• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The WebSphere Application Server – Deployment plugin provides a number of steps for deploying application files to and performing administrative tasks for the WebSphere Application Server. The plugin also includes steps that are related to configuration management, such as creating data sources and JMS requests. These configuration steps are deprecated; instead, use the WebSphere Application Server – Configure plugin for all configuration-related activities. This plugin supports WebSphere Application Server capabilities that are incorporated from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise (WVE) such as application editioning and dynamic clustering.

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The WebSphere Application Server Deployment plugin includes steps that manage IBM WebSphere Application Server, including application-related tasks and tasks that are related to installing and maintaining application servers.


See Installing plugins in HCL DevOps Deploy (Launch) for installing and removing plugins.

User Permissions

There are three different users that require permissions to run the WebSphere Application Server Deploy plug-in.

  1. Operating system user that executes the plug-in steps and may launch wsadmin on the same machine where WebSphere Application Server runs. Note this refers to the Deployment Manager in case of Network Deploy. This may be the user that runs the HCL Launch agent process, or the impersonating user.
  2. User that is passed to the wsadmin script and is part of the WebSphere Application Server user registry. This user may be same as the Operating System user in case the registry is the Operating System.
  3. HCL Launch user that launches the process inside Launch.

Each of these types of users must have different types of permissions:

  • Permissions to access (read, write, execute) files on the filesystem
  • Permissions to perform actions in WebSphere Application Server, according to the user roles described in: Administrative Roles
  • Permissions to read, create, execute objects inside HCL Launch

Discovery of the WebSphere Cell

This task is executed when you add the Agent to a Resource or when you execute the step:
Deployment > WebSphere Discovery

  • This task executes the script strong>wasDiscovery.groovy, that requires the permission to access the files in the WebSphere Application Server profile:

    [read, execute] bin/wsadmin.sh or bin\wsadmin.bat
    [read] properties/portdefs.props

    or files in the WebSphere Application Server installation directory:

    [read, execute] bin/wsadmin.sh or bin\wsadmin.bat
    [read] properties/profileRegistry.xml
  • This task does not execute wsadmin, and the WebSphere Application Server does not need to be running.
  • The HCL Launch user that executes this step needs permissions to create Resources in the Resource Tree in HCL Launch.

Topology Discovery

This task is executed when you select the menu: Actions > Configure with WebSphere Topology Discovery
or when you execute the step: Deployment > WebSphere Topology Discovery

  • This task executes the script wasConfig.groovy, which requires the permission to access the files in the WebSphere Application Server profile:

    [read, execute] bin/wsadmin.sh or bin\wsadmin.bat
  • This task executes wsadmin, and it needs the WebSphere Application Server to be running.
    The user passed to the wsadmin command needs permissions to list the properties of the cell, nodes, clusters, cluster members and servers. This requires executing the AdminControl and AdminConfig wsadmin objects.
  • The Launch user that executes this step needs permissions to create Resources in the Resource Tree in Launch.

Other steps

  • All other steps require the permission to access the files in the WebSphere Application Server profile:

    [read, execute] bin/wsadmin.sh or bin\wsadmin.bat
  • All other steps require the WebSphere Application Server to be running.Depending on the specific step, the user that is passed to wsadmin needs to have specific rights in the WebSphere Application Server security model.You can find a description of the possible user tthe WebSphere Application Server Knowledge Center: Administrative RolesThe step Deployment > Execute wsadmin script can execute an arbitrary script, and in general will require a user in the Administrator role.
  • The HCL launch user that executes these steps only need to be able to execute the process on the Environment.


Specifying multiple profiles

If you have multiple profiles defined for your WebSphere installation, you may discover all the profiles by using one of the following methods:

Specify websphere.profilePath property

Specify multiple profiles to collect information for multiple cells, either for the top-level group or for the agent.

You specify multiple profiles during deployment. You specify them in a websphere.profilePath property in 1 of 2 places:

  • Top-level group: Set the websphere.profilePath here to collect profiles from multiple cells that are deployed across multiple hosts. All hosts must use the same installation directory for the cell.
  • Agent: Set the websphere.profilePath here to collect profiles for multiple profiles on the same host.

Values for the websphere.profilePath property

Specify one or more paths as the property value. Separate multiple paths with a comma. The paths can be one of the following types:

  • A path to a profile. The path does not have to specify /bin/wsadmin.sh, but autodiscovery works with paths that do.
  • A path to a container directory of profiles. In this case, the autodiscovery code loops over each first-level directory. It registers base and ND profiles. It skips node and server profiles.

When you specify multiple profiles, the following values are read during autodiscovery:

  • SOAP port (read from portdef.properties)
  • profile path
  • installation path

Example value with two container directories and one profile path:"/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/,/opt/WAS/Profiles,/opt/IBM/profiles/dmgr"

Note: If you specify multiple container directories, no duplicates are allowed in the profile names that the directories contain. If autodiscover finds the same profile name, it overwrites the previously found profile name.

Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles and /opt/WAS/Profiles both contain a dmgr profile. A resource is created only for the second dmgr resource because the first profile is overwritten.

If you encounter this situation, you can work around it by creating a separate top-level group and segregate the profile directories.

Specify wsadmin.path property

Starting in version 109, you can also discover multiple profiles if you specify the following property: wsadmin.path on the Agent and make it refer to the wsadmin command located in the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server, as follows:

  • Navigate to Resources > Agents
  • Select the desired Agent name
  • Select Configuration > Agent properties
  • Add the property: wsadmin.path with the value: WAS_HOME\bin\wsadmin.bat or WAS_HOME/bin/wsadmin.sh
    where WAS_HOME is the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server.

In this case, all the profiles listed in WAS_HOME\properties\profileRegistry.xml will be discovered.

If you specify the path to the wsadmin command contained in one specific profile, only that profile will be discovered.

NOTE: The websphere.profilePath property takes precedence over the wsadmin.path property if both are specified.

Do not specify any properties

If you do not specify any properties, the plugin will attempt to discover all the profiles contained in the profileRegistry.xml file, assuming the default installation path of WebSphere Application Server for that operating system.

Example: Installing an EAR file on WebSphere Application Server

The plug-in now includes component templates. The component templates include processes and properties for working with WebSphere Application Server. See Using component templates in the product help. If you create a component from the WebSphere Enterprise Application template, you can use the Deploy EAR With User/Group Mappings, Resource Mappings process in the template to install the EAR file. The process uses switch steps as needed to test property values. See Switch steps in the product help. The Deploy EAR With User/Group Mappings, Resource Mappings process runs the following steps:

  1. The Download Artifacts step retrieves the binary files.
  2. The Check Application is Installed step tests whether the application is already installed.
  3. The Is App Installed switch step tests the installed output property from the Check Application is Installed step and branches accordingly.
  4. If the application is already installed, the Check Application is not runningStop Application, and Uninstall Application steps run as needed to stop and uninstall the application.
  5. The Install Application step installs the application.
  6. The Check For Resource Mappings switch step tests the resourceMappings property and branches accordingly.
  7. The Map Resource References to EJB for Application step updates the resource reference mappings.
  8. The Check For User Group Mappings switch step tests the roleMappings property and branches accordingly.
  9. The Map Users And Groups to Roles for Application step maps users to roles.
  10. The Wait for Application step introduces a delay to allow time for the application to start.


The following process steps are available in the WebSphere Application Server Deployment plugin.

Activate Application Edition

Activate an edition of a WebSphere enterprise application.

Input properties for the Activate Application Edition step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Application Edition String The edition of the application to activate. This edition is used for a WebSphere reference. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later. No
Application Name String The name of the application to activate. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later. No
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Add Asset to BLA

Add an asset to a business-level application.

Input properties for the Add Asset to BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Asset Name String The name of the asset to add to the business-level application. Yes
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to add the asset to. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Composition Unit Name String Name of the composition unit. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Context Root Mappings String Specify a list of mappings from web modules to context roots, separated by newline
characters. Use the following format: modulename->contextroot
Description String Description of the composition unit. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Restart Behavior On Update String Specify whether to restart the composition unit after it is updated. Allowed values
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Starting Weight String   Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Virtual Host Mappings String Specify a list of mappings from web modules to virtual hosts, separated by newline
characters. Use the following format: modulename->virtualhost

Add BLA to BLA

Add and associate a business-level application to another business-level application.

Input properties for the Add BLA to BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Child BLA Name String The name of the child business-level application. This child application is added
to the other business-level application.
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Composition Unit Name String Name of the composition unit. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Description String Description of the composition unit. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Parent BLA Name String The name of the parent business-level application. The other business-level application
is added to this parent application.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Add Shared Library to Application

Add a shared library to an application.

Input properties for the Add Shared Library to Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to add the shared library to. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to add the shared library to. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Shared Library Name(s) String A list of names, separated by newline characters, of shared libraries to add. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Add Shared Library to Module

Add a shared library to a module.

Input properties for the Add Shared Library to Module step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to add the shared library to. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to add the shared library to. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Module URI String The URI of the module to add the shared library to. For example: PlantsByWebSphere.war Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Shared Library Name(s) String A list of names, separated by newline characters, of shared libraries to add. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Add Target To Module

Map a target server or cluster to a module of an enterprise application.

Input properties for the Add Target To Module step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to map the target to. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application being installed. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Module URI String The URI of the module. For example: PlantsByWebSphere.war,WEB-INF/web.xml Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Add Target to Composition Unit

Add a target to composition unit.

Input properties for the Add Target to Composition Unit step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to change the target mapping for. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Composition Unit Name String The name of the composition unit. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Apply Configuration Properties

Apply the properties in the specified properties file to the WebSphere configuration.

Input properties for the Apply Configuration Properties step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Properties File Name String The name of the properties file to apply. Yes
Report File Name String The name of a report file that contains the output for the applyConfigProperties command. No
Report Filter Mechanism String The type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information. Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display error and change information. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Validate String Specifies whether to validate the properties file before applying the changes. No
Variables Map String The values of the variables to use with the properties file. No
Variables Map File Name String The name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the system uses from the properties file. No
Zip File Name String The name of the compressed file that contains the policy sets that you want applied to the cell. No

Cancel Application Edition Validation

Cancel the validation of an edtion of a WebSphere enterprise application.

Input properties for the Cancel Application Edition Validation step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Application Edition String The edition of the application to cancel validation of. This is supported only for
WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to cancel validation of. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Application is Installed

Check that an application is installed.

Input properties for the Check Application is Installed step
Name Type Description Required
Additional Command Line Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to check. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to check for. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Application is not running

Check that an application is not running.

Input properties for the Check Application is not running step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Application Edition String The edition of the application to check. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later. No
Application Name String   Yes
Application Type String The type of application to check in WebSphere. Specify J2EEApplication or Application. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Application is running

Check that an application is running.

Input properties for the Check Application is running step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to be checked. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String   Yes
Application Type String The type of application to check in WebSphere. Specify J2EEApplication or Application. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check If BLA Exists

Check if a business-level application exists in a cell.

Input properties for the Check If BLA Exists step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to check for. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check If Composition Unit Exists

Check if a composition unit exists in a business-level application.

Input properties for the Check If Composition Unit Exists step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to check. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Composition Unit Name String The name of the composition unit to check for. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check If Config Object Exists DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Check if a config object exists in the WebSphere Configuration by Containment
Path. This step is deprecated. Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin
to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Check If Config Object Exists DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Object Containment Path String The containment path to the object to check for. i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/JDBCProvider:providerName/.
Note, it must end with a JDBCProvider type and a /
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Initial Heap Size DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Check that initial heap size. This step is deprecated. Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Check Initial Heap Size DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Maximum Size(MB) String The maximum expected heapsize. Yes
Minimum Size(MB) String The minimum expected heapsize. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the Server whose heap size to check. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Maximum Heap Size DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Check that maximum heap size. This step is deprecated. Use the WebSphere
Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Check Maximum Heap Size DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Maximum Size(MB) String The maximum expected heapsize. Yes
Minimum Size(MB) String The minimum expected heapsize. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the Server whose heap size to check. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Node Status

Check the status of nodes in a cell.

Input properties for the Check Node Status step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Node Names String A list of node names to check, separated by newline characters. Leave blank to check
status on all nodes in a cell.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Check Status

Check the status of a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Check Status step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Clear Target Mappings For Application

Clear all target mappings for an enterprise application and associated modules.

Input properties for the Clear Target Mappings For Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to clear mappings for. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to install. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create BLA

Create a business-level application.

Input properties for the Create BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to create. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Description String   No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create Cluster

Create a cluster.

Input properties for the Create Cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to create. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create Cluster Member

Create a cluster member.

Input properties for the Create Cluster Member step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to create. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Member Name String The name of the cluster member to create. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to create the cluster member on. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create DataSource DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Create a DataSource on a given JDBCProvider. This step is deprecated.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations
in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create DataSource DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Alias Password Password The Password to use for the Auth Alias if not already created. Yes
Alias User Name String The User name to use for the Auth Alias if not already created. Yes
Auth Alias String The Alias to create or use for this DataSource. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
DB Name(Legacy) String The DB Name for this DataSource. This is for legacy support. Please use the Resource
Properties text area.
DataSource Name String The name of the DataSource to create. Yes
DataStore Helper ClassName String The ClassName of the dataStoreHelper. Yes
Description String The Description of the DataSource to create. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JDBCProvider Location String The containment path to the JDBCProvider. i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/JDBCProvider:providerName/.
Note, it must end with a JDBCProvider type and a /
JNDI Name String The JNDI Name for this DataSource. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Resource Properties String The resource properties to configure this data source with. Newline separated list
of properties in the form name|type|value
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create DataSource For Cluster DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Create a data source on a cluster. This step is deprecated. Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create DataSource For Cluster DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Alias Password Password The Password to use for the Auth Alias if not already created. Yes
Alias User Name String The User name to use for the Auth Alias if not already created. Yes
Auth Alias String The Alias to create or use for this DataSource. Yes
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster where the JDBC provider resides. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Valid values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
DB Name(Legacy) String The database name for the data source. This is for legacy support. Use the Resource Properties field. No
DataSource Name String The name of the data Source to create. Yes
DataStore Helper ClassName String The class name of the datastore helper. Yes
Description String The Description of the DataSource to create. Yes
Driver Type String The Driver Type for this DataSource. This is for legacy support. Please use the Resource Properties text area. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JDBCProvider Name String The name of the JDBC provider to create the data source on. Yes
JNDI Name String The JNDI name for the data source. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Port Number String The Port Number for this DataSource to connect to. This is for legacy support. Please
use the Resource Properties text area.
Resource Properties String The resource properties to configure this data source with. Newline separated list
of properties in the form name|type|value
Server Name String The Server Name for this DataSource to connect to. This is for legacy support. Please
use the Resource Properties text area.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create IHS Web Server

Create an IBM HTTP Server definition with a template, and configure the web server
definition properties. Web server definitions generate and propagate
the plugin-config.xml file for each web server. For IBM HTTP Server only, you can
use web server definitions to administer and configure IBM HTTP Server web
servers with the administrative console. These functions include: Start, Stop, View
logs, View and Edit configuration files.

Input properties for the Create IHS Web Server step
Name Type Description Required
Access Log File String The path for the IBM HTTP Server access log (access.log file). Yes
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Admin Password Password Specify the password for the user ID. The password is generated by the htpasswd utility
and stored in the admin.password file.
Admin Port String The port of the IBM HTTP Server administrative server. The administrative server is
installed on the same computer as the IBM HTTP Server and handles administrative
requests to the web server.
Admin UserID String Specify the user ID, if authentication is activated on the administration server in
the admin.conf configuration file. This value must match the authentication
information in the admin.conf file.
AdminProtocol Enumeration:


  • HTTP
Select the administrative protocol type. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Configuration File String The file path for the IBM HTTP Server. This option is required only for viewing and
editing the IBM HTTP Server Configure file.
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Error Log File String The path for the IBM HTTP Server error log (error.log file). Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Name String The name of the server. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Plugin Install Root Directory String The root directory where the plugin for the web server is installed. Yes
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Web App Mapping String Specify the configuration information for web application mapping. Yes
Web Install Root Directory String The installation root directory for the web server. Yes
Web Port String The port number of the web server. Yes
Web Protocol Enumeration:


  • HTTP
Specify the protocol for the IBM HTTP Server administration server running with an
unmanaged or remote Web server.
Windows Service Name String The Windows service name to use for IBM HTTP Server. Yes


DEPRECATED. Create a JDBCProvider with specified scope. This step is deprecated. Use
the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in

Input properties for the Create JDBCProvider DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Class Path String The Classpath of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
DB Type String The DB Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Description String The Description of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Implementation Type String The Implementation Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
JDBCProvider Name String The name of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Native Path String The Native of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Provider Type String The Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Scope String The scope at which to create teh JDBCProvider. Format: type=name. Type can be Cell,
Node, Server, Application, or Cluster, and name is the name of the specific instance
of the cell, node, server, application, or cluster that you are using.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create JDBCProvider For Cluster DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Create a JDBCProvider on a cluster. This step is deprecated. Use the WebSphere
Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create JDBCProvider For Cluster DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Class Path String The Classpath of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Cluster Name String The name of the Cluster that the JDBCProvider lives on. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
DB Type String The DB Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Description String The Description of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Implementation Type String The Implementation Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
JDBCProvider Name String The name of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Native Path String The Native of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Provider Type String The Type of the JDBCPRovider to create. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create SIBJMSConnectionFactory DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Create a SIBJMSConnectionFactory on a given scope. This step is deprecated.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations
in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create SIBJMSConnectionFactory DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Bus Name String The name of the SIBus to association this Connection Factory with. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JNDI Name String The JNDI name of the Connection Factory to create. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
SIBJMSConnectionFactory Name String The name of the SIBJMSConnectionFactory to create. Yes
Scope String The containment path to the parent on which to create this SIBJMSConnectionFactory.
i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/. Note, it must end with a /
Type String The type of the Connection Factory to create. Use Queue or Topic. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No


DEPRECATED. Create a SIBJMSQueue on a given scope. This step is deprecated. Use the
WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create SIBJMSQueue DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JNDI Name String The JNDI name of the Queue to create. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Queue Name String The name of the service integration bus destination to which this queue maps. Yes
SIBJMSQueue Name String The name of the Queue to create. Yes
Scope String The containment path to the parent on which to create this SIBJMSQueue. i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/.
Note, it must end with a /
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No


DEPRECATED. Create a SIBJMSTopic on a given scope. This step is deprecated. Use the
WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Create SIBJMSTopic DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JNDI Name String The JNDI name of the Topic to create. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
SIBJMSTopic Name String The name of the SIBJMSTopic to create. Yes
Scope String The containment path to the parent on which to create this SIBJMSTopic. i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/.
Note, it must end with a /
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create Shared Library

Create a shared library at the cell level.

Input properties for the Create Shared Library step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Classpath String The class path for the shared library. Yes
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Description String   No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Nativepath String The native path for the shared library. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Shared Library Name String The name of the shared library to create. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Create Unmanaged Node

Create a new unmanaged node in the configuration. An unmanaged node is a node that
does not have a node agent or a Deployment Manager. Unmanaged nodes can contain Web
servers, such as IBM HTTP Server.

Input properties for the Create Unmanaged Node step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Host Name String The host name of the system that is associated with the node. Yes
Node Name String The name that represents the node in the configuration repository. Yes
Operating System Enumeration:


  • linux
  • windows
  • os400
  • aix
  • hpux
  • solaris
  • os390
The operating system in use on the system associated with this node. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Deactivate Application Edition

Deactivate an edition of a WebSphere enterprise application.

Input properties for the Deactivate Application Edition step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to deactivate. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to deactivate. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Delete Asset

Delete an asset from an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.

Input properties for the Delete Asset step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Asset Name String The name of the asset to delete. Yes
Asset Version String The version of the asset to delete. Required only if more than one version of the
asset exits in WebSphere Application Server.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Force Boolean Select to remove all dependency relationships that other assets declare on this asset.
If not selected, the asset can be deleted only if no other assets declare a dependency
on this asset. By default, Force is not selected.
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Delete BLA

Delete a business-level application.

Input properties for the Delete BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to delete. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Delete Composition Unit

Delete a composition unit from a business-level application.

Input properties for the Delete Composition Unit step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to delete the composition unit from. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Composition Unit Name String The name of the composition unit to delete. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Force Boolean Select to remove all dependency relationships that other assets declare on this asset.
If not selected, the asset can be deleted only if no other assets declare a dependency
on this asset. By default, Force is not selected.
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Delete Configuration Properties

Delete the properties in the specified properties file from the WebSphere configuration.

Input properties for the Delete Configuration Properties step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Properties File Name String The name of the properties file containing the resources to delete. Yes
Report File Name String The name of a report file that contains the output for the deleteConfigProperties
Report Filter Mechanism String The type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information.
Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display
error and change information.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Validate String Specifies whether to validate the properties file before deleting the resources. No
Variables Map String The values of the variables to use with the properties file. No
Variables Map File Name String The name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the
system uses from the properties file.

Delete Server

Delete the WebSphere server running on the specified node.

Input properties for the Delete Server step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node the server resides on. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to delete. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Disable Auto Start of an Application

Disable automatic start/loading of the application

Input properties for the Disable Auto Start of an Application step
Name Type Description Required
Application Name String The name of an Application Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Disable AutoSync

Disable automatic synchronization on nodes.

Input properties for the Disable AutoSync step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Node Names String A list of node names to disable automatic synchronization on, separated by newline
characters. Leave blank for all nodes in cell.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Display Application Deployment Options

Echo the options used to install a currently installed application.

Input properties for the Display Application Deployment Options step
Name Type Description Required
Application Edition String The edition of the application to display the options for. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to display the options for. This name is used for a WebSphere
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Enable Auto Start of an Application

Enable automatic start/loading of the application

Input properties for the Enable Auto Start of an Application step
Name Type Description Required
Application Name String The name of an Application Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Enable AutoSync

Enable automatic synchronization on nodes.

Input properties for the Enable AutoSync step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration:


  • SOAP
  • RMI
  • NONE
The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Node Names String A list of node names to enable automatic synchronization on, separated by newline
characters. Leave blank for all nodes in cell.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Execute Batch Script

Run a batch script generated from plugin steps.

Input properties for the Execute Batch Script step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to run. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Execute wsadmin Script

Run a Jython or JACL script with the wsadmin tool.

Input properties for the Execute wsadmin Script step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line. No
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Language Enumeration The scripting language. Values are jython and jacl. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script Body String The body of the script to run with the wsadmin tool. If a script path is specified,
this field is ignored.
Script Path String The script to run with the wsadmin tool. If specified, the Script Body field is ignored. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Export Application

Export an application from the WebSphere server.

Input properties for the Export Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to export. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to export. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
File Path String The absolute path of the exported file. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Export DataSource Properties from Cluster DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Export the data source properties from a Cluster. This step is deprecated.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations
in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Export DataSource Properties from Cluster DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the Cluster that the JDBCProvider lives on. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Data Source Name String The name of the data source to get properties from. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JDBCProvider Name String The name of the JDBCPRovider that the data source lives on. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Export JVMHeapSizes from Server DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Export the JVM Heap Size values from a server. This step is deprecated.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations
in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Export JVMHeapSizes from Server DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the Server whose heap size to export. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Extract Configuration Properties

Extracts configuration data in the form of a properties file

Input properties for the Extract Configuration Properties step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Config Data Key String Specifies the configuration object in the format Ex: Node, Server, VirtualHost, etc,. No
Config Data Value String Specifies the corresponding configuration object instance No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Filter Mechanism Enumeration Specifies filter information for extracting configuration properties. Values are none, ALL, No_Subtypes, and Selected_SUBTYPES. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Options Key String Specifies additional configuration options, such as GenerateTemplates, PortablePropertiesFile,
Options Value Enumeration Specifies additional configuration options value. Values are none, true, and false. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Properties File Name String The name of the file to store the properties extracted from configuration Yes
Selected Sub Types Key String Specifies the configuration properties to include or exclude when the command extracts
the properties. Specify this parameter if you set the filterMechanism parameter to
Selected Sub Types Value String The value to include or exclude when NO_SUBTYPES or SELECTED_SUBTYPES is set as filterMechanism No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Zip File Name String Specifies the name of the compressed file into which you want to extract policy sets. No

Generate Plugin

Generate a WebSphere plugin for web servers.

Input properties for the Generate Plugin step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Server Root Directory String The root directory of the application server. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Configuration Repo Root Directory String The root directory of the configuration repository for the plugin. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Output file name String The name of the output file to generate. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Propagate Boolean   No
Propagate Key Ring Boolean   No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Server Scope Boolean Select to generate a plugin for a web server that is defined by the server property
instead of the cell scope.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Import Asset

Import an asset from an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file

Input properties for the Import Asset step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
EBA File String The location of the EBA file to import. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Storage Type Enumeration The storage type for the imported asset. Values are FULL< METADATA, and NONE. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Import DataSource Properties into Cluster DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Import the data source properties into a Cluster. This step is deprecated.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations
in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Import DataSource Properties into Cluster DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the Cluster that the JDBCProvider lives on. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Timeout String The Connection Timeout to use. Yes
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
DataSource Name String The name of the data source to import properties into. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
JDBCProvider Name String The name of the JDBCPRovider that the data source lives on. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Statement Cache Size String The Statement Cache Size to use. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Import JVMHeapSizes for Cluster DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Import the JVM Heap Size values for all servers in a cluster. This step
is deprecated. Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with
configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Import JVMHeapSizes for Cluster DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the Cluster whose heap size is to be updated. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Initial Heap Size String The initial heap size to use for all servers in this cluster. Yes
Maximum Heap Size String The initial heap size to use for all servers in this cluster. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Install Application

Install an application to a WebSphere server or cluster. If you are installing an
application at the cell scope, then the Options String must contain a -MapModulesToServers
argument to indicate which servers/clusters are affected.

Input properties for the Install Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise
and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to install. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Application Path String The path where the application will be installed on the server. No
Application Source String The location of the application to install. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Context Root String The context root for this application. No
Edition Description String The description of the edition of the application, which is used for a WebSphere reference.
This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application
Server 8.5 and later.
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Options String String The string of options to concatenate to the installation command. If blank, the -usedefaultbindings
option is used.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Install OSGI Bundle

Install an OSGI bundle to WebSphere Application Server.

Input properties for the Install OSGI Bundle step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Bundle File String The location of the OSGI bundle to install. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Install Or Update Application

Install or update an application on a WebSphere server or cluster. If you are installing
or updating an application at the cell scope, then the Options String must contain
a -MapModulesToServers argument to indicate which servers/clusters are affected.

Input properties for the Install Or Update Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to install or update. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to install. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Application Path String The path where the application will be installed on the server. No
Application Source String The location of the application to install. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Context Root String The context root for this application. No
Edition Description String The description of the edition of the application, which is used for a WebSphere reference.
This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application
Server 8.5 and later.
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Options String String The string of options to concatenate to the installation command. If blank, the -usedefaultbindings
option is used.
Partial Update Boolean Select if updating an application and the application source specifies only a subset
of the application files.
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Intelligent Management Add Conditional Trace Rule

Sets the conditional trace specification for a web server. Use this operation to configure
conditional tracing from the web server plugin.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Add Conditional Trace Rule step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
Trace Condition String Specifies the trace condition. Use \ escape character for quotes No
Trace Specification String Indicates the trace specification No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Add Remote Cell

Adds a remote cell to the list of cells for a web server. This operation enables a
web server to extend the Intelligent Management service to multiple cells.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Add Remote Cell step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Enable Remote Cell Connectors Enumeration Enables Intelligent Management remote cell connectors. Valid values are none, true or false No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Import Certificates Enumeration Specifies whether to import certificates. Valid values are true or false Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Remote Cell Host String Specifies the host name for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell ID String Specifies a unique cell identifier No
Remote Cell Password Password Specifies the password for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled No
Remote Cell Port String Specifies the port for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell User ID String Specifies the user ID for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Delete Remote Cell

Removes a remote cell from the list of cells for this web server

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Delete Remote Cell step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Enable Remote Cell Connectors Enumeration Enables Intelligent Management remote cell connectors. Valid values are true or false Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Remote Cell Host String Specifies the host name for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell Port String Specifies the port for the remote cell Yes
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Disable

Disable the Websphere application server Intelligent management.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Disable step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Enable

Enable the Websphere application server Intelligent management.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Enable step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Maximum Retries String Specifies the maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service(zero,
positive integer or infinite)
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Retry Interval String Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between connection attempts No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Generate Plugin

Generates a plugin that is required by the web server. The plugin configuration
file stores all your Intelligent Management settings.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Generate Plugin step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Deployment Manager Directory String Specifies the deployment manager profile directory. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management List Remote Cells

Lists the remote cells for a web server which are available for Intelligent Management

Input properties for the Intelligent Management List Remote Cells step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management List Trace Rules

List Trace Rules for a web server.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management List Trace Rules step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Modify

Modifies Intelligent Management properties for a web server. Use this operation to
configure your Intelligent Management service

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Modify step
Name Type Description Required
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Maximum Retries String Specifies the maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service(zero,
positive integer or infinite)
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Retry Interval String Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between connection attempts No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Modify Remote Cell

Modifies a remote cell for a web server. Use this operation to change remote cell

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Modify Remote Cell step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Enable Remote Cell Connectors Enumeration Enables Intelligent Management remote cell connectors. Valid values are true or false. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Remote Cell Host String Specifies the host name for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell ID String Specifies a unique cell identifier No
Remote Cell Port String Specifies the port for the remote cell Yes
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Refresh Local Cell

Use this operation to refresh the local cell connectors for your web server.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Refresh Local Cell step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Refresh Remote Cell

Use this operation to refresh the remote cell connectors for your web server.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Refresh Remote Cell step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Remote Cell Host String Specifies the host name for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell Password Password Specifies the password for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled No
Remote Cell Port String Specifies the port for the remote cell Yes
Remote Cell User ID String Specifies the user ID for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Remove Conditional Trace Rule

Removes a conditional trace rule from your web server. Use this operation to manage
the conditional trace rules in your environment.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Remove Conditional Trace Rule step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

Intelligent Management Set Default Trace Rule

Sets the default trace rule for a web server.

Input properties for the Intelligent Management Set Default Trace Rule step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. Yes
Trace Specification String Indicates the trace specification. Use comma seperator between specifications Ex:control.mapper:ERROR No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WebSphere Application Server Install Path String The full path to the installation directory of WebSphere Application Server For example:

List Cluster Nodes

Return the list of nodes the cluster is running on and set it as an output property
in the format ${p:stepName/nodeList}

Input properties for the List Cluster Nodes step
Name Type Description Required
Cluster Name String The name of the WebSphere cluster Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Map Resource References to EJB for Application

Update the resource reference mappings for an enterprise application.

Input properties for the Map Resource References to EJB for Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to map resource references for. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to install. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Resource References String The resource references to update. Specify a list, separated by newline characters,
in the following format: moduleName->bean->uri->resourceReference->resourceType->targetJNDIName.
Get this information for your application by using the following command: wsadmin
print AdminApp.taskInfo(EarFileLocation, MapResRefToEJB)
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Map Users And Groups to Roles for Application

Map users to roles for an enterprise application.

Input properties for the Map Users And Groups to Roles for Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to map users for. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to install. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Role Mappings String The role mappings to update. Specify a list, separated by newline characters, in the
following format: roleName->Allow Access To everyone(yes|no)->Allow Access To authenticated
users(yes|no)->user1|user2->group1|group2. Get this information for your application
by using the following command: wsadmin print AdminApp.taskInfo(EarFileLocation,
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Modify Application ClassLoaders

Modify the class loader settings for an application and associated web modules.

Input properties for the Modify Application ClassLoaders step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application ClassLoader String The class loader mode to use for the overall application. Specify PARENT_FIRST or
Application Edition String The edition of the application to modify. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to update the class loader settings for. No
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
WAR Classloader Policy String The policy that the classloader is to use to load the WAR modules of the application.
Web Module ClassLoader String The class loader mode to use for the web modules in the application. Specify PARENT_FIRST

Remove OSGI Bundle

Remove an OSGI bundle from WebSphere Application Server.

Input properties for the Remove OSGI Bundle step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
Bundle Symbolic Name String The symbolic name of the OSGI bundle to remove. Yes
Bundle Version String The version of the OSGI bundle to remove. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Restart Application

Restart an application on a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Restart Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to restart. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to restart This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Restart Server

Restart a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Restart Server step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Rollout Edition Atomically

Atomically roll out an edition of a WebSphere enterprise application.

Input properties for the Rollout Edition Atomically step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to roll out. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to roll out. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Drainage Interval String Specifies the number of seconds to wait before stopping an application edition instance
during the rollout so that sessions can complete.
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Quiesce Interval String Specifies the number of seconds to wait before cluster members and servers quiesce.
If not set, server and cluster quiesce when active dialogs and sessions complete.
Reset Strategy String Reset strategy to use for rolling out the application. Specify hard or soft. Hard
stops or restarts the application server, while soft stops or restarts the application
instance, while leaving the application server running.
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Rollout Edition In Groups

Roll out an edition of a WebSphere enterprise application in groups.

Input properties for the Rollout Edition In Groups step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to roll out. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to roll out. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Drainage Interval String Specifies the number of seconds to wait before stopping an application edition instance
during the rollout so that sessions can complete.
Group Size String The size of the group for rolling out. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Quiesce Interval String Specifies the number of seconds to wait before cluster members and servers quiesce.
If not set, server and cluster quiesce when active dialogs and sessions complete.
Reset Strategy String Reset strategy to use for rolling out the application. Specify hard or soft. Hard
stops or restarts the application server, while soft stops or restarts the application
instance, while leaving the application server running.
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Set Application Defaults

Generate default IBM WebSphere Bindings for the specified EAR file.

Input properties for the Set Application Defaults step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the ws_ant tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
DB Password Password The password associated with the default data source. No
DB User String The user associated with the default data source. No
Default Connection Factory String The default connection factory to be used for all EJB 2.x CMPs. No
Default Data Source String A default data source JNDI name to be used for all EJB 1.x CMPs. No
EAR File String The path of the ear for which you wish to generate bindings. Yes
EJB JNDI Prefix String A prefix that is prepended to any generated EJB JNDI names. The default is ejb. No
Export File String Path to a file that will be generated containing the bindings information. This file
is in the custom strategy format.
Fail On Error String When true, the build will fail if any exception is thrown. The default is true. No
Force Bindings String When false, any pre-existing bindings will not be altered. When true, new bindings
are completely generated. The default is false.
Output EAR to Generate String The path of the bound EAR. Yes
Resource Authorization String The resource authorization on the connection factory for EJB 2.x CMPs. No
Strategy String Path to a custom strategy file that further affects the bindings. See the properties/dfltbndngs.dtd
of your WebSphere installation for more details.
Virtual Host String The virtual host for all wars in the application. No

Start Application

Start an application on a WebSphere server or cluster. If you are starting an application
at the cell scope, the module list of the installed application is checked to determine
which servers/clusters are started.

Input properties for the Start Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to start. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to start. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Start BLA

Start a business-level application.

Input properties for the Start BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to start. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Edition String The edition of the business-level application to start, if more than one edition exists. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Start Server

Start a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Start Server step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
SOAP Connection Timeout (s) String The timeout for SOAP connections. Default is 180 seconds No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Stop Application

Stop an application on a WebSphere server or cluster. If you are stopping an application
at the cell scope, the module list of the installed application is checked to determine
which servers/clusters are stopped.

Input properties for the Stop Application step
Name Type Description Required
Application Edition String The edition of the application to stop. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to stop. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Stop BLA

Stop a business-level application.

Input properties for the Stop BLA step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended as the last arguments on the command line before
the script declaration.
BLA Name String The name of the business-level application to stop. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Edition String The edition of the business-level application to stop, if more than one edition exists. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Stop Server

Stop a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Stop Server step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Immediate Stop Boolean Call the stopImmediate operation instead of the stop operation. This is supported
only when stopping clusters.
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Synchronize nodes

Synchronize all nodes in a cell.

Input properties for the Synchronize nodes step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Full Synchronize Boolean Select to run a full synchronization. Clear to run a normal synchronization. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String Name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Synchronize All Nodes Boolean Select to synchronize every node. Clear to synchronize only the node specified in
the Node Name property.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Terminate Server or Cluster

Stop a WebSphere server or cluster. For advanced users only. Use this step only after
a Stop Server or Stop Cluster step has failed to stop the server or cluster. Sets
the output property only if any of the node agents are inactive ${p:stepName/checkNodeAgent}

Input properties for the Terminate Server or Cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Uninstall Application

Uninstall an application from a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Uninstall Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to uninstall. This is supported only for WebSphere
Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to uninstall. This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Update Application

Update an application on a WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Update Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to update. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to update.This name is used for a WebSphere reference. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Content Path String The location of the content to use to update the application. Yes
Content Type Enumeration The content type of the update. Values are app, file, modulefile, and partialapp. Yes
Content URI String If content type is file, specify the location of the file to update, relative to the EAR root. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Operation Enumeration The operation to complete during the update. You must select Update to complete an application update or a partial application update. Valid values are update, add, delete, and addupdate. Yes
Options String String The string of options to concatenate to the update command. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Update Application On Cluster

Call the AdminTask.updateAppOnCluster command to start a rolling update of an application.

Input properties for the Update Application On Cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to update. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to update. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Timeout String The timeout in seconds. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Update Context Root For Web Modules

Update the context root for the specified web module(s) of the installed application.

Input properties for the Update Context Root For Web Modules step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to update context roots for. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the installed application. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Context Root For Web Module String The web modules and context roots to update. Specify a list, separated by newline characters, in the following format: moduleName->uri->contextRoot. For example: PlantsByWebSphere Web Application->PlantsByWebSphere.war,WEB-INF/web.xml->/PlantsByWebSphere. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Update J2EEResourceProperty on Object DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Create or Update J2EEResourceProperty on a config object. This step is
deprecated. Use the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with
configurations in WebSphere.

Input properties for the Update J2EEResourceProperty on Object DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Object Containment Path String The containment path to the object on which to update attribute. i.e. /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/.
Note, it must end with a /
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Property Name String The property name to update the value of. Yes
Type String The type of the property. i.e. java.lang.String. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Value String The value to set the property to. Yes

Update Simple Attribute on Object DEPRECATED

DEPRECATED. Update simple attribute on a config object. This step is deprecated. Use
the WebSphere Application Server Configure plugin to work with configurations in

Input properties for the Update Simple Attribute on Object DEPRECATED step
Name Type Description Required
Attribute Name String The attribute name to update the value of. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Object Containment Path String The containment path to the object on which to update attribute. For example: /Cell:cellName/ServerCluster:clusterName/. Note, it must end with a /. Yes
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Value String The value to set the attribute to. Yes

Update Virtual Host For Web Modules

Update the virtual host for the specified web module(s) of the installed application.

Input properties for the Update Virtual Host For Web Modules step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to update context roots for. This is supported only
for WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the installed application. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Virtual Host For Web Module String The web modules and virtual hosts to update. Specify a list, separated by newline
characters, in the following format: moduleName->uri->virtualHost. For example: PlantsByWebSphere
Web Application->PlantsByWebSphere.war,WEB-INF/web.xml->default_host

Update soap.client.props File

Update the properties in WebSpheres soap.client.props file.

Input properties for the Update soap.client.props File step
Name Type Description Required
Additional Properties to Set String New line separated list of additional properties to set, where the variable name and
value are delimited by an equals character. For example: com.ibm.SOAP.authenticationTarget=BasicAuth.
Variables will be replaced, not added, and unencrypted.
Authentication Target Enumeration The method of authorization. BasicAuth and KRB5 are the only supported selections on a pure JMX SOAP Connector Client. Use the additional arguments property if you need to add a different property. Values are ignore, BasicAuth, and KRB5. No
Encode Password Boolean Select to encode the password in the soap.client.props file. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. Set to update the com.ibm.SOAP.loginPassword
Profile Path String The directory location of the WebSphere profile to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 Yes
Security Enabled Enumeration Select to enable authentication through the variables configured in the soap.client.props file. Values are ignore, false, and true. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. Set to update the com.ibm.SOAP.loginUserid

Validate Configuration Properties

Validate the WebSphere configuration properties in the specified properties file.

Input properties for the Validate Configuration Properties step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Properties File Name String The name of the properties file to validate. Yes
Report File Name String The name of a report file that contains the output for the applyConfigProperties command. No
Report Filter Mechanism String The type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information.
Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display
error and change information.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Variables Map String The values of the variables to use with the properties file. No
Variables Map File Name String The name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the
system uses from the properties file.
Zip File Name String The name of the compressed file that contains the policy sets that you want applied
to the cell.

Validate Edition Using Dynamic Cluster

Validate an edition using a dynamic cluster.

Input properties for the Validate Edition Using Dynamic Cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to validate. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to validate. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Maximum Size String The maximum size of the dynamic cluster. Yes
Minimum Size String The minimum size of the dynamic cluster. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Validate Edition Using Static Cluster

Validate an edition using a static cluster.

Input properties for the Validate Edition Using Static Cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to validate. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to validate. Yes
Batch Script Boolean Select to use this command as part of a batch script. When selected, this command
is added to a batch script that is saved and can be run later.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Cluster Size String The size of the static cluster. Yes
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Script File String The name of the script file to create or append to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Wait for Application

Wait for an application to be ready on the WebSphere server or cluster.

Input properties for the Wait for Application step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Application Edition String The edition of the application to wait for. This is supported only for WebSphere Virtual
Enterprise and WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later.
Application Name String The name of the application to wait for. Yes
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Inverval(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait between status checks. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Timeout(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait for the application to be in the ready state before
the step fails.
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Wait for server or cluster

Wait for a server or cluster to start.

Input properties for the Wait for server or cluster step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Inverval(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait between status checks. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Timeout(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait for the server or cluster to start before the step fails. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

Wait for server or cluster to stop

Wait for a server or cluster to stop.

Input properties for the Wait for server or cluster to stop step
Name Type Description Required
Additional CommandLine Arguments String A list, separated by newline characters, of additional arguments to pass to the wsadmin
tool. These arguments are appended at the end of the command line.
Cell Name String The name of the cell to administer. No
Cluster Name String The name of the cluster to administer. No
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Delete Script File On Failure Boolean Select to delete the temporary script file if the step fails. No
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Inverval(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait between status checks. Yes
Node Name String The name of the node to administer. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Server Name String The name of the server to administer. No
Timeout(Seconds) String The time, in seconds, to wait for the server or cluster to stop before the step fails. Yes
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No

WebSphere Discovery

This step discovers if Websphere is on an agent by checking common installation paths.
If WebSphere is installed, the step assigns the WebSphereCell role to the resource
and sets the command path property.

Input properties for the WebSphere Discovery step
Name Type Description Required
Path Override String Override the path to the wsadmin tool. No
Profile Path Agent String Specify an additional path to search for the wsadmin tool for creating profile resources.
By default, the path from the property websphere.profilePath defined on the agent
is searched.
Profile Path Resource String Specify an additional path to search for the wsadmin tool for creating profile resources.
By default, the path from the property websphere.profilePath defined on the resource
is searched.
Resource String The resource to configure. No

WebSphere Topology Discovery

This step discovers all the nodes, servers, and clusters in a cell and creates resources for each under a root resource, applies the correct roles, and sets the role properties. This step can be called directly or from an Update from Live Configuration wrapper step.

Input properties for the WebSphere Topology Discovery step
Name Type Description Required
Command Path String The full path to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ No
Connection Type Enumeration The type of connection to use with the wsadmin tool. Values are SOAP, RMI, and NONE. Yes
Host String The host name of the server to connect to. No
Password Password The password for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
Port String The port to connect to. No
Profile Path String The directory location of the profile for Rational Application Framework to use. For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/DefaultDmgr01 No
Resource String The resource to configure. No
User Name String The user name for connecting to the WebSphere node. No
wsadmin Max Heap String The javaoption passed to the wsadmin command. No

Settings and Roles

The plugin adds the following roles automatically to resources. You cannot add these roles manually.


Role for resources that represent a Portal Server.

Properties for the PortalServer role
Name Type Description Property
Portal administrator password Password The Portal Server administrator password to use. ${p?:resource/portal.admin.password}
Portal administrator user name String The Portal Server administrator user to use. ${p?:resource/portal.admin.user}
Portal configuration Port String The Portal Server transport port number used to access the host. ${p?:resource/portal.config.port}
Portal installation directory String The path to the directory where the Portal Server is installed. ${p?:resource/portal.home}
Portal profile directory String The path to the directory where the Portal Server profile resides. ${p?:resource/portal.profile.home}
Server Host String The host where Portal Server resides. ${p?:resource/portal.host}
Server Name String The name of the WebSphere Application Server that this resource represents. ${p?:resource/websphere.server}
Websphere administrator password Password The Websphere administrator password to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.password}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Cell

Properties for the WebSphereCell role
Name Type Description Property
Bi Di Text Direction String The bidi text direction for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: LTR, RTL, and CONTEXTUAL. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.biditextdirection}
Cell Discovery Protocol String The cell discovery protocol for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP, and MULTICAST. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.celldiscoveryprotocol}
Cell Registered Boolean The cell registered for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.cellregistered}
Cell Type String The cell type for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: DISTRIBUTED, STANDALONE. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.celltype}
Discovery Address Endpoint Name String The discovery address endpoint name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.discoveryaddressendpointname}
Enable Bi Di Boolean Enable bidi for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.enablebidi}
Multicast Discovery Address Endpoint Name String The multicast discovery address endpoint name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.multicastdiscoveryaddressendpointname}
Name String The name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.shortname}
WSAdmin Command Path String The path to the directory where the wsadmin tool resides. ${p?:resource/websphere.commandPath}
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that stores the configuration data for the cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.configurationfile}
WebSphere Configuration Types String A list, separated by commas or newline characters, of the configuration types to be available for Configuration Discovery and Apply steps. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.configurationtypes}
WebSphere Connection Type String The connection type to use with the wsadmin tool. Acceptable values are: SOAP, RMI, and NONE ${p?:resource/websphere.connType}
WebSphere Host String The host to connect to with the wsadmin tool. ${p?:resource/websphere.host}
WebSphere Password Password The WebSphere password to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.password}
WebSphere Port String The port to connect to with the wsadmin tool. ${p?:resource/websphere.port}
WebSphere Profile Path String The path to the directory where the profile for the cell resides. ${p?:resource/websphere.profilePath}
WebSphere User String The WebSphere user to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.user}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere server cluster.

Properties for the WebSphereCluster role
Name Type Description Property
Cluster Address String The cluster address for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.clusteraddress}
Description String The description for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.description}
Enable Cluster Addressing Boolean The Enable Cluster Addressing property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.enableclusteraddressing}
Enable H A Boolean The Enable H A property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.enableha}
Jsf Provider String The JSF provider for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.jsfprovider}
Name String The name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.cluster}
Node Group Name String The node group name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.nodegroupname}
Prefer Local Boolean The Prefer Local property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.preferlocal}
Prefetch D W L M Table Boolean The Prefetch D W L M Table property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.prefetchdwlmtable}
Server I O Timeout Retry String The Server I/O Timeout Retry property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.serveriotimeoutretry}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere server cluster. Acceptable values are: PROXY_SERVER,
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere dynamic cluster.

Properties for the WebSphereDynamicCluster role
Name Type Description Property
Isolation Group String The isolation group for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.isolationgroup}
Max Instances String The Max Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.maxinstances}
Max Nodes String The Max Nodes property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.maxnodes}
Membership Policy String The membership policy for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.membershippolicy}
Min Instances String The Min Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.mininstances}
Min Nodes String The Min Nodes property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.minnodes}
Name String The name for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.name}
Num Vertical Instances String The Num Vertical Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.numverticalinstances}
Operational Mode String The operational mode for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.operationalmode}
Server Inactivity Time String The Server Inactivity Time property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.serverinactivitytime}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.servertype}
Strict Isolation Enabled String The Strict Isolation Enabled property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.strictisolationenabled}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere node

Properties for the WebSphereNode role
Name Type Description Property
Discovery Protocol String The discovery protocol for this WebSphere node. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP, MULTICAST. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.discoveryprotocol}
Host Name String The host name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.hostname}
Max File Permission For Apps String The maximum file permissions for applications for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.maxfilepermissionforapps}
Name String The name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node}
Profile Name String The profile name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.profilename}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere node group.

Properties for the WebSphereNodeGroup role
Name Type Description Property
Description String The description for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/websphere.nodegroup.description}
Name String The name for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/websphere.nodegroup.name}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/websphere.nodegroup.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere server

Properties for the WebSphereServer role
Name Type Description Property
Adjust Port String The adjust port for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.adjustport}
Change Group After Startup String The Change Group After Startup property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.changegroupafterstartup}
Change User After Startup String The Change User After Startup property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.changeuserafterstartup}
Cluster Name String The cluster name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.clustername}
Development Mode Boolean The development mode for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.developmentmode}
EndPoint Port Mappings String A list, separated by newline characters, of endpoint name to base port mappings for
each node.
Model Id String The model ID for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.modelid}
Name String The name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server}
Node List String A comma-separated list of node names to add to the cluster. The nodes must already
Parallel Start Enabled Boolean The Parallel Start Enabled property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.parallelstartenabled}
Provision Components Boolean The Provision Components property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.provisioncomponents}
Server Count String The number of servers to create per node within the cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servercount}
Server Name Formats String A list of server name formats, separated by newline characters. Use the following form: nodename->pattern. Patterns can contain %c, %n and %i where %c represents the clustername, %n represents the nodename, and %i is the index. The values for the pattern can be specified in any order. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servernameformats}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servertype}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.shortname}


General Troubleshooting

If a step in this plugin fails, the first check is to verify that it is possible to run wsadmin on the command line, with the same user that runs the step and with the same connection parameters. You should run the wsadmin command on the same system where the Launch agent is running.

  • Determine which user is running the step
    • If the step is running with impersonation, you can see the user and group at the top of the step output.
    • If the step is not running with impersonation, then the user is the one running the agent process. You can find the user by running the Linux/Unix command: ps -ef | grep java or looking at the Task Manager in Windows.
  • Login as the user determined in item 1
  • Determine what is the path to wsadmin used by the step. This can be seen looking at the property:
    commandPath=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin contained in the step output.
  • Determine what are the connection parameters passed to wsadmin. This can be seen by looking at the properties:
  • Create a sample jython script called ListApplications.jython with this text: print AdminApp.list()
  • Specify the arguments for wsadmin based on the connection parameters listed above:
    commandPath\wsadmin.bat -lang jython -conntype [connType] -host [host] -port [port] -user [user] -password [password] -f ListApplications.jython
    commandPath/wsadmin -lang jython -conntype [connType] -host [host] -port [port] -user [user] -password [password] -f ListApplications.jython

    If the connection fails with connType of SOAP, try using a connType of RMI.

    If this command fails, contact IBM Support and request WebSphere Application Support to help troubleshooting the wsadmin scripting problem. Consider the following technote as a starting point:

    If this command succeeds, but the step fails, contact IBM support or HCL  support to help troubleshooting the step. In this case, provide:

    • output of the script executed on the command line
    • output of clicking on Download All on the process execution page in HCL launch. This action produces a zip file that contains the output of each step in the process.

Start Server step

The Start Server step works only with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. The Start Server step does not work on WebSphere Application Server Base.

WebSphere Topology Discovery step

You must use the Update from Live Configuration wrapper step to call this step. Do not add this step directly to processes. Click Configuration Discovery > Update from Live Configuration in the step palette, and then drag the step to the process diagram. In the Plugin Step list, select WebSphere Topology Discovery. If you are creating a generic process, specify${p:resource.path} for the Resource field. When the process runs, the wrapper step populates the resource tree with the data that is discovered by the WebSphere Topology Discovery step.

Note: If you call this step from a generic process, the resource that you specify must be a cell resource. If you call this step from a component process, the component must be under the cell resource in the resource tree.

Additional CommandLine Arguments field

The Additional CommandLine Arguments field for process steps that install or update applications is a text box. Enter each argument on a separate line of the text box. For example, to send the arguments -javaoption -Xms256m -javaoption -Xmx512m, specify the following text for the Additional CommandLine Arguments field:


File Path field

The File Path field for the Export Application step must be an absolute path. On Microsoft Windows, specify the path by using forward slashes or double backward slashes. For example: C:/myapps/exported.ear or C:\\myapps\\exported.ear.

Autodiscovery fails and no logs are available

If discovery fails and no logs are available, complete this troubleshooting procedure to resolve the issue:

  • If the wsadmin file is in a different location than one of the default locations, specify an agent property named wsadmin.path on the agent. Then, specify the location of the wsadmin file as the value of this property: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/wsadmin.sh.
  • Set the websphere.profilePath property on the top-level group in your resource tree in the following form: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/,/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/AppSrv01/bin/wsadmin.sh.
  • After you set the wsadmin.path property on the agent and the websphere.profilePath property on the top-level group in your resource tree (that is, the folder that is to be the parent of the discovered cell), add your agent as a child of the top-level group in your resource tree. The action of adding the agent to the top-level group starts the autodiscovery to run. If you add the properties above both the agent and the top-level group after mapping the agent as a child of the top-level group, then discovery does not run, and a new cell folder under your agent is not created. Furthermore, a log for the discovery process is not produced. The cell folder and the log are not produced, because discovery does not run. You must add the properties before you map the agent into the top-level group in the resource tree. If you map the agent into your resource tree and then add the described properties, you must remove the agent from your resource tree, and then map it to the resource tree again (the same place is fine) to start the autodiscovery process.

This video also shows provides information about the autodiscovery process.


Uploaded: 07-Dec-2023 09:37

Release Notes

  • Updated plug-in to rectify shared-library creation error.


Uploaded: 22-Jun-2023 06:33

Release Notes

  • Updated plug-in to make it compatible with version or above.


Uploaded: 23-Mar-2023 07:49

Release Notes

  • Updated log4j and jettison dependency.


Uploaded: 31-Mar-2022 08:06

Release Notes

  • Minor change made in Plugin.xml to make wsadmin-Max-Heap field available in the resource.


Uploaded: 10-Mar-2021 14:08

Release Notes

  • Correct default-value for the operating system on the Create Unmanaged Node step to be Linux.

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