HCL DevOps Control is a Git repository hosting service. The HCL DevOps Control plug-in enables users to import Git artifacts by querying pull requests and commit, facilitating seamless integration and management of project resources.
HCL DevOps Control is a Git repository hosting service. The HCL DevOps Control plug-in enables users to import Git artifacts by querying pull requests and commit, facilitating seamless integration and management of project resources.
The HCL DevOps Control plug-in provides for integration with a HCL DevOps Control server. This plug-in imports pull requests and commit data from a HCL DevOps Control server and saves them as HCL DevOps Velocity issues. Data between the HCL DevOps Control server and the HCL DevOps Velocity server is synchronized every five minutes.
To use the HCL DevOps Control plug-in, the plug-in must be loaded, and an instance created before you can configure the plug-in integration. You define configuration properties in the user interface or in a JSON file.
The HCL DevOps Control plug-in supports scheduled events integration which are listed in the following table.
Name | Description | Synchronization Interval |
syncControlPullRequestsEvent | Queries the HCL DevOps Control repository for pull requests. | 5 Minutes |
syncControlCommitsEvent | Queries the HCL DevOps Control repository for commits. | 5 Minutes |
There are two methods to integrate the plug-in:
The tables in the Configuration Properties section describe the properties used to define the integration.
The tables in the Configuration properties topic describe the properties used to define the integration.
To integrate the plug-in using the user interface, perform the following steps:
The JSON file contains the information for creating a value stream. Within the JSON file is a section for integrations. It is in this section that plugin properties can be defined. Refer to the JSON sample code in the Configuration Properties section.
To integrate the plug-in using a JSON, perform the following steps:
The access token generated from HCL DevOps Control server requires the full control of repositories permission to connect to the Control.
The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name when using a JSON file.
Some properties might not be displayed in the user interface, to see all properties enable the Show Hidden Properties field.
Name | Description | Required | Property Name |
NA | The version of the plug-in that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the latest version is used. | No | image |
Integration Name | An assigned name to the value stream. | Yes | name |
Logging Level | The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. | No | loggingLevel |
NA | List of configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the HCL DevOps Control server. Enclose the properties within braces. | Yes | properties |
NA | The name of the tenant. | Yes | tenant_id |
NA | Unique identifier assigned to the plug-in. The value for the HCL DevOps Control plug-in is ucv-ext-control | Yes | type |
DevOps Velocity User Access Key | An auto-generated user access key provides credentials for communicating with the HCL DevOps Velocity server. | Yes | NA |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API URL | String | The URL to the REST API for the HCL DevOps Control instance. | Yes |
Owner | String | The owner's name of the HCL DevOps Control repository. | Yes |
Repositories | Array | Comma separated list of HCL DevOps Control Repository names (separated by comma). | Yes |
Branch | String | HCL DevOps Control repositories branch, the branch to pull commits from. | No |
Personal access token | String | The token to use to authenticate with the HCL DevOps Control repository. | Yes |
Additional branches | Array | Comma separated additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed. | No |
Proxy Server | String | The URL of the proxy server including the port number. | No |
Proxy User Name | String | The username used to authenticate with the proxy server. | No |
Proxy Password | String | The password used to authenticate with the proxy server. | No |
The following sample code can be used as a template to define the integration within the JSON file for a value stream. Copy and paste the template into the JSON file Integration section and make the appropriate changes.
"integrations": [
"type": "ucv-ext-control",
"tenant_id": "tenant-id",
"name": "control-integration-name",
"properties": {
"apiUrl": "devops-control-api-url",
"owner": "owner-name",
"token": "generated-token",
"ucvAccessKey": "generated-access-key",
"proxyServer": "proxy_server_url",
"proxyUsername": "proxy_server_user_name",
"proxyPassword": "proxy_server_password"
} ]
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