What Our Customers Are Saying

"It’s the Best Commerce Tool Available in the Market"
It's currently moved on GCP, and its version 9+ has so many better things that other frameworks do not have. Its solving many day to day problems as it has pre-built store and it’s easy to showcase to customers.

"Good Choice for Rapid Ecommerce Adoption"
It's very easy to customize using Merchant center. It has well defined APIs for integration with third-party systems. It has excellent documentation. We created web presence for our clients in approximately six months.

"Revamped HCL Commerce Platform for ALL"
Re-architected HCL Commerce is the best fit for all e-Commerce customers, be it large, medium, or small-scale customers. Its technology stack and architecture align with the current industry trends using Microservice based headless architecture for the core commerce engine and frontend using React.

"A Robust Underpinning for Complex Global B2B & B2C With a Solid Future Roadmap"
Our experience with HCL and HCL Commerce continues to be positive. We have used HCL Commerce for over 10 years and are excited by the direction and roadmap of the product over recent years. Having a cloud agnostic, flexible platform that can support complex Omnichannel B2B in a headless setting is key.

"Faster and Highly Efficient Product Management and Digital Commerce Platform"
HCL Commerce has a very intuitive design and highly compatible technology stack that easily integrates with our ecosystem with minor changes. In comparison to competing commerce packages, HCL Commerce offers consistent performance and very minimal impact or No downtime.

"HCL Commerce Cloud and Google Put the Fun Back in InterToys"
InterToys went with a partner Cursum and their proven 16-week implementation program for HCLCommerce Cloud on GoogleCloud (GCP).