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IBM Case Manager simplifies the job of designing and building a case management system and provides a graphical user interface for case workers to easily manage cases. IBM Case Manager is deployed in an application server, and uses FileNet P8 to access and store content and solution assets. The IBM Case Manager plug-in for HCL Launch utilizes the configmgr_cl command-line interface to automate the tasks normally completed via the configmgr UI. All of the steps were tested with IBM Case Manager version 5.3.1. In order for all commands to function properly, version 5.2.1 or later is required.

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DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
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HCL Launch version 6.0.0 or later
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The FileNet IBM Case Manager automation plugin includes steps to complete the following tasks:

  • Importing and exporting solutions from Case Manager.
  • Importing and exporting security configurations from Case Manager.
  • Applying security configurations in Case Manager.
  • Deploying solutions based on the deploysolution.xml on a production profile.

This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


This plugin requires IBM Case Manager 5.2.1 or later.

This plugin requires HCL Launch version 6.0.0 or later.

This plugin is supported to run on all operating systems that are supported by the HCL Launch agent.


See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.

The HCL Launch agent running the Case Manager plugin steps must be installed on the same server as the Case Manager application. See Installing agents in HCL Launch.



The Filenet IBM Case Manager plugin for HCL Launch utilizes the Case Manager command-line interface provided here.

Step palette

To add the FileNet IBM Case Manager plugin steps to processes, click FileNet > Case Manager in the step palette of the process editor.

Available Commands

Below shows the command that runs based on each step. Notice, the -silent and -force flags are always present, because the plugin must be able to assume the default values for command-line prompts if they appear. Brackets ([]) indicate that the parameter is optional. For issues with the outcome of plugin steps, consider running the command manually on the target Case Manager machine, and determining the proper input.

Deploy Solution

The deploy solution task runs the execute command against the Deploy Solution task of a production environment. Prior to running to the step, it is important that the deploysolution.xml located at /opt/IBM/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/${profileName}/deploysolution.xml is configured with the proper target environment and solution to deploy. This can be generated via the UI, or on the command line with generateConfig command.

configmgr_cl execute -task deploysolution -profile ${p:profileName} -force -silent

Export Solution

configmgr_cl exportSolution -profile ${p:profileName} -solutionName ${p:solutionName} [-solutionPackage ${p:solutionPackage}] -force -silent

Export Security Manifest

For exporting security configurations, specify each manifestName on a new line and the plugin will automatically run the command to include each manifest separately.

configmgr_cl exportSolutionSecurityManifest -profile ${p:profileName} -manifestNames ${p:manifestNames} [-manifestPackage ${p:manifestPackage}] -solutionName ${p:solutionName} -force -silent

Import Solution

configmgr_cl importSolution -profile ${p:profileName} -solutionPackage ${p:solutionPackage} [-projectAreaName ${p:projectAreaName] [-serviceDataMap ${p:serviceDataMap}] [-objectStoreDataMap ${p:objectStoreDataMap}] -force -silent

Import Security Manifest

configmgr_cl importSolutionSecurityManifest -profile ${p:profileName} -manifestPackage ${p:manifestPackage} -force -silent

Apply Security Manifest

configmgr_cl applySolutionSecurityManifest -profile ${p:profileName} [-targetEnvName ${p:targetEnvName}] -solutionName ${p:solutionName} -manifestName ${p:manifestName} -force -silent

Using Additional Commands

If needed command-line capabilities exist that are not available in the plugin steps, consider requesting the functionality, or running in an HCL Launch Shell step. The Shell Step syntax looks similar to the command-line examples.


The following process steps are available in the FileNet IBM Case Manager plugin.

Deploy Solution

Runs a Deploy Solution task through the execute command for a specified production profile. The location of the configuration file where the target and solution are set is ${installPath}/configure/profiles/${profile}/deploysolution.xml.

Input properties for the Deploy Solution step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Production Profile String Specifies the production profile to use (ex. prod1). This profile must contain a defined Deploy Solution task, and the values to deploy must be set in the deploysolution.xml file. Yes

Export Solution

Exports a case management solution from the development environment.

Input properties for the Export Solution step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Profile String Specifies the profile to use (ex. develop1). Yes
Solution Name String Specifies the solution to export. Yes
Solution Package String Specifies the full path and file name for the exported solution package ZIP file. Defaults to solutionName_profile.zip No

Import Solution

Imports a solution package into another environment.

Input properties for the CF Discovery step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Profile String Specifies the profile to use (ex. develop1). Yes
Solution Package String Specifies the full or relative path and file name of the solution package ZIP file that contains the solution to import. (ex. C:\Solution Packages\Credit Dispute Solution.zip Yes
Project Area Name String Specifies the name of the project area for the solution. No
Service Data Map String Specifies the full path and file name for the service data map XML file that was generated by using the generateServiceDataMap command or by using FileNet Deployment Manager. No
Object Store Data Map String Specifies the full path and file name for the object store data map XML file that was generated by using the generateObjectStoreDataMap command or by using FileNet Deployment Manager. No

Export Security Manifest

The exportSolutionSecurityManifest command exports a case management security configuration from the development environment.

Input properties for the Export Security Manifest step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Profile String Specifies the profile to use. Can be specified as a name, full path to profile, or full path to input file. (ex. develop1). Yes
Manifest Names String Specifies the name of the security manifest. To enter multiple, specify each manifest name on a new line. Yes
Manifest Package String Specifies the exported security package ZIP file. You can specify the full path and file name for the exported security package ZIP file. Defaults to SolutionName_securityManifest.zip. Yes
Solution Name String Specifies the name of the solution that is associated with the security configuration. Yes

Import Security Manifest

The importSolutionSecurityManifest command imports a security configuration package into another environment.

Input properties for the Import Security Manifest step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Profile String Specifies the profile to use. Can be specified as a name, full path to profile, or full path to input file. (ex. develop1). Yes
Manifest Package String Specifies the full path and file name of the security configuration package ZIP file. Yes

Apply Security Manifest

The applySolutionSecurityManifest command applies a solution security configuration that you have previously created. The solution must be deployed before you apply the security configuration. You must specify a target environment if the solution is in a production environment.

Input properties for the Apply Security Manifest step
Name Type Description Required
Install Path String The location where IBM Case Manager is installed. For Linux, default is /opt/IBM/CaseManagement. For Windows, default is C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement. Yes
Profile String Specifies the profile to use. Can be specified as a name, full path to profile, or full path to input file. For example: develop1. Yes
Target Environment String Specifies the name of the target environment. This argument is required only on production environments. No
Solution Name Boolean Specifies the name of the solution that is associated with the security configuration. Yes
Manifest Name String Specifies the name of the security manifest. Yes


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Uploaded: 17-Mar-2021 13:37

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