Цифровая трансформация
- HCL Commerce Cloud Корпоративная электронная коммерция для B2C и B2B
- HCL Connections Корпоративная платформа для совместной работы
- HCL Customer Data Platform Гибкая и настраиваемая платформа данных клиентов
- HCL Discover Поведенческие данные о пути клиента
- HCL Domino Платформа быстрой разработки приложений
- HCL DX DXP для важных моментов
- HCL Marketing Cloud Расширение возможностей точного маркетинга с помощью ИИ
- HCL Sametime Защищенные корпоративные видеовстречи и чаты
- HCL Unica Платформа автоматизации корпоративного маркетинга
- HCL Volt MX Многофункциональный разработчик приложений с низким кодом
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Данные и аналитика
- HCL Actian Расширение возможностей предприятия, основанного на данных
- HCL Actian Data Platform Пакет услуг передачи данных; гибкое развертывание
- HCL DataConnect Платформа интеграции с низким кодом
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database Легендарная транзакционная СУБД
- HCL OneDB Создавайте корпоративные приложения на основе баз данных
- HCL Informix Высокопроизводительная многомодельная база данных
- HCL Nippon Решение для кадровой аналитики
- HCL Vector Analytics Database Высокопроизводительная база данных векторизованной столбчатой аналитики
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management Встраиваемое управление периферийными данными
Other Featured Products
- ИИ и автоматизация
Безопасность предприятия
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- Облако

HCL Cloud Native
HCL Software is Cloud Native
Move to a cloud native architecture NOW and manage your HCL Software products on a cloud of your choice. Our software can be installed on any Kubernetes environment – public, private, or hybrid – in minutes.
Why a Cloud Native Strategy Matters
Cloud native technologies – containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs – empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds, enabling loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably.
Learn more about HCL’s approach to cloud native from our Chief Platform Architect.

Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% today.
Advancing Cloud Native Technologies – Together
The HCL Software cloud native strategy combines a technical platform, rooted in the most widely adopted cloud native technologies, with the choice and flexibility that allow each of our customers to adopt cloud native in a way that best meets their own specific business objectives, while allowing the freedom to deploy anywhere, power to innovate, and flexibility to scale.

HCL Software At Your Fingertips
Easy access to 50 product components, 2,000+ REST API endpoints, and 40+ cloud-native demos

One-Click Deployment
Deploy your enterprise software in minutes with the innovative SoFy platform

Multi-Cloud, Multi-Choice
Migrate across cloud platforms, implement a multi-cloud strategy, and run on any cloud
Go Cloud Native Now with HCLSoftware: A free virtual workshop

Go Cloud Native Now with HCLSoftware: A free virtual workshop
Microservices, containers and orchestration technologies are disrupting the IT industry at a frantic pace. The most innovative enterprises are leveraging Docker and Kubernetes to accelerate application development and solve key IT challenges.

We make cloud native easy. Let's get started with your cloud native transformation today.