Supported Environment

Supported Environment
Supports analysis of application abends happening in z/OS, TSO, Language Environment (LE), CICS, IMS, Db2, MQ Series, UNIX System Services.
Supported Languages

Supported Languages
Provides source level analysis of application abends written in Enterprise COBOL, Enterprise PL/I, Assembler, C/C++ and Java. ZAI also supports analysis of applications optimized by IBM Automatic Binary Optimizer (ABO).
Synopsis of Key Information

Synopsis of Key Information
What happened and why? What program? What line of source code? What source variables were involved?
Designed to Work in Production Systems

Designed to Work in Production Systems
Invoked via invocation exits of z/OS, Language Environment and CICS environments at the time of application abend to capture just enough information to assist efficient problem diagnosis process. This means minimal overhead to your production systems.
Must Have

Must Have
“Must have” tool for COBOL compiler upgrade projects: ZAI adds no overhead to your production systems when there are no abends and only a minimal overhead during abend analysis. As IBM Enterprise COBOL V4.2 compiler has now passed its End of Support date, many enterprises are uplifting to a later supported version of the COBOL compiler. ZAI speeds up the problem diagnosis process for experienced as well as new developers alike.