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Starting with version 2.0, ZIETrans can be installed using one of the following procedures:

  1. Packaged Distribution: Includes eclipse with ZIETrans and all dependent tools installed.
  2. Plugin Repository: If users have already installed Eclipse (Version name: Oxygen) they can use ZIETrans plugin repository to install the required ZIETrans toolkit. The dependent plugins such as WDT, JBoss, EMF, Window Builder must be installed along with ZIETrans.

“For both Packaged Distribution/Plugin Repository, enabling the Japanese language includes adding –Duser.language=ja belowvmargs”

Note: However, when the OS default language is Japanese Language, the parameter -vmargs is not required to be set in .ini file.

Note: For Packaged Distribution, enable Japanese Language in ZIETrans.ini file as shown below.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated Figure 1: Add Japanese Language in ZIETrans.ini

Steps to install Japanese Language support with Plugin repository:

  1. Visit the URL:
  2. Download the ‘Babel Language Pack Update Site for Oxygen’ – R0.16.0
  3. In eclipse, Help -> Install new Software
  4. Click on Add and provide the ‘Name’ for the repository and click OK.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

Figure 2: Add Japanese Language Repository

5. Filter for Japanese text in the search box:

Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated

Figure 3: Select Japanese Language Feature

6. Click on Finish to install the Babel Japanese Support Update site on the eclipse.

7. After installation, restart eclipse for the changes to apply.

8. The product gets launched in Japanese language.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated Figure 4: Launch in Japanese Language

Note: For Plugin Repository, enable Japanese Language in eclipse.ini file

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

Figure 5: Add Japanese Language support in eclipse.ini

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