• Overview
  • Documentation
  • Version history


The HCL OneTest Performance plug-in for HCL Launch provides a step to run performance tests on the same system in which HCL OneTest Performance is installed.

Quick Info

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HCL DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
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HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
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HCL Software

Published Date

Last Updated


With the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in for HCL Launch, you can automate the execution of tests, compound tests, and schedules. To initiate a service test run, you must install either the SOA extension as part of HCL OneTest Performance or install Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality on the target computer.
For a performance test, install HCL OneTest Performance on the target computer where the test will be run. When you run a schedule, ensure that the workbench is connected to the agent computers. If you run a schedule on the cloud, you must be aware of how much the run is going to cost you.

This plug-in requires version 7.1 of HCL Launch.
This plug-in requires version 8.7 or later of HCL OneTest Performance and HCL OneTest Performance Agents.

No special steps are required for the installation of the plug-in. See Installing plug-ins in HCL Launch documentation.


Process steps in the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in



Run an HCL OneTest Performance test

Execute performance tests from HCL OneTest Studio

Input properties for the Run an HCL OneTest Performance test step
Name Type Description Required
Config File String The complete path to a file that contains the parameters for a test or schedule run. No
Custom Report Format Files String A comma-separated list of absolute paths to custom report format files (.view files) to use when exporting statistical report data with the-exportstatsoption. No
Exported HTTP Test log File String The complete path to a file in which to store the exported HTTP test log. No
Exported Statistical Report Data File String The complete path to the directory in which to store exported statistical report data. No
Installation Manager Location String Complete path to Installation Manager. Yes
Number of Virtual Users String Overrides the default number of virtual users in the run. For a schedule, the default is the number of users specified in the schedule editor. For a test, the default is one user. This option creates a new copy of the schedule that contains the specified number of users. No
Overwrite Results file Boolean Determines whether a results file with the same name is overwritten. The default value, true, means that the results file is overwritten. No
Project String The path, including the file name, of the project relative to workspace. Yes
Quiet Boolean Turns off any message output from the launcher and returns to the command shell when the run or the attempt is complete No
Results File String The name of the results file. The default result file is the test or schedule name
with a time stamp appended.
Test Suite Name String The path, including the file name, of the test to run relative to the project Yes
User Comments String Add text within double quotation mark to display it in the User Comments row of the report. No
VM Args String Java virtual machine arguments to pass in. No
Var File String The complete path to the XML file that contains the variable name and value pairs No
Workspace String Complete path to Eclipse workspace. Yes


Use the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in to continuously initiate the launch of tests, compound tests, and schedules from HCL Launch.

Before you begin

  • Install HCL OneTest Performance version 10.1 or later and HCL Launch agent on computers where the tests will be run.
  • Install HCL Launch server and deploy the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in in the server.

For information about installing HCL Launch, see its documentation.

  • To initiate a service test run, you must install either the SOA extension as part of HCL OneTest Performance or install Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality on the target computer.

About the task

As a tester, you might have a large number of regression tests to run on the latest build of the product. Instead of manually running the tests on every new build, you can just install the latest build on the HCL Launch Agent computer and let HCL Launch start the tests for you.

After deploying the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in on the server, you must create the component and its processes, the applications and its processes, the environments, and the resources. For information about how to create these different pieces, see HCL Launch documentation.

After creating these pieces, you must create the testing workflow.

Procedure to create a workflow

  1. To create a workflow for the newly created component process, click the component process. The Tools view displays the available plug-in steps.
  2. From HCL OneTest Studio > HCL OneTest Performance, drag the Run an HCL OneTest Performance test step to the design space.
  3. Specify the properties for the step. For information about the properties, see the Steps page.
  4. After you configure the step properties, save the step.

A typical process for the HCL OneTest Performance plug-in will look like the following snapshot:



If you have multiple products installed on one target machine, either in the same or different package groups, you can use a single process that includes steps from different products. The process will look like the following snapshot:



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