risk Estimator

Metrics Result In Insights

Perform the following steps to view metrics result in insights page.

  1. In HCL DevOps Velocity, click Insights
  2. Click All Dashboards.
  3. Click Create Dashboard to create your own dashboard with any name.
  4. Select created dashboard or any other existing dashboard.
  5. Click Add Charts at top right of the page.
  6. In the Delivery Flow category, click Add next to P.R.E Risk and P.R.E Deadline to add these metrics.
  7. To view data for particular value stream, on the left navigation pane under Value streams, select the required value stream.

Milestone Risk Estimator

Configuration Properties

The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name.

  • The General Configuration Properties table describes configuration properties used by all plug-in integrations.
  • The Milestone Risk Estimator Configuration Properties table describes the configuration properties that define the connection and communications with the Milestone Risk Estimator.

Some properties might not be displayed in the user interface, to see all properties enable the Show Hidden Properties field.

General Configuration properties
Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plug-in that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the version named latest is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging Level The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of plug-in configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the milestone risk estimator. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plug-in. The value for the Milestone risk estimator plug-in is ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator. Yes type
Devops Velocity User Access Key An auto-generated user access key provides credentials for communicating with the Velocity server. Yes NA
Milestone Risk Estimator Plug-in Properties
Name Type Description Required Property Name
Value streams to consider for risk assessment Array Comma separated list of value stream names to be considered for training and prediction (For example: Vsm_Name1,Vsm_Name2 ) Yes vsmsArray
User Access Key Secure The user access key to authenticate with the UrbanCode Velocity server. false ucvAccessKey
Value streams to consider for risk assessment Array   true vsmsArray
All workitem types Boolean If true, every work item type will be considered for risk assessment false USE_EVERY_JYRA_TYPE
Selected workitem types Array Comma separated list of work item types to consider for risk assessment false JYRA_TYPE


Uploaded: 3-Mar-2025 07:00

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:2.0.4

Release Notes

  • Image Size Optimization: Reduced Docker image size using a multi-stage build and dependency optimizations.
  • Python Packages: Updated python dependencies used within the plugin.
  • Bug fix: In Sprint, completeTime was missing. It will now be populated with endTime if available; otherwise, the data will be discarded.
  • Compatibility Notes: This update provides compatibility only up to Velocity version 5.1.1. It doesn’t work above the velocity version 5.1.1.


Uploaded: 18-Oct-2024 03:00

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:2.0.2

Release Notes

  • Introduced generation of insights based on the prediction for displaying it as a tool tip for P.R.E Risk metric.
  • Fixed memory bound issues.


Uploaded: 22-Jul-2024 01:30

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:2.0.1

Release Notes

  • Introduced simulation-based prediction of team velocities for more realistic scenarios.
  • Expanded support for a broader and customizable range of work item types.
  • Enhanced estimation accuracy by incorporating:
    • History of ownership changes.
    • Parent-child relationships among work items.


Uploaded: 21-Feb-2024 10:22

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:1.0.5

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: Addressed bugs related to empty training datasets and empty prediction datasets


Uploaded: 31-Jan-2024 10:10

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:1.0.4

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: Fix related to error logs getting while performing integration - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.


Uploaded: 12-Dec-2023 11:00

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:1.0.3

Release Notes

  • Bug fix: Updated graphiql query PaginationInput to InsightsPaginationInput


Uploaded: 05-Dec-2023 09:31

Pull Command

docker pull hclcr.io/accelerate/ucv-ext-milestone-risk-estimator:1.0.1

Release Notes

  • Initial Release of Milestone risk estimator plugin.

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