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Questions? Contact sales.appscan@hcl.com

Why HCL AppScan?

HCL AppScan provides the most comprehensive application security testing solution on the market and contains innovation to help teams like yours deliver fast, accurate and agile testing.

Save money

Integrating security testing into the early stages of the software development lifecycle can produce a 7x cost reduction compared to the cost of finding those same issues in production.

Consolidate Vendors

HCL AppScan provides DAST, Source Code Scanning, Open Source Testing and IAST - all part of our HCL AppScan V10 release. Consolidating vendors can lower costs, while also providing a consistent user experience so that resourced-challenged teams don't have to learn different tools.

Capitalize on Artificial Intelligence

HCL AppScan is the first vendor on the market that applied machine learning to our SAST scans. Using this innovation has resulted in up to a 99% reduction in false positives, which could save the security and development teams thousands of hours per year.

Featured Resources

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Fast, Accurate, Agile Application Security Testing

Adopt a scalable security testing strategy to pinpoint and remediate application vulnerabilities in every phase of the development lifecycle, to minimize exposure to attack. HCL AppScan delivers best-in-class security testing tools to ensure your business, and your customers, are not vulnerable to attack.

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