HCL DevOps Model RealTime has released new updates: HCL DevOps Model RealTime 11.3 and 12.0. While the latter is still an experimental release, we recommend that you uplift to this new 11.3 version for production environments.
Let's look at some of the new features that are available in both these releases.
Nested State Machines in the Inheritance Explorer
The Inheritance Explorer can now show states and transitions from nested state machines. When the option to only show redefinitions is set, this makes it easy to see which parts of a base capsule state machine that have been redefined in a derived capsule.
More Merge-Friendly TC Files
The TC editor now automatically adds a trailing comma for the last element in each JavaScript array. Adding another element in the array, will therefore only modify one line. This reduces the risk for getting conflicts when merging TC files.
Support for long long
The TargetRTS and Model Compiler now supports the primitive types long long and unsigned long long. Type descriptors for these types are available, as for other primitive types. Note that this change requires usage of a C++ compiler that supports these primitive types when building the TargetRTS.
Initial Support for MacOS
A new target configuration for MacOS (Intel x86 with the Clang 14 compiler) is now provided. Prebuilt versions of the TargetRTS and Connexis libraries for this platform are available. Note that this is only the first step on the path to full MacOS support, and even if you can also run the HCL DevOps Model RealTime UI on MacOS, this is not yet fully supported.
Learn more about the new features by watching the videos in our Sprint Demo YouTube Playlist.
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