Take Advantage of Everything HCL Domino Has to Offer With CCB Licensing

Unlimited Domino Servers Deployments
Build high availability, DR, and test servers ⎼ deploy in the cloud or on prem, and scale to fit your needs.

Enable Business Users to Automate Business Processes
Expand your development resources with Domino Leap no code ⎼ try 5 apps for free. Collaboration tools like Domino Leap aid in project management and teamwork, breaking down barriers and promoting effective collaboration.

Simplify Admin Tasks for New Software Updates
Reduce security risks and improve admin efficiency through “Auto Notify” and "Auto Download” options.

Share Domino Data with Other Applications
Enable Read/Write access to your Domino data via open standard APIs for app dev, integration, and reporting.

Never Upgrade HCL Notes Clients Again
Reduce the complexity of managing and supporting the desktop with Nomad Web. The integration of instant messaging with other features like email and calendars enhances the collaborative capabilities of HCL Notes and HCL Domino.

Strengthen Your Mail Security
Reduce email threats by incorporating standardized anti-virus, anti-spoofing, and in-transit mail security.

Enable Advanced Group and Free-time Booking
Leverage OnTime group Calendar for your employees and avoid over-booked meetings. (Freemium version).

Access Domino Apps from a Mobile Device
Leverage key native capabilities like biometrics, GPS, camera, and storage right on your device.

No Cost External User Access
External anonymous access included with CCB. Utilize additional CCX licensing to support external authenticated users.
HCLSoftware continues to invest in and evolve Domino capability to deliver the most robust, secure , and feature-rich app dev platform anywhere ⏤ built to run forever.
Features Added
Bug Fixes
Security Fixes
Note: Domino software enhancements since release of Domino v10
Why do 40% of Fortune 500 companies rely on HCL Domino?
ROI with payback less than 6 months
App dev efficiency improvement
Cost to replace HCL Domino
Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out
HCL Domino & Notes v9/v10 End of Support (EOS) June 1, 2024
Why are you exposed running outdated software?
- Outdated software without security patches or updates leaves systems, networks, and data security at risk.
- Obsolete software can also lead to insurance, compliance, and privacy issues with regulatory agencies.
- EU customers face GDPR compliancy and data protection risks that could result in fines and reputational damage.
Need Help with Your Domino Upgrade?

Need Help with Your Domino Upgrade?
Try Our Domino Upgrade Factory
- Dedicated support with faster implementation.
- Reduced upgrade costs and complexity.
- Decrease your risk and potential downtime.
Get Help Deploying Nomad Web
- Modernize Domino and deploy Nomad to extend the reach of your apps to the web and mobile devices.
- HCL will help you plan, implement, and deploy Nomad in your production environment.
Maximize your Domino Investment - Upgrade Today