What is Actian X?

What is Actian X?
Actian X is a combination of industry-leading Ingres Transactional Database and Vector Analytics Database, world class integration and a robust monitoring tool. Actian X runs business critical systems for Fortune 100 companies and government agencies and has industry-leading customer satisfaction ratings.
Actian X Technical Webinar Series – Learn how you can run faster queries for both operational and analytic workloads using the same SQL environment you already know. Get the details from the people who built it. Click below to learn more.
Enterprise OLTP, Operational Analytics, Integration and Monitoring
Actian X adds record-breaking analytics, integration and monitoring to a rock solid OLTP platform.
Ingres Transactional Database Features
Operational Analytics
Activate Your Data. Run OLAP/BI/analytic queries against Actian X data with the world’s fastest analytic engine. Add analytics features to existing applications using the X100 table and Vector engine.

Incremental Analytics Made Easy
Adding record breaking analytics to Ingres applications is simple – create a table and copy the data you need. Same access methods, same queries – just tremendously faster results.

Actian X Data You Need – Where You Need It
Extend the value of Actian X applications by connecting to data and applications inside and outside of your enterprise. DataConnect for Actian X is an end-to-end solution for designing, deploying and managing Actian X application integration.

Monitor Database System Health
Use pre-configured plug-ins to keep track of the health of the Actian X and Ingres databases and host systems. Keep business critical application systems in top shape and get better planning for scheduled maintenance.

Geospatial Features
Add geometry and geography related features to Actian X and Ingres applications. ESRI ArcGIS plug-in means ArcGIS 10.x can view and manipulate Actian x geospatial data. Industry standard 2D, 3-D and 4-D datatypes plus linear reference.

Key OLTP Features
Per-query parallelism lets developers easily test and tune query parallelization for application performance. Store the data in a columnar format for faster access. .NET data provider prefetch blocks tunes the number of rows returned per I/O block.

World Class Global Support
24×7 follow the sun multi-language, enterprise support. Experienced, stable team with development and support under one roof.

Ingres Transactional Database Benefits
Operational Analytics
Actian X combines a rock-solid OLTP database with a record-breaking analytics engine.
Enterprise Ready
Low TCO, ultra-stable enterprise RDBMS with 24×7 global support and industry leading customer satisfaction rating.
Integration Included
Connect Actian X and Ingres database applications to the rest of the enterprise with an end-to-end solution for designing, deploying and managing integration.
What Our Customers Are Saying

The reasons why we originally chose the Ingres database and continue to rely on it are numerous. It offers good functionality, high levels of reliability and stability, a cost-effective licensing model, and is backed up with excellent support. When we compare the Ingres database to other database technologies on the market, it continues to be one of the best choices to power Lido/FlightPlanning.
Actian X Connectivity

Actian X Connectivity
Multi-database support without host specific syntax or datatypes. Enterprise Access allows a single application to run against multiple databases without needing to know or use host specific syntax or datatypes. The Enterprise Access server implements an interface similar in appearance and behavior to each supported DBMS platforms. Enterprise Access is a connectivity option that allows Actian X applications to run against non-Ingres databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.
Database support: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 UDB OS support: Windows, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Linux