• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


Apache Maven provides developers a complete build lifecycle framework. It is used to automate the build process based on a project object model (POM). Maven also generates reports and stores documents with its POM repository.

The Maven plugin automates downloading artifacts from Maven repositories.

Quick Info

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HCL DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
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HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
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HCL Software
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Published Date

Last Updated



The Maven plugin automates importing of artifacts from a Maven repository. To use the plugin, create a component defining the repository connection information and artifacts to be imported.

This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


This plugin requires HCL Launch version 7.0 or later.

The agent is required to be on a system running Microsoft Windows.


See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

Plugin history details
Version Description
28 Updating Jettison library to 1.5.4 for CVE-2023-1436.
27 Jettison dependency updated.
20 RFE 139313: Added Translate Snapshot option to flag in/out SNAPSHOT translation.



To use the Maven plugin, create a component to define the Maven artifacts to be used. The component contains the information for importing the artifacts and any processes to perform on the artifacts.

Create a component

To create a component, complete the following steps. For more information, see .

  1. In the HCL user interface, click Components and then click Create Component.
  2. In the Create Component window, specify a name and description for the component.
  3. In the Teams fields, specify the access information for the new component.
  4. To use a template for the new component, select a template from the Template list. In this case, the component inherits source configuration, properties, and processes from the template.
  5. In the Source Config Type list, select Maven.https://plugins.hcltechsw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/launch_component_configscr.jpg 548w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />
  6. Specify the properties for the component. See the Setting tab for descriptions.
  7. Click Save.

Import a version

When the artifacts are imported, a component version is created using the version of the package. You can specify to import a specific package version or import all versions. If importing all versions, a component version is created for each version.

  1. Click the Versions tab for the component.
  2. Click Import New Versions.
  3. Specify a specific version of the package to import, or leave blank to import the latest version of the package available in the repository. Additionally, enable Import All Versions to import all versions of a package.
  4. Click Save.

Step palette

To access this plugin in the palette, click Source and Repositories > Maven.



The following process steps are available in the Maven plugin.

Import Version

Creates a new component version and imports artifacts

This step has no input properties.

The plugin adds the following roles automatically to resources. You cannot add these roles manually.


Properties for the MavenComponentProperties role
Name Type Description
Artifact ID String Name of the artifactID as defined in the Maven pom.xml file. The artifact ID is the name of the unversioned jar file.
Extensions of files to Convert String If text-type files must be converted into another character set, type the list of file extensions to be converted. Matching file types are converted into the default or system character set of the system where the agent is located. Separate list items with commas.
File Extensions String The file extension for the file type to import. Separate multiple extensions with comma (,) character.
Group ID String The name of the groupID as defined in the Maven pom.xml file. The group ID identifies the project.
HTTP Proxy Host String Optional HTTP proxy host.
HTTP Proxy Password Password Optional HTTP proxy password.
HTTP Proxy Port String Optional HTTP proxy port. Must be supplied if the HTTP Proxy Host is specified.
HTTP Proxy Username String Optional HTTP proxy user name.
Latest Build Count String The number of the builds to import. The default value is 1.
Maven Qualifier String The optional qualifier is appended to the file name after the version number. Leave blank if not applicable.
Password Password The password for the Maven-credentialed user.
Preserve Execute Permissions Boolean For Linux and UNIX operating systems, select this check box to retain the execute permissions for each file.
Repository URL String Base URL for the Maven repository.
User String The user name for the Maven-credentialed user.
Version Name Pattern String The range of build versions to import. Versions are defined by regular expressions. For example, to import all 1.1.*, and 1.2.* versions, you might type (1.[0-9]+).*. A number of versions that is equal to the value in the Latest Build Count field is imported for each matching version. This property is only necessary when tracking older branches.


Properties for the MavenImportProperties role
Name Type Description
Snapshot version suffix String Optional: When above is a SNAPSHOT string to fetch a specific SNAPSHOT. For example: 20181224.151710-4), leave blank to default to the latest snapshot.
Specific version String Optional: The maven version or SNAPSHOT string to import. For example: 1.0.1 or 1.0-SNAPSHOT), leave blank for LATEST.
Translate Snapshot Boolean Select this check box to translate snapshot version to latest datetime string.
Version Description String An optional description to add to the versions that are imported into HCL Launch.


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Release Notes

  • Add support to allow pass certificates with client.


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